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19th April 2011, 18:01
#WRC Rally Australia 2011 Road program is out http://bit.ly/htwQzm

19th April 2011, 21:12
very nice schedule but 6 times over the same ss is a bit way too much.....

19th April 2011, 22:58
I think the coffs stage is the Super Special on tarmac.


19th April 2011, 23:46
Doesn't seem as though many organisers are moving away from the cloverleaf format. It's as you were....

20th April 2011, 16:11
I haven't looked at the layout, but the coffs stage is around oark beach or the showground? Those stage times mustn't be local either JB, should be a great event if they can get enough spectaor points. Only if it was NZ, but see how these roads go

20th April 2011, 20:51
yes true.. My timetable is european timing ;)

i think next year to put local times and european times too ;)

20th April 2011, 22:24
Would be awesome to have stages at 3am or 5 am :) . I'm not sure how you worked it out but with daylight savings that could be out an hour

20th April 2011, 23:23
Would be awesome to have stages at 3am or 5 am :) . I'm not sure how you worked it out but with daylight savings that could be out an hour

No it wouldn't :D
I wonder if Atko will be present at this rally?

20th April 2011, 23:31
I'll be there regardless of the time! Haha

8th June 2011, 19:46
No it wouldn't :D
I wonder if Atko will be present at this rally?
Nathan Quinn & Chris Atkinson @ 2011 FIA WRC Rally Australia Launch yesterday, Coffs Harbour Jetty

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254112_216386491729456_195836940451078_685187_7801 53_n.jpg

9th June 2011, 10:34
Whose Focus is that?!?

9th June 2011, 10:37
a Focus show-car! :)

9th June 2011, 10:44
And clearly one that Ford Australia have had sitting in a warehouse gathering dust for some time given the livery.

Bit unprofessional on their behalf to not at least rebrand it, let alone make it the right model....

9th June 2011, 12:03
Hello from Australia ;-) I have been enjoying these forums for some time, and thought people may be interested in this link. Support the World Rally Championship (WRC) in New South Wales Australia | Facebook (http://bit.ly/SupportTheWRC)

I have contacted the organisers to seek permission to put together a rally guide for spectators, and will be publishing it online for rally fans to enjoy. So far I can say the event is a huge improvement on the Repco Rally held in 2009. 500km off the transport to start with, and the addition of enthusiasts locations for spectating. A great variety of roads used, and much more spectator friendly. I will check back once I have the okay to share some photos and information.

9th June 2011, 13:07
That would be appreciated!! Even if you have the maps of the stages at this stage would be awesome. Are you doing a recce of the spectator points? Pretty sure we met in NZ last year btw :)

9th June 2011, 13:24
Maps will come, just not at this time. Yes, photographing spectator points and recommending the best options to enjoy the action. Similar to the guide I prepared in 2009 WRC - Repco Rally Australia - Spectator Information - Brindabella Motor Sport Club - Australian Rallying Forums (http://bit.ly/RepcoRallyGuide) But much more detail this time round, with everything you would want to know before selecting which site to view from. Just waiting on the work to begin on site, clearing and dumping of fill in the low areas. Some of the enthusiasts locations are the same locations I shot from during the Australian Rally Championships, so they are well selected.

Well we will meet again in 2012?, already looked at flights ;_) Still haven't shared any of the video from the GoPro camera, too many hard drives full of material and little time..

I have filmed some stages in 3D using the GoPro cameras, so once everything is approved I will upload a preview of the areas. Planning a helicopter flight over soon, beautiful area to host a rally. Some sections reminded me of NZ, and the roads are in top condition.

9th June 2011, 13:54
Hello from Australia ;-) I have been enjoying these forums for some time, and thought people may be interested in this link. Support the World Rally Championship (WRC) in New South Wales Australia | Facebook (http://bit.ly/SupportTheWRC)

I have contacted the organisers to seek permission to put together a rally guide for spectators, and will be publishing it online for rally fans to enjoy. So far I can say the event is a huge improvement on the Repco Rally held in 2009. 500km off the transport to start with, and the addition of enthusiasts locations for spectating. A great variety of roads used, and much more spectator friendly. I will check back once I have the okay to share some photos and information.

Nice stuff. I mention of http://www.motorsportforums.com , http://www.rallyforum.com or our facebook group at Motorsport Forums | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/motorsportforums) would be appricated!

9th June 2011, 14:11
Will be sure to mention, just waiting for a reasonable hour to post a link as it is nearly midnight in Australia.

9th June 2011, 15:19
Sounds good! Will like the page shortly!

Also, FWRT never used that shape Focus for example, wrong head lamps on the version pictured above! The team used stickers to shape the old focus to look like the new head lamps!

Could that be a sign Atko might drive a Fiesta? The only thing stopping Atkinson to compete is the Australian Manufacturers support from either MINI or Ford Aus... But I know MINI are very keen to come to Aus and bring a car! Would be great to see rather then waiting till 2013 for MINI to compete in Rally Aus as it's out in 12' :)

9th June 2011, 16:53
Good news everybody! MINI will be present during Rally Australia with the BrazilWRT :)

10th June 2011, 21:52
Would Proton enter a car in 2011 Rally Aus for Atkinson given that there is an Australian Proton dealer network ?

10th June 2011, 23:54
Would Proton enter a car in 2011 Rally Aus for Atkinson given that there is an Australian Proton dealer network ?

I thought Atko was competing in a hired DS3?

11th June 2011, 00:46

some more current news on his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AtkoWRC

It will be a great day when we get confirmation on this!

11th June 2011, 06:47
Not sure if everyone has viewed the stage layout for the event? They are actually a lot closer together than they look. http://media.apnonline.com.au/img/media/pdf/Rally_Australia_2011_Course_Overview_Maps_060611.p df

11th June 2011, 12:39
Would Proton enter a car in 2011 Rally Aus for Atkinson given that there is an Australian Proton dealer network ?

I don't think they will enter with an S2000 car.... No point.

11th June 2011, 19:39
I don't think they will enter with an S2000 car.... No point.

Rally Australia is not a round of the SWRC. There will not be a phalanx of Fiesta S2000s, Fabias or 207s. Aus would offer a chance for Proton to gain test mileage in a competitive environment without champ points at stake, hopefully finishing behind the 1600Ts . Atko as a leading Aus driver will get media coverage from the NSW and wider Aus media.
Makes more sense than hiring a 1600T for mega bucks and having a customer engine map.

Atko will probably have the zero car if things don't pan out.

14th June 2011, 10:30
I have posted some photos of the area that the event will be run, many more to follow. Bienvenue sur Facebook. Connectez-vous, inscrivez-vous ou découvrez*! (http://bit.ly/SupportTheWRC)

Some very fast roads, with a lot tight technical sections thrown in. Each day of the rally features a different mix of fast, slow, crests, narrow and wide roads. Bienvenue sur Facebook. Connectez-vous, inscrivez-vous ou découvrez*! (http://bit.ly/SupportTheWRC) I'm looking forward to uploading more information as I can..

14th June 2011, 10:58
Has the storm that has gone through the area likely to have damaged the roads ? The Pacific Coast Highway was closed according to Sky News.

14th June 2011, 11:48
I live two hours north of Coffs Harbour (Ballina) and the low pressure system passed over us yesterday, clear sky today though. Coffs Harbour received around 250mm in 24 hours, and the low pressure system has already moved away, no rain since lunchtime. The last significant flood was in 2009, when they received more than 500mm in 24 hours which damaged roads. I don't believe the roads will be effected in the same way, and the council is currently repairing a lot of the shire roads. Any damage is likely to be rapidly repaired, as the equipment is on site.

I drove the same stages after high rainfall earlier this year, and was surprised to find them in top condition. Some of the best gravel roads I have travelled on, with large sections of the competitive stages recently rebuilt or under repair.

I will be driving these roads once again to photograph the spectator areas and will confirm.

15th June 2011, 11:48
We'll be running, don't know yet whether we will be in the ARC part of the event or the WRC event. Will have to wait until after Rally SA to decide. At least I have plenty of time to organise stuff now that I'm unemployed :)


15th June 2011, 16:37
Ray, what car?

16th June 2011, 00:22
Looking at an EVO 9 or 10 at the moment

24th June 2011, 08:42
Tickets on sale as of this afternoon, a few links and recommended tickets here https://bitly.com/SupportTheWRC

Still waiting on work to be carried out on spectator points before photographing them. I would recommend the enthusiasts locations, but I will provide plenty of background on all the locations once work is carried out on them.

24th June 2011, 22:46
Got my tickets, $175 is not cheap!!

24th June 2011, 22:47
For what??

24th June 2011, 23:55
All days stages and grandstand at the SSS. The grandstand has no allocated seats. I paid it no worries, beats a 24 hour flight!

25th June 2011, 01:25
The grand stand is a good choice, I haven't seen the plans for the super special but it overlooks the ocean and grand stands will most likely offer the best view. The night stages on Thursday/Friday and Saturday evening will attract a good crowd, as the location is perfect! The council is upgrading the area, and I will post photos as soon as they have completed works.

Is that a pass to all enthusiast locations? They allow for some great viewing and are restricted to smaller numbers than the major speccy points.

25th June 2011, 01:33
Yeah enthusiast locations, we can still go to normal
Spectator points? The SSS is on the jetty? We will probs skip the SSS on Saturday, way too many people

25th June 2011, 04:00
I will put these questions to organisers. The Coffs SSS is held in this location, on the waterfront but not using the actual Jetty. Jordan Esplanade, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales - Google Maps (http://bit.ly/RA_SSS_Jordan_Esplanade_Coffs_Harbour)

I would highly recommend this location, first rally stage of the event, and a major water crossing only a few kilometres into the rally http://bit.ly/RA_2011_Shipmans_Friday9th_0918_1357

Still trying to get my head around the ticketing, and I have a few questions to ask organisers. It would appear that they are limiting the amount of movement from stage to stage to reduce traffic issues. I recommend the enthusiast locations, as I would not want to share the larger locations for two passes with a large number of fans. Again, I have not had any word on the dates for clearing the sites and adding fill to create an elevated view. So photos of the spectator points are meaningless until they are complete.

25th June 2011, 04:38
Sorry, missed adding this link to the Coffs SSS last post http://bit.ly/RA_Coffs_SSS_Map

25th June 2011, 09:45
Sorry, missed adding this link to the Coffs SSS last post http://bit.ly/RA_Coffs_SSS_Map
We are booked in the McRae stand

26th June 2011, 05:22
Sorry to say but for a Country that is in the **** right now, holding a great rally over the weekend and still manage to pull in the people with FREE access to stages day and night, FREE entry to the service areas as well as printing 30,000 copies of the Rally Program and giving them out for FREE - Greece did a great job!!! Rally Australia is a joke charging over AU$100 for a full package ticket plus paying, guessing over $12 for a Program and not having as a country any financial issues be fair to Greece who are in a crisis! I would rather pay for things in Greece then in Aust. It's pathetic. It's was fine in NZ a few years ago... $75 for Gold Passes per person but ended up getting team passes... But still. Shame on Rally Australia. I find it silly.

26th June 2011, 09:38
Greece looks like an awesome rally from what I have seen and read. Just on the pricing, isn't the Greece way how you end up in so much debt by not covering costs? lol. The Australian rally defiently has to attempt to cover costs not that it will because its sponsored by events NSW which is the NSW government. By being so high you think they might pirce some people out of the market, they would rather go watch V8's or something

26th June 2011, 12:21
Sorry to say but for a Country that is in the **** right now, holding a great rally over the weekend and still manage to pull in the people with FREE access to stages day and night, FREE entry to the service areas as well as printing 30,000 copies of the Rally Program and giving them out for FREE - Greece did a great job!!! Rally Australia is a joke charging over AU$100 for a full package ticket plus paying, guessing over $12 for a Program and not having as a country any financial issues be fair to Greece who are in a crisis! I would rather pay for things in Greece then in Aust. It's pathetic. It's was fine in NZ a few years ago... $75 for Gold Passes per person but ended up getting team passes... But still. Shame on Rally Australia. I find it silly.

Don't start me - RallyGB is the same. The people involved think the WRC is a bigger sport than it actually is. It's a minority sport - charge minority sport prices!!

26th June 2011, 13:12

27th June 2011, 08:55
Don't start me - RallyGB is the same. The people involved think the WRC is a bigger sport than it actually is. It's a minority sport - charge minority sport prices!!

Agree. They would study a 40€ package: Pass+Spectators areas on SS+Service park. Would be fine, isn't it?

30th June 2011, 00:25
Yes, Australia is EXPENSIVE for most things! Rallying is tiny here, so spectator passes are always going to come at a premium. I have booked a helicopter for the Saturday only, and will be doing my best to offer a few options to fly into the best locations. $8K plus makes the $175 enthusiast pass cheap in comparison. But with only one chance to see WRC in my area, I'm not leaving anything to chance. I was locked into stage for a full day in 2009, only to see three cars all day!

Anyone interested in this option, please send me a PM.

5th July 2011, 15:37
Rally Australia has added some options to ticketing, now you can purchase a super pass/enthusiast pass and add the Talarm Hall and Plum Pudding spectator points to your ticket. I'm off to take the photos of the spectator points tomorrow, two days on the course to complete it. Let me know if anyone is interested in seeing an particular points of interest? I plan to put together a collection of images from each point, and cover the super special stage also. https://bitly.com/RA_2011_Tickets

pete c
6th July 2011, 10:48
prices at all sporting events these days seem to be on the rise, glad that i'm on the scutineering team again this year.
nice to be able to get up close and personal with the cars at post event sealing etc.
we also have to enter the stages at non speccy points to observe compliance with the rules ,nice perk.
am looking forward to it
so if any of you forum guys are coming to the event ,come and say hi as i will be in the service park running the observers while the cars are in.


8th July 2011, 15:49
I will start a new thread, as I have plenty of information to share now that the spectator diagrams and time table has been published. A new version of rally guide went online today, which contains full running schedule with times and distances. It can be found in this document http://bit.ly/RA_Supplementary_Regulations_2011

After driving all of the stages once again, the roads are in top condition and any damage to the road surface is under repair or has been recently repaired. Some of the best rally roads are being graded and bought up to even higher standard which is good to see. I have photos of all spectator areas to share, but the clearing of low vegetation still hasn't taken place.

The enthusiast locations have been fairly restricted and I can no longer recommend them, with the exception of the PLUM PUDDING enthusiast location. The GLENREAGH and several of the general ticketed areas are actually great viewing.

8th July 2011, 22:26
So now that I've spent the money on enthusiast. Can I go to general viewing spots as well? Why di they make it so confusing!!

8th July 2011, 23:54
I have asked Ticketek and they say no, so I have asked Rally Australia to confirm. The ticketing has to be the most confusing aspect of the rally, and you currently cannot purchase certain tickets without first buying an enthusiast pass. The thinking behind this is that they can control the number of people who turn up to a single spectating venue but it appears to be half thought out. In 2009 a lot of people (by our standards) arrived at one of the major spectating areas, which caused some delays.

It's very frustrating for someone who is trying to make suggestions on which areas to visit. As they have made the ticketing confusing, limiting what you can see which makes tickets appear expensive. Some of the enthusiast locations have been set out with far too limited viewing, either for safety reasons or property owners not allowing spectators into their property.

The rally stages are excellent, but the ticketing is taking away from the event. If this was europe or even New Zealand then people would be very happy too visit and spread out along the stages. We have become a bit of a nanny state unfortunately. But a few of the major spectating areas have top viewing thankfully.

9th July 2011, 11:35
That's pretty poor. What about shakedown? Thats whereypu see more than anything

10th July 2011, 02:32
I bought an enthusiast ticket, and now I am a little annoyed they have limited the locations even more. Really wanted to go to Plum Pudding, but now I can't as the ticket I originally purchased no longer includes this.
Stupid move by Ticketek to release tickets, and then later on restrict the already purchased tickets even further.

This just makes RallyNZ so much more appealing and just better.. you either buy a gold pass for the entire event, or individual day tickets. No confusing people by offering hundreds of different ticket options. When I came over in 2009 for Rally Aus, I thought the ticketing as a bit stupid however this year it is just insanity. In 09 you could pick an 'additional' spectator point, which in my opnion was actually quite good. You could see the cars for a good while and there was decent room. Now they're limiting which areas you can go to?? This is a rally... not a concert!

10th July 2011, 03:55
Yeah NZ is amazing, drinking at the casino while watching the WRC boys check into park ferme is a highlight. Tickets should be one day or whole event. Far out they stuff things up!! Can we purchase additional tickets to plum pudding?

10th July 2011, 05:40
I'm only a maybe on competing now. Have had to pull the pin on Rally SA due to illness. Hopefully I'll be ok to run.


10th July 2011, 05:51
Regarding spectating, is it possible to spectate anywhere else apart from spectator zones? The prices are ridiculous and as a student there is no way I am prepared to pay that much when I add on ferry (coming from Tasmania), accommodation, petrol and food expenses (then memrobilia).

10th July 2011, 23:22
Yeah I'd say you'd get in trouble if they caught you. Could always go to a finish control and try and get in. There's not one spectator point on the power stage, tv coverage is going to look like no spectators at the whole rally.

11th July 2011, 00:20
Just waiting for Rally Australia to check over my work for accuracy before posting. Sorry for the delay...

11th July 2011, 00:27
Regarding spectating, is it possible to spectate anywhere else apart from spectator zones? The prices are ridiculous and as a student there is no way I am prepared to pay that much when I add on ferry (coming from Tasmania), accommodation, petrol and food expenses (then memrobilia).

It's not cheap, but you could be selective with you ticket rather than buying a super pass. I will list the best sites, and you could just make the purchases of those tickets for minimum cost.

In regard to viewing without a ticket, not recommended. The rally is held in forestry areas and some shire roads on Friday and Sunday, and the access roads will most likely be monitored. On saturday the event is held entirely on shire roads, and trespassing on private properties would reflect badly on the event. The rally is lucky to be using these roads, and upsetting locals by wandering into their properties is likely to get you in trouble but more importantly, it would make it hard to run the event again in these areas. The main spectator point on the saturday is really great viewing, with a clear view of them for some distance.

11th July 2011, 00:33
Yeah I'd say you'd get in trouble if they caught you. Could always go to a finish control and try and get in. There's not one spectator point on the power stage, tv coverage is going to look like no spectators at the whole rally.

If your wanting to walk in at a finish, then volunteering on the event may give you some opportunity to do so. Especially the stages held in the forestry areas, as the day/s you aren't assisting you will be dressed in officials uniform. In 2009 they did allow some people to walk into stage from the finish control, all depends on who you get on the day. Having a spectator pass, wearing officials clothing, and acting politely can go a long way. But I would hate to rely on not buying a ticket and expecting to see much at all.

Such a shame to see no spectating on power stage, this is something that has me lost for words...

11th July 2011, 00:35
I'm only a maybe on competing now. Have had to pull the pin on Rally SA due to illness. Hopefully I'll be ok to run.


Hope to see you at coffs Ray, take care.

11th July 2011, 00:35
That's pretty poor. What about shakedown? Thats whereypu see more than anything

Nothing concrete on shakedown as yet...

11th July 2011, 00:39
I bought an enthusiast ticket, and now I am a little annoyed they have limited the locations even more. Really wanted to go to Plum Pudding, but now I can't as the ticket I originally purchased no longer includes this.
Stupid move by Ticketek to release tickets, and then later on restrict the already purchased tickets even further.

This just makes RallyNZ so much more appealing and just better.. you either buy a gold pass for the entire event, or individual day tickets. No confusing people by offering hundreds of different ticket options. When I came over in 2009 for Rally Aus, I thought the ticketing as a bit stupid however this year it is just insanity. In 09 you could pick an 'additional' spectator point, which in my opnion was actually quite good. You could see the cars for a good while and there was decent room. Now they're limiting which areas you can go to?? This is a rally... not a concert!

Wait to see my recommendations, and then see what ticketek can do about changing your ticket. They have made changes to their menu when purchasing tickets, so I don't see any reason why you cannot argue for a change or refund.

Good point about NZ, it rocks as an event and the relaxed officials make for an awesome experience. The open stages make spectating easy too, as you see the cars from a long way away. Rally Australia has some good spectating, it's just the ticketing that is screwing it up at the moment.

11th July 2011, 02:15
It's not cheap, but you could be selective with you ticket rather than buying a super pass. I will list the best sites, and you could just make the purchases of those tickets for minimum cost.

In regard to viewing without a ticket, not recommended. The rally is held in forestry areas and some shire roads on Friday and Sunday, and the access roads will most likely be monitored. On saturday the event is held entirely on shire roads, and trespassing on private properties would reflect badly on the event. The rally is lucky to be using these roads, and upsetting locals by wandering into their properties is likely to get you in trouble but more importantly, it would make it hard to run the event again in these areas. The main spectator point on the saturday is really great viewing, with a clear view of them for some distance.

Cheers mate I'll wait with interest. Though having registered spectator points does heaps for risk assessment, it is going to be lame on TV when most of the time you will see no fans about. Looks like it's going to be hard pressed to top WA and NZ spectator wise. At least my accommodation overlooks the super special ;) I might as well chat to Rally Australia about doing a road closure if they've still got spots left.

11th July 2011, 07:36
Hey Mitch, what accomodation is that? I'm still to book mine, just been trying to find some decent places.

11th July 2011, 14:03
Hey Dingardo,

I'm actually not sure as I'm heading up with a rally team who booked the accommodation, buts I know it's a house :P. At this current time, google, google maps, wotif are probably your best friends. Sawtell, Nambucca Heads and Woolgoolga are other decent sized towns around where the rally is. Nambucca Heads is only near day 2, whilst Woolgoolga is closer to day 1 & 3.

Check the rally guide out as well - http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/Rally-Guide-1.pdf

11th July 2011, 14:06
If you get really desperate try Bellingen. Checkou the Rally Australia fb page, there was a place in Coffs with vacancies still. We booked our accom as soon as the dateswere announced. Full off peak prices :) . MSP_AU has been more helpful than officials. Thanks mate!

16th July 2011, 02:42
If you get really desperate try Bellingen. Checkou the Rally Australia fb page, there was a place in Coffs with vacancies still. We booked our accom as soon as the dateswere announced. Full off peak prices :) . MSP_AU has been more helpful than officials. Thanks mate!

Thanks ;) Just waiting to hear back after sending my spectator review off last week and then I will post in a new thread. Hoping they are delaying while they add a spectator point to the power stage for me to review..haha I can only dream.

20th July 2011, 15:08
I need accomm in Coffs Harbour....

21st July 2011, 04:22

Download large version here: (1.4MB) https://rcpt.yousendit.com/1175511813/988548fbf6873e00580d0a933eab2f8b&rcpt=nigel@motorsportphotography.com.au

I have spoken with the people organising this accommodation, and they have gone to great effort to plan around spectators needs. Here is a useful link for finding accommodation WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP COFFS COAST OFFICIAL VISITOR INFORMATION (http://www.coffscoast.com.au/Festivals-and-Events/Profiled-Events/Pages/World-Rally-Championship.aspx)

The Rotary Club of Sawtell Inc. Camp Site 2011


Tent Sites: These are cabin style two man tents, you can stand up in
them, with single beds, mattress, floor matting and a 12 volt

Price: $45-00 per person twin share, per night.
$95-00 single per night

Open camp site: 4mtrs.x 4mtrs. Grassed surface, flat football sports

Price: $25-00 per person twin share. Maximum two persons per site
Same price for singles per site

Total Camp site accommodation capped at 1000 people

For Information: Bob Carle 66 533412 or 0411 727255

21st July 2011, 13:37
Looks like they have done a good job!

26th July 2011, 00:05
Here is the WRC Australia Fans Spectating Guide, https://bitly.com/wrc_australia_fans_spectator_guide

I will add a thread with images and more information closer to the event. Packing for a rally in South Australia today!

26th July 2011, 04:19
Nice work there with heaps of info, cheers!

But man they have stuffed up the ticketing big time!!! And the price!! Why can't they just have a "GoldPass" like new zealand that lets you go everywhere??? and I might add NZ was only $95NZ. ($75AU)

I'm still not sure if I'm going or just wait and go to NZ next year? After my last Rally Australia (2009) which was a complete joke I'm a bit hesitant.

26th July 2011, 05:20
Yes, ticketing is about as far from ideal as you could get. But don't let that stop you coming to a beautiful part of the world to see an all new event. The stages are top quality, and spectating is far improved on 2009.

Not sure why the price is so high? Cost of putting on a new event without a big naming sponsor, smaller crowds expected? I will be in NZ, but I wouldn't miss this event for anything.

Interested to hear your complaints with 2009. Most people who have given me feedback following my 2009 guide indicated a lack of quality spectating and stupidly slow and long transports. Throw in the whole tension around the event from the small minority and it wasn't the best atmosphere to enjoy the sport. I bought tickets yet only attended the sss in town. It was in my local area, so attending privates properties along the route was common.

Try this for some more information and photos. https://bitly.com/MSP_WRC_AUSTRALIA_FANS_GUIDE

2nd August 2011, 06:08
Nigel, Any word on location of Shakedown?

2nd August 2011, 07:11
Nigel, Any word on location of Shakedown?

Just back from a week away at a rally, so haven't had much time to look into the event. No exact location provided as yet, just listed as close to Coffs. Times for shakedown in the rally supp regs.

Putting together a word press site for the WRC Australia Fans Spectator Guide now.

4th August 2011, 10:41
Atko has just tweeted time has run out to organise machinery for this year's Rally Aus.

Who is driving the zero car ?

5th August 2011, 17:35
Nice work there with heaps of info, cheers!

But man they have stuffed up the ticketing big time!!! And the price!! Why can't they just have a "GoldPass" like new zealand that lets you go everywhere??? and I might add NZ was only $95NZ. ($75AU)

I'm still not sure if I'm going or just wait and go to NZ next year? After my last Rally Australia (2009) which was a complete joke I'm a bit hesitant.

Honestly, give Rally Aus a miss and definatly do an go to Rally NZ worth every penny as a spectator! Even better then Perth in the old days and if everyone is complaining about this year, prices and spectator points! I've heard you won't be able to leave the stages during the day I say screw it. I'm still going as I'll be working ;) (photographing)

5th August 2011, 22:34
So lucky Gigi.. Wish I had a pass! On Saturday we're going to a mates who lives on a stage. So that's the highlight of the weekend. I'll be telling everyone I see to go to NZ and a round in Europe too if possible.

7th August 2011, 12:42
I'd 100% sleep out on a stage if I could!!!

7th August 2011, 13:17
Honestly, give Rally Aus a miss and definatly do an go to Rally NZ worth every penny as a spectator! Even better then Perth in the old days and if everyone is complaining about this year, prices and spectator points! I've heard you won't be able to leave the stages during the day I say screw it. I'm still going as I'll be working ;) (photographing)

Cheers Mate,
You've made my mind up for me, NZ 2012 here I come!!! :)

Looking forward to your pictures too! :)

8th August 2011, 09:16
Cheers Mate,
You've made my mind up for me, NZ 2012 here I come!!! :)

Looking forward to your pictures too! :)
And Finalnd!!

8th August 2011, 10:53
Entry sent last week. We'll be doing the ARC part of the event.


8th August 2011, 12:55
RayBak, let me know what number you Guys will be and I'll stick around late on a few stages to snap you. :)

8th August 2011, 12:58
Cheers Mate,
You've made my mind up for me, NZ 2012 here I come!!! :)

Looking forward to your pictures too! :)

Don't hold me to it if they cancel NZ in 2012 and you Miss out but NZ is worth the wait! Issues with stage access for Aus this year, doesn't sound good to me for spectators!!! Grrrrr

9th August 2011, 03:00
Don't hold me to it if they cancel NZ in 2012 and you Miss out but NZ is worth the wait! Issues with stage access for Aus this year, doesn't sound good to me for spectators!!! Grrrrr

I've pretty much decided to give it a miss, I didn't enjoy the access (lack of!) to the event in 2009 and figure this year will just as bad. I'll go to Otago classic and NZ WRC next year.

9th August 2011, 05:29
I've pretty much decided to give it a miss, I didn't enjoy the access (lack of!) to the event in 2009 and figure this year will just as bad. I'll go to Otago classic and NZ WRC next year.
Its going to be just as bad if not worse.. The only reason we're still going is because we have private land access on the Sat and for Shakedown

9th August 2011, 06:02
Its going to be just as bad if not worse.. The only reason we're still going is because we have private land access on the Sat and for Shakedown

Hmmmm, any chance of 1 hangeron for the shakedown? :)

9th August 2011, 07:03
I am only going because I want to see the new WRC cars. Was planning to go to Argentina, but couldn't save up enough money in time..

Did tell myself I wouldn't go back after Aus 09, but the temptation that is the WRC is too great :P Can't wait for NZ next year though! Will be nice and wet and cold!

9th August 2011, 07:54
Well there is no way I'm going after hearing you will be locked into stages!! As much as I love the WRC the whole ticket/stage access has really turned me away.

On a side note, if anyone is going would they be able to pick me up some of the drivers cards?? I can cover all the costs :D

9th August 2011, 08:00
Hmmmm, any chance of 1 hangeron for the shakedown? :)
Yeah no worries, we will probably leave Coffs at 6:30 to 7 to get there early for the first car at 8.. Still waiting on the exact location for shakedown lol.

I shouldn't talk down our local rally, hopes its a great event!

9th August 2011, 13:35
Draft entry list for WRC Component out.



I am that disappointed I am seriously reconsidering going. 7 Australians in the WRC Component, only Quinn and Reeves capable of really challenging in PWRC. Add on 15 classic and 30 ARC cars which tun the first two days, that's 76 cars.

Something tells me we won't be getting WRC back from NZ for a while since we are going down the non-FIA route...

9th August 2011, 14:03
Could be the last time Solberg drives a WRC in the southern hemisphere.

9th August 2011, 14:09
Draft entry list for WRC Component out.



I am that disappointed I am seriously reconsidering going. 7 Australians in the WRC Component, only Quinn and Reeves capable of really challenging in PWRC. Add on 15 classic and 30 ARC cars which tun the first two days, that's 76 cars.

Something tells me we won't be getting WRC back from NZ for a while since we are going down the non-FIA route...

You have 15 WRC-s, do not cry!

9th August 2011, 16:53
You have 15 WRC-s, do not cry!

13 WRC´s but still better than nothing

No Östberg, shame :(

9th August 2011, 16:57
wasn't slowson future in the series after acropolis in jeopardy due to lack of funds ??? i wonder where he found the money to go to Oz.....probably one of the HUGE sponsors that are chasing him around payed....

9th August 2011, 17:17
13 WRC´s but still better than nothing

No Östberg, shame :(

Yes, too bad :( I hope he will able to do the last European rounds... meanwhile in Stobart team, Novikov is nominated for points instead of Henning.

9th August 2011, 18:48
Yes, too bad :( I hope he will able to do the last European rounds... meanwhile in Stobart team, Novikov is nominated for points instead of Henning.

Østberg will skip only Australia...

9th August 2011, 19:42
Østberg will skip only Australia...

Is it sure? If so, good :)

9th August 2011, 20:11
Is it sure? If so, good :)

Nothing is sure before the season is over, but it seems...

10th August 2011, 06:14
Shakedown is on the Thursday early in the day is that right?

I arrive around 3.50pm on Thursday missing Shakedown... :( I might hit the autograph show but then I tend to buy things now from the eBay with autograph cards... signed or not signed...

Also, I wouldn't mind knowing where the private land is out in the country during the rally! =)

10th August 2011, 08:59
Shakedown is at 8am on Thursday - I found found the location now, about 12 mins from Coffs. Thank you Planet Marcus!! Doesn't look like the link to google maps works.. PM if you want the link

10th August 2011, 10:03
Are we going to have a meetup with all the motorsportsforum crowd before the event?

I'll be doing recce Tuesday and Wednesday, I get into Coffs on Monday night, staying down at Sawtell we have rented a house there.

We even get passes to go spectating on Sunday as the ARC only runs the 2 days.


10th August 2011, 10:56
Cool! We'll def catch up - anyone else? :)

10th August 2011, 11:54
I really don't like the ticket idea.....not familiar with, here in Greece

if in doubt flat out

10th August 2011, 12:05
Catching up before the rally would be a great idea. Sometime early in the week, maybe on the wednesday or tuesday night.

10th August 2011, 12:12
Wednesday night? Maybe in the service park or pub?

10th August 2011, 12:41
Wednesday night? Maybe in the service park or pub?

Jetty Hotel is close to the Service Park and is not a bad pub. Big eating area there and not a bad meal.

10th August 2011, 12:49
Jetty Hotel is close to the Service Park and is not a bad pub. Big eating area there and not a bad meal.
Yeah I'm keen, always good to talk rally!

10th August 2011, 13:32
So Wed night after the SSS's eh!! =)

10th August 2011, 14:00
So Wed night after the SSS's eh!! =)

There's not SSS's on Wed, that's Thursday night I'm pretty sure? Recce Wednesday, Shakedown Thursday morning and SSS's Thursday night

10th August 2011, 14:30
I see I see, sorry my mistake. A Bit confused.

Def something not too late on the Thurs night as Friday morning will be an early start for all!

10th August 2011, 22:31
Novikov in Stobbart for Aussy

Rally Australia (http://www.fia.com/en-GB/mediacentre/pressreleases/wrc/2011/Pages/wrc-entries-aus.aspx)

10th August 2011, 22:54
They say KIMI for Rally Australia too?

10th August 2011, 23:44
too dangerous for him to go there....only for publicity reasons and cruising but not for rallying.

11th August 2011, 08:15
Shakedown will be on the southern end of the old Sherwood stage off Bucca Road. In order to appease the greenie's and other environmentalists in the area, it was decided to avoid the Sherwood Nature Reserve, cutting that stage in half. The northern half was transformed and will now be the Plum Pudding SS with the southern section used for Shakedown.

Shakedown Service Park will be at the Lower Bucca Recreational Reserve (Bucca Park). 2km west of the Sherwood Road/Bucca Road intersection. It is off the main road on the northern side, up McClellands Road. It is a good place to see many of the teams relaxed and enjoying themselves. Will need to keep an ear to the ground to see when and if the PWRC guys will use the same area earlier in the week.

11th August 2011, 13:04
Awesome, we'll be spectating there. Cheeers for the info

11th August 2011, 20:35
I really don't like the ticket idea.....not familiar with, here in Greece

if in doubt flat out

Agree. Next year I'm in Greece on Acropolis.

11th August 2011, 22:02
For some reason I have not received any notifications of replies to this thread? I have away shooting events for the past fortnight, and only just finding the time to get the fans guide published.. coming in the next few days.

Rally Guide II is on the Rally Australia website and a few other documents.
https://bitly.com/RallyAustraliaGuide2 make sure you check the website for other updated documents!
Rally Australia (http://www.rallyaustralia.com)

I read something about people not happy to be locked into stages. It is my understanding that you will NOT be locked in, and you can leave when you like. But you will REQUIRE a ticket to be allowed into the other stages. For example, if you watch the cars at a general admission point in the morning, you can leave and travel to an enthusiast location for the afternoon competition. They are not stopping you from moving, just creating a ticketing system that avoids the majority of people chasing the cars around.

If you can afford the tickets to do so, you may find this works to your advantage, as the roads won't be blocked with people doing the same thing. It's not ideal, but something they have created to try and stop the traffic chaos of 2009.

13th August 2011, 18:01
I know I'm biased, but they should just give the rally back to Western Australia OR give up the round and let NZ run it every year, it'll be the best thing for rallying as a whole.

14th August 2011, 01:03
How do they plan on stopping people from going to other parts of a stage?

14th August 2011, 01:18
There will be ridiculous numbers of Police, the law which allows the WRC event in Aus only states that Police can ask you to move to a safe area. But they would probably try and arrest you for trespassing. It's crazy man.

Theres only 3 spectator points per day, and you need a different ticket to go to each point. Which would get expensive very quickly to go to all points. Some spectator points are on the same stage as well..

14th August 2011, 06:00
I know I'm biased, but they should just give the rally back to Western Australia OR give up the round and let NZ run it every year, it'll be the best thing for rallying as a whole.

Daniel i think you are right. Nor are you particularly biased. Yes bring it back to the West Coast or just let NZ have it. I honestly think I've enjoyed NZ far more then Perth. And I've only done NZ twice! Perth about 6+ times.

15th August 2011, 06:21
Any ideas for stage times/start/finish?

I want to catch a flight on Sunday at 4.20pm local time out of CH..... think the rally will be done by the afternoon? Not fussed about podium... rather get winner stage end :D

15th August 2011, 09:12
Any ideas for stage times/start/finish?

I want to catch a flight on Sunday at 4.20pm local time out of CH..... think the rally will be done by the afternoon? Not fussed about podium... rather get winner stage end :D
Yeah I'd day you would be fine. Normally all done by mid afternoon. I'll check the powerstage time

15th August 2011, 09:15
Only very few real fans want to visit rallies where the organisation decides what the spectators can see and can't see...
I don't like the whole idea of the public areas and trying to forbid all other places. If there is a rally, and they drive a 20km stage, spectators should be allowed to choose a place somewhere in those 20kms (on safe positions only of course), not just few public areas where spectators have to park their cars on some huge parking, lots of people everywhere so you have no choice of having the best viewpoint, beer and food-tents where you can buy something, but it costs 2x or 3x as much as anywhere else... It's probably easier for the organisation, and maybe you will still have spectators willing to pay the expensive ticket and sit there, but that's because Rally Australia is the only big rally event in the whole continent. I'm happy about most events here in Europe, where the organisation usually gives you proper maps and where you have some freedom...

Trust me, in Australia, our hands are tied about spectators freedom of movement. It is in fact often more of a hindrance, having to organise set spectator points and patrolling other areas for unauthorised spectating. In many ways these set points are an extra cost burden to set up and control rather than a money making venture. In this country we are hampered by insurance company demands and nanny state health and safety concerns. Too many knee jerk reactions to past incidences have seen more and more regulation and policy demands on this sport. Alas common sense of the average fan can no longer be trusted and we must make do with the situation we have despite whether or not we like it.

15th August 2011, 09:16
Daniel i think you are right. Nor are you particularly biased. Yes bring it back to the West Coast or just let NZ have it. I honestly think I've enjoyed NZ far more then Perth. And I've only done NZ twice! Perth about 6+ times.

New Zealand is fantastic, I'd say it's better than Perth by a little bit, but both are far better than having it in the eastern states.

15th August 2011, 09:17
NZ : Free to roam with the Sheep (and other livestock)

15th August 2011, 09:18
NZ best Daniel! But I'm still excite for this year!

15th August 2011, 09:19
Yeah I'd day you would be fine. Normally all done by mid afternoon. I'll check the powerstage time

Apparently live coverage on ONE HD from 2-5pm... So hope nothing will be really "Live" hah

15th August 2011, 09:22
Any ideas for stage times/start/finish?

I want to catch a flight on Sunday at 4.20pm local time out of CH..... think the rally will be done by the afternoon? Not fussed about podium... rather get winner stage end :D

Powerstage will begin at 15:30, which would be too late for you as you would need to be at the airport by around this time. Even if you left the Powerstage as the first car started, you would not be able to drive back to the airport (at least, legally) in time. If you were lucky you would catch only the first few cars, but not the rally leaders due to the reverse running order format.

15th August 2011, 09:29
Trust me, in Australia, our hands are tied about spectators freedom of movement. It is in fact often more of a hindrance, having to organise set spectator points and patrolling other areas for unauthorised spectating. In many ways these set points are an extra cost burden to set up and control rather than a money making venture. In this country we are hampered by insurance company demands and nanny state health and safety concerns. Too many knee jerk reactions to past incidences have seen more and more regulation and policy demands on this sport. Alas common sense of the average fan can no longer be trusted and we must make do with the situation we have despite whether or not we like it.

Definitely. IIRC some spectator in WA got hit by a rock in the head and the rest is history. Also, I don't really feel that a lot of Australians really get rallying and quite understand the dynamics of a corner and what a car could potentially do. Can't remember which year (it was the year the Fabia debuted in Australia), but there was a spectator point set up on the outside of a fairly quick corner and I was talking to a few people at the point who thought it was clearly a stupid place to stand, anyway long story short the WRCars ran wider and wider on the corner so the spectators thankfully got moved on and by the time the group N's came through the little bank on the outside which was helping to keep the cars on the road got worn away and the cars were now getting dangerously close to where the people were standing previously. Anyone who really knew rallying would never have put a spectator point there, it was that obvious.

When I went to NZ the spectator areas were MUCH better and much more safely laid out. It really was win win, you got to see more and you were safer.

Having been to Finland you really do notice how many people in Australia simply don't "get" rallying.

15th August 2011, 09:30
NZ best Daniel! But I'm still excite for this year!

And if I'm honest the New Zealanders are nicer, friendler people too! I say this as an Australian too! :)

15th August 2011, 09:53
Powerstage will begin at 15:30, which would be too late for you as you would need to be at the airport by around this time. Even if you left the Powerstage as the first car started, you would not be able to drive back to the airport (at least, legally) in time. If you were lucky you would catch only the first few cars, but not the rally leaders due to the reverse running order format.

I leave Monday, it is!! Not missing the final stage!!

And if I'm honest the New Zealanders are nicer, friendler people too! I say this as an Australian too! :)

Amen, extremely nice to foreigners!

15th August 2011, 11:14
I have heard about the rock incident before, hopefully we will be able to enjoy the rally as spectators.

21st August 2011, 14:09
Fan built website created by forum member - MSP AU, about spectator access to Rally Australia. It includes many 360 degree panoramas, photos, maps and directions to help people navigate the various ticket options and what to expect at each site. Updates happening as planned improvements to the spectator areas are made.

RallySpectator.com.au (http://rallyspectator.com.au/)

21st August 2011, 14:14
Fan built website created by forum member - MSP AU, about spectator access to Rally Australia. It includes many 360 degree panoramas, photos, maps and directions to help people navigate the various ticket options and what to expect at each site. Updates happening as planned improvements to the spectator areas are made.

RallySpectator.com.au (http://rallyspectator.com.au/)

i must say this is THE BEST fan made rally guide ever...

the person who put all this work together is a fine example for the human race to follow.


(now put a gun in his head and force him to do the same for the other 11 rounds)

21st August 2011, 14:20
Fan built website created by forum member - MSP AU, about spectator access to Rally Australia. It includes many 360 degree panoramas, photos, maps and directions to help people navigate the various ticket options and what to expect at each site. Updates happening as planned improvements to the spectator areas are made.

RallySpectator.com.au (http://rallyspectator.com.au/)

Thanks for posting Graeme. A team effort, thank you for all your contributions and help on the recce, maps and ideas.

I recommend fans sign up to the newsletter, more updates on the way..

21st August 2011, 14:57
There will be ridiculous numbers of Police, the law which allows the WRC event in Aus only states that Police can ask you to move to a safe area. But they would probably try and arrest you for trespassing. It's crazy man.

Theres only 3 spectator points per day, and you need a different ticket to go to each point. Which would get expensive very quickly to go to all points. Some spectator points are on the same stage as well..

Ridiculous......How not to run a Rally!!

21st August 2011, 15:08
Ridiculous......How not to run a Rally!!

It could be worse, Rally Japan required individual tickets for each and every stage. There are various reasons for how and why matters are the way they are. We just have to live with them and make the most of the situation we are forced to live with.

21st August 2011, 15:35
It could be worse, Rally Japan required individual tickets for each and every stage. There are various reasons for how and why matters are the way they are. We just have to live with them and make the most of the situation we are forced to live with.

I know I sound like a broken record, but WA just did it better and was a much more unique event with people overseas enjoyed. To people on the forum rally Australia is just another rally now.....

21st August 2011, 15:40
I know I sound like a broken record, but WA just did it better and was a much more unique event with people overseas enjoyed. To people on the forum rally Australia is just another rally now.....

Surely that is what a WRC event is meant to be.

21st August 2011, 15:51
Surely that is what a WRC event is meant to be.

I wholeheartedly agree! :) The one thing which I can't stress enough was the slipperiness of the ball bearing gravel in Western Australia :)

22nd August 2011, 00:30
I know I sound like a broken record, but WA just did it better and was a much more unique event with people overseas enjoyed. To people on the forum rally Australia is just another rally now.....

I wholeheartedly agree! :) The one thing which I can't stress enough was the slipperiness of the ball bearing gravel in Western Australia :)

Daniel, while many people will agree with you about Rally Australia being based in Western Australia, the fact remains that your state government gave it away and the New South Wales government stepped up to support the event. Thus it out of the hands of rally fans or sporting officials. We can not support the event with out government funding not matter what we like. It is common for many events around the world. Rally Ireland was hampered by not using the best possible roads as stages, due to a political decision to split it exactly 50-50 across the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The Coffs Coast Rally has been a great event in the ARC for decades with fine quality roads, so I feel that it is unfair to talk down this year's Rally Australia before it happens. There are some fantastic stages that have always proven to be a real challenge, Shipmans, Martells and Plum Pudding will be great. Racing up and down the Dorrigo escarpment will be interesting too. Australia native forest rallying on Friday, using farmland roads on Saturday before returning to the forest on Sunday with the power stage in a pine plantation.

Given time, I believe that this rally can be noted for it's unique character too. You can hardly compare it to the last WA event in 2006 after 19 rallies, having worked out many issues and trying different things. Comparing it to WA in 1989, back then many rally people thought Australia would be "just another forest rally".

22nd August 2011, 00:45
i must say this is THE BEST fan made rally guide ever...

the person who put all this work together is a fine example for the human race to follow.


(now put a gun in his head and force him to do the same for the other 11 rounds)

Great feedback, thank you. No need to use a gun, happy to do some more of this if times allows and I can get the support.

22nd August 2011, 00:54
The first WRC round for me was in Perth, and I just love that side of the country. I was parked in by someone at a stage for several hours, so never made the famous jumps at Bunnings. It would be great to see the event in WA, but as Graeme has said, give Coffs a chance to prove itself. I have a real passion for the area, and after driving the roads many times over, I'm confident the drivers will have a lot to say about the high standards of the roads. Add the compact nature of the event, the SSS on the waterfront and it has a lot going for it.

Ticketing is not ideal, and it will be interesting to see what impact this has on traffic between stages. Spectating areas are generally of high quality, so I expect people to be happy to spent longer at them. Those who aren't will just have to spend more money to have the option to chase the cars. After a successful event, maybe the next round here will have improved ticketing? After the issues around the last round in 2009, I'm just appreciative of the WRC returning.

I spoke with one of the people that assisted with this guide last night, and they have put in an entry into the classics after the drive over the course. Once you see, drive and experience the roads then you really would like to be driving! For those of us who don't have that option, spectating is the next best thing.

Australia has some very unique attractions, and while I love Rally New Zealand, the people, ticketing and roads, nothing is going to stop me making the most of our home round. I encourage others to do the same, and enjoy the unique aspects that Coffs Coast has to offer. Looking forward to seeing everyone have a great time, and making the most of what we have the privilege of experiencing.

22nd August 2011, 01:53

Anyone can guess the weather?

I'm hoping for Mud! :D

22nd August 2011, 02:21

Anyone can guess the weather?

I'm hoping for Mud! :D

Should be fairly dry at that time of year. However if it does rain, it will could be quite heavy rain. The roads themselves though are fairly tough, hard packed and will not be greatly affected. Having driven many of the stages, there is not a great deal of mud along them, but you would get some very soft edges in some areas. There are several water crossings on Friday that would become quite deep with excess rainfall, they are certainly deep now.

If anyone is venturing inland, especially Fridays stages, it can get very cold and weather in the Orara Valley and up to Dorrigo can be in complete contrast to Coff Harbour. So while the guys at the service park might be in sunshine and thinking of taking the short walk to the beach, the inland stages could be 10 degrees colder and wet.

However, fine Spring weather is the most likely scenario and should be dry for most of the week.

22nd August 2011, 04:31

22nd August 2011, 06:33
Should be fairly dry at that time of year. However if it does rain, it will could be quite heavy rain. The roads themselves though are fairly tough, hard packed and will not be greatly affected. Having driven many of the stages, there is not a great deal of mud along them, but you would get some very soft edges in some areas. There are several water crossings on Friday that would become quite deep with excess rainfall, they are certainly deep now.

If anyone is venturing inland, especially Fridays stages, it can get very cold and weather in the Orara Valley and up to Dorrigo can be in complete contrast to Coff Harbour. So while the guys at the service park might be in sunshine and thinking of taking the short walk to the beach, the inland stages could be 10 degrees colder and wet.

However, fine Spring weather is the most likely scenario and should be dry for most of the week.

I live in Armidale, so know all to well about the cold weather.. Def pack a jumper and long pants for the stages inland :)

22nd August 2011, 06:52
Kimi didn't start in Australia

22nd August 2011, 09:05
Nice work there but Sorry, I'm still going to NZ instead :D

22nd August 2011, 10:47
It was nice to hear Henning Solberg commit his intentions about competing in Australia on World Rally Radio. There was some doubt about it and his name was left off the FIA entry list but he was on a Rally Australia list.

22nd August 2011, 13:22
Yes, NZ 2012 for me too!

And Australia 2011!

tehehehhehe :D

22nd August 2011, 16:24
Official - Kimi to skip Rally Australia!

World Rally Championship - News - Raikkonen to skip Rally Australia (http://wrc.com/news/raikkonen-to-skip-rally-australia/?fid=15257)

Oh well, didn't need to see a boring driver at this round!

22nd August 2011, 19:45
Any driver must be welcome.

22nd August 2011, 20:01
Official - Kimi to skip Rally Australia!

World Rally Championship - News - Raikkonen to skip Rally Australia (http://wrc.com/news/raikkonen-to-skip-rally-australia/?fid=15257)

Oh well, didn't need to see a boring driver at this round!

You are happy, that there are less WRC´s to watch?

22nd August 2011, 20:40
You are happy, that there are less WRC´s to watch?

Good point. Sometimes it feels like this forum is sunday-spectators forum...

22nd August 2011, 21:17
I live in Armidale, so know all to well about the cold weather.. Def pack a jumper and long pants for the stages inland :)

I received today a signed postcard from the Australian motorcycle racer Mitchell Pirotta and the card was completely wet (here it is dry).

22nd August 2011, 21:18
Any driver must be welcome.

Except Matthew Wilson. ;)

23rd August 2011, 11:55
In the process of updating all the spectating diagrams, old ones linked to Ticketek are now out dated. The new diagrams have some improved spectating too, with a cross over added to GRACES and larger spectating area for RED RANGE. I will link the site here when done, not a quick job with the amount of links..

23rd August 2011, 11:57
I received today a signed postcard from the Australian motorcycle racer Mitchell Pirotta and the card was completely wet (here it is dry).
I'm not sure what you mean? Where I live its about another hours inland from the inland WRC stages and its even colder here. Just saying

24th August 2011, 08:49
That's taken a little longer than I imagined, but all the new spectating diagrams are added and descriptions changed. Most notable are the crossovers added on Plum Pudding (it was already a great location), and Graces. Grace enthusiast point now allows much better viewing from three areas instead of the the original one hillside. Check out the site if your trying to make a decision on which tickets to purchase, or have an interest in the improved spectating.

Really happy to see these changes, as I have discussed the most important changes that spectators would benefit from with everyone involved in the guide/recce. My emails to organisers feel as though they fall off a cliff, but three of the suggestions have now become reality. Great to see them actively improving spectating. Maybe they do take comments onboard, or had these plans up their sleeve? Either way, a win for all fans with last minute improvements.

Rally Spectator | WRC Australia Fans Spectating Guide by Motorsport Photography (http://rallyspectator.com.au)


For the other version using Google Maps, go here https://bitly.com/wrc_australia_fans_spectator_guide


Other than that, long range forecast for rain is now LOW!!

24th August 2011, 09:00
That's a superb website for spectators/photographers, certainly puts the Rally GB Spectator information to shame.

24th August 2011, 09:12
That's a superb website for spectators/photographers, certainly puts the Rally GB Spectator information to shame.

I appreciate the feedback. I did some research, but stopped after I found little in the way of documents to assist the fans. I found some great documents for media, and I assisted with the media guide this year. So I figured, why not do that for everyone?

I travel too, maybe an opportunity to get together with some like minded people and do NZ? Graeme?

24th August 2011, 09:23
I travel too, maybe an opportunity to get together with some like minded people and do NZ? Graeme?

Hmmmm, why not! NZ would be good to cover in the same way.

24th August 2011, 09:27
okay, now we just need investors haha

24th August 2011, 16:37
How much?

Also, silly question - should I expect to drive with caution due to Kangaroo's during the rally? Or was that only a West Australian thing?

In NZ it was more like Rabbits and Birds... but still...

24th August 2011, 22:26
How much?

Also, silly question - should I expect to drive with caution due to Kangaroo's during the rally? Or was that only a West Australian thing?

In NZ it was more like Rabbits and Birds... but still...

No idea how much it's worth, cost of visiting 6 or 7 times has been around $2000. But the amount of time invested is too large to put a figure on.

Early morning and dusk is always a time to take caution on the roads, and be on the lookout for wildlife. Most of the driving around the area is in daylight, and speeds are going to be fairly low. I wouldn't worry to much, just keep an eye out. And take insurance out on your hire car.

25th August 2011, 08:11
How much?

Also, silly question - should I expect to drive with caution due to Kangaroo's during the rally? Or was that only a West Australian thing?

In NZ it was more like Rabbits and Birds... but still...

Most likely to come across Eastern Grey Kangaroos and a variety of Wallabies. I personally have hit an Eastern Grey Kangaroo in the past on the Nymboida, just north of the rally area. It was at dusk and with forests right up to the winding mountain roads, there was no way to avoid the incident but thankfully I was driving cautiously at a lower speed. So there was just a scratch on the Lancer, but not so good for the roo.

So I would exercise regular normal caution on the mountain roads on the lookout for all animals. Also be wary of lizards who may try to sun themselves in the clearings created by the roads.

25th August 2011, 09:28
Most likely to come across Eastern Grey Kangaroos and a variety of Wallabies. I personally have hit an Eastern Grey Kangaroo in the past on the Nymboida, just north of the rally area. It was at dusk and with forests right up to the winding mountain roads, there was no way to avoid the incident but thankfully I was driving cautiously at a lower speed.

Yeah but you aimed for the roo, trying to get some good Kangaroo Steaks :)

Worst thing to hit is an Emu, they go straight over the bonnet, thru the windscreen and out the back window leaving the inside of the car full of blood and feathers.


25th August 2011, 11:57
Also watch out for drop bears!!!! :D

25th August 2011, 12:03
Also watch out for drop bears!!!! :D

Yeah I heard they were quite bad around Coff's. I'll give $100 to anyone who can bring a Drop Bear pelt to the service park.


25th August 2011, 12:09
The snakes and spiders are really bad this year too!! :D

25th August 2011, 12:24
The snakes and spiders are really bad this year too!! :D

I suppose you are going to have the sharks attacking the cars during the beach front Super Special too!!

25th August 2011, 13:06
I suppose you are going to have the sharks attacking the cars during the beach front Super Special too!!

:) Good one!!! :D

25th August 2011, 13:43
I suppose you are going to have the sharks attacking the cars during the beach front Super Special too!!

Only the Gummy Sharks!!!

25th August 2011, 13:51
Only the Gummy Sharks!!!

Although any White Pointers on the beach would be more than welcomed. You might even include them into your pacenotes Ray!

25th August 2011, 14:02
Haha, was seriously about to mention white pointers!! "Caution White Pointers"

25th August 2011, 14:05
Haha, was seriously about to mention white pointers!! "Caution White Pointers"

Well certain 'White Pointers' on the beach can be a serious distraction to driving at anytime you go up and down the coast.

25th August 2011, 14:06
So it goes 5L ! White Pointers 6R crash!!

25th August 2011, 14:13
So it goes 5L ! White Pointers 6R crash!!

Only so you can get out and look more closely at them. Maybe call an extra long cut, in order to get closer.

25th August 2011, 14:25
On a more serious note and getting back to rallying. The ARC entries have been released for this event.

2011-Coffs-Coast-Forest-Rally-Official-Entry-List (http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011-Coffs-Coast-Forest-Rally-Official-Entry-List-25.8.2011-Final.pdf)

29th August 2011, 06:52

This is honestly the LAST time I am ever coming to Australia for a rally.. The past two events have been nothing but constant issues and hassles.

My ticket to the event has not arrived, despite ordering it the day they came out over two months ago. I fly out to Australia on Saturday, so I sent an email to Ticketek asking what is going on, where is my ticket..

Their 'generic' response..

Thank you for contacting Ticketek.

We expect tickets for this event to be dispatched within the next two to three days.
If you have not received your tickets after this time or within 14 days prior to the event, please contact us again.

F**ken morons.. Its amazing how this event has so much potential to be great, but certain management and partners just let the whole thing down.

29th August 2011, 07:09

This is honestly the LAST time I am ever coming to Australia for a rally.. The past two events have been nothing but constant issues and hassles.

My ticket to the event has not arrived, despite ordering it the day they came out over two months ago. I fly out to Australia on Saturday, so I sent an email to Ticketek asking what is going on, where is my ticket..

Their 'generic' response..

Thank you for contacting Ticketek.

We expect tickets for this event to be dispatched within the next two to three days.
If you have not received your tickets after this time or within 14 days prior to the event, please contact us again.

F**ken morons.. Its amazing how this event has so much potential to be great, but certain management and partners just let the whole thing down.

Run WRC NZ every year I say, whats going to happen when you have no ticket?

29th August 2011, 07:18

This is honestly the LAST time I am ever coming to Australia for a rally.. The past two events have been nothing but constant issues and hassles.

My ticket to the event has not arrived, despite ordering it the day they came out over two months ago. I fly out to Australia on Saturday, so I sent an email to Ticketek asking what is going on, where is my ticket..

Their 'generic' response..

Thank you for contacting Ticketek.

We expect tickets for this event to be dispatched within the next two to three days.
If you have not received your tickets after this time or within 14 days prior to the event, please contact us again.

F**ken morons.. Its amazing how this event has so much potential to be great, but certain management and partners just let the whole thing down.

WHY they use Ticketek??? No idea, but post to their facebook page (Rally Australia) and ask what they can do for you. I'm confident that you will be looked after, and it's disappointing to see a rally that can be a success talked down because they continue to work with a company that clearly has no idea about rally ticketing. And a company that appear to have not addressed the issues in 2009.

Remember ticketek have a place to post your frustrations to. https://www.facebook.com/TicketekAustralia

29th August 2011, 11:05

This is honestly the LAST time I am ever coming to Australia for a rally.. The past two events have been nothing but constant issues and hassles.

My ticket to the event has not arrived, despite ordering it the day they came out over two months ago. I fly out to Australia on Saturday, so I sent an email to Ticketek asking what is going on, where is my ticket..

Their 'generic' response..

Thank you for contacting Ticketek.

We expect tickets for this event to be dispatched within the next two to three days.
If you have not received your tickets after this time or within 14 days prior to the event, please contact us again.

F**ken morons.. Its amazing how this event has so much potential to be great, but certain management and partners just let the whole thing down.

It comes from the Ticketek management have misunderstood the concept of rallying. That it is not in one single venue, with all the action happening at a single time. Unlike the usual concerts, football and other sporting matches, the whole nature of rally spectating it different. With people wanting to go from spectator point to spectator point, meandering over 100's of kilometres across the countryside. They have mishandled the whole process and the means of dealing with it, leaving Rally Australia coping a lot of the flak, which is unfair because it is the contracted agents (Ticketek) responsibility.

Rally Australia have said that all tickets were posted on August 24th, so hopefully it will not be too far away for you.

29th August 2011, 12:40
Wouldn't the organisers advise Ticketek on what kind of tickets to sell? To me I still hold the rally organisers totally responsible for such I stupid way of doing it.

Sell one ticket for all stages, (NZ gold pass $95NZ)
Sell tickets for each day,
Sell tickets for one stage.

How hard is that???

With all the money they make from there rip off event they can take a trip to NZ and see how to run a real rally!!

29th August 2011, 13:10
Wouldn't the organisers advise Ticketek on what kind of tickets to sell? To me I still hold the rally organisers totally responsible for such I stupid way of doing it.

Sell one ticket for all stages, (NZ gold pass $95NZ)
Sell tickets for each day,
Sell tickets for one stage.

How hard is that???

With all the money they make from there rip off event they can take a trip to NZ and see how to run a real rally!!

I completely agree. Rally Australia had rally tickets so I don't see why ticketek would have a say in it. I can't remember who did the ticketing in Perth but Ticketmaster springs to mind for some reason.

29th August 2011, 14:23
I completely agree. Rally Australia had rally tickets so I don't see why ticketek would have a say in it. I can't remember who did the ticketing in Perth but Ticketmaster springs to mind for some reason.

Ticketmaster Telstra Rally Australia 2006 (http://www.ticketmaster.com.au/Telstra-Rally-Australia-tickets/artist/1055731)

You were right about Ticketmaster running the ticketing for the rally when it was in Perth. However, Geoff Jones (CEO of Ticketek) is (or at least was) a member of the Rally Australia board. So that is why Ticketek provide the service for this event on the East Coast.

29th August 2011, 14:24
Ticketmaster Telstra Rally Australia 2006 (http://www.ticketmaster.com.au/Telstra-Rally-Australia-tickets/artist/1055731)

You were right about Ticketmaster running the ticketing for the rally when it was in Perth. However, Geoff Jones (CEO of Ticketek) is (or at least was) a member of the Rally Australia board. So that is why Ticketek provide the service for this event on the East Coast.

TBH why they didn't just transport the event from WA and run it exactly the same in the East I will never know. Rally Australia was always getting voted as one of the best events......

29th August 2011, 17:04
The first time the rally was held on the east coast there were a large number of volunteers who flew over to work on Rally Aus on east coast! Not sure if it's again this year bit the people who worked on it in the west must have really loved it with a passion they just had to go over!

29th August 2011, 21:05
On a more serious note and getting back to rallying. The ARC entries have been released for this event.

2011-Coffs-Coast-Forest-Rally-Official-Entry-List (http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011-Coffs-Coast-Forest-Rally-Official-Entry-List-25.8.2011-Final.pdf)

and when will be published the wrc entry list ?

29th August 2011, 21:09
and when will be published the wrc entry list ?
Raikkonen won't start.

29th August 2011, 21:27
Poor entry list.

30th August 2011, 00:09
Raikkonen won't start.

Yeah, looks like they got the listing wrong :D

Hows it going anyway, Tolis? Havent seen you posting here much!

30th August 2011, 09:44
Poor entry list.

Always was going to be poor Barreis, we are running a non-FIA formula in the ARC which makes it pointless for people to run N4 cars as you get smashed. Plus control tyres of Kumho are another limiting factor, as they aren't close to the quality of Michelins. If the event was marketed better, and the ARC was FIA relevant, there would be a stack more cars. Oh well, it'll be probably permanently going back to New Zealand for good for the next decade ;)

30th August 2011, 09:48
Oh well, it'll be probably permanently going back to New Zealand for good for the next decade ;)

We can only hope so!!!

30th August 2011, 10:38
We can only hope so!!!

It says a lot when an Aussie says this. The Kiwi's just seem to get rallying a but bitter (jist trying out my Kiwi eccent :p ) than Australians do.

30th August 2011, 11:20
It says a lot when an Aussie says this. The Kiwi's just seem to get rallying a but bitter (jist trying out my Kiwi eccent :p ) than Australians do.

The people running the big stuff - ARC and Rally Australia - seem to have lost vision in some regards. Quite a few errors have been made over the past 2 WRC events, and North One and FIA will no longer take it. Whether it be cars, spectators, ticketing, roads/location/uniqueness, marketing... things just don't work :P (I'm on a role on having a crack at Australia tonight!). The ARC component is only doing the first 2 days, and Classics only doing select stages over 3 days...!!! One day we'll get it right again

Ironically, coming from Tasmania, it is only a couple of $100 more expensive for me to go to New Zealand next year (then factor in the exchange rate :O ), and not have to deal with so many negative factors influencing the event.

30th August 2011, 12:09
The people running the big stuff - ARC and Rally Australia - seem to have lost vision in some regards. Quite a few errors have been made over the past 2 WRC events, and North One and FIA will no longer take it. Whether it be cars, spectators, ticketing, roads/location/uniqueness, marketing... things just don't work :P (I'm on a role on having a crack at Australia tonight!). The ARC component is only doing the first 2 days, and Classics only doing select stages over 3 days...!!! One day we'll get it right again

Ironically, coming from Tasmania, it is only a couple of $100 more expensive for me to go to New Zealand next year (then factor in the exchange rate :O ), and not have to deal with so many negative factors influencing the event.

Go to NZ every time. I just think that fundamentally Australians don't seem to get rallying and certainly not as well as Kiwi's. Towards the end of Rally Australia's run in WA, we had these moronic "rally villages" where you had two stages which ran perhaps a couple of hundered metres from each other so you could go and see both stages. Sounds great, but both spectator points were invariably poorer than just having one in a good position. Then they forced you to use buses to get in and out of the villages, so seeing more than one point a day was rather difficult.

Half the fun of going to rally oz was planning it all, getting to drive on a few gravel roads and getting to see the first 20+ drivers going through and then popping over to the next stage or two stages on and doing the same. Having to spectate at two poor spectator points along with so many other people and then being forced to queue for ages to get on a bus which then takes ages to get you back to your car is just annoying and not the way rallying should be done. I'm sure it sounded like a good idea and probably sounded really convenient. But all it did was annoy most people.

30th August 2011, 12:18
I think thats what they're missing in rallying by just having one point for spectators all day, you don't get the excitement of follwoing the cars around the country side.

Has anyone got their tickets yet?

30th August 2011, 12:55
I think thats what they're missing in rallying by just having one point for spectators all day, you don't get the excitement of follwoing the cars around the country side.

Has anyone got their tickets yet?

I don't think organisers world wide want speccies following the cars around the countryside - something that used to happen on the old RAC.

30th August 2011, 12:57
I don't think organisers world wide want speccies following the cars around the countryside - something that used to happen on the old RAC.

I think he meant following in their cars, not actually trekking through the countryside. Australia doesn't have the same rights of way and so on as the UK has.

31st August 2011, 07:22
Rally Australia have said that all tickets were posted on August 24th, so hopefully it will not be too far away for you.

Wow THAT is poor management.. I know I would not be the only spectator coming from NZ or other countries.. how do they expect the tickets to arrive in time?

They had better hope the ticket arrives.. I do have a bit of spare time in Sydney and in Coffs Harbour.. I am sure the last thing they'd want is an angry Kiwi rocking up to their ticket booths causing a fuss.

31st August 2011, 09:12
Wow THAT is poor management.. I know I would not be the only spectator coming from NZ or other countries.. how do they expect the tickets to arrive in time?

They had better hope the ticket arrives.. I do have a bit of spare time in Sydney and in Coffs Harbour.. I am sure the last thing they'd want is an angry Kiwi rocking up to their ticket booths causing a fuss.

*Considers doing a bit of Kiwi speak on the forum but decides not to as Dingardo is a rare "angry" Kiwi*

31st August 2011, 10:01
I think he meant following in their cars, not actually trekking through the countryside. Australia doesn't have the same rights of way and so on as the UK has.
Yeah in the cars to spectator points, definetly not allowed to treck the countryside.

According to our phone call to Ticketek today they were posted yesterday, I'm sure if you call tomorrow they will say that they were posted yesterday. Hope they show up!

31st August 2011, 11:02
Yeah in the cars to spectator points, definetly not allowed to treck the countryside.

According to our phone call to Ticketek today they were posted yesterday, I'm sure if you call tomorrow they will say that they were posted yesterday. Hope they show up!

Have they decided to bus people in there in the Eastern states as well? If the average gumby spectator wants to take a bus then they should offer them, but they should also offer people the option of being able to get close to the stage and walking. It's what the hardcore spectators will always want.

31st August 2011, 11:03
Holy cow! I'll be there in one week exactly a few hours ago with SS1 already underway!

Now, need some help with great points on ye stage to photograph it can be spectator or media zones! Waiting for media book but have to have a view of stage ASAP,!

Any luck in here guys? :)

31st August 2011, 12:04
Holy cow! I'll be there in one week exactly a few hours ago with SS1 already underway!

Now, need some help with great points on ye stage to photograph it can be spectator or media zones! Waiting for media book but have to have a view of stage ASAP,!

Any luck in here guys? :)
The SSS's start on Thursday night :)

Daniel - Yeahs there's a bus to the general spectator points on one or two days I think. You're locked in all day for both passes i think, or atleast thats what it was last time on the east coast

31st August 2011, 12:31
Where has Rally Oz pickems gone please?

31st August 2011, 12:32
The SSS's start on Thursday night :)

Daniel - Yeahs there's a bus to the general spectator points on one or two days I think. You're locked in all day for both passes i think, or atleast thats what it was last time on the east coast

We need to start a campaign to get the event moved to NZ rather than being on a rotation.

31st August 2011, 13:39
Sorry I thought today was Thursday! I am living too into the future!

31st August 2011, 13:42
I have just spent all day in Coffs Harbour, hanging large rally car prints at the airport, major hotels and other places. Things are coming together well in the city, with the general public showing great enthusiasm for the event.

The ticketing arrangements have definitely been poor and the Rally Australia management have put their foot down with Ticketek. On site ticket selling will take place at spectator points and mail order tickets can be claimed at any Ticketek outlet, especially the WOW Sight & Sound store agency in Coffs Harbour. The problem and fault has been with Ticketek and their mismanagement, not from the rally organisers.

31st August 2011, 13:45

1st September 2011, 15:26
Work underway on the Coffs Super Special Stage 31st August.'


1st September 2011, 16:02
Can go for a swim at stage!

1st September 2011, 16:27
It's no Langley Park or even a Gloucester Park :p

2nd September 2011, 08:20
Muddy swim!

2nd September 2011, 14:45
Muddy swim!

The main swimming beach is off the the left of this shot between the two breakwalls. Behind the photographer in this pic, is mostly a surfing beach. Lastly, I am the guy dressed in blue on the right side of the picture in the middle distance.

The only hassle with this site has been a colony of muttonbirds who nest on the headland, well away from the cars, but that does not stop the enviromentalists from complaining.

3rd September 2011, 09:35
Where are Rally Australia Pickems?

3rd September 2011, 09:44

Red bull
3rd September 2011, 10:52
Can go for a swim at stage!
ohoh be aware of sharks! :D

3rd September 2011, 12:39
ohoh be aware of sharks! :D

Might be a bit chilly unless you have wetsuit.


3rd September 2011, 13:39
Gots my mankini

3rd September 2011, 17:17
Gots my mankini


3rd September 2011, 19:46
Can't wait for the start.

3rd September 2011, 20:55
Gots my mankini

mankini and shark repeller ? Shark Shield - Shark deterrent system - protection from shark attack and great white sharks (http://sharkshield.com/)

3rd September 2011, 21:35
Dolphins were playing and mixing it up with swimmers jumping off the Jetty near the Super Special yesterday. So it is a unique place.

The most likely 'White Pointers' will be the ones sunning themselves on the beach near the Jetty. I am not sure if I would want to repel those ones.

4th September 2011, 07:36
Very poor web site, next to impossible to find anything there...

Rally Guide 2 (incl. itinerary in appendix 1):
Rally Australia (WRC) | Rally Australia (http://www.rallyaustralia.com/competitors/rallyaustralia/)
(direct link to RG2 http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/RA-Rally-Guide-2-text1.pdf
and to itinerary appendix http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/RA-Rally-Guide-2-Appendix-1.pdf)

Approved entry list:
Notice Board | Rally Australia (http://www.rallyaustralia.com/competitors/rallyaustralia/notice-board/)
(direct link to list: http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/Rally-Australia-Approved-Entry-List.pdf)

4th September 2011, 09:48
Very poor web site, next to impossible to find anything there...

Rally Guide 2 (incl. itinerary in appendix 1):
Rally Australia (WRC) | Rally Australia (http://www.rallyaustralia.com/competitors/rallyaustralia/)
(direct link to RG2 http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/RA-Rally-Guide-2-text1.pdf
and to itinerary appendix http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/RA-Rally-Guide-2-Appendix-1.pdf)

Approved entry list:
Notice Board | Rally Australia (http://www.rallyaustralia.com/competitors/rallyaustralia/notice-board/)
(direct link to list: http://www.rallyaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/Rally-Australia-Approved-Entry-List.pdf)


looking forward to the rally, for me the highlights will be shakedown, Saturday as we have private land to spectate at :D and Petter Solberg WRT supporters pass.

I'm picking Ogier for the win, report more on the stages after our recce on Wednesday :)

5th September 2011, 11:25
Had a great day performing a road closure at the PWRC / ARC Test Day on the Shakedown stage. From 9am till 4pm, constant rallying action sitting in a nice uphill left hand sweeper. Can hardly wait for the WRC Shakedown now.

5th September 2011, 11:43
Had a great day performing a road closure at the PWRC / ARC Test Day on the Shakedown stage. From 9am till 4pm, constant rallying action sitting in a nice uphill left hand sweeper. Can hardly wait for the WRC Shakedown now.
Awesome, I'll be there, are you doing the Shakedown road block?

5th September 2011, 11:54
Yes but in maybe a different position on the road for some variety. Being the southern end of the old ARC Sherwood SS, always good action on a fantastic piece of road.

5th September 2011, 12:29
We've made it to Coffs.

An uneventful drive up from Canberra today.

Weather is awesome here at the moment.

Looking forward to Recce tomorrow.


5th September 2011, 12:49
Enjoy it Ray, will be on Plum Pudding for Recce tomorrow so I will not see you. Call me when you get the chance and we will catch up.

I think drinks at the Jetty Hotel at 8:30pm will be good for everyone from this forum. Hopefully late enough for those going to the Officials briefing and scrutineering.

5th September 2011, 13:01
Yes but in maybe a different position on the road for some variety. Being the southern end of the old ARC Sherwood SS, always good action on a fantastic piece of road.
Cool, should have a nice and compact base for the WRC boys come Thursday then :)

Has anyone been to the service park yet? If so, is the Ken Block WRT apart of the Ford WRT team

5th September 2011, 22:56
Opinions wanted from Aussies - Does Brendan Reeves have a realistic chance of challenging Paddon in PWRC or will this be the start of Kiwi sporting domination of Oz for the next month or so (just being provocative). Has BR actually rallied over this ground before?

5th September 2011, 23:56
Opinions wanted from Aussies - Does Brendan Reeves have a realistic chance of challenging Paddon in PWRC or will this be the start of Kiwi sporting domination of Oz for the next month or so (just being provocative). Has BR actually rallied over this ground before?

In short, yes. While Brendon has not rallied on these roads, he is very familiar and experienced with the Australian conditions. It was unfortunate that he was sidelined when he had a tyre sponsorship deal that became null and void when the Australian Rally Championship went to a control tyre with a rival company. When he was doing the ARC, Coffs Coast was not on the calendar. He is quite at home in a Group N car, more so than the Fiesta ST Academy Car, so it should be quite good to watch the times through out the weekend.

Nathan Quinn is the local Coffs Harbour driver with a PWRC wildcard, he has the ability to shake both of them up. He has scored stage wins at ARC & APRC level, so he will be quick. Even if Hayden manages to win the PWRC together with the title, it will certainly not be a run away victory by 7 or 8 minutes.

6th September 2011, 01:31
So where abouts is the shakedown stage? like what roads? Also where would the best spot be to see the cars?

6th September 2011, 03:14
AHHHHH!!! Gotta figure out what stages I'm going to!!

6th September 2011, 05:19
Make sure your entry roads are not like the time we drove 7km down a forestry road in Hokkaido to find a dead end en-route to the stages haha!

6th September 2011, 06:13
WRCfan(ny) haha will do! that was classic. Good ol' Rally Japan... i hope it comes back in the calendar so I don't have to go :p

6th September 2011, 09:01
In short, yes. While Brendon has not rallied on these roads, he is very familiar and experienced with the Australian conditions. It was unfortunate that he was sidelined when he had a tyre sponsorship deal that became null and void when the Australian Rally Championship went to a control tyre with a rival company. When he was doing the ARC, Coffs Coast was not on the calendar. He is quite at home in a Group N car, more so than the Fiesta ST Academy Car, so it should be quite good to watch the times through out the weekend.

Nathan Quinn is the local Coffs Harbour driver with a PWRC wildcard, he has the ability to shake both of them up. He has scored stage wins at ARC & APRC level, so he will be quick. Even if Hayden manages to win the PWRC together with the title, it will certainly not be a run away victory by 7 or 8 minutes.

Thanks for the heads up. Should be interesting

6th September 2011, 13:18
Opinions wanted from Aussies - Does Brendan Reeves have a realistic chance of challenging Paddon in PWRC or will this be the start of Kiwi sporting domination of Oz for the next month or so (just being provocative). Has BR actually rallied over this ground before?

Have chatted to Rhi (co driver). They will see how they go. It isnt their car they are driving (they have an 05 upspecced to 06 STI - illegal with FIA), unless things have changed. Hayden is also driving a newer car which makes it even more difficult. More seat time in the car has a plus, as well as the few open sections will suit Haydon as well as Brendo.

Brendo does have some experience on some stages, so they expect to be close. Its rallying, who knows! Nathan Quinn is also a big chance. If mechanical stuff doesnt get in the way it should be a good fight. Though Paddon may choose to secure points and/or the title and let brendo and nathan battle for the win. The roads are too technical in places to risk a big charge, very narrow tree lined roads which are fast, so similar in nature to perth without ball bearing surface.

6th September 2011, 13:36
A nice watch for preping Rally Aus

Advocate_WRC_6-9-11.mp4 - YouTube (http://t.co/MTfurZR)

6th September 2011, 13:56
Big boys are in town! We're off tomorrow morning to checkout the stages and service park.

6th September 2011, 19:49
where is the rally located ? i want to work out the time differences.

6th September 2011, 20:03
converted the time zone in CET

The World Clock - Time Zone Converter - Australia (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?day=9&month=9&year=2011&hour=10&min=5&sec=0&p1=1501&p2=195)

its -8 from CET, -7 for Greece/Finland ects and -9 for UK.

set your clocks european people....early start.