View Full Version : I Read the News Today - Oh Boy !

19th May 2011, 20:52
Dominique Strass-Kahn want to commit suicide
Who gives a F__K If he tried to rape a hotel maid with aids then he should save the world money and embarrassment

Texas Mom Accused of Killing 6-Year-Old Boy Is Suicidal, Lawyer Says
They should help this piece of sh!t exit the planet !

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Illegitimate Son Born Same Week as His and Maria Shriver's Youngest Child
What can I say - domestic help should not bend over while attending to food in the oven. Do we really care??

Obama presses for Mid East reform
Well Benjamin told him where to stick it after the international idiot tied to readjust the border.

19th May 2011, 21:11
50 million on food stamps here
9% unemployment
The International Idiot want to give our money to Tunisia, Egypt, and Saudi - Are we fu___k__g dumb or what
Where is Donald when we need him !

19th May 2011, 21:15
Where is Donald when we need him !
Hosting the Apprentice?

20th May 2011, 09:53
Where is Donald when we need him !

Preparing to take another of his companies into bankruptcy... AFTER he swipes all the cash?

Forming more lame-brained conspiracy theories... that make no sense to people who have never seen a black helicopter?

Trying to come up with a better lie about how he dodged the Vietnam draft?

Making sexually suggestive, inappropriate comments about his (rather yummy) oldest daughter?

Talking tough about Chinese made goods... while his youngest daughter buys Chinese made costume jewelry for her QVC offerings?

Planning how he can cheat on wife #3 once she starts showing some age... and not get caught this time?

And last, but not least: working on his next publicity stunt... that will come close to the one he JUST pulled on his faithful believers and Apprentice fans? :p :

20th May 2011, 16:51
Preparing to take another of his companies into bankruptcy... AFTER he swipes all the cash?

Forming more lame-brained conspiracy theories... that make no sense to people who have never seen a black helicopter?

Trying to come up with a better lie about how he dodged the Vietnam draft?

Making sexually suggestive, inappropriate comments about his (rather yummy) oldest daughter?

Talking tough about Chinese made goods... while his youngest daughter buys Chinese made costume jewelry for her QVC offerings?

Planning how he can cheat on wife #3 once she starts showing some age... and not get caught this time?

And last, but not least: working on his next publicity stunt... that will come close to the one he JUST pulled on his faithful believers and Apprentice fans? :p :

sounds to me like a guy that can take care of 14 trillion in debt

20th May 2011, 18:51
Dominique Strass-Kahn want to commit suicide
Who gives a F__K If he tried to rape a hotel maid with aids then he should save the world money and embarrassment

Texas Mom Accused of Killing 6-Year-Old Boy Is Suicidal, Lawyer Says
They should help this piece of sh!t exit the planet !

I am all for getting tough on criminals and if they are guilty I want the maximum penalty possible but.....

They are both INNOCENT until proven Guilty and should be treated accordingly.

20th May 2011, 19:20
sounds to me like a guy that can take care of 14 trillion in debt

Not unless bankruptcy is an option... which it isn't. Trump has always had a good reputation as a project manager. As a business manager, not so much. When he admitted that he's used the bankruptcy laws as a "business strategy", I lost a lot of respect for him. That's the sort of thinking that's landed us in this mess to begin with.

20th May 2011, 23:21
sounds to me like a guy that can take care of 14 trillion in debt

Or like a guy that would turn 14 into 28 in no time.

21st May 2011, 09:06
Or like a guy that would turn 14 into 28 in no time.

Well Sparrow it appears to me that the sludge that we have elected over the past years have not done a very good job in the finance department. Now I am not a world economist but just basic knowledge might tell you that we are going to have massive inflation or default. So I think with the majority of the money owed to China I would just default and declare bankruptcy. The Muslim"s tactics are to spend us to death via guerilla wars and we are too stupid to take the assets we capture something that Trump would have changed. So you TIRE's can gloat as we have no leader but you know damn well that we will find one !!

22nd May 2011, 03:21
Even if he could have conned enough people into voting for him (which given his last poll numbers, seems highly unlikely), Trump wouldn't have the power to change anything. Presidents don't make laws (Congress does), and so Presidents don't have the power (thankfully) to send this nation into default on its debts, which would destroy what credibility we have. Such a foolish move would also plunge the global financial markets into a free fall.

Look at how much drama is being caused by Greece's highly probable default. And Greece is a piss-ant compared to the U.S. Imagine if the nation which holds the world's default reserve currency were to default on its obligations. If that's what The Donald had in mind, I suggest he stick to branding shirts for Macy's and selling his name to fly-by-night condo developers in Vegas and the like. Like I sad, when he was just building buildings, Donald Trump was one heck of a developer. But once he started focusing (mainly) on building "the brand"... well, he's got a lot more in common with Danica Patrick these days than he does Warren Buffett.

22nd May 2011, 08:15
Even if he could have conned enough people into voting for him (which given his last poll numbers, seems highly unlikely), Trump wouldn't have the power to change anything. Presidents don't make laws (Congress does), and so Presidents don't have the power (thankfully) to send this nation into default on its debts, which would destroy what credibility we have. Such a foolish move would also plunge the global financial markets into a free fall.

Look at how much drama is being caused by Greece's highly probable default. And Greece is a piss-ant compared to the U.S. Imagine if the nation which holds the world's default reserve currency were to default on its obligations. If that's what The Donald had in mind, I suggest he stick to branding shirts for Macy's and selling his name to fly-by-night condo developers in Vegas and the like. Like I sad, when he was just building buildings, Donald Trump was one heck of a developer. But once he started focusing (mainly) on building "the brand"... well, he's got a lot more in common with Danica Patrick these days than he does Warren Buffett.

I can agree with a lot of your post - However we have to change Congress and we will only do that with a strong unconventional leader someone who can steer the idiot mass to throw the *******s out.

22nd May 2011, 19:48
I can agree with a lot of your post - However we have to change Congress and we will only do that with a strong unconventional leader someone who can steer the idiot mass to throw the *******s out.

Maybe it will take a strong, unconventional leader. But in my lifetime, the only one who I saw that had the goods was Ross Perot. His was the last (only) political campaign that I became involved in. I believed in him and his message. It didn't work out as I hoped, but Ross did get more votes than any 3rd party candidate that I can remember. Trump, on the other hand, was just executing a PR exercise to gain attention for himself and his brand = mo money, mo money, mo money. Unlike Ross, Trump spent very little time talking about substantive issues or solutions to deeper problems. Where Ross used charts and slides to carefully detail where we were versus where he thought we needed to be (a sort of exercise in gap analysis), Trump spent too much of his time yelling & screaming, calling the Chinese mf'ers and going on & on about that idiotic birth certificate issue. What did that have to do with our trade deficit, our debt situation, the stagnation of real wages, GDP, inflation, the loss of our manufacturing base, etc., etc.??? Not a damn thing. Not a damn thing. It was just a way to lather up the rubes and wingnuts who are obsessed with that silly issue. Just like Danica, she can't win a race, but she'll do racy GoDaddy ads to gain attention and be popular. As with Trump, she knows what's good for "the brand".

I believe it says somewhere in the Bible, "beware of false prophets." For awhile, the Romans thought that Caligula might be another Augustus. But in the end, they found out that he was worse than his uncle Tiberius. Only about 50% of the eligible American voters take part in most elections. So IMO, anyone who is capable of steering them in the "right direction," could also steer them in the wrong direction. Would they even know the difference... until it was too late?

23rd May 2011, 00:10
Jag - they have been steered in the wrong direction

BTW I see the International Idiot backed off his Israel border crap

23rd May 2011, 18:49
Well, if they have been steered in the wrong direction, then they are sheep. I can't remember the movie source just now, but there is a quote that's stuck with me for a number of years: "any foundation built on the people, is a foundation built on mud."

As for Israel, IMO, if this nation hadn't gotten in bed with the Zionists back in the 50's, we wouldn't have half the problems in the Middle East that we have today. Somebody else might have problems, but this nation needs to (someday) let go of the belief that everybody else's problems are our problems.

Bob Riebe
23rd May 2011, 23:43
Trump spent too much of his time yelling & screaming, calling the Chinese mf'ers and going on & on about that idiotic birth certificate issue. What did that have to do with our trade deficit, our debt situation, the stagnation of real wages, GDP, inflation, the loss of our manufacturing base, etc., etc.??? Not a damn thing. Not a damn thing. It was just a way to lather up the rubes and wingnuts who are obsessed with that silly issue.Trump was simply calling Obama's political bet, and won that battle.

Obama could have done, what EVERY other president did and shown the certificate-- several YEARS ago, but Obama, or his handlers, were betting they could make this scam a winning political play. Trump called their bet and won.
Sadly Trump did what I figured he would do and followed the money.

24th May 2011, 12:39
Trump was simply calling Obama's political bet, and won that battle.

Obama could have done, what EVERY other president did and shown the certificate-- several YEARS ago, but Obama, or his handlers, were betting they could make this scam a winning political play. Trump called their bet and won.
Sadly Trump did what I figured he would do and followed the money.

I'm anxious to hear the fascinating logic on how you believe that Trump won any sort of bet on this. Seems to me, if you pin your political hopes on proving that someone is NOT something which they claim to be, and then they prove that they are that which they claim to be... how exactly have you won anything??? :confused:

The short version has been out for awhile. The Supreme Court said enough is enough. Except to loons, who spend most of their days hiding behind their curtains, so the black helicopters can't see them, while wearing tinfoil hats, so that the death rays from the invisible spaceships can't penetrate their brains, this was a non-issue. We have REAL issues to deal with. We don't have time for this foolishness and make believe issues!

But Trump, in typical carnival barker fashion, was able to create enough media buzz that Obama played a card that I don't think should have been played: he simply proved the wingnuts were wingnuts all along. And with that, Trump's campaign (that wasn't really a campaign) sank like a rock. How (outside of Charlie Sheen's world) is that winning?

Look, as I've already said, I used to admire Donald Trump quite a lot for his building and project management skills. From the 80's, I've followed his career. Whatever flaws he has, he is not a stupid man. But by ignoring REAL issues, and just playing to people who either should be on psychiatric medication or just aren't very intelligent to begin with, I feel that he did himself and this nation a great disservice. He has the intelligence to speak about real, substantive issues. But he chose to go after the same crowd that thinks that Sarah Palin is a "real swell gal": morons and flakes. I'm disappointed that he did that... all just to get some cheap PR and (he thought) increase the value of "the brand" (just like Danica Patrick wiggling her butt in GoDaddy ads, while she can barely get her spec racer into the Indy 500).

Bob Riebe
24th May 2011, 15:21
I'm anxious to hear the fascinating logic on how you believe that Trump won any sort of bet on this. Seems to me, if you pin your political hopes on proving that someone is NOT something which they claim to be, and then they prove that they are that which they claim to be... how exactly have you won anything??? :confused:

The short version has been out for awhile. The Supreme Court said enough is enough. Except to loons, who spend most of their days hiding behind their curtains, so the black helicopters can't see them, while wearing tinfoil hats, so that the death rays from the invisible spaceships can't penetrate their brains, this was a non-issue. We have REAL issues to deal with. We don't have time for this foolishness and make believe issues!

But Trump, in typical carnival barker fashion, was able to create enough media buzz that Obama played a card that I don't think should have been played: he simply proved the wingnuts were wingnuts all along. And with that, Trump's campaign (that wasn't really a campaign) sank like a rock. How (outside of Charlie Sheen's world) is that winning?

Look, as I've already said, I used to admire Donald Trump quite a lot for his building and project management skills. From the 80's, I've followed his career. Whatever flaws he has, he is not a stupid man. But by ignoring REAL issues, and just playing to people who either should be on psychiatric medication or just aren't very intelligent to begin with, I feel that he did himself and this nation a great disservice. He has the intelligence to speak about real, substantive issues. But he chose to go after the same crowd that thinks that Sarah Palin is a "real swell gal": morons and flakes. I'm disappointed that he did that... all just to get some cheap PR and (he thought) increase the value of "the brand" (just like Danica Patrick wiggling her butt in GoDaddy ads, while she can barely get her spec racer into the Indy 500).There was zero reason Obama could not have show it as a candidate, much less after he won. Everyone else had done so, but he chose to play a fool's game and lost and now he is being exposed as the huckster he is.

Trump said he would not run, yet now he is saying if the chosen candidates are too lousy, he still might run. He is playing a fools game similar to Obama's.
Drag it out till it is no longer profitable. A good way to make people suspicious of the motives involved.

24th May 2011, 17:43
Well, if they have been steered in the wrong direction, then they are sheep. I can't remember the movie source just now, but there is a quote that's stuck with me for a number of years: "any foundation built on the people, is a foundation built on mud."

As for Israel, IMO, if this nation hadn't gotten in bed with the Zionists back in the 50's, we wouldn't have half the problems in the Middle East that we have today. Somebody else might have problems, but this nation needs to (someday) let go of the belief that everybody else's problems are our problems.

Yes you are right - the sheep elected Obama - no experience - lousy track record - big talker - bigger spender. You think Obama is more qualified to be Pres - I think not. The Dems should have elected Hilary. Regarding the middle east - as we move away from our friends the jews - the greatest trojan horse move will continue. Supporting a religion that wants to kill us is a fools game and sadly the sheep have been duped again.

24th May 2011, 19:28
as we move away from our friends the jews
Your friends? They are just using you.

24th May 2011, 20:39
Your friends? They are just using you.

Shush! Do you not know that Hooters and every nudie bar in the U.S. makes HUGE profits off guys who think that the girls really like them? All it takes is a smile, a wink and a casual touch on the arm. Then the guy starts emptying his wallet and telling his friends, "dude, I think she's REALLY into me." Then they aren't able to stuff money in her garter one weekend and find out that she's not as "friendly" as she had been. And then they're shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Fools and their money. Fools and their votes. American voters are no different.

And just for Bob, I did some research. Trump had a secret meeting with this guy and they're going to have the Trump/Sheen ticket for 2012 under a 3rd party. It's going to be called the Winning! Duh! Party

Trump/Sheen: an ex-wife and a porn star goddess in every bedroom and a gram on every mirror... they'll make "winners" out of all of us! Vote Trump/Sheen in 2012!!! :bounce:


Bob Riebe
24th May 2011, 22:37
Hmmm, Trump-Sheen and Obama-Biden; well damn near mirror image.

24th May 2011, 23:47
Shush! Do you not know that Hooters and every nudie bar in the U.S. makes HUGE profits off guys who think that the girls really like them? All it takes is a smile, a wink and a casual touch on the arm. Then the guy starts emptying his wallet and telling his friends, "dude, I think she's REALLY into me." Then they aren't able to stuff money in her garter one weekend and find out that she's not as "friendly" as she had been. And then they're shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Fools and their money. Fools and their votes. American voters are no different.

And just for Bob, I did some research. Trump had a secret meeting with this guy and they're going to have the Trump/Sheen ticket for 2012 under a 3rd party. It's going to be called the Winning! Duh! Party

Trump/Sheen: an ex-wife and a porn star goddess in every bedroom and a gram on every mirror... they'll make "winners" out of all of us! Vote Trump/Sheen in 2012!!! :bounce:

The term used to describe the above I believe is "suckers"

25th May 2011, 10:05
Hmmm, Trump-Sheen and Obama-Biden; well damn near mirror image.

Wow, you must really have some serious hate for Trump and Sheen to compare them to a dirt bag like Joe Biden.

Bob Riebe
25th May 2011, 19:34
Wow, you must really have some serious hate for Trump and Sheen to compare them to a dirt bag like Joe Biden.ROFL

25th May 2011, 22:17
Benjamin Netanyahu gave a great speech in front of Congress. But it is sad that after all is said it is apparent that war will be the only way to solve these issues. I think now is the time before Iran gets a nuke.
This sh!t is way too old to continue. I wonder if Israel has enough to take out Syria and Iran as well. Sh!t maybe Finland too :) (If EKI organizes his army)

26th May 2011, 05:45
I wonder if Israel has enough to take out Syria and Iran as well. Sh!t maybe Finland too :) (If EKI organizes his army)
Well, you could always help your so called "friends", like always.
