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12th May 2011, 05:28
The world's largest army... America 's
hunters! I had never thought about this....

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin.

Allow me to restate that number.

Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world.

More men under arms than in Iran.

More than in France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters,
all of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that
the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
The point?

America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower. And on top of that there are over 2 million registered in Texas alone.

Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.
That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.

Food for thought when next we consider gun control.

12th May 2011, 05:46
Not that I think the USA is in any danger of being invaded, but remind me again how a hunting rifle can kill a tank.

So who are you afraid of, Canada or Mexico?

12th May 2011, 06:07
Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Hitler, if you think we're on the run.

12th May 2011, 08:11
New Zealand has a regular standing defence force of 9782 and according to the Intelligence Unit of The Economist is the most democratic nation in the English speaking world and the 5th most democratic nation in the world overall.


Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that
the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
The point?

America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.

That's the image you'd like to project to yourselves but the truth is that no foreign power would even attempt to invade the United States, for the simple reason that even if you were to successfully take over you'd still be in charge of... The United States of America.

Whoever took over, assuming that they didn't spend themselves into the ground to do it, would then most likely be forced to assume the debts of the United States of America; it currently stands at about $14,337,000,000,000.
Also, as of 2008 and over the 20 years after that date, about 78 million Americans will be elligible for retirement under the Social Security provisions. I think that works out to be about typically $400,000 per household. Assuming a modest inflation rate of 4%, if you were to to put aside that money today and live off the interest, you'd need $56,000,000,000. But how much have you actually put aside???


If you us a future maintainable earnings basis, I figure that the USA is technically insolvent; yet you want to wave about something as inconsequential as how great your guns are.

12th May 2011, 08:16
An army is an organised force, not a group of twits with guns.

12th May 2011, 08:17
An army is an organised force, not a group of twits with guns.

Like the Libyan rebels?

12th May 2011, 08:23
An army is an organised force, not an overweight to morbidly obese, ill-disciplined group of twits living in some macho-fantasy with guns.

Fixed that for you Dan ol' sod, you

12th May 2011, 15:24
An army is an organised force, not a group of twits with guns.

:laugh: Sounds just like the official US Army :laugh:

12th May 2011, 16:47
:laugh: Sounds just like the official US Army :laugh: :mad:

12th May 2011, 16:56
I have to agree with Gloomyday, not all US soldiers are like that.

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 17:52
New Zealand has a regular standing defence force of 9782 and according to the Intelligence Unit of The Economist is the most democratic nation in the English speaking world and the 5th most democratic nation in the world overall.


That's the image you'd like to project to yourselves but the truth is that no foreign power would even attempt to invade the United States, for the simple reason that even if you were to successfully take over you'd still be in charge of... The United States of America.

Whoever took over, assuming that they didn't spend themselves into the ground to do it, would then most likely be forced to assume the debts of the United States of America; it currently stands at about $14,337,000,000,000.
Also, as of 2008 and over the 20 years after that date, about 78 million Americans will be elligible for retirement under the Social Security provisions. I think that works out to be about typically $400,000 per household. Assuming a modest inflation rate of 4%, if you were to to put aside that money today and live off the interest, you'd need $56,000,000,000. But how much have you actually put aside???


If you us a future maintainable earnings basis, I figure that the USA is technically insolvent; yet you want to wave about something as inconsequential as how great your guns are.

Actually to a degree I have to agree with Rollo here. The NRA, which is the main political base for firearms owners alienates more than a few current, would be and former members as its ranking and helping of politicians is based only on how they vote on firearms, with the incumbent getting getting the support nod over challengers based on this one principle.
They supported Harry Reid over his challenger on this fact alone, without regard to what his voting record would do or has done to the U.S. economy.

This is the reason the NRA, despite of more support than it had ten years ago loses members every year.

Second amendment rights are not inconsequential but when extremely important factors are ignored for one single item by a organization that has budget in the millions of dollars, it is no wonder the U.S. is sinking as a leader of the free world.

12th May 2011, 18:54
God I love it when I bring up guns around the TIREs - they go fu__k__g crazy.
So now we have turned the hunting thread into the budget thread. Ok I am good with that. So the bottom line on that one is just as
my signature equates - we are screwed if we fail to elect Trump. Who in the current group of politicians can right the ship?? I don't see
any after Trump. More bullish!t politicians is all I see. Let the Welfare checks rain upon the earth - I am going to a BBQ.

By the way Rollo - Lets hear about how the EU manages their version of Social Security so we can compare. thanks

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 19:21
Not that I think the USA is in any danger of being invaded, but remind me again how a hunting rifle can kill a tank.

So who are you afraid of, Canada or Mexico?
With 35,000 or so dead in the Mexican border area, hmmm, it would take a lot of hosers, be a greater problem.

12th May 2011, 20:57
The world's largest army... America 's
hunters! I had never thought about this....

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin.

Allow me to restate that number.

Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world.

More men under arms than in Iran.

More than in France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters,
all of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that
the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
The point?

America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower. And on top of that there are over 2 million registered in Texas alone.

Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.
That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.

Food for thought when next we consider gun control.

You're completely out of your mind.
99% of your fair weather hunters wouldn't be able to point the gun to a person and shoot. Half of those who would do it would miss.

Hunters?! :down:

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 20:59
You're completely out of your mind.
99% of your fair weather hunters wouldn't be able to point the gun to a person and shoot. Half of those who would do it would miss.

Hunters?! :down:

Your proof for this rhetoric, beyond your ignorance.

12th May 2011, 21:01
Your proof for this rhetoric, beyond your ignorance.

You mean those hndred thousands of hunters who got their licenses did really hunt for deer or something? Do you have one deer for each to shoot and say they are capable of shooting a moving target?

No? I thought so.

You don't have the slightest idea what a war means.

12th May 2011, 21:30
God I love it when I bring up guns around the TIREs - they go fu__k__g crazy.

It's just that every time you do, I always imagine you with a bottle of Scope in one hand and Jager in the other standing on the flatbed of a pickup and yelling "GIT R DONE" :dork:

By the way Rollo - Lets hear about how the EU manages their version of Social Security so we can compare. thanks

The EU isn't a country and doesn't have a "version of Social Security" because the 27 members have 27 different policies.

12th May 2011, 22:12
America wishes somebody invaded her right about now.

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 23:48
You mean those hndred thousands of hunters who got their licenses did really hunt for deer or something? Do you have one deer for each to shoot and say they are capable of shooting a moving target?

No? I thought so.

You don't have the slightest idea what a war means.
You know nothing of me or U.S. hunters other than your childish bigoted rant.
Roamy's topic is a trolling topic and outside of Rollo who tried to give a serious response to the topic, liberals here showed how gullible and bigoted they are.

The longest range I shot at was 700 yards, and I have hit metal rams at 150 yards with an open site handgun but if only ten percent of those Roamy mentioned are crack-shots that can hit a baseball at three-hundred yards with a rifle, I would not want to be the person who is their mortal. enemy
As that is not a problems I would even bet a plug-nickel on happening, it is best, you take your bogus rhetoric and have a nice day.

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 23:48
America wishes somebody invaded her right about now.Your point is?

12th May 2011, 23:51
Well the truth is that you don't really need to. You could just buy all the useful assets on the NYSE, then export the jobs to somewhere cheaper like Thailand, China, India or Vietnam etc.

Why bother invading a country anymore when there are other ways of controlling it's wealth?

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 23:54
It's just that every time you do, I always imagine you with a bottle of Scope in one hand and Jager in the other standing on the flatbed of a pickup and yelling "GIT R DONE" :dork:

The- Git'r done- crowd is not the same as, or even basically similar. to the type you are mentioning that are likely to be found in the alleys of LA, or Bloomberg's city as he prances around displaying paranoid fear of firearms.
The- Git'r done- crowd if they have a bottle with them, it will not be wine, Scotch or even Irish whiskey but a container of good-ole Kentucky bourbon.

Bob Riebe
12th May 2011, 23:55
Well the truth is that you don't really need to. You could just buy all the useful assets on the NYSE, then export the jobs to somewhere cheaper like Thailand, China, India or Vietnam etc.

Why bother invading a country anymore when there are other ways of controlling it's wealth?

Or vote for Obama next election.

13th May 2011, 00:57
Or vote for Obama next election.

Doesn't matter who you vote for, the outcome will be identical.

Arguably you may as well blame Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Truman. Keep on changing the deck chairs and start playing "Nearer My God to Thee".

Bob Riebe
13th May 2011, 03:26
Doesn't matter who you vote for, the outcome will be identical.

Arguably you may as well blame Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Truman. Keep on changing the deck chairs and start playing "Nearer My God to Thee".
Of that group Kennedy and Reagan I give a pass.

13th May 2011, 04:30
Quit throwing chum in the water Roamy. It attracts far too many trolls over using simple bait.

Then all the usuals come out with the "I hate the US for everything!" comments, and it's just far too predictable.

Brown, Jon Brow
13th May 2011, 19:54
The US Navy alone is capable of sinking every other navy on the planet before anyone gets close to invading.

14th May 2011, 06:55
You're completely out of your mind.
99% of your fair weather hunters wouldn't be able to point the gun to a person and shoot. Half of those who would do it would miss.

Hunters?! :down:

And you base that claim on what evidence?

There is a show here in US about competition marksmanship, with all types of various weapons and courses. This past season a self trained shooter that is an avid hunter and outdoorsman won over a lot of military guys with specialized training, and civilians with a lot of training as well.

15th May 2011, 01:13
Why bother invading a country anymore when there are other ways of controlling it's wealth?

Rape its women and torture its citizens? Pillage its treasures?

Bob Riebe
15th May 2011, 02:42
Rape its women and torture its citizens? Pillage its treasures?You have to invade to do that bunky.

But as this is more troll garbage, intelligence cannot be expected of you.

15th May 2011, 20:03
You have to invade to do that bunky.

But as this is more troll garbage, intelligence cannot be expected of you.

So any post that doesn't suit your agenda is unintelligent? You sound like those people you hate so much [communists]

15th May 2011, 20:09
So any post that doesn't suit your agenda is unintelligent? You sound like those people you hate so much [communists]
Actually, I think it's the liberals and the democrats Bob hates, not the communists so much.

Bob Riebe
16th May 2011, 01:28
So any post that doesn't suit your agenda is unintelligent? You sound like those people you hate so much [communists] That post does not fit anyones agenda beyond possibly rather moronic troll bait.

Bob Riebe
16th May 2011, 01:33
Actually, I think it's the liberals and the democrats Bob hates, not the communists so much.Close, but the Democratic Party itself is not a problem, but the liberals that infest it are.
I do not hate liberal, I loathe their standard two-faced self-righteous bs. (Rinos are scum)

17th May 2011, 01:55
That post does not fit anyones agenda beyond possibly rather moronic troll bait.

Not everyone sees the world like you do,but to call them stupid and morons because they don't, it's moronic itself isn't it?

17th May 2011, 01:58
Actually, I think it's the liberals and the democrats Bob hates, not the communists so much.

Well at least they both share enemies ;)

Bob Riebe
17th May 2011, 03:10
Not everyone sees the world like you do,but to call them stupid and morons because they don't, it's moronic itself isn't it?No.

While I am sure I have called people stupid and morons, in this case I did not.

I said the post which was troll bait, was rather moronic in its content, especially considering the posts that preceded it.
That does not make the poster necessarily a moron, only the rhetoric of the post.

17th May 2011, 07:48
You're completely out of your mind.
99% of your fair weather hunters wouldn't be able to point the gun to a person and shoot. Half of those who would do it would miss.

Whenever the issue of shooting people in self-defence comes up in the UK, I wonder exactly the same thing about those who advocate increased gun ownership in Britain as a means of keeping safe. Would they actually be able to do the deed of shooting someone dead, or would their conscience get in the way?

But, in general, what a sad thread, full of the same old pointless, deeply unimpressive boasts about gun ownership and the power this renders — with which, I am sure, a psychologist would have a field day.

Brown, Jon Brow
17th May 2011, 14:24
But, in general, what a sad thread, full of the same old pointless, deeply unimpressive boasts about gun ownership and the power this renders — with which, I am sure, a psychologist would have a field day.

Don't they call it 'small penis syndrome'?

17th May 2011, 14:52
Don't they call it 'small penis syndrome'?

Something like that — exactly what I'm getting at.

Bob Riebe
17th May 2011, 15:26
Don't they call it 'small penis syndrome'? I suppose, compared to their swelled heads, psychologists winkies are pretty small.

Bob Riebe
17th May 2011, 15:27
Originally Posted by BDunnell View Post
We Europeans have this thing about not being paranoid morons.

Except when it comes to firearms.

17th May 2011, 15:35
Except when it comes to firearms.

Splendid reasoning, Bob, as ever. Keep it up!

Brown, Jon Brow
17th May 2011, 15:37
Originally Posted by BDunnell View Post
We Europeans have this thing about not being paranoid morons.

Except when it comes to firearms.

WOAH!!!! Wait a minute!!! The first 'trolling' post in this thread was a superb definition of paranoia.

Bob Riebe
17th May 2011, 15:45
WOAH!!!! Wait a minute!!! The first 'trolling' post in this thread was a superb definition of paranoia.
Your point?

Bob Riebe
17th May 2011, 15:46
Splendid reasoning, Bob, as ever. Keep it up!
Ah hey-hey, ah huh-huh, thank you, thank you very much!

Bob Riebe
17th May 2011, 18:45
Well 'whatayaknow' yet another thread bringing up the topic of gun ownership and the moment someone who lives in a country where guns aren't necessary for protection starts to have a differing view, they are accused of being afraid of firearms, moron's, spouting rhetoric, and are percieved as trolls by the pro-Gun tea party revellers? lol

Hmmmm.It was the persons from the "differing view" that started with the disparaging remarks regarding firearms, so what are you saying?

Bob Riebe
18th May 2011, 00:15
Looking back through this thread (3 pages) it seems the comments were largely humourous from my POV. Your style of posting is very aggressive Bob and I'm yet to see you participate in a discussion where you are not attacking others who don't agree with you. Thats just my observation, :)

If insults are your type of humor, well that is your style (I have a low opinion of Leno.. He comef across as a Don Rickles wannabe without Don's class.)

I extremely rarely engage in the group , "yeah man you told him" thing, as my opinion is my opinion and I am not here to join a mutual admiration society.

Oh well, if neither of us ever posted on a forum again, life would go on as pleasant as if we had.
Keep on truckin.