View Full Version : Stewards

11th April 2011, 10:36
It strikes me that we have the exact opposite problem that a sport like football does. Football referees are constantly being lambasted for poor on the spot decisions, whilst fans and pundits pour over slow motion replays from a hundred angles before declaring their view. With so many perceived injustices the case for video replays has been growing ever stronger.

In our sport we already have access to such technology, and yet, views are still polarised when punishments (or lack thereof) are handed down.

Clearly both systems have flaws, but my question is, what would you prefer; a single "race ref" who hands out punishments as he/she sees fit within say a lap of an incident, so that at least we know the finishing order is the race result. Or our current system?

11th April 2011, 13:52
Personally, I think that it's better to have a proper punishment coming too late that an undeserved punishment coming at all. I'd rather the stewards have time to make their decisions. However, there are obvious cases in which they should be able to hand penalties inmediately (speeding in the pitlane, leaving the pits under a red light...).

11th April 2011, 14:11
I think the current system is good enough, though why it takes so long for the stewards to make some decisions is beyond me. The big problem is that the stewards regularly make bad calls, even with the ex drivers now sitting in. Frankly Johnny Herbert and Nigel Mansell are the only two es drivers that have shown any real aptitude in the position of steward that I can recall.

11th April 2011, 14:16
The big problem is that the stewards regularly make bad calls, even with the ex drivers now sitting in.

:up: That's the crux of the matter. People don't care what system is used, only that the judgement is 'fair'. I think that we can all agree that F1 is prone to get this wrong on a fairly regular basis. This weekend is a perfect example, not many (none that I've read...other than Ferrari who we all know are as reliable on matters of truth as Jeffrey Archer) saw much from LH to warrant a time penalty and it was felt that Fernando losing his wing was penalty enough, yet for some reason the stewards decide to be cocks about the whole thing.

11th April 2011, 14:17
I think the best thing is some kind of combination of the two. Here are some other points:

What F1 needs is some equivalent of football's yellow card. Then they can react quicker to smaller incidents, while leaving it in the hands of the driver to improve his behaviour. Two warnings in a race means you're out, or two warnings in two races means a drive-through, for example.

Teams should only be allowed to protest or object within a limited time of any incident.

11th April 2011, 18:59
I believe that it is time to have the very same stewards for each race for at least one season (the more the better) so that they finally get accustomed to what is right and what is wrong in F1, that they get used to the rules and gather enough experience to be able to hand out the right punishment within 3 minutes from happening.

Nowadays we have total tools, picked on whatever basis (obvioulsy not a very transparent system), who have little or no clue about F1 sporting regulations and need hours and hours to hand out a punishment on the slightest infringement. On top of it the same incident will most probably be handled differently every time it happens. :down:

11th April 2011, 19:15
I believe that it is time to have the very same stewards for each race for at least one season (the more the better) so that they finally get accustomed to what is right and what is wrong in F1, that they get used to the rules and gather enough experience to be able to hand out the right punishment within 3 minutes from happening.

Nowadays we have total tools, picked on whatever basis (obvioulsy not a very transparent system), who have little or no clue about F1 sporting regulations and need hours and hours to hand out a punishment on the slightest infringement. On top of it the same incident will most probably be handled differently every time it happens. :down:


16th April 2011, 11:02
I believe that it is time to have the very same stewards for each race for at least one season (the more the better) so that they finally get accustomed to what is right and what is wrong in F1, that they get used to the rules and gather enough experience to be able to hand out the right punishment within 3 minutes from happening.

Nowadays we have total tools, picked on whatever basis (obvioulsy not a very transparent system), who have little or no clue about F1 sporting regulations and need hours and hours to hand out a punishment on the slightest infringement. On top of it the same incident will most probably be handled differently every time it happens. :down:

I know its a little after the event, but I think this is right.

People are always saying we need a balanced and consistent order of penalties, but with each panel differing from the last, then a different opinion leads to a different decision, thus no consistency.