View Full Version : Bristol out of Sara Palin, as no sex ambassor, got $262,000 a year for not screwing

6th April 2011, 20:25
Mighty fine pay. I think I will apply for a job with Candie.

Seems that pay to her (Bristol, for the year 2009) is seven times more money than the charity actually spent on their mission of keeping kids from screwing around.


it was actually chump change cause three leaders pulled in not 1 million, not 2 million but

You know who pulled in more money than her though?
Neil Cole, Warren Clamen, and Andrew Tarshis.

Who are they you might ask?
They are the key officers at The Candie’s Foundation.
According to financial documents (http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2010/134/165/2010-134165184-06b511df-9.pdf) released on the web, Neil Cole is the President/Founder, Warren Clamen is the CFO, and Andrew Tarshis is the General Counsel.
Also revealed in this document is their reported compensation. Between the organization’s compensation, related organizations compensation and estimated compensation these three “pulled in” $12,835,605.


That is a mere 133 times the money spent on taking care of kids so that they do not do the real deal and get knocked up.....

Now those of you with IQs above 75 may wonder where they got all this money, when donations for the same year were only about 1.2 million.........guess what?/

That is right. Your TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!! :rolleyes:

Bad news is Congress is thinking about cutting spending..... :eek:

Oh, no please mr. Bill.......


Now before you get too excited, you can still get yourself some "sassy sandals" from Candie

6th April 2011, 20:45
and guess who is neil cole??

The foundation was launched in June 2001 by Neil Cole, head of the Candie's fashion brand. http://www.candiesfoundation.org/us.html

and check out the hot chicks and their hot undies and such........they must all be nothing but teases.......yahoo...
