View Full Version : Govt. snipers target Syrians trying to recover bodies

27th April 2011, 00:31

Oh my,

Syrian forces heaped more punishment Tuesday on residents of restive towns, detaining hundreds in raids or at checkpoints, firing on people trying to retrieve the bodies of anti-government protesters, cutting electricity and even shooting holes in rooftop water tanks in a region parched by drought, witnesses said.

27th April 2011, 07:37
So what Markabilly
are you going to save the world?? You would have to go in and take the entire middle east. And while I am at it where is the fu____king oil deal. We spend all that money we and the EU should have a oil deal for 30 dollar barrels. We are stupid and deserve every low down rotten kick both you and I know we will get.

Bob Riebe
27th April 2011, 19:41

Oh my,

Obama to the rescue-- no wait he is busy with the dastardly Qadaffi-- no wait-- Qadaffi is busy defending his country from foreign armies.

Maybe Obama can send them tele-prompters with copies of his speeches. Instead of being shot they might die laughing.

donKey jote
27th April 2011, 21:11

27th April 2011, 22:09
Obama to the rescue-- no wait he is busy with the dastardly Qadaffi-- no wait-- Qadaffi is busy defending his country from foreign armies.

Maybe Obama can send them tele-prompters with copies of his speeches. Instead of being shot they might die laughing.Great! Another liberal rant attacking the President. Obama did the right thing by creating a no-fly zone over Libya, and along with the help of NATO forces. Syria is Israel's to clean, so they can go right ahead and express their neighborly love.

This article is sickening, but I feel a small degree of happiness knowing that few are courageous enough to stand against their oppressors. The CIA are probably working overtime...

28th April 2011, 08:27
Maybe I should censor the word Obama to stop the spamming of every thread.

28th April 2011, 12:18
Lol true, Obama was the one holding it up, if it had been up to the UK and France it would have been in place weeks earlier.

28th April 2011, 18:00
I'm glad that Assad is getting some flak for cracking down on the protestors. His own ruling party and the military are sick of his shenanigans, so the seams are becoming undone.

I'm glad Obama is getting sole credit for the no-fly zone decision. lol

Lol true, Obama was the one holding it up, if it had been up to the UK and France it would have been in place weeks earlier.

:o hplease:

If America didn't step in to help the rebels, then nothing would have been done. European countries would just sit back and "dicuss" their displeasure of the Gaddafi, but would not help in any direct fashion. I would really love to see the UK or France do something unilaterally in Libya.

Thanks NATO!

28th April 2011, 22:40
Lol true, Obama was the one holding it up, if it had been up to the UK and France it would have been in place weeks earlier.

What restrictions did the US on anyone put keeping anyone else from acting without them?