View Full Version : Pictures of Walter Jensen in MK2 Escort wanted

14th May 2011, 17:48
I am trying to find some pictures from late 80's maybe 90's of Walter Jensen when he had a MK2 Escort
It has been said that Walter traded the car against an Escort cosworth with a guy here in the UK a John Joannides of D.Y.N.T Motorsport.
A friend of mine bought the car and competed with it where I serviced a few events with it.
My friend sold the car to Peter Lloyd and then it went to the Isle of Man where I am trying to find if it being used there, but I am looking for pictures when Walter had the car.
It was supposed to a seat in the car which came from Martin Schanche
Can anyone help me

RS 1800
15th May 2011, 22:18
I guess pictures of mr. Valter Chr. Jensen in a rally mk 2 Escort from the late 80´s or early 90´s are non-existing.

Mr. Jensen drove a Escort mk II in the early 80`s, at least one RS 2000 and one Escort RS GP 4 spec. car. Pictures of these cars do exist.

Mr. Jensen used the Escort RS GP 4 car in 1981, 82, 83 and 84 before switcing over to Audi 80 quattro, then Mazda 323 and later Ford Sierra/Escort Cosworths.

The GP 4 car was sold on here in Norway and used(and abused) by a couple of other drivers, rebuilt several times and its identity and the car(in its current state) is now in my possession, undergoing restoration to a historic rallycar.

I suspect that the car you are refering to is another Escort that was built and used by a friend of mr. Jensen in one rally in 1990. It could be that mr. Jensen later bought/exchanged this car and exported/part exchanged it to/in the UK where he was building himself a Escort Gp A Cosworth.

Cheers, :-)

Edit: Roumours have it that mr. Jensen again is in the possession of a Escort mk II rallycar, so hopefully we will see him compete in it soon..?!

25th June 2011, 20:00
I think this car was traded against an Escort cosworth in the early 90's (Bjørn Viko). Watch out for a Young Iskald in the start of the vid :)

YouTube - ‪Breisladd Bjørn A Viko with BDA Escort‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1gkcOrEJw0)

18th April 2012, 21:03
Anyone got pictures of Mr Jensen in the Audi 80 ? My interest is in 1/43 models of rothmans liveried rallycars. I have commissioned a 1/43 model of Mr Jensens Rothmans Mazda 323. I now need the photos of the Audi for the same purpose.