View Full Version : Penskes performance and the rest of the ovals?

31st May 2011, 16:03
Is it going to be a long rest of the season for penske racing?

Or is Indy unique and we will see them battle for poles and wins on the ovals?

Thoughts as we head into the oval portion of the schedule?

31st May 2011, 16:53
No more Honda help for Chevy team I think.

31st May 2011, 17:15
Intereting comment....

I made reference to that to my buddy this weekend...

31st May 2011, 17:34
Does that imply that Honda is giving certain teams better engines than others? Apparently there's a randomized lotto program for the engines, to prevent this sort of thing. But who knows. Or did Dataman mean something else, such as Honda providing data to maximize performance of any spec engine?

31st May 2011, 18:25
Or did Dataman mean something else, such as Honda providing data to maximize performance of any spec engine?

Wrong guy, wasn't me.

31st May 2011, 18:31
How about this conspiracy folks... noticed in one of the many 100th PR pieces. this one had to do with Penske.. that Roger says "what can I do for Indy?" Could Randy have watched that old piece of tape and made a call to Roger? I like to stir up controversy. This is pure speculation on my part.

1st June 2011, 15:30
How about this conspiracy folks... noticed in one of the many 100th PR pieces. this one had to do with Penske.. that Roger says "what can I do for Indy?" Could Randy have watched that old piece of tape and made a call to Roger? I like to stir up controversy. This is pure speculation on my part.

Are you implying Roger took a dive for the betterment of the sport?

1st June 2011, 17:55
Does that imply that Honda is giving certain teams better engines than others? Apparently there's a randomized lotto program for the engines, to prevent this sort of thing. But who knows. Or did Dataman mean something else, such as Honda providing data to maximize performance of any spec engine?

Watch and LISTEN to the 2009 race at Homestead then ask that question.

6th June 2011, 15:47
Watch and LISTEN to the 2009 race at Homestead then ask that question.

For those of us who do not have access to this video, would you be kind enough to inform us what you are talking about when you say listen?

Chris R
6th June 2011, 15:51
For those of us who do not have access to this video, would you be kind enough to inform us what you are talking about when you say listen?

I am not sure of the exact video - but I would imagine that some engines sound different and that shouldn't be the case for a spec engine.....