View Full Version : Alcohol-how much is too much?

10th May 2011, 12:16
Went in for my first internist visit yesterday and inevitably the question comes about "How much do you drink?"

I erred on the high side and stated 3 drinks nightly-either two beers or two glasses of wine plus a nightcap of dark rum. I really don't do this every night-perhaps thrice a week, but thought I'd throw it out there...

His reaction would have made you think I just told him I'd pranged his Mercedes....

He made comments about liver damage, alcoholism, etc etc. I'm aware of these facts. While I'm curious how my liver function tests will come back I have no fear that I am an alcoholic-I have quit for extended (weeks) periods of time with no problem.

So the questions are: How much do you drink nightly, and how much is too much?

Reaching for the bottle right now.....

Dave B
10th May 2011, 12:27
I erred on the high side and stated 3 drinks nightly-either two beers or two glasses of wine plus a nightcap of dark rum. I really don't do this every night-perhaps thrice a week, but thought I'd throw it out there...

His reaction would have made you think I just told him I'd pranged his Mercedes....

If I'd been there, his reaction to me would have made you think I'd just performed indecent acts on his Mercedes while burning an effigy of his wife. :beer:

How much is too much? I'll let you know if I ever get there :D

Retro Formula 1
10th May 2011, 12:58
How do you quantify how much is too much?

I suggest you measure it with a liberal length of string. Then double it, shake (not stir), pour on crushed Ice and add a twist.

That will tell you how much is enough but I'm still working on what is too much.

10th May 2011, 13:25
If it's wine....is never too much :p :

10th May 2011, 13:40
Anything is too much for me :p

10th May 2011, 13:41
Cheers to all-loving this response.

I think my main problem with his opinion is that it might be influenced culturally or religiously.

Where I live it is safe to say that many frown on any drinking at all. There are still counties where one cannot purchase wine or liquor as the sale of it is not allowed. This should give you some idea as to the ruling mindset. I am wondering if my internist is of this group.

On another hand it also bothers me that medicine is prone to subjectivity. If I were to see another internist perhaps he would say "Oh you're fine, mate. Carry on..."

I look at some of our friends and I tell you know-I'm WAY behind in points when it comes to the bottle....

Retro Formula 1
10th May 2011, 13:45
If it's wine....is never too much :p :

Bit of Cheezzzzeee with that Whine old friend ;)

10th May 2011, 14:18
One is too many, thirty isn't enough. :D

10th May 2011, 14:19
I think my main problem with his opinion is that it might be influenced culturally or religiously.

That's probably true. According to some latest studies, 2 to 4 daily dosages for a man is healthier on the heart and safe on other organs than no alcohol at all (they think it's because it helps you to relax). More than that is still considered a health risk.

10th May 2011, 15:45
I would put myself in two different categories. I drink on a quite regular basis but quite small amounts. I opened a bottle of Rose on Saturday night and finished it last night. OK I drank the whole bottle but it was over three nights with my evening meal. On the other hand I would also class myself as an occasional binge drinker. We went to The Kitchin up in Edinburgh and chose to have the tasting wine menu along with the tasteing menu. I had a Kitchin cocktail and 7 or 8 small glasses of wine with the meal which probably worked out at drinking a whole bottle in one night. I haven't drunk this amount since in a single session and most probably won't again until I get taken somewhere nice for my birthday next month. I suppose it's not your stereotypical binge drink but I think that's what I would class it as.

Also, it doesn't bother me if I go out and dont have a drink at all. I went out on Friday night with my old works colleague and got back home at 1am stone cold sober but I still had a good night out. :)

10th May 2011, 16:41
I’d suggest that if you feel you have to drink daily, even just a couple of beers or glasses of wine, you may be on the verge of a problem :mark: .

I try to avoid drinking on weekdays, but certainly make up for it on w/ends :D .

Brown, Jon Brow
10th May 2011, 16:52
I'm a binge drinker. So I usually attack my liver with 7 pints and a few spirits every 2 weeks. If I wake up wearing a wig and lying next to a hairy Polish trucker I figure I've had too much.

We occasionally get TV health ads stating how just one beer after work everyday can cause long-term health problems. But whenever I see these ads it jut makes me want to go the the fridge for a beer.

Captain VXR
10th May 2011, 16:53
The point at which you throw up all over a bus is too far
I enjoy drinking/having a cheeky smoke but can go months without feeling the need to do either

10th May 2011, 16:56
I'm a binge drinker. So I usually attack my liver with 7 pints and a few spirits every 2 weeks. If I wake up wearing a wig and lying next to a hairy Polish trucker I figure I've had too much.

This thread is useless without pics! :s hock:

10th May 2011, 17:04
I’d suggest that if you feel you have to drink daily, even just a couple of beers or glasses of wine, you may be on the verge of a problem :mark: .

I try to avoid drinking on weekdays, but certainly make up for it on w/ends :D .

Could you expand, schmenke?

I'm guessing you think it is the low daily 'need' migth suggest alcoholism.
I've quit previously for weeks at a time due to other intervening health reasons with no trouble at all.

In no way do I resemble our friend who is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous who once used to start her day with a beer..

10th May 2011, 17:13
I guess I can only relate to my experience when I often arrive home from a long hard day and think to myself “I could really use a cold beer right about now” but refrain and have something non-alcoholic instead.
The distinction is between a need and a want. It’s difficult for me to relate any more than that as I personally don’t know anyone who is an alcoholic :mark: .

10th May 2011, 17:16
I guess I can only relate to my experience when I often arrive home from a long hard day and think to myself “I could really use a cold beer right about now” but refrain and have something non-alcoholic instead.
The distinction is between a need and a want. It’s difficult for me to relate any more than that as I personally don’t know anyone who is an alcoholic :mark: .

Cheers-I follow.

My daily consumption is typically meal centered-during the preparation and the consumption of it. At night when I'm chillin on the couch from time to time I get the urge for a snifter of whatever is about, but not really nightly.

Thanks for the input-it's why I started the thread :up:

Brown, Jon Brow
10th May 2011, 17:32
I guess I can only relate to my experience when I often arrive home from a long hard day and think to myself “I could really use a cold beer right about now” but refrain and have something non-alcoholic instead.
The distinction is between a need and a want. It’s difficult for me to relate any more than that as I personally don’t know anyone who is an alcoholic :mark: .

See, I used to work with an alcoholic. It's quite a big difference from having a beer or two in the evening to half filling your morning orange juice with vodka and going to the pub for a drinking session on your lunch break.

This thread is making me want a drink, it's only 17.30 over here! :(

10th May 2011, 17:33
This thread is making me want a drink, it's only 17.30 over here! :(

So 5:30pm is too early?

Hang your head in shame, JB :p

Brown, Jon Brow
10th May 2011, 17:40
So 5:30pm is too early?

Hang your head in shame, JB :p

I still have last nights empties to clear up! :p

10th May 2011, 18:41
See, I used to work with an alcoholic. It's quite a big difference from having a beer or two in the evening to half filling your morning orange juice with vodka and going to the pub for a drinking session on your lunch break....

Well, I feel much better then. Perhaps I'll have a pint or two after work today :p : .

10th May 2011, 18:46
I guess I can only relate to my experience when I often arrive home from a long hard day and think to myself “I could really use a cold beer right about now” but refrain and have something non-alcoholic instead.
The distinction is between a need and a want. It’s difficult for me to relate any more than that as I personally don’t know anyone who is an alcoholic :mark: .

Some people have the willpower to resist though. My dad is a courier and as such gets pretty warm during the summer months and I would say most warm days he'd go to the fridge out in the garage and get a beer and poor it into a glass which he keeps in the freezer to make things even colder.

Only ever seen him even slightly tipsy once or twice :)

I think that's why it's so hard to tell an alcoholic from someone who likes to drink. Some people go home and have a beer and aren't alcoholics and some people who do the same are.

10th May 2011, 18:51
I like a drink now and again, but I can take it or leave it. A couple of pints is usually about it for me tbh.

10th May 2011, 18:51
I like a drink now and again, but I can take it or leave it. A couple of pints is usually about it for me tbh.

Yes, as we discovered at your stag do :p Didn't even get drunk at his own stag do :mark:

10th May 2011, 19:03
Wow I did something called '7 deadly sins' which was a mixture of shots and had drinks bought for me the whole night. The advantages of being the stag eh? At one point I kissed a girls boobs in a pub (my mates asked and she invited) forgetting I had invited my soon to be father in law along to witness some of the madness. Luckily I was assured by my best man my father in law had gone home before I apparently swapped my boxers with the knickers of a 'Hen' who was also enjoying her last night of freedom!! A messy night but drunkeness not usually experienced by someone like myself. :)

Suffice to say Mark's stag do was not as eventful :p

10th May 2011, 19:04
I was plenty drunk thankyou :p . Paid for it the next day too.

The wedding was where I didn't have much, apparently you're supposed get drunk, I had like one bottle of beer!

10th May 2011, 19:06
Suffice to say Mark's stag do was not as eventful :p

Cos you spent the whole time complaining about the cold :p

10th May 2011, 19:14
Cos you spent the whole time complaining about the cold :p

Oh yes, blame me :p Nice sleep in the next morning though :D

10th May 2011, 19:14
I was plenty drunk thankyou :p . Paid for it the next day too.

The wedding was where I didn't have much, apparently you're supposed get drunk, I had like one bottle of beer!

Bollocks you were drunk. I couldn't tell what you were saying, but to be fair that's just normal :mark:

Brown, Jon Brow
10th May 2011, 19:19
Bollocks you were drunk. I couldn't tell what you were saying, but to be fair that's just normal :mark:


Bob Riebe
10th May 2011, 19:23
Went in for my first internist visit yesterday and inevitably the question comes about "How much do you drink?"

I erred on the high side and stated 3 drinks nightly-either two beers or two glasses of wine plus a nightcap of dark rum. I really don't do this every night-perhaps thrice a week, but thought I'd throw it out there...

His reaction would have made you think I just told him I'd pranged his Mercedes....

He made comments about liver damage, alcoholism, etc etc. I'm aware of these facts. While I'm curious how my liver function tests will come back I have no fear that I am an alcoholic-I have quit for extended (weeks) periods of time with no problem.

So the questions are: How much do you drink nightly, and how much is too much?

Reaching for the bottle right now.....
Ah another prohibitionist.

Ask how many doctor errors, operating on the wrong patient, cutting off the wrong leg are too many.

11th May 2011, 06:21
There are many functioning alcoholics running around - those are fine and until they start destroying body organs they are in most cases harmless. People who drink so much they pass out , puke, slur etc probably need to keep a eye on the frequency of these events. Alcohol affects many differently and I think now as I am older I can't drink nearly as much as I once could. I also have pissed off a couple of organs and they are letting me know. So the moral of my story is drink as you like without being a flaming asshole and moderate it when the organs tell you to. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

11th May 2011, 08:41
Went in for my first internist visit yesterday and inevitably the question comes about "How much do you drink?"

I erred on the high side and stated 3 drinks nightly-either two beers or two glasses of wine plus a nightcap of dark rum. I really don't do this every night-perhaps thrice a week, but thought I'd throw it out there...

His reaction would have made you think I just told him I'd pranged his Mercedes....

He made comments about liver damage, alcoholism, etc etc. I'm aware of these facts. While I'm curious how my liver function tests will come back I have no fear that I am an alcoholic-I have quit for extended (weeks) periods of time with no problem.

So the questions are: How much do you drink nightly, and how much is too much?

Reaching for the bottle right now.....

Don't know how much is too much, but I do have a drinking problem.....I only have one mouth and two hands :p :

11th May 2011, 15:06
There are many functioning alcoholics running around - those are fine and until they start destroying body organs they are in most cases harmless. People who drink so much they pass out , puke, slur etc probably need to keep a eye on the frequency of these events. Alcohol affects many differently and I think now as I am older I can't drink nearly as much as I once could. I also have pissed off a couple of organs and they are letting me know. So the moral of my story is drink as you like without being a flaming asshole and moderate it when the organs tell you to. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

Moderation in all things-thanks for your input, Roamy. Sage words... :up:

12th May 2011, 04:21
I am not into alcohol... but imo having some wine with close friends you can't deny the joy it brings - doing it alone wouldn't give you anything fun. Make sure you don't get drunk and keep it in the limit safe from destroying your health.

I have the same as this about drinking problem... ;)

Don't know how much is too much, but I do have a drinking problem.....I only have one mouth and two hands :p :

Retro Formula 1
12th May 2011, 08:45
Drink Problem?

I drink, I get drunk, I fall over; No problem!

12th May 2011, 09:07
There are many functioning alcoholics running around - those are fine and until they start destroying body organs they are in most cases harmless. People who drink so much they pass out , puke, slur etc probably need to keep a eye on the frequency of these events. Alcohol affects many differently and I think now as I am older I can't drink nearly as much as I once could. I also have pissed off a couple of organs and they are letting me know. So the moral of my story is drink as you like without being a flaming asshole and moderate it when the organs tell you to. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

My Dad drank 10 pints a day. But functioned (almost) normally throughout, until he knacked his liver and it killed him. The scary bit being that he would be driving the whole time, most likely way over the alcohol limit, but he never did anything silly or got involved in a crash, so never got caught. But he was one of the old school blokes who go to the pub every night and stay until closing. They aren't around any more and it's the loss of that culture - rather than smoking bans etc, which has led to pub closures.

12th May 2011, 22:55
Personally speaking I drink very little if anything and can go for months without even thinking about alcohol, although I do go out a handful of times a year and get very drunk indeed! So I am sure that I won't have any health issues resulting from it, however it is more the price of drinks that I get shocked at, I would much rather have an extra holiday a year than going out every weekend :s

However, as my parents don't drink then I was never really introduced to drinking (until I went to uni....) but can imagine that if it was a regular occurance at home then you are more likely to take it up yourself, so I guess I am pretty lucky in that respect.

16th May 2011, 17:33
I erred on the high side and stated 3 drinks nightly-either two beers or two glasses of wine plus a nightcap of dark rum. I really don't do this every night-perhaps thrice a week, but thought I'd throw it out there...

See, this is your problem right there. You erred on the high side where most people err on the low side.

There is a medical saying, when it comes to alcohol consumption take what the patient says they drink and double it to find out their true consumption. The trouble is that you claim you drink double what you really drink then your doctor has doubled that again to estimate what he thinks you really drink! No wonder he thinks you have a problem...

25th April 2013, 19:53
Alcohol should be avoided completely because its like one of the biggest enemies of a human.
It doesn't really show any side effect in the starting but after a while we see it effects our body internally a lot that shouldn't be taken.

25th April 2013, 21:12
Nobody has mentioned whether they were driving. These days I like to think that if I'm driving I won't have anything to drink at all, but in practice I often allow myself to have one drink, particularly if I'm eating. The trouble is: one drink is OK, two is probably OK, but after two it's so difficult not to have a third ....

25th April 2013, 22:52
The distinction is between a need and a want. It’s difficult for me to relate any more than that as I personally don’t know anyone who is an alcoholic :mark: .

It's not even as clear cut as that. There is a difference between need, thinking to need and want.
Basically, according to the WHO, the maximum 'non-threatening' amount of pure alcohol per week is 20 grams for men and 10 grams for women on maximum 5 days a week. That's one glass of wine per day for the male of the species per day and no more than 5 a week. Everything more than that is considered dangerous to your health.

Back in 2006 I came down with heavy depression and burn-out syndrome (got that before it became a trendy disease for hipsters), sending me into a habit of heavy beer drinking. No hard stuff at all, just beer. The worst ever was a week in March 2006, when I drank 97 half-litre bottles of beer a week (about 13 US gallons). Basically I woke up and started to drink until I fell asleep again. And not some of that thinner-than-water stuff like Budweiser or Fosters, it was good ol' hefty German beer.
Amazingly, even though I tortured my body like that for close to three months, I didn't become addicted to alcohol. I thought I wouldn't make it through the day without beer, but in fact my body could cope quite well as I was about to learn. Since I was out of work at the time, it was inevitable that at some point my savings would run out - not too surprizing if you spend 20 bucks a day on beer alone for 3 months. Once the money ran out I couldn't keep up the drinking and lo and behold, I never suffered any of the usual withdrawal symptoms. I never shivered or went nuts or whatever, I was perfectly fine stopping after an uninterrupted 3-month beer bender - well as 'fine' as you can be with a heavy depression.

It didn't go by without problems though. First of all for almost all the 3 months I had continuous diarrhea. I started 'sleep walking' and quite often I would find in the morning that I had pissed into the wardrobe, rubbish bin or on the kitchen floor in the night. But the biggest problem was, that my body had 'unlearned' how to sleep. For three months it had become used to being tired after the 14th to 18th beer and then just shut off. Suddenly, without the continuous beer intake, I couldn't fall asleep for hours and when I did I had nightmares that the word hideous can't even begin to describe. That's what in German is called Gewohnheitsalkoholiker (habitual alcoholic), where you get used to ingest alcohol and it becomes a part of your daily routine. It's comparable to smoking. If you stop, Nicotine deprivation is the least of your problems. The much harder part is mastering situations, in which you 'automatically' lit up a fag, like waiting for the bus, drinking coffee in the morning etc.
Today I can drink beer without problems and then go for weeks without.

When you really need alcohol you're really f***ed. As a beer or wine drinker such a state is almost impossible to reach unless you ingest even more insane amounts than I did in 2006. Addicts pretty much always drink hard stuff. During my time in Russia I witnessed addicted people drinking Primasprit (96 Vol% alcohol) or even nail polish. If an alcohol addict manages to shake the addiction and becomes clean, he can must never drink alcohol again as the addiction would kick back in almost instantly.

Basically, no matter what docs tell you, moderate alcohol ingestion (like a sixpack a week) or the occasional 'glass too many' will not harm you much, but if it becomes a regular occurance, no matter if you become addicted or not, you'll have problems. A sixpack a day may not sound much, but that's how it started for me. Soon I had built up a tolerance, which didn't even make me drunk anymore and I had to drink more to get buzzed. Even today, 7 years after stopping the alc abuse I can drink 10 to 12 beer and still be the only guy in the pub who can formulate a coherent sentence and go to the loo without pissing on my own shoes.

26th April 2013, 03:20
I like to drink--margaritas, a wheat beer, a pinot, or white russian (during the winter)--nothing else. I like to have a drink if I'm grilling out. After the first drink I get chatty or silly, and feel a nice, mostly mellow buzz. Drink #2 might or might not prolong my conviviality, but somewhere in there I'll start to get sleepy. I will have to take an aspirin or Tylenol before I go to bed or else I'll have a raging headache in the morning. There is rarely an occasion where I will have a 3rd drink.

Sometimes I can go a week without a drink, and other times I may have a drink 3-4 days in a row.

26th April 2013, 08:58
Well, when meeting somebody during the afternoon/evening or when occasionally go to a pub I drink 1-2-3 beers without feeling them. When I actually drink I do it in a tavern or somebody's house, with food and cola or soda for, as we call it here, a "diluent". My ideal dose, that makes me "warmer" to the surrounding without doing embarassing things is half a bottle (300-400ml) whiskey or vodka for 3-4-5 hours. After that I can speak, walk and drive without problems, and the next day I only feel a bit unusual in the first 1-2 hours. Though half a liter is too much and guarantees troubles. Hopefully I have learnt how to "feel" the border and slow down the pace.

26th April 2013, 09:41
My ideal dose, that makes me "warmer" to the surrounding without doing embarassing things is half a bottle (300-400ml) whiskey or vodka for 3-4-5 hours. After that I can speak, walk and drive without problems,

:s hock: I can't believe I read that!!! I suggest if you drink 1/2 a bottle of spirits and get behind the wheel of a vehicle, then you are a problem! :s hock:

26th April 2013, 10:14
:s hock: I can't believe I read that!!! I suggest if you drink 1/2 a bottle of spirits and get behind the wheel of a vehicle, then you are a problem! :s hock:

Believe me I am not worse than an average woman. I even park backwards between other cars using the side mirrors only. About the driving itself, of course I dont go speeding on the boulevards and red traffic lights, I rather try to make a route through small neighbourhoods' alleys to avoid the bobbies.

p.s. this happens very rarely, not more than couple of times a year. please don't jump on me now for that, it was not the initial idea of my first post.

26th April 2013, 10:41
p.s. this happens very rarely, not more than couple of times a year. please don't jump on me now for that, it was not the initial idea of my first post.

It's still fundamentally wrong and a crime in most countries. The devious thing isn't the routine driving itself. The effect of alcohol kicks in when something unexpected crops up - a kid running into the street, a drunken guy on a bike suddenly swerving into your path or wild-life crossing the road. That's when your dulled senses and reactions come back to bite you in the arse.
If you have a PS3 or an X-Box, load a racing game and try setting a fast lap on one of the tracks. Then do the same after you had you 'optimum dose'. You won't even get near the lap time you did when sober. That's how much alcohol affects you, even if your subjective feeling tells you that you're doing just fine.

26th April 2013, 10:50
Believe me I am not worse than an average woman. I even park backwards between other cars using the side mirrors only. About the driving itself, of course I dont go speeding on the boulevards and red traffic lights, I rather try to make a route through small neighbourhoods' alleys to avoid the bobbies.

p.s. this happens very rarely, not more than couple of times a year. please don't jump on me now for that, it was not the initial idea of my first post.
Are you admitting to drinking and driving here Slowson?
I hope that is not the case.

26th April 2013, 10:57
Believe me I am not worse than an average woman.
:arrows: :ninja: :angryfire :vampire:

26th April 2013, 13:24
Believe me I am not worse than an average woman. I even park backwards between other cars using the side mirrors only. About the driving itself, of course I dont go speeding on the boulevards and red traffic lights, I rather try to make a route through small neighbourhoods' alleys to avoid the bobbies.

p.s. this happens very rarely, not more than couple of times a year. please don't jump on me now for that, it was not the initial idea of my first post.

I'm no angel so I'm in no position to preach but please don't do that. We lost our 18 year old cousin Eilleen to someone under the influence of alcohol so I feel pretty strongly about it. :(
You might think it doesn't affect your driving adversely but your reaction times and spatial awareness are affected big time no matter what your perception is of your own driving. If you don't believe me you should maybe try DJ's suggestion.

26th April 2013, 14:21
I call a cab after my third beer :s

26th April 2013, 16:00
Use this rule. If alcohol is a problem in one area of your life, then you have a problem with alcohol.

If one writes a post such as SlowSon (is the post tongue in cheek?)I would guarantee if true, there is an issue. Many people believe that giving up alcohol for long periods of time negates any issue they may feel they have with alcohol. In fact, the problem is that when they drink again they drink more than the highest average.
I have never seen any convincing study that shows four drinks a night as being better for ones cardiovascular or hepatic function.
Alcohol is a poison.
The other organ that I have not seen posted on the thread that is most affected is the pancreas. Pancreatic and pancreatic function diminishes to such an extent that if one develops pancreatitis then there is a long road to recovery or no recovery at all.

26th April 2013, 23:50
I don't drink very often at all, and really feel no need to. Couldn't tell you the last time I had a drink, perhaps Christmas Day?

It's mainly the expense of it that horrifies me :\ I much prefer to have an extra holiday a year than to go to a pub on a Friday or Saturday night. Wastes the weekend really :s

Rudy Tamasz
27th April 2013, 08:32
Believe me I am not worse than an average woman. I even park backwards between other cars using the side mirrors only. About the driving itself, of course I dont go speeding on the boulevards and red traffic lights, I rather try to make a route through small neighbourhoods' alleys to avoid the bobbies.

p.s. this happens very rarely, not more than couple of times a year. please don't jump on me now for that, it was not the initial idea of my first post.

Not really a good idea. I once was riding in a car with a drunk driver, a friend of mine. I was smashed up, too, needless to say. When the trip was finished he confessed to me, he couldn't properly see the road. Everything was doubling in his eyes. We were lucky to stay in one piece on that day.

16th May 2013, 14:40
Any quantity of the alcohol is too much for me.
I don't take alcohol drinks in any quantity because I don't want to face the health complications. Avoid all alcohol drinks if you want a healthy life style.

17th May 2013, 07:03
I love a good cabernet - bottle a day works well

17th May 2013, 08:57
Any quantity of the alcohol is too much for me.
I don't take alcohol drinks in any quantity because I don't want to face the health complications. Avoid all alcohol drinks if you want a healthy life style.

After the poisonous gases from the vehicles, the chemistry and gmo in the food, the electro-magnetic radiation all around - alcohol is the smallest problem for my health.

17th May 2013, 09:14
How much is too much - good question.

It depends upon the individual, their metabolism, physical size etc.

When it comes to operating machinery or driving, then there needs to be a zero tolerence to drinking!

Personally, when I get in from work, I will generalyy have two or three cans of lager. Generally whatever was cheapest at the supermarket.

I can polish off a bottle of wine in one night if the mood takes me, it really depends. Sometimes I will have a whiskey and coke. A 1 litre bottle of cheap whiskey will last me a week.

If there is none in the house, then I do not feel the need to rush out and buy more until the next shopping trip.

mr nobody
17th May 2013, 12:25
How big are the beers or glasses of wine in question? How much is too much? That might be a difficult question to answer. If you go by legal drunk limits, .08 is the law in most states but that is dependent on body size as to how much or little it takes to get to that percentage of alcohol content in your system. If you don't use that parameter, then I would look at what others have talked about being need vs. want . One could also look at how much you feel it is a necessity that you have a beer or two or something else. If someone is getting falling down obliterated, that is too much alcohol. What good does that really do anyone? If you have a 6 pack every day, that is more then likely going to be viewed as having too much. If you have a beer every day I can't see one logical person saying that is too much, unless that one beer is a keg ;) . I will say this, you can probably look at this as wrong seeing as this has come from a person who has never had a drop of alcohol in 48 years of being on this round rocky sphere in the vastness of space. However, I have more then once been a DD for people getting home from the races and seen everything from a person with a slight buzz to people so obliterated they had to be carried to their home.

18th May 2013, 13:13
Any quantity of the alcohol is too much for me.
I don't take alcohol drinks in any quantity because I don't want to face the health complications. Avoid all alcohol drinks if you want a healthy life style.
Any comment?

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