View Full Version : Almost Spring... and in the middle of a blizzard..

19th March 2007, 11:14
It's Spring in a few days... but looking outside right now, it's like a blizzard!

I hope these snow showers stop by the end of the week.. I don't want snow on my birthday!

Brown, Jon Brow
19th March 2007, 11:22
If you are cold Slinky

I know somewhere HOT :o

Brown, Jon Brow
19th March 2007, 11:57
If you are cold Slinky

I know somewhere HOT :o


19th March 2007, 12:37
Did you get any snow then? We only got a tiny bit last night.

19th March 2007, 12:50
we had a couple of inches this morning (Stoke), but a few miles up the road on the way to Manchester there appears to have been almost none, there is a bit on the hills but not a lot.

it has snowed again this morning at home

Ian McC
19th March 2007, 12:53
If you are cold Slinky

I know somewhere HOT :o

And where would that be?

19th March 2007, 12:57
And where would that be?

On my lap - it's common sense. :)

19th March 2007, 12:59
It's Spring in a few days... but looking outside right now, it's like a blizzard!

I hope these snow showers stop by the end of the week.. I don't want snow on my birthday!
We had a temporary blizzard yesterday but it only lasted about 10 minutes and then it was as fine as anything :crazy:

Brown, Jon Brow
19th March 2007, 13:02
And where would that be?

Use some imagination

and it's not Erki

Ian McC
19th March 2007, 13:30
Use some imagination

I think I will pass thanks.... :p :

Ian McC
19th March 2007, 13:30
On my lap - it's common sense. :)

Thanks for the offer but will pass on that too :p :

19th March 2007, 13:36
Inch worth of snow and blizzard here in Detroit, MI.

Turning to rain later...

Will be 60F by midweek!

Dave B
19th March 2007, 13:51
Yesterday we took the dog for a walk in bright sunshine which turned into a ten-minute blizzard almost instantly.

Today it's beautiful again, tomorrow we've got snow forecast. Go figure.

19th March 2007, 14:14
Last Sunday we took the girls to the playground, and in several places it was (adul) knee-deep. Then it melted a little, but on Wednesday we received another 15cm. But we should have some melting this week :)

19th March 2007, 14:54
Well whatever it was didn't last! We had snow last night, enough to see a sprinkling on cars, roof tops this morning, then more this morning when posted... we've had lovely sunshine ever since the blizzard stopped! Can't be doing with this freak weather! :p

19th March 2007, 15:39
^Freak weather all right, keeps going from bright sunshine to snow showers, sometimes without bothering to stop being sunny. The cold wind is annoying though.

19th March 2007, 18:48
The Weather forecast called for +10C and sunny today.

It's -5C and snowing :mark:

19th March 2007, 19:31
The Weather forecast called for +10C and sunny today.

It's -5C and snowing :mark:
You want your magpies back?

Brown, Jon Brow
19th March 2007, 19:55
Snowed yesterday, for a bit. Sunny but breezy today. (not now because it's night.)

Slinkster hasn't replied to my offer yet :bigcry:

19th March 2007, 20:56
It snowed a little up here, but more on the mountains. I was promised loads of snow and a day off uni, damnit!

19th March 2007, 21:30
It has been trying to snow all day here, but keeps giving up. I don't think it can be bothered.

19th March 2007, 22:21
Sunshine all day today here in Bristol :( Really wanted some snow :(

19th March 2007, 22:39
It snowed a little up here, but more on the mountains. I was promised loads of snow and a day off uni, damnit!
I feel your pain :(

oily oaf
20th March 2007, 14:07
It's Spring in a few days... but looking outside right now, it's like a blizzard!

I hope these snow showers stop by the end of the week.. I don't want snow on my birthday!

Using my unerring weather forecasting powers combined with metcheck.com I can confidently forecast that your birthday will be blessed with fine sunny weather unlike mine which has been spent confined to barracks with the central heating turned up full blast due to a torn back muscle caused by attempting to carry a Toyota gearbox down 3 flights of stairs from my sons flat (don't ask) :(

I can also pledge that I will selflessly take the time out from my suffering to post a congratulatory message to you on your day of days unlike the heartless unfeeling scum that constitutes this forum membership who have chosen to completely ignore the anniversary of the day when in Pimlico London a young midwife smacked my oily little botty into life on that most auspicious of days 52 years ago.

Not that I'm going to let this heartbreaking and quite frankly outrageous slight ruin my painwracked joy. :D

(extinguishes pipe, turns on gas oven and places head into it's comforting womblike expanse and waits)

jim mcglinchey
20th March 2007, 14:46
Its awful when you have to spell it out........Happy Birthday anyways.

20th March 2007, 16:35
You want your magpies back?

If they bring the warm weather with them, yes.

Same again today. Forecast called for +10C and sunny.
It's now -5C and snowing.
I'm begining to question the competency of our local weather forecasters... :mark:

Hazell B
20th March 2007, 19:16
I'm begining to question the competency of our local weather forecasters... :mark:

The fact that you're only begining to question weather reports leads me to believe you're actually celebrating your 10th birthday :mark:

We had that nasty tough snow today that looks like feathers but stings like hell when it hits you. The girly dog (Kipper) was up to his warmest jumper and a padded gortex coat, plus nagging to sit in the Land Rover, by 11am :(

20th March 2007, 20:43
Its awful when you have to spell it out........Happy Birthday anyways.

hehe noooo, it's not my birthday yet, and I wasn't hinting either :p .. it's a few days yet! Just don't want the snow to last til then...

Dave B
20th March 2007, 21:33
I now hate Michael Fish:



jim mcglinchey
21st March 2007, 08:54
hehe noooo, it's not my birthday yet, and I wasn't hinting either :p .. it's a few days yet! Just don't want the snow to last til then...

I actually meant the Oaf, Ms Slinkster, sorry for any confusion.

21st March 2007, 13:53
Bloody heck. Snowing again this morning :s Will spring ever arrive?

21st March 2007, 13:59
Bloody heck. Snowing again this morning :s Will spring ever arrive?

Of course! You just have to wait a couple months ;)
Don't complain: we have an average Spring day here today:


As usual, they (constantly) forecast the nice temperatures a few days away ;) :p :

21st March 2007, 14:04
Is snowing here ( Copenhagen ) now, yesterday it was sunny and warm... :crazy:

21st March 2007, 18:43
Snow lies on the hills here, away in the distance. Taunting us. We had hoped for snow, even got caught up in the snow on Sunday, but so far have had nothing. I only need a tiny bit for the whole education system to grind to halt and get a day off :(


Hazell B
21st March 2007, 19:30
Okay Caroline, I'll give my special snow dance a try just for you :p :

Don't blame if it doesn't work though!

21st March 2007, 19:42
Cheers! :D

Brown, Jon Brow
21st March 2007, 20:37
Of course! You just have to wait a couple months ;)
Don't complain: we have an average Spring day here today:


As usual, they (constantly) forecast the nice temperatures a few days away ;) :p :

Canadian weather.... What gobal warming might bring to the UK!! :erm: (how ironic)

Ian McC
21st March 2007, 21:21
Roll on the summer :D :s mokin:

22nd March 2007, 13:41

18°C - and this on the positive side. :s mokin:
Bright sunshine too. :cool:
Only place where I saw ice today was the canal I live near - it's still covered with ice.

22nd March 2007, 14:49
+2C this morning with clear skies. Forecast is for a high of +10C. I'll believe that when I see it :dozey:

24th March 2007, 13:18
+11 today, sun is shining, barely any snow left here.
First proper bike ride, 3 hours, 60km, good times.
Most of the sand from winters gritting is also gone, only smaller bike paths had any left, good job Tampere road department. :up:

24th March 2007, 14:29
+17 they are calling for today. But there is still a lot of snow to be melted. For sure we have another slushy week ahead :)

24th March 2007, 19:01
Well.. still no more snow thankfully here... but it's SO damn cold still!

Hazell B
24th March 2007, 19:14
... but it's SO damn cold still!

Those charming weather folk (who have their pants permanently on fire :rolleyes: ) claim it's warmer than normal, but I'm with Slinkster ......

25th March 2007, 00:25
I hope next week will be like Thursday and Friday were. :cool:

25th March 2007, 06:28
I wish i had snow. here it is sunny and warm. I'm waiting for Autumn. no idea what the temperature is, but i'd say somewhere in the high 20's.

25th March 2007, 09:24
I wish i had snow. here it is sunny and warm. I'm waiting for Autumn. no idea what the temperature is, but i'd say somewhere in the high 20's.

That's how it should be. :cool:

Up for a swap? :)

25th March 2007, 13:19
Was a lovely day yesterday, sunny and blue skies :cool:

However was still freezing, standing out all day in the cold wind :s

26th March 2007, 19:20
After a few days of lovely spring weather this is what we have to look forward to... :s


Ian McC
26th March 2007, 19:55
Lovely today, just spent some time in the garden, even better tomorrow :) All downhill after that though :s

Hazell B
26th March 2007, 20:28
We've been planting a hedgerow in the middle of a vast area of flat, tree-less land.

Lovely weather :up:

26th March 2007, 20:54
It's gotta be about 70F & sunny. Wish I wasn't stuck at work until 6pm. Definitely gonna start walking to get rid of my "winter coat."

27th March 2007, 09:02
The highest March temperature ever in Finland was recorded yesterday, +16.3 C.

18th April 2007, 14:48
Looks like I got in my first 9 holes of the year just in time last night... :dozey:

18th April 2007, 14:52
Sorry, I'm pants with attachments :dozey:
Here's the linky thing...

18th April 2007, 17:22
Sunshine sheilas for as far as the eye can see, here :cool:

18th April 2007, 19:54
Where did this thread spring back from??

anyway... as lovely as it's been the last few days I've still been freezing cold at work!

I love the typical british thing of as soon as there's a tiny bit of sun in the sky it seems to imply it's the middle of summer and people dress accordingly... I've seen so many loons walking about in little summer dresses and shorts... it may be nice out but geez it aint summer yet!

Ian McC
18th April 2007, 20:31
:s mokin:

Nice and sunny here!

Really is a North/South divide with the weather though :s

18th April 2007, 21:45
It's pretty diverse here. Yesterday it was 22c and sunny, today it was mostly cloudy and around 10c. Not a boring weather.