View Full Version : Heikki...what went wrong ?

18th March 2007, 06:48
Even Flavio was very disappointed " we got a lot to talk " he told Ital Tv after the race. I believe the team put too much pression on him...

18th March 2007, 06:51
The Renault were wrong and Hekki choked under the disappointment and the pressure.

18th March 2007, 06:54
No reason to write him off. Well, he didn't look good compared to Hamilton, but is every rookie supposed to be brilliant on their debut? Actually history has shown that often those, who haven't achieved a wonderful result on their debut, will be more successful later in their career. ;) Give the Finn some time to get the confidence in racing in F1 and to get rid of errors. For example Kubica made quite a number of driver errors last year.

18th March 2007, 06:58
I am not writting off, just I would like to know what made him to make so many mistakes ? I blame Flavio...he praise him too much ;)

18th March 2007, 07:02
only one race - give him a few

18th March 2007, 07:55
I think he'll be right up there at the front in the future. Just a lack of experience. (How nervous would you be at your first GP?) I expect to see Rosberg improve a lot this year, too.

18th March 2007, 07:58
Did he do other mistakes than the spin and a wide corner i saw mentioned in news?

Garry Walker
18th March 2007, 08:17
Did he do other mistakes than the spin and a wide corner i saw mentioned in news?

I saw him going off track/spinning 3 times I think. Very dissapointing performance, I am surprised.

18th March 2007, 08:55
He didn't have a good race and Hamilton's performance makes him look that much worse. Give the lad a chance though. The Renault is, at best, the 4th best car out there at the moment so he's not going to be able to match Hamilton's performances even without the mistakes.

18th March 2007, 08:55
Just a lack of experience.

I'd rather say lack of that "killer instinct". IMO he's always been too soft, but hey, I hope he proves I'm wrong!

18th March 2007, 09:46
I'd rather say lack of that "killer instinct". IMO he's always been too soft, but hey, I hope he proves I'm wrong!

My thoughts exactly! Can you imagine someone like Kimi getting overwhelmed by pressure? You have to be a tough mother****er to succeed in such a competitive sport, and Heikki has always seemed like a softie to me. But like Mikko, I hope he eventually proves me wrong!

18th March 2007, 11:34
Heikki's admitted that "I didn't have a great race: there were too many mistakes, and my performance just wasn't controlled enough" and that just about sums it up, but he's a good driver and we'll see better from him as the season goes on.

18th March 2007, 11:40
Heikki's admitted that "I didn't have a great race: there were too many mistakes, and my performance just wasn't controlled enough" and that just about sums it up, but he's a good driver and we'll see better from him as the season goes on.

My thoughts exactly.

18th March 2007, 12:23
Heikki never got hooked up all weekend. He'll get better.

Ian McC
18th March 2007, 12:27
Heikki's admitted that "I didn't have a great race: there were too many mistakes, and my performance just wasn't controlled enough" and that just about sums it up, but he's a good driver and we'll see better from him as the season goes on.

Indeed, he is getting compared to Hamilton which makes his performance look worse but you don't get allowed too much time to settle into the car in F1.

Dave B
18th March 2007, 13:09
If it hadn't been for the amazing performance of Hamilton, Heikki's debut performance wouldn't have looked too shabby for a rookie.

There were more mistakes than one would expect for a driver in a top team, but I don't see any reason to write him off just yet, he's a proven quantity and will doubtless do very well.

18th March 2007, 13:12
I already see newsflashes "Heikki goes to NASCAR" coming... ;)

18th March 2007, 13:24
Well, his performance wasn't unexpected for a debutant, I mean this is how we expect a rookie to race his debut, right? Only if it wasn't for Hamilton...

I'll still give him minimum 6-8 racec before I pass any kind of judgment on him.

18th March 2007, 13:58
;) You are getting to be a Hard Man, Pino.

:dozey: Heikki made typical Rookie mistakes... let's wait to see how he is doing mid-season !

18th March 2007, 14:50
He didn't have a good race. Neither did a very experienced driver like DC. No big deal.

Garry Walker
18th March 2007, 18:24
He didn't have a good race. Neither did a very experienced driver like DC. No big deal.

DC made one stupid move, HK went off the track at least 4 times. I would say DCs race was much better.

18th March 2007, 18:35
Heikki lost a lot of valuable track time earlier due to mechanical problems. That might have cost him some in qualifying and that affected his race performance as well.

But sure enough he could have done beter in the race. But to be fair, Fisi only managed to get up one place in the race. So maybe the Renault in race in trim is not the machine either.

Whatever the case, I'm sure he will improve over time.

18th March 2007, 18:40
I would say DCs race was much better.
Did he finish the race after almost decapitating Wurz?

Garry Walker
18th March 2007, 18:45
Did he finish the race after almost decapitating Wurz?

No, but did he go off the track 4-5 times like an idiot and got totally outperformed by his teammate?

18th March 2007, 19:01
No, but did he go off the track 4-5 times like an idiot and got totally outperformed by his teammate?

Once was enough for DC to look idiot.

18th March 2007, 22:16
DC made one stupid move, HK went off the track at least 4 times. I would say DCs race was much better.

comparing F1 experience, HK race was "bad but ok for a rookie", DC race was "what an idiot"

18th March 2007, 22:46
Heikki's admitted that "I didn't have a great race: there were too many mistakes, and my performance just wasn't controlled enough" and that just about sums it up, but he's a good driver and we'll see better from him as the season goes on.

Exactly. It happens to the best of them... just a shame it was his first one that's all... I guess we need a bit more time to see what he is or isn't capable of...

but then I may be biased because I think he's just lovely :)

18th March 2007, 23:39
He will get better, im sure of it, but he was wreckless, and suffered because of it.

Still cant quite believe that Flavio slagged him off after the race, theres still an entire season to go yet Flav :p :

18th March 2007, 23:56
He didn't have a good race and Hamilton's performance makes him look that much worse. Give the lad a chance though. The Renault is, at best, the 4th best car out there at the moment so he's not going to be able to match Hamilton's performances even without the mistakes.

I disagree, did the Renault suddenly loose all its power over the winter. From what I understand, the car is essentially the same with a few modifications that should bring it up to par with the rest. It is funny how after the first race a bunch of you guys are blaming the machine for the perfromance. I put the blame squarly on the two drivers, oone is completely inexperienced and the other a solid 2nd tier driver. What where they thinking.

I bet you if you put these two in the Ferrari or McClaren, that you would see just about the same result. Conversely if you put Alonso and Haliton or Raikkonen and Massa in the Renault, you would see much better performances.

Perhaps Heikke wasn't as prepared to be in top flight F1 as everyone suspected (and piped him to do better than Hamilton) It is one thing to drive around for 30 laps with a mandated fuel stop, it is quite another thing to push a car to its limit, for 60 laps and maintain absolute conentration. With everyone just as quick and talented. Constant pressure from behind and pressure to pass the cars in front of you deemed inferior ( i.e. the toyotas, Webber's RBR, etc... and no doubt instructed to do so over the radio)

Hamilton is already there and seems well prepared for the rigors and pressures of F1, but he's a phenom. Kovaleinen isnt there yet. Rosberg is just coming around, Kubica is probably there. I think Piquet Jr. might already be there.

Renaults is not a good, but great car, unfortunately they can't drive themselves. I bet you Webber would have done a great job with them, this year!

19th March 2007, 00:01
It was by no means an impressive debut for Kovalainen, but to write-off his Formula One credentials after one race is nigh on ridiculous. Time for a little perspective, I feel.

19th March 2007, 00:06

Heikki's performance? I think everyone could see on TV and I don't need to protect anyone, it was rubbish," Briatore told Reuters. "What else an I say? If I tell you it was good then I'm a complete idiot."

"It wasn't very good," he added. "When you start like that you don't have any trouble getting better - there's plenty of room for improvement. It wasn't the Heikki we know from testing - I don't know what happened. We know he is good, but this performance was so bad - and we have to try to get the real Heikki for the next race."

Briatore is such a prick... Yes Heikki did some mistakes in the race but slamming your own driver like this is completley uncalled for.. Not only do you make him feel worse about him self now but it can destroy his confidence for future races knowing that the team principle has 0 trust in him.. disgusting..

19th March 2007, 08:50
I think he's just lovely :)

That's just the main problem with Heikki. For being a GREAT F1-driver, you have to be bad, arrogant, aggressive, remorseless SOB!
(For example, take a look at Lewis's moves on the start & first corner, now THAT'S what I'm talkin'bout!)
But I guess Heikki's just lovely... :love:

19th March 2007, 09:51
I wonder how much of Flava Flav's comments are an attempt to hide the fact that currently their car is utter pants compared to what they had year ago.

I've seen only the re-run of the race and it showed only two bigger mistakes, neither of which really cost him points as he was going to pit after the spin anyway and i think he was tentht when he ran wide one corner trying to catch Trulli(?).

Biggest worry isn't few mistakes but the lack of blinding speed. And let's be honest, all of us expected, if just only secretly, to win the damn thing lapping everyone and their mothers three times. :)

19th March 2007, 10:16
I still believe it's all Flavio fault, he told everyone that Heikki is only second to Alonso... Anyway I like the guy ( not in the same way as slinkster though ) :p : and I hope he will improve alredy from next race :)

19th March 2007, 10:26
So much for believing HK would end Fisi's career. Poor weekend from HK - he's going to have to do better than that.

Mr Kurtz
19th March 2007, 10:41
I think Heikki tried to overdrive the car and himself being pushed by the team to catch the Toyota's. Now everybody is congratulating Hamilton, and he did great, but don't forget he had his moments too. Last year Montoya ended his race prematurely jumping a curbstone much like Hamilton did twice. If the McLaren had shut down like last year, would everybody be shouting about it too? I think Heikki did ok. If he had ended on the podium we would be talking about his great performance and his mistakes being minor. Btw, Hamilton has the better car and wasn't really pressured by Alonso. Alonso himself sais he was going to overtake him in the second pitstop. If he had pushed him on track maybe he would have run wide too. Really, I think Heikki deserves a little more credit.

Ian McC
19th March 2007, 10:58
Still cant quite believe that Flavio slagged him off after the race, theres still an entire season to go yet Flav :p :

I can, sounds just like Flav :rolleyes:

19th March 2007, 11:11
I heard that Heikki had bad problems with Balance and later on in the race, graining on tyres, so perhaps that explains some of his lack of speed.

What flavio said was horrible. One way to crush a rookie's confidence! way to go flav! idiot.. i'm actually suprised that the journalist was able to understand what flavio had said, because whenever i hear him speaking, it sounds kind of like a cross between someone speaking whilst brushing their teeth and a bad online translation.

I dont think we saw true Heikki this weekend. When i saw him driving at the silverstone test in september his driving was spot on, he didnt even spin on Piquet's oil slick, unlike some other cars... i shall wait to see more of him on track, but i will always be a Heikki fan!

Dave B
19th March 2007, 11:55
It's also strange how the only radio conversations we hear from Renault are those telling their drivers to hurry up :\

19th March 2007, 12:03
Heikki said his aim was to finish the race and he did just that. So mission accomplished and let's move on to the next race.

19th March 2007, 12:07
That's just the main problem with Heikki. For being a GREAT F1-driver, you have to be bad, arrogant, aggressive, remorseless SOB!
(For example, take a look at Lewis's moves on the start & first corner, now THAT'S what I'm talkin'bout!)
But I guess Heikki's just lovely... :love:


Well Hamilton doesn't at all strike me as aggressive and arrogant, a driver can be skillful and challenging without being a total nonce. :) I think Heikki has what it takes... he perhaps just needs more time.

19th March 2007, 13:12
i remeber during qualifying heikki was sitting in his car in the pits, his engineer asked him what changes he might like to make and heikki responded "umm i dont know.. what do you think?" to which Murray Walker, who was doing the commentary on channel 10 in australia, responded "i can tell you one thing, that was NOT the right answer!"

and that pretty much summed it up, heikki seemed to me to be a little boy overwhelmed by it all. Hopefully he will get his head together tho before too long because he IS a bloody good driver, he just needs to get his **** together

19th March 2007, 13:59
watching the qualifying and Heikki seemed to be fighting to get the car round the circuit. I am hoping the car is partially to fault and rookiness the rest. As the others say it is only because Lewis H did so well that makes Heikki look as if he did badly.

19th March 2007, 14:12
It's good that Heikki admitted his mistakes and he said it cannon get worse than this. Flavio said something was wrong with him this weekend but he'll be back.

19th March 2007, 14:46
Well Hamilton doesn't at all strike me as aggressive and arrogant, a driver can be skillful and challenging without being a total nonce. :)

It's not a question of arrogance IMO, although it is a question of aggressiveness to a degree. You don't have to be an arsehole (I'm guessing that's what "nonce" means) to be successful in F1. But you do have to be tough. Very tough. In a manner of speaking, the really top F1 drivers are alpha-males and the question every race is supposed to answer is: who is the alphaest of the alphas.

There is no place at the very top of the game for wussies, really. No matter how fast they are.

That means, there is no real place for the likes of Fisichella, Trulli, Barrichello, Button...

Now, it's very easy for me to add Kovalainen to the above list. He seems like the same sort of guy - very fast but not tough enough.

But, of course, it is too soon to judge. Let's see what the future brings.

Garry Walker
19th March 2007, 14:50
i remeber during qualifying heikki was sitting in his car in the pits, his engineer asked him what changes he might like to make and heikki responded "umm i dont know.. what do you think?" to which Murray Walker, who was doing the commentary on channel 10 in australia, responded "i can tell you one thing, that was NOT the right answer!"

Was that really so? Could you imagine an ultra-professional like MS for example doing that? absolutley no way, HK has a long long way to go to reach a level of a good driver. If he cant handle Fisi this year, then his career pretty much is over and done with.

19th March 2007, 22:51
Heikki wasn't hooked up for the weekend ??? :confused:

He has been waiting his chance for how long?? When it finally came, he wasn't ready ? Well, I guess it can happen to anybody.

Too bad for Heikki, Sleazebag Flavio will be ready to bag him right after Malesia if things won't change and I mean in a radical way.

I completely agree with Mikko here. Heikki has no business in F1 as long he is such a jolly good fella. In Suomussalmi it can take you a mile ahead, not in the pitline.

I say bye bye and thanks for trying.

Next !!

20th March 2007, 00:38
if he is still crap after about.. 7 races... then perhaps renault need to organise bringing Webber in for 08

N. Jones
20th March 2007, 01:02
One race does not make a driver. Let's give the kid a chance to get used to F1.

Ian McC
20th March 2007, 02:08
if he is still crap after about.. 7 races... then perhaps renault need to organise bringing Webber in for 08

Why would they do that? :rolleyes:

20th March 2007, 02:12
if he is still crap after about.. 7 races... then perhaps renault need to organise bringing Webber in for 08

i can assure you that webber is already under consideration for 2008 by renault, the only difference is he is being considered as fisi's replacement, but if heikki cant get it together then maybe fisi will get yet another shot in the team and webber will replace heikki? interesting times

20th March 2007, 03:17
The only reason that Fishi And Kev are driving for Renault
is because they are both managed by Flavio ....
Renault was stupid to accept this , they are much better drivers out there , Bourdais is one of them
This might be Flavio last year at Renault , i hope ...

20th March 2007, 08:02
Heikki will fight back :


20th March 2007, 08:22
Renaults is not a good, but great car, unfortunately they can't drive themselves. I bet you Webber would have done a great job with them, this year!

Like spinning in the pit entrance???? :)

20th March 2007, 08:26
You're right! Let's throw him out after the first race and bring back someone qualified like Yoong or Ide to take his seat!!! :(

20th March 2007, 08:29
Heikki will fight back :


How brave from Heikki! How many other drivers would of been as brutally honest and not trying to found faults anyone else but himself. He could of whine that lost practise session, his first GP, car handling etc... But no, no whining or "Fisi-talk"...He will come back stronger and fitter. Go Heikki!!

20th March 2007, 08:32
He could of whine that lost practise session, his first GP, car handling etc... But no, no whining or "Fisi-talk"...

Yes, commendable! :up:

20th March 2007, 10:52
Even Flavio was very disappointed " we got a lot to talk " he told Ital Tv after the race. I believe the team put too much pression on him...

I think Heikki wanted too much and that's it.
New track for him, two types of tyres, the car setup were NOT as it should be and Heikki trying a bit too much and driving a little over the limit what was possible – the result can only be one - “lot of mistakes”.

But I don't believe it will happen again, as Flavio said “we know him”, Heikki is much better than that.

However it was interesting and shows that be rookie in F1 is not that easy what people sometimes believe. Unfortunately, I don’t think Renault is in very good “shape” at the moment. Not even Fisi made as good race many was waiting and I think Flavio was a bit disappointed when he realised how things are going and also that was the reason for his overreaction. He did not think before he was “speaking” with Heikki. But that’s only a normal Flavio behaviour and makes him to feel little better after a disappointing weekend. :)

20th March 2007, 13:04
Remember also, that it was the first race for him in almost 1,5 years. testing is never the same as racing. So give him a couple of races to get ito the rythm and he will show what he is capable of

21st March 2007, 09:22
Remember also, that it was the first race for him in almost 1,5 years. testing is never the same as racing. So give him a couple of races to get ito the rythm and he will show what he is capable of


21st March 2007, 17:14
Remember also, that it was the first race for him in almost 1,5 years. testing is never the same as racing. So give him a couple of races to get ito the rythm and he will show what he is capable of

:D It may take a race or two...before he again is confortable on the starting grid. His BBC Motorsports column shows maturity and an understanding beyond his years !!!

;) I hope he does well with Renault... they surely need a Driver !

21st March 2007, 20:07
It's not a question of arrogance IMO, although it is a question of aggressiveness to a degree. You don't have to be an arsehole (I'm guessing that's what "nonce" means) to be successful in F1. But you do have to be tough. Very tough. In a manner of speaking, the really top F1 drivers are alpha-males and the question every race is supposed to answer is: who is the alphaest of the alphas.

There is no place at the very top of the game for wussies, really. No matter how fast they are.

That means, there is no real place for the likes of Fisichella, Trulli, Barrichello, Button...

Now, it's very easy for me to add Kovalainen to the above list. He seems like the same sort of guy - very fast but not tough enough.

But, of course, it is too soon to judge. Let's see what the future brings.

Yes I do see you're point. Most definitely with the examples you made too. But again, Hamilton seems like a down to earth and nice young chap.. yet his competitiveness and drive on the track had an edge in his first race that perhaps Heikki lacked.

Like you said, I guess we'll see. :)

Ian McC
21st March 2007, 20:17
However it was interesting and shows that be rookie in F1 is not that easy what people sometimes believe.

Indeed, there seems to be this belief that it is easy to step up into F1 which clearly isn't the case.