View Full Version : Pickem! Brands Hatch
19th March 2007, 09:19
It's the start of the season again :D
Choose your picks for the opening 3 races, I've listed the drivers which are currently confirmed according to BTCCPages. If you need any drivers added, please contact myself.
Use the link above to make your picks.
19th March 2007, 10:59
PICKEM:89972,thompp,J Plato,D Turner,M Neal,G Shedden,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,F Giovanardi,T Chilton
19th March 2007, 11:03
PICKEM:89900,Rusty,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,C Turkington,G Howell,M Jordan,T Onslow-Cole,M Jackson
Brown, Jon Brow
19th March 2007, 11:05
PICKEM:94457,Brown Jon Brow,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,T Chilton,C Turkington,M Neal,M Jordan,M Jackson
Alfa Fan
19th March 2007, 11:44
I'm going to wait a another week or so to see who else enters the first round (ie Colin White, Malcolm Clien, Michael Vergers, Paul O'Neill, etc)
19th March 2007, 11:59
You can always pick now and then pick again closer to the time.
19th March 2007, 12:13
PICKEM:78644,stevenlcroucher,T Chilton,M Neal,F Giovanardi,J Plato,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,M Jordan,D Pinkey
19th March 2007, 12:27
PICKEM:86632,LiamM,J Plato,G Howell,C Turkington,M Jordan,F Giovanardi,A Jones,D Turner,M Neal
19th March 2007, 13:50
PICKEM:75157,BDunnell,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,M Jordan,T Chilton,C Turkington,G Howell,M Neal
19th March 2007, 14:05
PICKEM:68739,Les,T Chilton,J Plato,D Turner,G Howell,M Jackson,C Turkington,D Pinkey,N Leason
19th March 2007, 16:03
PICKEM:97321,piggy,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,M Neal,C Turkington,M Jordan,T Chilton,M Jackson
19th March 2007, 16:06
PICKEM:91773,Pilfp,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,C Turkington,T Chilton,G Howell,E Murray,M Jackson
19th March 2007, 16:16
PICKEM:89210,rossjmcgregor,J Plato,T Chilton,D Turner,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Jordan,T Onslow-Cole,G Shedden
19th March 2007, 16:39
PICKEM:97297,Bex191,J Plato,F Giovanardi,M Neal,C Turkington,T Chilton,M Jordan,G Shedden,G Howell
19th March 2007, 16:45
PICKEM:92848,MBailey06,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,M Neal,D Turner,G Howell,T Chilton,M Jordan
19th March 2007, 17:04
PICKEM:93683,cookingfat,J Plato,G Howell,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Allison,M Jordan,M Jackson,D Pinkey
19th March 2007, 17:08
PICKEM:68470,Larsen,F Giovanardi,J Plato,C Turkington,D Turner,M Jackson,M Jordan,T Chilton,M Allison
19th March 2007, 17:10
Does anyone know if there is any rule changes I need to know, particularly with regard to points?
It is just I am sure when last seasons Pickems was finished there was some announcement that changes to the rules would be made for 2007.
19th March 2007, 17:12
PICKEM:85922,SEATFreak,J Plato,D Turner,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Neal,G Shedden,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole
Mp3 Astra
19th March 2007, 17:23
PICKEM:88425,Mp3 Astra,J Plato,M Neal,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,G Shedden,G Howell,F Giovanardi,C Turkington
19th March 2007, 17:27
PICKEM:73833,nik,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,T Chilton,M Neal,G Shedden,M Jackson
19th March 2007, 17:34
PICKEM:92511,vivaldi,J Plato,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,M Neal,D Turner,M Jackson,T Onslow-Cole
19th March 2007, 17:45
PICKEM:70813,cos,J Plato,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,D Turner,G Howell,M Jordan,A Jones,D Pinkey
Captain VXR
19th March 2007, 17:54
PICKEM:95708,Captain VXR,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,M Neal,T Chilton,C Turkington,G Howell,M Jackson
19th March 2007, 18:26
PICKEM:96585,underdog.,C Turkington,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Neal,M Jordan,C Stockton,J Pocklington
19th March 2007, 18:28
PICKEM:96585,underdog.,C Turkington,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Neal,M Jordan,C Stockton,G Howell
19th March 2007, 18:44
PICKEM:83922,VkmSpouge,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,C Turkington,G Howell,M Jordan,T Onslow-Cole,A Jones
19th March 2007, 19:17
PICKEM:96706,kerrycox11,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,D Turner,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,M Jackson,M Jordan
19th March 2007, 19:57
PICKEM:96049,WSRfan82,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,M Neal,J Plato,F Giovanardi,M Jordan,J Hughes,F Leggate
19th March 2007, 20:14
PICKEM:68034,Radders,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,T Chilton,G Howell,M Allison,M Jackson
19th March 2007, 20:22
PICKEM:80797,ChickenMcNugget,J Plato,D Turner,M Neal,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole
19th March 2007, 22:38
PICKEM:96618,KILOHMUNNS,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Neal,T Chilton,G Shedden,M Jordan,M Bell
19th March 2007, 23:06
PICKEM:78632,RaceFanStan,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,T Chilton,G Shedden,M Jordan,T Onslow-Cole,C Stockton
19th March 2007, 23:25
PICKEM:91920,Heidfeldrulez,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,J Plato,M Allison,M Bell,R Kerry,T Onslow-Cole,M Jordan
20th March 2007, 09:37
PICKEM:71612,Fordfan,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,M Jordan,T Chilton,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,M Neal
20th March 2007, 09:50
PICKEM:86273,taffy,J Plato,F Giovanardi,M Neal,D Turner,T Chilton,C Turkington,G Howell,M Bell
20th March 2007, 12:07
PICKEM:85106,Mihai,J Plato,C Turkington,M Neal,D Turner,G Shedden,F Giovanardi,M Jordan,T Onslow-Cole
20th March 2007, 15:17
PICKEM:83388,russelld,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,T Chilton,D Pinkey,G Howell
20th March 2007, 16:14
PICKEM:85955,2big&tooheavy,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,M Neal,M Jordan,G Howell,T Onslow-Cole,T Chilton
20th March 2007, 17:09
PICKEM:68044,Iain,C Turkington,D Turner,J Plato,F Giovanardi,T Onslow-Cole,T Chilton,G Howell,M Jordan
Subaru WRX
20th March 2007, 18:05
PICKEM:96350,Subaru WRX,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,D Turner,G Shedden,T Chilton,G Howell
BT 96
20th March 2007, 20:26
PICKEM:94844,BT 96,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Neal,C Stockton,C Turkington,M Jackson,T Chilton,N Leason
20th March 2007, 20:51
PICKEM:80185,Fly,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,M Jackson,M Allison,G Howell
20th March 2007, 21:28
PICKEM:69948,Mekola,M Neal,J Plato,G Shedden,D Turner,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,T Chilton,G Howell
21st March 2007, 00:54
PICKEM:67999,jon2211,J Plato,G Howell,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Neal,D Turner,M Jackson,T Chilton
the king
21st March 2007, 00:56
PICKEM:69735,the king,F Giovanardi,J Plato,D Turner,T Chilton,M Jackson,G Howell,M Jordan,C Turkington
scooby girl
21st March 2007, 10:59
PICKEM:93708,scooby girl,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,D Turner,G Howell,T Chilton
21st March 2007, 13:38
PICKEM:74942,Robinho,F Giovanardi,J Plato,C Turkington,D Turner,T Chilton,G Howell,M Jordan,E Murray
21st March 2007, 14:47
PICKEM:94101,nicemms,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,M Neal,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,E Murray,D Turner
21st March 2007, 15:31
PICKEM:72275,sal,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,D Turner,G Howell
21st March 2007, 16:42
PICKEM:84122,Motor_maniac,J Plato,C Turkington,D Turner,T Chilton,M Neal,G Howell,M Jordan,F Giovanardi
21st March 2007, 17:48
PICKEM:94919,RaikkonenRules,J Plato,D Turner,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Neal,T Chilton,M Jackson,M Jordan
21st March 2007, 17:56
PICKEM:73249,COD,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,G Shedden,T Onslow-Cole,R Marsh
21st March 2007, 19:07
PICKEM:91103,quicksilver,J Plato,C Turkington,M Neal,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,D Turner,G Howell,G Shedden
21st March 2007, 22:02
PICKEM:82849,Philippa,J Plato,D Turner,M Neal,T Onslow-Cole,G Howell,G Shedden,M Jordan,F Giovanardi
PICKEM:84867,BM,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,D Turner,G Shedden,G Howell,T Chilton
22nd March 2007, 17:09
PICKEM:88460,BTCC2,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,D Turner,T Chilton,M Neal,T Onslow-Cole,G Shedden
22nd March 2007, 17:34
PICKEM:90497,jedii,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,G Howell,D Turner,M Neal,T Chilton,M Jordan
22nd March 2007, 17:47
PICKEM:83168,harvick#1,J Plato,C Turkington,M Neal,D Turner,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,G Shedden,G Howell
22nd March 2007, 19:18
PICKEM:88361,daz90,J Plato,C Turkington,T Chilton,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Neal,G Howell,T Onslow-Cole
22nd March 2007, 19:21
That was my first ever go on this game!, and without wanting to seem thick, am i right in thinking that the top eight mean how you think a race will finish, in terms of race result?
Also is there a rule thread for this game? i could do with taking a look.
23rd March 2007, 10:59
PICKEM:97299,thetrooper_uk,C Turkington,J Plato,M Neal,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,G Shedden,D Turner,G Howell
tin-top fan
23rd March 2007, 11:38
PICKEM:90105,tin-top fan,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,C Turkington,G Howell,M Jordan,T Chilton,E Murray
tin-top fan
23rd March 2007, 11:41
That was my first ever go on this game!, and without wanting to seem thick, am i right in thinking that the top eight mean how you think a race will finish, in terms of race result?
Also is there a rule thread for this game? i could do with taking a look.
I think we pick the top 8 overall for the day, so all the points over the weekend are added up, we're guessing the order they finish in.
- Not sure whether the rules are here, but this is the pickems website :
tin-top fan
23rd March 2007, 11:42
wait- here's the link you want
23rd March 2007, 19:04
Excellant, thanks for that tin-top fan.
24th March 2007, 16:38
PICKEM:86709,jodi,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,G Shedden
24th March 2007, 17:04
PICKEM:82773,100%hondafan,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Neal,C Turkington,T Chilton,M Jackson,M Jordan
24th March 2007, 21:03
PICKEM:84843,ADnet,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,D Turner,G Howell,T Chilton,M Neal,D Pinkey
paul jb
24th March 2007, 22:01
PICKEM:84114,paul jb,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,T Chilton,M Neal,C Turkington,M Jackson,T Onslow-Cole
Jamie Brown
24th March 2007, 23:45
PICKEM:87856,Jamie Brown,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,D Turner,M Neal,T Chilton,M Jordan,G Shedden
25th March 2007, 03:25
PICKEM:87176,stevie_gerrard,M Neal,J Plato,T Chilton,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,G Howell,D Turner,M Jordan
25th March 2007, 15:20
PICKEM:89240,escortg3,J Plato,M Neal,T Chilton,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,T Onslow-Cole,M Jackson
25th March 2007, 18:29
PICKEM:68849,Bezza,F Giovanardi,J Plato,C Turkington,M Neal,G Shedden,D Turner,D Pinkey,M Jackson
26th March 2007, 02:16
PICKEM:93603,Alexamateo,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,T Onslow-Cole,G Shedden,T Chilton,M Jordan
26th March 2007, 09:41
PICKEM:85024,Paddy Cummins,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,T Chilton,G Shedden,G Howell,D Turner,F Giovanardi
26th March 2007, 12:53
PICKEM:86760,reidy_fan,J Plato,F Giovanardi,M Neal,C Turkington,G Shedden,T Chilton,D Turner,M Jackson
26th March 2007, 21:06
PICKEM:83388,russelld,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,G Howell,D Pinkey
Mv Toy
27th March 2007, 09:45
PICKEM:87520,Mv Toy,J Plato,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Neal,T Onslow-Cole,T Chilton,G Shedden,D Turner
27th March 2007, 10:44
PICKEM:97351,CharlieJ,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,J Plato,M Neal,D Turner,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,G Shedden
Henry Cutts
27th March 2007, 12:56
PICKEM:80177,Henry Cutts,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,T Chilton,M Jordan,M Jackson,R Kerry
27th March 2007, 13:41
PICKEM:84689,coxmattycox,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,M Neal,C Turkington,G Shedden,M Allison,M Jordan
27th March 2007, 14:27
PICKEM:71530,Jona,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,T Chilton,M Neal,G Howell,M Jordan
27th March 2007, 15:52
PICKEM:67296,MattL,J Plato,C Turkington,D Turner,F Giovanardi,G Howell,T Chilton,M Neal,M Jordan
27th March 2007, 16:35
PICKEM:88575,vale46,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,T Chilton,G Shedden,G Howell,D Pinkey
Alfa Fan
27th March 2007, 16:37
PICKEM:76451,Alfa Fan,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,D Pinkey,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,G Shedden
27th March 2007, 18:29
PICKEM:84563,MG2004,C Turkington,J Plato,M Jackson,F Giovanardi,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,R Kerry,J Hughes
27th March 2007, 23:10
PICKEM:71899,raybak,M Neal,T Chilton,J Plato,F Giovanardi,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,G Shedden,C Stockton
Wasted Talent
27th March 2007, 23:20
PICKEM:73138,Wasted Talent,J Plato,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,M Neal,D Turner,G Shedden,T Onslow-Cole,T Chilton
28th March 2007, 00:09
PICKEM:91217,c8nay,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Jordan,C Turkington,M Neal,T Onslow-Cole,M Allison
28th March 2007, 01:50
PICKEM:96403,Addicted,J Plato,C Turkington,M Jackson,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,D Pinkey,M Neal
B Thomas
28th March 2007, 10:48
PICKEM:88548,B Thomas,J Plato,M Neal,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,C Turkington,D Turner,M Jordan
28th March 2007, 13:20
PICKEM:84147,dwboogityfan,J Plato,F Giovanardi,G Howell,C Turkington,M Neal,T Chilton,M Jackson,M Jordan
28th March 2007, 13:26
PICKEM:87203,dwf1,M Neal,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Jordan,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,M Jackson
28th March 2007, 15:45
PICKEM:91836,Lousada,J Plato,C Turkington,M Neal,D Turner,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,T Onslow-Cole,T Chilton
jonny hurlock
28th March 2007, 18:05
PICKEM:90916,jonny hurlock,J Plato,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,C Turkington,M Neal,D Turner,G Shedden,T Onslow-Cole
28th March 2007, 21:44
PICKEM:93054,CLAN-B,C Turkington,G Howell,J Plato,M Neal,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Jordan,T Chilton
28th March 2007, 23:58
PICKEM:80670,Lodekka,F Giovanardi,J Plato,M Jordan,M Neal,C Turkington,D Turner,T Chilton,G Shedden
29th March 2007, 00:48
PICKEM:79352,mattie007,J Plato,F Giovanardi,D Turner,T Chilton,M Neal,G Howell,C Turkington,E Murray
29th March 2007, 01:40
PICKEM:90636,Banshee,J Plato,M Neal,F Giovanardi,D Turner,T Chilton,C Turkington,G Shedden,T Onslow-Cole
29th March 2007, 04:05
PICKEM:80758,jso1985,M Neal,C Turkington,T Chilton,F Giovanardi,J Plato,G Howell,T Onslow-Cole,M Bell
29th March 2007, 10:10
PICKEM:70404,Gobber,J Plato,D Turner,T Chilton,M Neal,G Shedden,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,M Jordan
29th March 2007, 10:15
PICKEM:81395,CarlMetro,M Neal,J Plato,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,F Giovanardi,G Shedden,M Allison
29th March 2007, 10:54
PICKEM:86263,BeansBeansBeans,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,C Turkington,M Neal,T Onslow-Cole,G Shedden
29th March 2007, 11:21
PICKEM:93199,dpilgrim,J Plato,D Turner,T Chilton,M Neal,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,G Shedden,G Howell
29th March 2007, 14:35
PICKEM:86703,themo,M Neal,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,G Shedden,T Chilton,D Turner,T Onslow-Cole
29th March 2007, 16:57
PICKEM:87773,CroftPilgrim,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Neal,C Turkington,M Jordan,D Pinkey,T Chilton
Neil J
29th March 2007, 22:50
PICKEM:84717,Neil J,J Plato,C Turkington,M Neal,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,D Turner,G Howell,E Murray
Son of Gobber
30th March 2007, 20:30
PICKEM:88625,Son of Gobber,J Plato,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,M Neal,F Giovanardi,D Turner,C Turkington,G Shedden
30th March 2007, 20:43
PICKEM:81351,koppite_rob,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,M Jordan,T Chilton,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,M Jackson
30th March 2007, 22:24
PICKEM:73675,btccmaster,J Plato,M Neal,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,T Onslow-Cole,D Turner,G Howell
30th March 2007, 23:26
PICKEM:76409,AndySpeed,J Plato,F Giovanardi,M Jackson,M Neal,C Turkington,T Onslow-Cole,T Chilton,G Howell
30th March 2007, 23:51
PICKEM:80252,ssr617,J Plato,M Neal,T Chilton,C Turkington,F Giovanardi,D Turner,G Howell,M Jackson
Ian McC
31st March 2007, 04:25
PICKEM:79134,Ian McC,J Plato,D Turner,F Giovanardi,T Chilton,M Neal,C Turkington,G Shedden,G Howell
31st March 2007, 10:43
PICKEM:96428,peopleofearth,F Giovanardi,J Plato,D Turner,T Chilton,C Turkington,M Allison,T Onslow-Cole,M Neal
31st March 2007, 10:55
PICKEM:88603,matt5964,J Plato,F Giovanardi,C Turkington,D Turner,M Jordan,G Howell,T Chilton,M Neal
Northern Monkey
31st March 2007, 10:58
PICKEM:76935,MG-Fan,F Giovanardi,J Plato,C Turkington,T Chilton,M Neal,M Jackson,D Turner,G Howell
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