View Full Version : Changing a car battery...

13th April 2011, 14:56
On a 10 year old Corsa C. Absolute pain the in backside, took me half the evening last night.

The battery sits just below the windshield, drainage/grille. Damaged a plastic shield to stop water going near the terminals. Is it OK to leave it like this? I'm assuming I'm going to need apply lithium grease and vaseline every 6 months?

13th April 2011, 19:41
Amazing how difficult manufactures are making simple jobs. I think it might have been my old Fugly Micra that took about two hours to swap a battery. Ridiculous.

14th April 2011, 07:47
I did a change on the Subaru a couple of months ago and it took minutes. In the Fiat it looks like it would be a simple enough job

14th April 2011, 08:01
I think it has a benefit if the batt is located far from heat source, like near the windshield. No need to top off the fluid too often, and usually it has longer life. You can also cover the terminal with rubber insulator.

14th April 2011, 09:54
Not really, the important thing the batt is not exposed directly to the heat. You can put it at the front, stick it downward behind the headlight, like you may find it on Volvo. :)

17th April 2011, 16:25
Haha :D

I changed the battery on my 2004 Fiesta and it was easy enough, apart from nearly putting my back out lifting the thing!

18th April 2011, 09:08
My only advice would be to make sure you place a spanner across the contacts on top of the battery before you disconnect it. :dozey:
Make sure to avoid the positive terminal have direct contact with the ground during the work using spanner. Such short contacts may shorten the batt's lifespan.