View Full Version : suicide bomber regrets his act as he did not know he was "going to hurt muslims"

9th April 2011, 16:20
heartwarming, is it not:

However, in Friday's interview, he said he is "seeking forgiveness" from the families of those killed and wounded.
"I never knew that I was going to hurt Muslims. I learned it only after I failed," said the boy. "May Allah forgive me."

only 40 or so dead....


Bob Riebe
9th April 2011, 21:12
heartwarming, is it not.
only 40 or so dead....
Hang the lying piece of feces.

Mark in Oshawa
10th April 2011, 08:53
I just don't get how you could be so confused. Who the hell did he think he was blowing up if not Muslims? IT is freaking Pakistan...any Christian with half a brain left town a long time ago....

10th April 2011, 09:04
Suicide bomber? And he can regret? Did he send the message from the dead through an ouija board?

10th April 2011, 09:42
Suicide bomber? And he can regret? Did he send the message from the dead through an ouija board?


Mark in Oshawa
10th April 2011, 09:44
Eki, read the article. He botched the job, his belt didn't go off....and he was shot by the security forces. He has lost his arm...I suspect he will be convicted and executed....stupid stupid kid...

10th April 2011, 16:33
I just don't get how you could be so confused. Who the hell did he think he was blowing up if not Muslims? IT is freaking Pakistan...any Christian with half a brain left town a long time ago....

Guess he could not tell the difference between a UN office and a mosuqe or moslem shrine

10th April 2011, 16:34
Eki, read the article. He botched the job, his belt didn't go off....and he was shot by the security forces. He has lost his arm...I suspect he will be convicted and executed....stupid stupid kid...

Well then he's not a suicide bomber then!

10th April 2011, 16:46
Well then he's not a suicide bomber then!

well, not yet, but perhaps after his execution.....

10th April 2011, 18:19
well, not yet, but perhaps after his execution.....

So, if the pastors end up dead, they'll be suicide bible burners?

Bob Riebe
11th April 2011, 01:19
So, if the pastors end up dead, they'll be suicide bible burners?
That is an asininely stuipd statement.

What pastors burnt Bibles?

11th April 2011, 03:38
bible, koran, whatever

Eki just needs to go visit his good moslem friends over there in the in Iran and explain how they are all engaging in a bunch of ignorant, superstitious practices no different than that of his own ancestors when they worshiped animals, except that the real and ONLY reason they beleive in Allah is because the jews had been playing tricks on the pedo prophet a few centuries back, and they all need to wake up and smell the BS in their holy book

11th April 2011, 05:32
Well then he's not a suicide bomber then!

Suicide Epic Failer

Think about it. Taking others with you or not, you want to kill yourself, and fail. I bet that makes you want to kill yourself for failing.

Retro Formula 1
11th April 2011, 12:28
So very sad. A 14 year old child tries to end his life by murdering others who practice his faith in a way that his masters don't agree with.

It makes you want to cry with the futility of it all.

11th April 2011, 16:57
So very sad. A 14 year old child tries to end his life by murdering others who practice his faith in a way that his masters don't agree with.

It makes you want to cry with the futility of it all.

Probably attended a madras - Isolate NOW - two four six eight - we don't want to integrate !!

11th April 2011, 16:58
What pastors burnt Bibles?
Sorry, I meant to say suicide Koran burners.

Big Ben
21st April 2011, 23:01
I've been reading in a newspaper that at the last summit organized by al qaeda , terrorism in 3rd millenium, one of the resolutions was to reduce their arsenal so a few hundreds suicide bomber will be detonated in the Sahara dessert in the immediate future... I think it's a good sign things are heading towards a brighter future