View Full Version : Childhood fears.

25th April 2011, 10:53
Anyone remember their childhood fears or phobias? Anyone still scared of those same ins now?

I had two;

Wasps, and James from Thomas the tank engine (he seriously freaked me out for some reason).

I'm still not fond of wasps but I've grown out of my fear of James (I've realised Gordon's the one who should be avoided ;) )

Captain VXR
25th April 2011, 16:01
Balloons. Still hate the things grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

25th April 2011, 18:24
Fire Coral.
Got stung bad when I was about 8. Freaked me out whenever I dove after that


25th April 2011, 18:57
Does anyone remember the toy shop Jolly Giant? In my local store at least they had a massive giant that spoke and moved it's arms up and down. I remember it being something like 30 foot tall and I was absolutely terrified of it. In reality is most probably was around 8 foot tall. Yes, I was the kid that was scared of a toy shop. It was also probably the reason why we always went to Jolly Giant instead of Toys R Us.

25th April 2011, 22:15
Anyone remember their childhood fears or phobias? Anyone still scared of those same ins now?

I had two;

Wasps, and James from Thomas the tank engine (he seriously freaked me out for some reason).

I'm still not fond of wasps but I've grown out of my fear of James (I've realised Gordon's the one who should be avoided ;) )

With you on the wasps.

I hated and still do get in a fluster around wasps.

I was a huge Thomas the Tank fan in the original Ringo days those were the best.

25th April 2011, 23:41
my only fear was that i would waKE UP AND BE DONKEY JOTE.

Or worse and be Dunnel.............................

donKey jote
25th April 2011, 23:53
keep dreaming billybum :p

26th April 2011, 13:41
I don't know if it's a DSM-IV phobia as such but I don't like or go swimming on the basis that I can't swim and might drown. I fell out of a boat when I was 9 and to be honest, I have neither any desire to learn to swim or even see the need to in my life at all.

Apart from being involved in either a ferry sinking or a hideous plane crash (both of which the chances are low to slim), I don't see my irrational fear as having any bearing on my life at all.

26th April 2011, 17:35
Wasps, and James from Thomas the tank engine (he seriously freaked me out for some reason).
Ironically, there was a story (from the original Railway Series books anyway, can't remember if it made it to TV) where James gets stung by some bees when they escape at a station.

I was fine with the engines, but never liked Professor Yaffle from Bagpuss. Perhaps subconsciously I was unsure about the potential cannibalistic tastes of a wooden woodpecker.

26th April 2011, 22:23
Snakes and dogs. The later bit me several times but yet the only phobia that remained is about snakes.

26th April 2011, 22:32
Ironically, there was a story (from the original Railway Series books anyway, can't remember if it made it to TV) where James gets stung by some bees when they escape at a station.

Not sure, but my lads got a DVD where James gets painted yellow and black.

27th April 2011, 06:50
well I don't like spiders and big cockroaches but probably a real fear would be of bears seeing how I have run from no less than 4 in my life.

27th April 2011, 06:52
Snakes and dogs. The later bit me several times but yet the only phobia that remained is about snakes.

snakes don't bite their own kind :)

27th April 2011, 07:07
snakes don't bite their own kind :)

The Kingsnake is known to eat Rattlers and the King Cobra's scientific name Ophiophagus Hannah means quite literally "Snake-Eater" because it eats other snakes.

The Red-bellied Black Snake of South-East Australia also eats snakes, lizards, toads, birds, rats and there have been cases of it eating cats.

27th April 2011, 07:24
only you Rollo would know that sh!t :) but no snake would bite ioan

Big Ben
27th April 2011, 10:28
At first I used to be afraid of everything... from flies to larger beings. Then I was left only with my fear of dogs. Recently I realized that was gone too. Now I only dread flying. I also enjoy it. it's pretty weird.

27th April 2011, 11:13
I remember having to have the curtains completely closed at night, any little chink of the curtains being open and something would come and get me! Later I went through a phase of sleeping with the curtains completely open just to prove a point I think!

27th April 2011, 12:13
Spiders **** me right up, can't stand the things. Also I've never liked confined spaces, I wouldn't say that I'm claustrophobic because it's not that strong a fear but I certainly begin to panic if I'm in a small area and can't see an exit.

27th April 2011, 12:59
well I don't like spiders and big cockroaches but probably a real fear would be of bears seeing how I have run from no less than 4 in my life.

And you lived to tell the tale. Dude, that ain't a fear - it's bragging rights.

Bob Riebe
27th April 2011, 19:10
I wouldn't say that I'm claustrophobic because it's not that strong a fear but I certainly begin to panic if I'm in a small area and can't see an exit.
I am sorry good sir but that is claustropbia.

donKey jote
27th April 2011, 20:09
I used to have bad dreams about volcanos and snakes when I was little. Not bothered about either anymore.

27th April 2011, 21:53
I am sorry good sir but that is claustropbia.

Nah it's not strong enough panic to be considered a proper phobia. I hate how mild versions of ailments are given strong definitions, like how someone who is a bit stupid and can't spell a few words is labelled dyslexic. I can cope in small spaces on the whole, e.g I don't wig out just because I'm in the lav on a plane, it;s just the idea of something like potholing that does my nut in.

28th April 2011, 17:00
I am sorry good sir but that is claustropbia.
I'm scared of things that have a hob missing ;)

4th May 2011, 11:07
Spiders and when I was younger ghosts and aliens.

4th May 2011, 20:00
I used to be afraid of the dark. When I was a kid, I always tucked the blanket underneath my legs. It made me feel safe from my dark room at night.

4th May 2011, 21:11
Balloons. Still hate the things grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Yeah thanks (in good humour!). I was halfway through my dinner when I saw that pic of what is also a childhood fear for me. :)

Big one: Waterchutes. Even at 11-12 or 13 even, years old, I cried after I went down one in Neath Leisure Centre.

4th May 2011, 21:14
Down escalators, amongst other things.

4th May 2011, 21:28
Down escalators, amongst other things.

That's a new one on me. Does that have an official phobia name? (serious question)

5th May 2011, 14:49
I wouldn't say my mother has a phobia of down elcalators but she does get nervous and hesitates when getting on them. If my brother is arounf he usually gives her a nice shove in the back to get on with it. She has no problem with escalators going up. :s

5th May 2011, 19:23
In a strange way that reminds me of our long-departed cat, who loved to climb ladders but had no earthly clue how to get back down again. She went missing once and was eventually found in the loft...

5th May 2011, 19:52
I was afraid of space aliens after I, for some reason, watched Invaders from Mars on TV :)

6th May 2011, 01:39
The dark humanly figure that would stand at the end of my bed when I woke up in the middle of the night. It would terrify me and I would often run screaming and spend the rest of the night in my parents or sisters bed. Obviously it was my vivid imagination but I was a child lol. :p :) Please post pics of sis.

Captain VXR
6th May 2011, 18:39
...spend the rest of the night in my...sisters bed.

7th May 2011, 18:43
When I was about 7 I nearly drowned in Perth swimming pool and had to get rescued, which in itself is not so good. But I think since then even though I could swim I never really enjoyed it and avoided water, and even if I did swim I would keep my head out of the water completely. However, I have since been swimming regularly for the last 2 months in an attempt to regain some sort of fitness, and I can do it no problem at all :bounce: I am still a crap swimmer and slow, but it works for me :up:

9th May 2011, 20:46
When I was about 7 I nearly drowned in Perth swimming pool and had to get rescued, which in itself is not so good. But I think since then even though I could swim I never really enjoyed it and avoided water, and even if I did swim I would keep my head out of the water completely. However, I have since been swimming regularly for the last 2 months in an attempt to regain some sort of fitness, and I can do it no problem at all :bounce: I am still a crap swimmer and slow, but it works for me :up:

Well Done

10th May 2011, 00:42
Subway stations and getting off from a lake.

Reasons: An American Werewolf in London and Jaws. I was so scared of those movies that I almost vomited. Still got chills from subway stations in London and it took me while to get safely off from water when I was swimming, I always thought a big shark will bite me half... those common fishes living in lakes... in Finland :dozey:

10th May 2011, 18:46
Down escalators, amongst other things.

Well, I would imagine there is an upside to that phobia.