View Full Version : Motor Oil Question....

21st April 2011, 21:20
Hi everyone. I changed my oil last weekend, and just noticed that I put in 5W-20 instead of the ussual 5W-30. I have done some research on the internet about what the difference is, and get a bunch of different answers. The general one seems to be that there isn't much difference and nothing to worry about, and some even prefer the 5W-20. It seems that the crucial point is with cold weather. It is currently spring where I live, so there isn't going to be any sub-zero cold starting, and also no extremely hot weather either any time soon. Should I drain out the 5W-20 and go put in the usual, or will this be fine as long as it is changed before the really hot weather? The car is a 1999 Lumina, and it was Quaker State Full Synthetic motor oil that was put in.

Bob Riebe
21st April 2011, 21:33
Hi everyone. I changed my oil last weekend, and just noticed that I put in 5W-20 instead of the ussual 5W-30. I have done some research on the internet about what the difference is, and get a bunch of different answers. The general one seems to be that there isn't much difference and nothing to worry about, and some even prefer the 5W-20. It seems that the crucial point is with cold weather. It is currently spring where I live, so there isn't going to be any sub-zero cold starting, and also no extremely hot weather either any time soon. Should I drain out the 5W-20 and go put in the usual, or will this be fine as long as it is changed before the really hot weather? The car is a 1999 Lumina, and it was Quaker State Full Synthetic motor oil that was put in.

You will be fine till your next scheduled oil change, or even longer.

22nd April 2011, 00:59
Should I drain out the 5W-20 and go put in the usual, or will this be fine as long as it is changed before the really hot weather? The car is a 1999 Lumina, and it was Quaker State Full Synthetic motor oil that was put in.

If you've got a '99 Lumina then the chances are that the car has probably done at least 100,000 miles. This means that the tolerances will have opened up and you probably need a heavier grade oil like a 10W-30 or 10W-40 even.
I'm wondering why you were puting in 5W-30 usually. That would indicate that you regularly experience temperatures below 40°F and need the lighter weight oil to help on startup.

If not, the lighter oil will just more than likely burn off a little quicker and you should probably think about topping it up with something a bit heavier part way through this oil change cycle.

Being a bigger +3 Litre V6, the need for a lighter oil isn't as great as the 2L and 3L in the Opel/Vauxhall Omega counterpart of the car.

22nd April 2011, 01:30
Very interesting, yes the car does have over 100,000 miles on it. I do live in a place that gets extremely cold, sadly for a good portion of the year (Winnipeg, Manitoba). I just have always used 5W-30 in all my cars because that is always what the manual and oil cap say to use. I ended up with 5W-20 because I was in a hurry and saw the shelf at the store with the 5W-30 sign, but I guess someone put a 5W-20 on there, and thats what I grabbed, my fault, should have checked. Either way. I am just unsure of exactly what the numbers mean, and when I pulled into the garage today, I happened to notice on the oil container that it was 5W-30, kinda paniced a little bit, and went looking for answers. Thanks for the help guys.

22nd April 2011, 01:31
Sorry, at the end of the post, I meant 5W-20, not 5W-30.