View Full Version : Pancho Obama rides again

Bob Riebe
28th March 2011, 06:15

[iATF special agent John Dodson says that agents in the Phoenix office were ordered to let known gun traffickers purchase firearms. The plan, Operation Fast and Furious, was intended to help investigators follow low-level gunrunners to cartel leadership. That may justify letting a few illegal sales slip by, but agents say the number soon climbed into the hundreds and thousands.

Agents raised warnings to their superiors about the quantity of sales and the rising violence across the border, but were told that the operation had been approved at ATF headquarters. They were also told that if they didn’t like it, they were welcome to seek employment at the Maricopa County jail as detention officers making $30,000 a year.

Dodson came forward after hearing that two of the guns showed up at a crime scene, a remote valley where Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in an exchange of fire. Dodson gave an emotional on-camera interview to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson, clearly disturbed by Terry’s murder.[/i]

28th March 2011, 08:06
bob riebe the man named in the law suit is poking fun at president obama after he mentions declares the women of the kennedy family whores and the men murderers and criminals.

Don't bother having your brit friend Mark I believe is his name try to hide the posts. people smarter than you both are awaiting the apology demanded as a simple

gesture otherwise more serious civil action is being sought. your insult, even if mark wants to hide this post which is saved, has gravitatated towards the people

that the insult referred to or their legal council to be more precise.

there was another individual involved but i was unfortunate (fortunate) never to have heard of this place only that my friend got a lifetime ban from Mark the

administrator for questioning the remarks.

so it seems this mark the administrator allows people to make false accussations and make the most vile insults on a family that he bob riebe does not like and this

riebe is still allowed to post. I will find out whom this other person is and forward his name as it has already been done but has not on this forum which i hear is

international and thus the urgency at which the people, wife of sen. kennedy and his children and grandchildren. nephew robery jnr son of bobby , his wife , children

and his cousin Caroline as well as her two dead siblings. Then there is Robert and his wife and their children and all of the grandchildren that have arrived and those

never given the opportunity of birth. one could go on about the large extended family of the kennedy clan (they were an an irish clan in fact) but for what purpose.

this post is sent a cache for google record and i doubt if bib riebe or the other individual will ever be banned. however, between them and the other individual as well

as the facilitator whom i have no doubt call themselves christians would say the same again about bobby, martin luther king and now look at bob riebe now off on a tangent about the president and unintelligent enough to recogize his idiotic argument that we in europe laugh at the uneducated yank. they love their guns and cry when they are used to kill. idiots cant see the forest for the trees.