View Full Version : The Tea Party Express reaches Europe.

18th April 2011, 04:19
Well at least in Finland.

The True Finns Stun The World With Gigantic Success In The Finnish Election
Joe Weisenthal | Apr. 17, 2011, 3:08 PM | 6,153 | comment 42

Finland Official results aren't settled, but the early vote suggests a massive victory for the True Finns in the Finnish election.

It's not clear yet whether they will be the single largest party.

You can follow the results here. At the moment, while they have the most share of the vote, the National Coalition Party has the most seats.

The True Finns -- as their name suggests -- are the Finnish nationalist party lead by Timo Soini. They are anti-bailouts and anti-immigration.

For a really good overview of what the True Finns believe, and what they mean to Europe, see this profile in the Telegraph. This quote from one candidate -- a professor running in this election -- encapsulates it all "Here in the Nordic nations we draw a line between the decent, hard-working countries of the north, and the easy-going, relaxed southern states."

It appears the party will be in coalition talks with the other Finnish parties, the result of which is sure to throw a wrench in the Portuguese bailouts.


I bet Eki is curled up in the fetal position crying her eyes out.

18th April 2011, 04:46
If we use your definition:

In the US a Liberal is one who's political beliefs are based on the Left. Big, Gov, Huge Social Safety net, High Taxes,

And compare this to the True Finns economic platform:
The True Finns saw political potential among the neglected people in society. Their political message is two-fold: social-democratic welfare combined with nationalism and xenophobia.

Then you've basically suggested that the The Tea Party is both "Liberal" and "Left-Wing".

18th April 2011, 05:14
If we use your definition:

Then you've basically suggested that the The Tea Party is both "Liberal" and "Left-Wing".

The Tea party is neither left or right wing. Not Liberal or Conservative.

The Tea Party is for Fiscal Responsibility and Nationalism. Neither trait is anything to be ashamed of.

BTW I am not a Tea Partier.

18th April 2011, 05:51
True Finns, Lolzers. I hadn't heard that name before. :D
A more literal translation would have been basic or Fundamental Finns, altough I understand why they didn't choose either, first one makes them sound dumber, second one would have NATO bombing Al quaida here in two weeks time.

I hope they get a seat on the goverment, It would serve them bloody right.
No more silly one-liners, no more complaining and lot of swift changes in party opinions.
They will however bring lot of comedy on the benches. Maybe the best so far has been when many in the party wanted to kick another member out because she didn't agree with their official stance on modern art. :D

My voting result was pretty much spot on. Since Cthuhlu wasn't up for election, I had to vote for a lesser evil who didn't get in, so he doesn't get to do any damage.

18th April 2011, 08:45
Hardly an express, more like a steam train :p

18th April 2011, 12:37
It will be funny times here now, I think the old parties has much to blame them self, giving away the power, but keeping the responsibilities is not so clever in the long run.
It will be interesting to see what kind of coaliton government they will form now, true finns was the only winner in this election, so its difficult to leave them out, but with who they govern is still very much open.

18th April 2011, 17:12
I'll be very surprised if the coalition isn't Kok, SDP and Persut, Centrist party lost too much and already said they'll go to the opposition. The big three would bring 120 votes, if one assumes Persus will stay as one party the whole four years.

It will be a might big compromise if they aim to get the top three parties.
Kok is pro Euro, pro big business, SDP is pro euro, pro working man, Persut is anti Euro, pro working man.

18th April 2011, 17:35
I dont think the 3 biggest are enough for Kok, I belive they try to take the Swedes in aswell, Agree that Soini will have full day job to keep his bunch together, impossible I belive.

18th April 2011, 21:52
True Finns, Lolzers. I hadn't heard that name before. :D
A more literal translation would have been basic or Fundamental Finns, altough I understand why they didn't choose either, first one makes them sound dumber, second one would have NATO bombing Al quaida here in two weeks time.
Well, the BBC compared them to the Nazis. Now we're waiting for Gordon Brown to give a speech about Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, and declare a war against Finland again.


The True Finns' manifesto indicates they have much in common with right-wing populist parties elsewhere in Europe.

They believe that a low birth rate is not solved by immigration, as that results in problems and foreigners do not fit into Finnish culture. Instead, young women should study less and spend more time giving birth to pure Finnish children. That is like a faint echo of Nazi ideology.

Captain VXR
19th April 2011, 19:34
Well, the BBC compared them to the Nazis. Now we're waiting for Gordon Brown to give a speech about Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, and declare a war against Finland again.


Gordon Brown???
Last time I looked, David Cameron was the prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

19th April 2011, 20:08
Gordon Brown???
Last time I looked, David Cameron was the prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Well, at least I didn't guess Winston Churchill.

20th April 2011, 19:08
While channel surfing, I happened to stumble upon a Christian channel where some American TV preachers tried to convince people by citing Bible that Obama is the Anti-Christ and that the third world war is near. Compared to them, our own Christian nutters started to look almost sane and normal, but it was still good that the Christian Democrats lost support in these elections.

Bob Riebe
20th April 2011, 23:00
While channel surfing, I happened to stumble upon a Christian channel where some American TV preachers tried to convince people by citing Bible that Obama is the Anti-Christ and that the third world war is near. Compared to them, our own Christian nutters started to look almost sane and normal, but it was still good that the Christian Democrats lost support in these elections.
Which show?

The Bible says these nut-jobs are out there, and there is one "prophesy' show that is bs on its best day, and jack-asses acting like self-righteous jack-asses all the others.

Obama is not a Christian, nor a muslim, but the anti-christ, he is not smart enough.

21st April 2011, 04:59
I think it was the Jack Van Impe Presents.


21st April 2011, 06:49
I think it was the Jack Van Impe Presents.

Van Impe's Pork and Beans? :D

21st April 2011, 17:17
Well, at least I didn't guess Winston Churchill.

You and Nancy Pelsoi have a lot in common...........

Reason that the tea party is spreading in Finnland, is that they all want to be teabaggers

Nancy P. went to one of their parties and asked if she could go first. Then she could not figure out why the women who were present got so mad

21st April 2011, 17:19
While channel surfing, I happened to stumble upon a Christian channel where some American TV preachers tried to convince people by citing Bible that Obama is the Anti-Christ and that the third world war is near. Compared to them, our own Christian nutters started to look almost sane and normal, but it was still good that the Christian Democrats lost support in these elections.

You and Nancy Pelsoi have a lot in common...........

Reason that the tea party is spreading in Finnland, is that they all want to be teabaggers

Nancy P. went to one of their parties and asked if she could go first. Then she could not figure out why the women who were present got so mad and made her leave..........

21st April 2011, 17:29
You and Nancy Pelsoi have a lot in common...........

Reason that the tea party is spreading in Finnland, is that they all want to be teabaggers

Nancy P. went to one of their parties and asked if she could go first. Then she could not figure out why the women who were present got so mad and made her leave..........
Actually, the True Finns have nothing to do with the Tea Party. I don't think they even know what it is. Any similarities between them and the Tea Party are merely coincidental.

21st April 2011, 18:03
Actually, the True Finns have nothing to do with the Tea Party. I don't think they even know what it is. Any similarities between them and the Tea Party are merely coincidental.

Okay, I got you on the coincidental part and I can understand that. Hey even Nancy made that mistake.

But what is a "True Finn"? Some religious movement or something about genectic purity, like "True Aryans"

21st April 2011, 19:16
Okay, I got you on the coincidental part and I can understand that. Hey even Nancy made that mistake.

But what is a "True Finn"? Some religious movement or something about genectic purity, like "True Aryans"
It's a lot of things, including "True Aryans" types, some are more normal, ranging from overly patriots to extreme jingoists. Religious nutters have their own party, but the True Finns probably have a bigger share of moderately religious than others. At least they tend to be more conservative on issues like gay marriage, gay adoption, women priesthood and abortion than other parties.

21st April 2011, 19:27
Maybe you get the picture when I tell you that in the past when the Conservative Party and the Social Democratic Party have formed the government together, it has been called a "blue and red government". Now it seems that the Conservatives and the Social Democrats will form the government together with the True Finns. Someone has called that a "blue and redneck government".

donKey jote
21st April 2011, 20:46
I just found out I'm off to Finland next week for a couple of days... can't wait :s :dozey: :p

21st April 2011, 20:52
I just found out I'm off to Finland next week for a couple of days... can't wait :s :dozey: :p

The weather forecast is great, at least for the weekend so you might get to enjoy warm, sunny weather. I'm sure True Finns won't bother you :)

donKey jote
21st April 2011, 21:45
warm and sunny is bad for slush tests though... it means night shift :dozey:

True Finns... you mean Sami? :p

22nd April 2011, 06:24
warm and sunny is bad for slush tests though... it means night shift :dozey:

True Finns... you mean Sami? :p


22nd April 2011, 10:03
True Finns, Lolzers. I hadn't heard that name before. :D
A more literal translation would have been basic or Fundamental Finns, altough I understand why they didn't choose either, first one makes them sound dumber, second one would have NATO bombing Al quaida here in two weeks time.

I hope they get a seat on the goverment, It would serve them bloody right.
No more silly one-liners, no more complaining and lot of swift changes in party opinions.
They will however bring lot of comedy on the benches. Maybe the best so far has been when many in the party wanted to kick another member out because she didn't agree with their official stance on modern art. :D

My voting result was pretty much spot on. Since Cthuhlu wasn't up for election, I had to vote for a lesser evil who didn't get in, so he doesn't get to do any damage.

Why did you had to vote? I didn't have to vote. So I didn't.

23rd April 2011, 07:18
Skip this cattle car to hell my good Euro friends.

All you'll end up with is gridlock and more infighting in the legislative system.

23rd April 2011, 13:18
warm and sunny is bad for slush tests though... it means night shift :dozey:

True Finns... you mean Sami? :p

Slush..... You mean lush?

23rd April 2011, 14:22
warm and sunny is bad for slush tests though... it means night shift :dozey:

Pack a T-shirt. Today was the first day out without a jacket for me this year, which was nice.

23rd April 2011, 18:09
Why did you had to vote? I didn't have to vote. So I didn't.

I wasn't going to as I had lost the voting ticket thingy, but my brother called me that he saw my name on the voter list when he was there earlier. :)

In fairness to the candidate, I did put some effort finding about his views on some issues. Alltough, his stance on killing absolutely everyone wasn't as appealing as Cthulhus's he was worth it. ;)