View Full Version : Slow News Day... Kate Goes Shopping

6th May 2011, 02:09
Is this what the press in the UK has been reduced to?

A week ago she was walking up the aisle in front of a global audience of billions. Now, a dressed-down Duchess of Cambridge is strolling down aisles of a more mundane kind as she does the weekly shop like any other housewife.
In a loose-fitting green poncho and white V-neck sweatshirt worn with...

... bla bla bla SHUT UP!
What I find particularly annoying about this is that it appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald:
We're on the other side of the world. Why do we, much less the newspapers of the UK need to be filled with tripe every time a member of Royalty does their shopping?

These days we live in a 24 hour news cycle and because of the need to keep the ticker moving at the bottom of the screen, are the news collection networks simply going after everything and anything they can get their hands on?
Does anyone even need to know or care?!

6th May 2011, 06:36
These days we live in a 24 hour news cycle and because of the need to keep the ticker moving at the bottom of the screen, are the news collection networks simply going after everything and anything they can get their hands on?
Does anyone even need to know or care?!

To me, it's a combination of that and how a lot of regular people tend to live vicariously through people like Kate Middleton. Well, at least here in the United States, that's the case for a lot of people, so I can't quite testify for those who live in Sydney or other places if people from those places also live vicariously through these media darlings.

Since there are a lot of people here in the U.S. who live vicariously through others and eat up every bit of information about those media darlings (regardless of how important the information actually is), the news networks (which are businesses), adhere to supply and demand in order to attract those vicarious people to improve ratings and make more money, as well as keeping those vicarious people ignorant, docile, and apathetic to news and issues that are much more important.

6th May 2011, 06:56
...All I can say for you and anybody else who is annoyed by all of this coverage about Kate Middleton and the likes is to simply ignore it as much as possible and instead look for alternative outlets to find news and information you may find to be more interesting and important :) .

6th May 2011, 08:42
Tabloids usually offer useless news and if in Kate's case I see a shadow of their interest ( her husband will be a king someday ) I can't really understand the british press obsession for a mediocrity like Cheryl Cole. Her ex husband cheated ( like most men do ) her and her tears were spread for months in every tabloid.

6th May 2011, 09:49
If that's the story about her shopping in a Waitrose, I've been there before :p totally pointless story though

6th May 2011, 11:27
What did she shop? What did she shop ???????

6th May 2011, 13:51
You mean you didn't find interesting the newpaper articles about Kate wearing a pair of £129.99 LK Bennett patent black wedges the day before and the after her wedding. Followed by an article a few days later when Chelsy Davy was seen trying on an an almost identical pair but in suede from Office that only cost £59.99. One must keep up with shoe fashion you know. :p

6th May 2011, 16:15
Honeymoon didn't last long.

12th May 2011, 10:14
Sorry, but you folks get no sympathy from me. Our cable news is still saturated with the daily comings & goings of Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen. At least Kate is pleasant enough to look at... and she's not an overpaid drug addict.

13th May 2011, 15:42
If that's the story about her shopping in a Waitrose, I've been there before :p totally pointless story though

Guess who pays taxes :p :

21st May 2011, 13:11
Shopping is a good hobby. If you have money to buy and shop, why not? I will go to the malls once it is payday. Would be happy to buy my favorite dress. Thanks.

21st May 2011, 13:21
Shopping is a good hobby. If you have money to buy and shop, why not? I will go to the malls once it is payday. Would be happy to buy my favorite dress. Thanks.

Spamming is a good hobby :up:

22nd May 2011, 19:55
I hear that a lot of girls in the UK are trying to get butt surgery so they can have flat, featureless rear ends like Kate's sister, Pippa.

I suggest that anyone on here from the UK refrain from making any jokes about the U.S. until this butt thing blows over. :p :

22nd May 2011, 20:00
I hear that a lot of girls in the UK are trying to get butt surgery so they can have flat, featureless rear ends like Kate's sister, Pippa.

I suggest that anyone on here from the UK refrain from making any jokes about the U.S. until this butt thing blows over. :p :

Am I the only one who finds both Kate and Pippa to be rather unremarkable in terms of looks? I mean they're good looking, but not better looking than many people I've known throughout my lifetime.

22nd May 2011, 20:12
Am I the only one who finds both Kate and Pippa to be rather unremarkable in terms of looks? I mean they're good looking, but not better looking than many people I've known throughout my lifetime.

I've been thinking the same thing all along. I really don't get it. Both are cute, but neither is a head-turner, IMO. And the story I've heard (about the butt surgery) makes me wonder why people go so insane over there about the Royal family. I understand the historical side of it, but paying to have your butt look like a girl who is built more like a boy... just because her sister is married to a royal??? That's kookoo!

22nd May 2011, 20:31
Its unlike you to see what the majority like and disagree with it Daniel .. lol :p :)


22nd May 2011, 20:41
That could have gone either way I suppose lol. :)

Come on Henners, do you not know a few girls who are better looking than either Pippa or Kate? :mark: If not then your part of the country is full of ugly ugly people :p

22nd May 2011, 20:59
I'd say my wife bears a resemblance to Kate Middleton abit in terms of figure, and hair colour.
That might be the reason why I wouldn't put the two Middleton sisters on the borderline of ordinary and very ugly looking. Its all opinion I suppose but its refreshing to see girls without shed loads of makeup, and fake tans. lol

I'm from Cardiff btw and no its not full of ugly people. :)
They're certainly not ugly. I'll say that :) Just saying that if you saw them on the street without knowing who they were you probably wouldn't look a second time :)