View Full Version : RBR MF Cup - S3 - Round 7 San Remo

Bruce D
4th April 2011, 06:49
San Remo Rally Event Info
8-19 April 2011
RBR MF Cup Season 3 - Round 7

Open to WRC, S2000, N4-N1 and A7-A5 cars
Tyre choice is free for all stages
Pacenotes - Audio only, not visual
Unlimited SuperRallys per event, you must complete 1 stage in order to be classified as a finisher.
Slowest time + 30sec for each superrally used.

Leg 1
SS1 - Shepherds Shield (England) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Good - 4.8km
SS2 - Tanner (Japan) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Good - 3.9km

Leg 2
SS3 - Shepherds Shield II (England) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Bad - 4.8km
SS4 - Tanner II (Japan) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Bad - 4.0km
SS5 - Greenhills (Australia) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Bad - 6.0km
SS6 - East-West (Australia) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Bad - 9.5km

Leg 3
SS7 - Greenhills II (Australia) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Good - 6.0km
SS8 - East-West II (Australia) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Good - 9.6km

Total Distance - 48.6km

Send your entries to BruceD by PM or by email to [email:3jhsnia6]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:3jhsnia6] Entry info as follows: Name, Country, Team, Car.

Submitting times
Start each stage using the "RSRBR2009" button under the "play alone" section, do your stage. The time will be recorded in the window at the bottom of RsCenter. If its not recorded, you did something wrong. Use "public sessions" tab and "Go" button for BTB stages.

Once you have completed the stages you wish to do, select the File menu and click on "Save times" The times are saved to your RBR directory under the folder "MyTimes". Once you have done all the stages, send all your html files to [email:3jhsnia6]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:3jhsnia6] to be scored. Please note that more than 1 html file can be submitted so you don't have to do all the stages at one time.

Non-RSRBR users
Record your time and split times and mail them to the above email address.

Season 2 - Francis44 - Citroen C4 WRC 09

Entries open immediately. Rally and entries close at midnight Tuesday 12th April 2011

Bruce D
4th April 2011, 06:50
I'll be setting up some online sessions later today. Please let me know if you want a special session, I'll set it up. Just give me a date and time (RSRBR server time please, not your time).

Bruce D
4th April 2011, 09:01
please note change to route - ss5 & ss6 to be run in good conditions, not bad

Bruce D
4th April 2011, 09:09
Right the online sessions set so far are:

Tuesday 5 April - 20h30
Wednesday 6 April - 20h30
Sunday 10 April - 09h00

I'll see how things go, I may set a session on Monday and Tuesday next week too.

4th April 2011, 18:11
I'll be there in the usual car :)

5th April 2011, 11:52
I'll be there as well, probably offline, probably next Monday :D

6th April 2011, 12:11
I will do the rally on Sundays morning online session.. Car is the same - C4 '10.

7th April 2011, 07:40
Tried to do yesterday's online rally, but unfortunately my Internet stability Issues
haven't gone away completely (Problem will not be solved In the area I live, before August).
Everything was OK up to ss6, where I used a super rally, but In the next stage my connection
was cut for some seconds, so the RSRBR Center skipped me and didn't allow me to complete the rally.
So, I guess my times are not valid. I will really try to do the offline version during the weekend.

Bruce D
7th April 2011, 07:51
Ok LCD I'll ignore your online times and let you do offline.

10th April 2011, 09:58
I have finished the rally. Overall I have more confidence in the car than on previous rally but I still have a long to go to make use of the cars full potential. Here are my racing excuses :D . I don't trust the default pacenotes and mostly take corners slower than the pacenotes inticate. Also I wish there would be telemetry for suspension to see why the cars behave that way over fast bump, kicking the rear up and sideways even when the car is travelling straight. Is it because dampers are too soft (suspension is too compressed) or the dampers are too hard (suspension too rigid).

Anyway this is how my rally went:

First stage of the day was good and quite enjoyable but I was still little bit asleep and I didn't drove 100%. Tanner was little bit better speed wise but it was very bumpy and it was very hard (for me at least) to push.

Day two brought the rain and I was happy with the cars setup but SS3 didn't start well. Near the start I had a small off when I lost the rear under braking and later I missed a junction. After the stage I had to change cars center diff mapping to more closed one. On the next stage I didn't had any problems but I was too cautious at times.

On SS5 I lost the rear over a bump and had to reverse back to the stage, lost about 10 seconds.East-West wasn't that good stage for me as well, 2k into the stage I spun in a K left corner and at the last sector I had a moment over a bump and nearly crashed.

Last day started cautiously and didn't push 100%. For the last stage I made small damper setting change which seemed to work but I need to do some extra testing. Anyway on the last stage I tried to go as fast as possible and safely at the same time, though I did had a half spin.

Overall I am happy I finished because those tarmac stages can be very unforgiving. On gravel you can mend some mistakes but on asphalt, especially these bumpy stages, once you make a mistakes, it is very hard to correct it.

Bruce D
11th April 2011, 06:34
Crazy to think you're the first person to complete the whole rally!

Setting 2 more online sessions, tonight and tomorrow night.

Bruce D
11th April 2011, 08:32
About 41 entries for this one so far. See what more we get on the 2 online nights.

11th April 2011, 11:50
Times in-rally complete..

Uk stages were fun-had a bobble or two as my bumpy tarmac settings could'nt quite handle the bumps.
Tanner runs-dry on was clear, wet one I plowed off into a ravine-call for help

Oz stages were quite fun. Made a couple of errors on the technical portions, but pleased with my runs overall.
Wish you could get the Oz stages with Bad conditions!

Thanks for this one, Bruce!

11th April 2011, 18:52
I'm doing my offline rally tonight. ;)

Bruce D
12th April 2011, 07:58
Looking forward to your results LCD.

Has anyone heard from Macd?

Bruce D
12th April 2011, 13:44
Guys I'm going to have to be strict about the Tuesday cut off this time, I'm away on Friday and have little time to collate the results so I need to have it in time. So LCD and Macd, get your times in fast.

12th April 2011, 16:01
Rally started Ideally with a clean run of Shepherds Shield I and Tanner I. All the bad things happened
afterwards and up to the finish! In ss3 I lost my front bumper after hitting a telegraph pole.
In Tanner II, after that big jumb, I lost completely control of the car and ended up In the bushes.
In ss5, while I was heading for a great time, I fell on the marshals standing just before the finish sign and In ss6
I had my first call for help. A super rally came In Greenhills, without even reaching the first split and finally,
In the last stage, after an Invisible bump, I landed down a cliff.
That was all! Couldn’t really wished for something more! Enjoy my shots!

ps: I drove a Ford Fiesta S2000 2010


Bruce D
13th April 2011, 09:22
Entries are now closed. Big field so I need a bit of time to sort it out, over 50 entries! Should have them up by tomorrow afternoon latest. No Macd on this one, and it looks like Francis44 tried to do online but set no split times.

Bruce D
13th April 2011, 11:11
I tell you all one thing, if this Gonz dude ever gets hold of a 4wd car we're all seriously screwed! ;)

Bruce D
14th April 2011, 09:12

An easy win for NeverKnow in the end, after an initial threat from MSport.





Bruce D
14th April 2011, 09:14




Bruce D
14th April 2011, 09:17



First Champion of the year is NeverKnow for the Tar Championship


Bruce D
14th April 2011, 09:18




14th April 2011, 12:05
Wow-second and a couple of fastest stage times- I am happy :D

Thanks for this one, Bruce :up:

Bruce D
14th April 2011, 12:28
You 2 were the only 2 to complete the entire route, LCD had 1 superrally and I had 3! The rest were just a mess really.

14th April 2011, 15:58
It's been ages, since I last had a podium around here! :D

14th April 2011, 19:29
It is nice to won this rally and tar championship. All in all I think everyone here from this forum did a good job on this rally, minus the crashing of course. :D

Thanks Bruce for organising this rally and the whole championship :up:

16th April 2011, 19:58
sorry guys, been away. Good to see my teammate winning the tar champ :)