View Full Version : I love Microsoft

30th May 2011, 20:48
Who else here is in love with Microsoft?

donKey jote
30th May 2011, 20:51
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

30th May 2011, 20:57
:bounce: Me! :bounce: Me! :bounce: Me! :bounce:

30th May 2011, 21:03
Great thread! ;) :D

30th May 2011, 21:09
Yes, it's great that Microsoft made Nokia their serf and bought Skype.

30th May 2011, 21:50
http://www.buddy-icons.info/img/smile/1119.gif http://www.buddy-icons.info/img/smile/1690.gif

donKey jote
30th May 2011, 21:51
Nokia who? :p
Oh, the tyre people :dozey:

30th May 2011, 21:59

You're too ugly, Denial :laugh:

30th May 2011, 22:16
Nokia who? :p
Oh, the tyre people :dozey:
Yes, the Hakkapeliittas are still much feared in Germany:


donKey jote
30th May 2011, 22:18
yep, I'd be scared to put them on my car down here too :p

31st May 2011, 00:20
Yes, it's great that Microsoft made Nokia their serf and bought Skype.

What I don't get is that Microsoft paid $8bn for Skype. Everyone knows that they could have downloaded it for free :s

31st May 2011, 03:21
I love Microsoft more than a fat kid loves cake! More than Amy Winehouse loves a speedball! More than Charlie Sheen loves... himself! That's how dang much I love Microsoft!!! :bounce:

31st May 2011, 04:31
More than Amy Winehouse loves a speedball!


Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Ice Cream!

I loved the fact that if one of your players had his head knocked off, he could continue to play on without it. Depending on what sort of replacement heads were available, sometimes it didn't make any sense to buy a new head.

31st May 2011, 19:31

Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Ice Cream!

I loved the fact that if one of your players had his head knocked off, he could continue to play on without it. Depending on what sort of replacement heads were available, sometimes it didn't make any sense to buy a new head.

I just loved the fact that you could just level one guy up and use him to beat the crap out of the opposition for the first half, then once the opposition was injured you could just run in easy goals :D

31st May 2011, 20:27
You like Speedball? :D You've gone up in my estimations :p

31st May 2011, 20:37
I do like running Fiat 500's off the road though. You might want to add that to your "personality estimation meter" lol.. :p

Only joking Daniel.. :)

I know henners :)

31st May 2011, 21:25
I want to know what the hell Speedball has to do with microsoft as they didn't even make it did they? This is outrageous polluting a serious thread with the nostalgia of such a great game. I mean really!. :eek:

Mr Warrior said:

More than Amy Winehouse loves a speedball!

Oh do try to keep up.

1st June 2011, 00:07
I do hope you realise I was having a laugh with what I said and not a single word of it was serious hence my obvious over the top language and use of smiley at the end. Oh dear I do hope your repsonse was a joke and perhaps I missed it? Its so difficult to get things across on here. :)

Absolutely :up:

Though I am wishing I added italics and a Mary Poppins type smiley at the end http://www.califorum.info/yabbfiles/Smilies/vrolijk_1.gif

1st June 2011, 02:09
Absolutely :up:

Though I am wishing I added italics and a Mary Poppins type smiley at the end http://www.califorum.info/yabbfiles/Smilies/vrolijk_1.gif

I love Microsoft so much I can't imagine. The only thing I would love more is if Microsoft made the operating system for my Fiat 500. Then I could prove to the world how cheap the scrappage was by using Excel. I could also install a password and keep my girlfriend from pretending she is a rally driver and making my MPG average go down.

Not directed at anyone in particular, of course! :laugh: