View Full Version : Is This Really Racism/Bigotry?

27th March 2011, 09:44
1st video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyITKlmw1-w

This video features a segment from a episode of O'Reilly Factor broadcasted on March 18th. Juan Williams filled in for Bill O'Reilly that night, and had this interview with Occidental College professor Caroline Heldman. The two were mostly engaging in a debate about whether to defund National Public Radio (NPR) or not. Towards the end of the video, Mrs. Heldman harkened back to Williams' firing from NPR, due to Williams admitting on Fox News that he gets nervous/worried if he flies on a plane with Arab passengers that have Muslim garb on. Heldman used that situation to label Williams as a racist and a bigot and to justify why NPR chose to punish Williams, and remarked "If I were to say that I clutch my purse every time I walk by a black man, that may resonate with a lot of Americans, it might be their truth, but it's a bigoted statement". Williams disagreed with Heldman saying that it's unreasonable to think someone is a bigot/racist for feeling a little nervous when they walking into an area with a thuggish-looking young black man there. Williams further admitted that, even as a black man himself, he gets a little worried/nervous when he finds himself in an area with black men who look like they're up to no good, especially considering the amount of "black on black" crime in the United States. Heldman proceeded to call Williams a bigot for admitting that.

2nd video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya4XxKLGt9Y

This other video is a segment during the next episode of the O'Reilly Factor, where O'Reilly brought Williams, along Mary Katherine Ham, back on the show to re-analyze the segment with Caroline Heldman. O'Reilly stuck-up for Williams and went on to consider Heldman as a "Totalitarian Liberal", as Williams was interviewing someone who believed that no one should be allowed to say critical things about a minority ever, regardless if the criticism is accurate and based on facts, according to O'Reilly. Mary Katherine made the opinion that Mrs. Heldman is sensitive white liberal, who is excessive secure about racial issues, and desired to lecture Williams, a black man, about how to be sensitive to black people.

So, do anyone of you think Juan Williams is a bigot/racist for admitting such feelings about Arabs and black men?

donKey jote
27th March 2011, 10:03
Yes :p

27th March 2011, 10:19
As far as I know, none of the 9/11 terrorists wore a Muslim garb. Just like a man who looks like a secret agent is most certainly not a secret agent, a man who looks like a terrorist is most likely not a terrorist.

27th March 2011, 10:37
What's your definition of racist? What's your definition of bigot?

27th March 2011, 11:18
What's your definition of racist? What's your definition of bigot?

With some help from Dictionary.com...

1. Racist: Someone who has hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

2. Bigot: Someone who is intolerant of any different creed, belief, or opinion.

I would say that Williams is neither a racist or a bigot according to those definitions. I do believe that Williams is guilty of stereotyping, however. I think my fellow Americans on this forum, and maybe the other forum members from other nations, can agree with me that most people are guilty of stereotyping people (of other race, ethnicity, gender, social class, cliques, etc.) they don't know that well based off of appearance and and perceived behavior. The difference between most of these people who stereotype others and Juan Williams is that Williams is not afraid to admit that he harbors feelings of stereotyping people he doesn't know well, and thus gets called out on it and is labeled as racist and/or bigoted... I don't think it's racist or bigoted for a person to feel the way Williams feels about certain other people. In fact, I think it's quite natural for most people to feel that way.

27th March 2011, 12:37
I don't think it's racist or bigoted for a person to feel the way Williams feels about certain other people. In fact, I think it's quite natural for most people to feel that way.

I don't. To single out certain groups is, for one thing, totally inaccurate. Skin colour has no bearing on whether I feel concerned to walk near a group of people or not. Their behaviour, though, does.

Captain VXR
27th March 2011, 14:26
As far as I know, none of the 9/11 terrorists wore a Muslim garb. Just like a man who looks like a secret agent is most certainly not a secret agent, a man who looks like a terrorist is most likely not a terrorist.

Some terrorists make it obvious that they are terrorists:

27th March 2011, 14:32
Some terrorists make it obvious that they are terrorists

It's the least they could do, really.

Garry Walker
27th March 2011, 14:39
I don't. To single out certain groups is, for one thing, totally inaccurate. Skin colour has no bearing on whether I feel concerned to walk near a group of people or not. Their behaviour, though, does.

When you have the kind of crime rate as blacks do in America, it is quite obvious why people would be vary when seeing a black guy near him. There is nothing racist about it, simply normal human response to facts.
If blacks want that attitude lessened and consider it racist, well, they need to look at the mirror and think about why it is the way it is.

27th March 2011, 14:41
Some terrorists make it obvious that they are terrorists:

No, I think those are members of an Army, like the Irish Republican Army, since they wear uniforms. And I don't think anyone would let them board a passenger plane dressed like that, so they probably wouldn't even try.

Those rigging bombs in England and North Ireland probably weren't dressed like that while at it.

27th March 2011, 16:45
No, I think those are members of an Army, like the Irish Republican Army, since they wear uniforms.

Let's not give the IRA any status beyond that of a terrorist organisation, Eki — and a very brutal one at that.

27th March 2011, 18:05
With some help from Dictionary.com...

1. Racist: Someone who has hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

2. Bigot: Someone who is intolerant of any different creed, belief, or opinion.

I would say that Williams is neither a racist or a bigot according to those definitions. I do believe that Williams is guilty of stereotyping, however. I think my fellow Americans on this forum, and maybe the other forum members from other nations, can agree with me that most people are guilty of stereotyping people (of other race, ethnicity, gender, social class, cliques, etc.) they don't know that well based off of appearance and and perceived behavior. The difference between most of these people who stereotype others and Juan Williams is that Williams is not afraid to admit that he harbors feelings of stereotyping people he doesn't know well, and thus gets called out on it and is labeled as racist and/or bigoted... I don't think it's racist or bigoted for a person to feel the way Williams feels about certain other people. In fact, I think it's quite natural for most people to feel that way.

Racism and Bigotry is alive and well throughout the world. It is not going away and most people who use these terms to qualify others are usually full of sh!t and hypocrites.

27th March 2011, 18:08
No, he just don't like Arabs

27th March 2011, 18:27
Racism and Bigotry is alive and well throughout the world. It is not going away and most people who use these terms to qualify others are usually full of sh!t and hypocrites.

And those who seek to deny that it is at all problematic are hardly paragons of human excellence themselves.

27th March 2011, 18:32
well the most accurate way to look at this:

when we agree with them, it is because they know what they are talking about
when we disagree, it is because they are racist, stereotyping, paranoid morons who are hardly paragons of human excellence themselves.......

27th March 2011, 18:38
Are those UFF loyalist terorists from Nothern Ireland.

28th March 2011, 03:53
The IRA does not wear a uniform. In fact there is no such thing as the IRA. There was the PIRA, Real IRA, Official IRA and many others. No IRA and none that wore uniforms save for combat jackets.

Certainly nothing like the bottom three of this 'photo. Look more like the UFF or UDA.

28th March 2011, 04:14
When you have the kind of crime rate as blacks do in America, it is quite obvious why people would be vary when seeing a black guy near him. There is nothing racist about it, simply normal human response to facts.
If blacks want that attitude lessened and consider it racist, well, they need to look at the mirror and think about why it is the way it is.Booya!

Bob Riebe
28th March 2011, 05:43
When you have the kind of crime rate as blacks do in America, it is quite obvious why people would be vary when seeing a black guy near him. There is nothing racist about it, simply normal human response to facts.
If blacks want that attitude lessened and consider it racist, well, they need to look at the mirror and think about why it is the way it is.
I agree but when people of ethnic or racial groups go into an area where they might encounter less than fully positive reactions, IF-IF they are truly afraid, and show it, unless they have to be there do not go. Stupidity has just rewards.

If they have to be there, act like you have neither fear, or actually many cares in the world. The father of my mixed race nephews and nieces, who ended up in the pen for an armed robbery gang, told me that I look like some one who is not full of fear and would probably have few problems in such areas.
At the same he came out and said that others who look like a deer caught in the head-lights, could very likely suffer either simply harassing, or violent criminal assault, depending on who was doing it.

About five years ago I was in North Minneapolis because they had great chicken shack there back then.(they are all gone replaced by some sanitary big-bucks place whose chicken tastes like any gas station chicken)
While waiting for my order, and getting some looks from the gents around there, I noticed they migrrated towards my parked car. Some sitting on the hood.
I walked out there, and said excuse me, I have to get in the car.
They moved over.
I reached in and got my coffee, which I had forgotten and informed them as I left that it was a shame to let good coffee get cold.
One fellow nodded and laughed as I walked back in.
Shortly after they all moved on.

This is an area where one week later and person was shot dead in broad daylight, on a store-front side-walk, one-half block away.
The news people were astonished that the police were not immediately called, and until some one finally called the police, people simply stepped over the dead body to go about their business.

While blacks have been the major cause of their own misery, but whites, and that includes, Latinos, should merely treat them like any other U.S. citizen, just do not act like a scared child, or arrogant jack-ass, while at the same time get an education and be informed about the area you are in. It can make life a lot easier.

28th March 2011, 05:52
I agree but when people of ethnic or racial groups go into an area where they might encounter less than fully positive reactions, IF-IF they are truly afraid, and show it, unless they have to be there do not go. Stupidity has just rewards.

If they have to be there, act like you have neither fear, or actually many cares in the world. The father of my mixed race nephews and nieces, who ended up in the pen for an armed robbery gang, told me that I look like some one who is not full of fear and would probably have few problems in such areas.
At the same he came out and said that others who look like a deer caught in the head-lights, could very likely suffer either simply harassing, or violent criminal assault, depending on who was doing it.

About five years ago I was in North Minneapolis because they had great chicken shack there back then.(they are all gone replaced by some sanitary big-bucks place whose chicken tastes like any gas station chicken)
While waiting for my order, and getting some looks from the gents around there, I noticed they migrrated towards my parked car. Some sitting on the hood.
I walked out there, and said excuse me, I have to get in the car.
They moved over.
I reached in and got my coffee, which I had forgotten and informed them as I left that it was a shame to let good coffee get cold.
One fellow nodded and laughed as I walked back in.
Shortly after they all moved on.

This is an area where one week later and person was shot dead in broad daylight, on a store-front side-walk, one-half block away.
The news people were astonished that the police were not immediately called, and until some one finally called the police, people simply stepped over the dead body to go about their business.

While blacks have been the major cause of their own misery, but whites, and that includes, Latinos, should merely treat them like any other U.S. citizen, just do not act like a scared child, or arrogant jack-ass, while at the same time get an education and be informed about the area you are in. It can make life a lot easier.http://api.ning.com/files/Ct6G1ZLxak0nAwirX6SikwsSznyybCHEy4ragsxyEuuGc1SBwV NNfNTtC75cmn-d4Tv4DWTrBN425atJjHiuMQ0fEvbuP5e1/obama_applause_2.gif

Retro Formula 1
28th March 2011, 16:27
This is all a bit sad really.

We are debating the verdict without examining the evidence in typical knee-jerk forum manner.

Are either of these two people bigoted or racist? I doubt it.

Do they harbour views and opinions that can be deemd bigoted or racist? I expect so.

Herein lies the problem.

We all hold views that can be construed this way if we have the desire or inclination to express them. Why don't we?

Because we're scared of being labled Bigots and Racists!

When I pass a couple of black kids loitering around near a dark alley my pulse quickens, I quickly observe my surroundings and look for exits. Why? Because mugging and street crime is a real problem within the black community particularly with young men. That's the issue, not the colour of their skin.

Similarly, with the Muslim "Islamaphobia" issue, when I see a Lady dressed head to toe in shroud, my mind starts wandering. I wonder if it's really a woman, if she's good looking or ugly, if she's hiding anything because I cannot see her. I don't get scared but do get inquisitive because that's how the human mind works. We like to think about things we don't understand.

It's not bigoted to racist to have these views. Views are generally built on experience and sometimes ignorance. In these two cases, experience lends itself to the possibility that a couple of black men hanging around, looking dodgy might pose a threat and ignorance about what I cannot see under veil.

Silly lables

28th March 2011, 18:09
Labels are how everyone actually thinks (well except for the mentally challenged). The most elemental, universal thought process is to distinguish between good and bad, then decide which objects belong in which group. Failure to be able to make this classification as accurate as possible is the difference between survival and non-survival, even in the animal world. Do it wrong and die.

Indeed, one way to determine how poor the IQ, is the ability to associate and divide objects into groups with similar characteristics.

Indeed, the first step in learning to think in the abstract is the use of groups and categories based on abstract assumptions about the nature of things that gives us "the intellect" that is missing from other forms of life.

A doctor saved me.
Someone else is also doctor.
Therefore he is good.

A doctor hurt me.
Someone else is also doctor.
Therefore he is bad.

That is the elementary logic upon which we think as well as communicate with others. While it may become more complicated as one grows "wiser and more intelligent" with age and mental development, this basic thought process remains as the underlying foundation upon which all else is built.

The act of calling someone "racist" is itself a demonstration of this basic form of grouping and stereotyping people!!!!
Even the word racist is a perjorative label:

He classifies people on race.
Bad people classify people on race.
He is bad.

What is really revealing is that "black" is thought of as different but "white" is not, in the daily events of our lives.
We do not see news articles saying stuff like, "X,who is white, said that he was......." Instead it is "X, who is black, .....".

Indeed, in the absence of specifying the race of someone, everyone (including blacks, asians and so forth in the USA) assume that person to whom reference is made, is white.

Retro Formula 1
28th March 2011, 18:43

Captain VXR
28th March 2011, 19:17
The IRA does not wear a uniform. In fact there is no such thing as the IRA. There was the PIRA, Real IRA, Official IRA and many others. No IRA and none that wore uniforms save for combat jackets.

Certainly nothing like the bottom three of this 'photo. Look more like the UFF or UDA.

The bottom three are UVF terrorists

29th March 2011, 09:36
I think you only have to go as far as reading some threads on http://www.stormfront.org/forum/ to know what REALLY is racism and bigotry or even downright ridiculously stupid...

Plus, it seems most of the "racism" or bigotry also happens because certain people seem to carry this "holier than thou" attitude, where they actually even try to justify unfair generalization.

Garry Walker
29th March 2011, 11:30
Booya!What does "booya" mean?

While blacks have been the major cause of their own misery, but whites, and that includes, Latinos, should merely treat them like any other U.S. citizen, just do not act like a scared child, or arrogant jack-ass, while at the same time get an education and be informed about the area you are in. It can make life a lot easier.

The crime rate by blacks, the incarceration of black males, those are such scary stats that you can hardly blame anyone for showing an extra amount of caution near blacks. These are facts and the only way those will change is if blacks themselves show improvement. There is nothing other races can do about that.

I think you only have to go as far as reading some threads on http://www.stormfront.org/forum/ to know what REALLY is racism and bigotry or even downright ridiculously stupid...

IF you want to know what real racism is, go to some black ghetto as a white person.

29th March 2011, 13:47
This is all a bit sad really.

We are debating the verdict without examining the evidence in typical knee-jerk forum manner.

Are either of these two people bigoted or racist? I doubt it.

Do they harbour views and opinions that can be deemd bigoted or racist? I expect so.

Herein lies the problem.

We all hold views that can be construed this way if we have the desire or inclination to express them. Why don't we?

Because we're scared of being labled Bigots and Racists!

When I pass a couple of black kids loitering around near a dark alley my pulse quickens, I quickly observe my surroundings and look for exits. Why? Because mugging and street crime is a real problem within the black community particularly with young men. That's the issue, not the colour of their skin.

Similarly, with the Muslim "Islamaphobia" issue, when I see a Lady dressed head to toe in shroud, my mind starts wandering. I wonder if it's really a woman, if she's good looking or ugly, if she's hiding anything because I cannot see her. I don't get scared but do get inquisitive because that's how the human mind works. We like to think about things we don't understand.

It's not bigoted to racist to have these views. Views are generally built on experience and sometimes ignorance. In these two cases, experience lends itself to the possibility that a couple of black men hanging around, looking dodgy might pose a threat and ignorance about what I cannot see under veil.

Silly lables

What would you consider racist, then? Where does your 'tolerance line' lie?

29th March 2011, 15:57
This is all a bit sad really.

We are debating the verdict without examining the evidence in typical knee-jerk forum manner.

Are either of these two people bigoted or racist? I doubt it.

Do they harbour views and opinions that can be deemd bigoted or racist? I expect so.

Herein lies the problem.

We all hold views that can be construed this way if we have the desire or inclination to express them. Why don't we?

Because we're scared of being labled Bigots and Racists!

When I pass a couple of black kids loitering around near a dark alley my pulse quickens, I quickly observe my surroundings and look for exits. Why? Because mugging and street crime is a real problem within the black community particularly with young men. That's the issue, not the colour of their skin.

Similarly, with the Muslim "Islamaphobia" issue, when I see a Lady dressed head to toe in shroud, my mind starts wandering. I wonder if it's really a woman, if she's good looking or ugly, if she's hiding anything because I cannot see her. I don't get scared but do get inquisitive because that's how the human mind works. We like to think about things we don't understand.

It's not bigoted to racist to have these views. Views are generally built on experience and sometimes ignorance. In these two cases, experience lends itself to the possibility that a couple of black men hanging around, looking dodgy might pose a threat and ignorance about what I cannot see under veil.

Silly lables

Personally I am not afraid of people calling me a bigot or a racist etc as I know I am not one at all. Far from it. Therefore, I don't mind voicing my opinion on matters like this.

As it happens, I think the guy in the opening thread is on a fine line with what is talking about.

On the flip side, if you have ever been with a large group of asians speaking in their native language, sounding quite loud and abrasive, are you racist / a bigot for feeling threatened / worried by their behaviour?

29th March 2011, 16:00
Personally I am not afraid of people calling me a bigot or a racist etc as I know I am not one at all. Far from it. Therefore, I don't mind voicing my opinion on matters like this.

As it happens, I think the guy in the opening thread is on a fine line with what is talking about.

On the flip side, if you have ever been with a large group of asians speaking in their native language, sounding quite loud and abrasive, are you racist / a bigot for feeling threatened / worried by their behaviour?

No, not at all — but I would never single out Asians, Muslims or whoever, because I have been in situations in which the behaviour of all sorts of people, not least white English people, has felt threatening.

29th March 2011, 16:06
I think you only have to go as far as reading some threads on http://www.stormfront.org/forum/ to know what REALLY is racism and bigotry or even downright ridiculously stupid...

Plus, it seems most of the "racism" or bigotry also happens because certain people seem to carry this "holier than thou" attitude, where they actually even try to justify unfair generalization.

I was thinking all you need to do is read about the "royal" family of Great Britain and all the crap assoicated with that.

An interacial marriage in America and nobody says nothing about his or her "bloodline"; but a royal marry a commoner, well that is a different story.

All these rumors about Diane whatever her name getting killed by some 'special folks" because she might have been about to marry not merely a commoner, but someone whose skin color was a little darker than ole Charlie, and then there is the rumor about how happy the queen mommie and her pappy were that she croaked out to save them from this embarrasment. :D

There was even a stupid movie about this death and all that crap, with queen mommie "bravely" rising to the occaision and not letting her vile feelings sprew out everywhere... :rolleyes: .

Then there is the dumbest celebration of bigotry which was this year's best picture award winner, all about some dumb guy who gets to be king, because his predessor got all buggered up and wanted to marry an american woman. Of course, brother bigot also wanted to celebrate his nazism with his buds, including Hitler, which should come as no surprize to anyone knowledgeable about the propensity towards that among the upper "bloodline" class of England :rolleyes:

29th March 2011, 16:16
I was thinking all you need to do is read about the "royal" family of Great Britain and all the crap assoicated with that.

An interacial marriage in America and nobody says nothing about his or her "bloodline"; but a royal marry a commoner, well that is a different story.

All these rumors about Diane whatever her name getting killed by some 'special folks" because she might have been about to marry not merely a commoner, but someone whose skin color was a little darker than ole Charlie, and then there is the rumor about how happy the queen mommie and her pappy were that she croaked out to save them from this embarrasment. :D

There was even a stupid movie about this death and all that crap, with queen mommie "bravely" rising to the occaision and not letting her vile feelings sprew out everywhere... :rolleyes: .

Then there is the dumbest celebration of bigotry which was this year's best picture award winner, all about some dumb guy who gets to be king, because his predessor got all buggered up and wanted to marry an american woman. Of course, brother bigot also wanted to celebrate his nazism with his buds, including Hitler, which should come as no surprize to anyone knowledgeable about the propensity towards that among the upper "bloodline" class of England :rolleyes:

You're quite right, it is crap, and you could go further.

29th March 2011, 17:03
The crime rate by blacks, the incarceration of black males, those are such scary stats that you can hardly blame anyone for showing an extra amount of caution near blacks. These are facts and the only way those will change is if blacks themselves show improvement. There is nothing other races can do about that.

IF you want to know what real racism is, go to some black ghetto as a white person.

And that is enough to generalize against every single black person on this planet or feel threatened by them? The same can be said about walking into a skinhead area in Britain or Slovakia as a black person. What about the thousands of black folks that were lynched by KKK? So, then based on what happened to them, they should generalize the same way against every white folk on this planet? Have you ever studied or worked alongside enough black people to know that it's wrong to generalize against all of them based on some stat, which COULD be because of the way the American and European societies are structured? Or no, they all must be born thieves, right? Gotcha!

Going by this fecked up logic, every German must be a Nazi, every Britisher is obviously trying to exploit a new country for their benefit, every American is trying to kill an Arab or an Asian, all Mexicans are flatulent and all Indians dance around trees in groups and have curry coming out of all pores. :rolleyes:

Grow up and get out of your basement more.

Garry Walker
30th March 2011, 09:46
And that is enough to generalize against every single black person on this planet or feel threatened by them?
Look dumbo, considering the extremely high crime rate of blacks in America, yes, that is a good enough reason to be more vary when near them, yes. The only one to blame for that are blacks themselves.
Blacks are overrepresented in every violent crime type in America, those are facts.
When you say men are more likely to rape a woman than vice-versa, you are not being sexist, you are just stating undeniable facts, this does not mean that all men are rapists, but in many situation women have to be careful. Same with blacks. Undeniable facts.

The same can be said about walking into a skinhead area in Britain or Slovakia as a black person.I am not sure how this relates to America or this topic at all. Are you okay?

What about the thousands of black folks that were lynched by KKK?
I could find this stat for you - 1,7 million interracial crimes committed one year, 1,2 of them committed by blacks on whites.
In anycase, what does KKK have to do with the current situation in America? Nothing. Blacks who suffered from KKK are mostly dead and so are the perpetrators (I am not talking about the 250 members left, KKK is a fringe group and has been for a long time). Now, talking about hate groups, what is your opinion on Black Panthers?
But again, how this relates to black crime rate, I have no idea.

So, then based on what happened to them, they should generalize the same way against every white folk on this planet? If whites were killing blacks in huge amounts daily, then yes. What is happening, is the opposite.

Have you ever studied or worked alongside enough black people to know that it's wrong to generalize against all of them based on some stat, which COULD be because of the way the American and European societies are structured?
Oh nice, excuses for the high crime rate. So what about the way America is structured that is so hard for blacks that it makes them kill other blacks and whites in such huge numbers? Do go on.

As for working alongside blacks, no, never had that. No black has ever applied, ergo, I have never had to think about whether to hire one or not.

Or no, they all must be born thieves, right? Gotcha! Not all of them, but when in 1998 1/3 of all black males were in jail or in parole in America, that makes you think there is a pretty serious problem in black community, doesnt it?

Going by this fecked up logic, every German must be a Nazi,Sure, if 30 % of all Germans were Nazi party members as of today. Is that so?

every Britisher is obviously trying to exploit a new country for their benefit, Good one. You talk about something that happened hundreds of years ago and try to compare it to a discussion about black crime rate nowadays. Congrats, in my "top 5 fools ever met on the internet" you have secured a place in the top 3.

every American is trying to kill an Arab or an Asian,This is really the dumbest of all your comparisons (not an achievement to be taken lightly), wow, well done.

all Mexicans are flatulent and all Indians dance around trees in groups and have curry coming out of all pores. :rolleyes: Are you drunk?

Grow up and get out of your basement more.
I know you tried to be clever and all, but you really failed here. Sorry.

Retro Formula 1
30th March 2011, 11:30
What would you consider racist, then? Where does your 'tolerance line' lie?

Never really thought about it.

I suppose I'm quite tolerant of most people until they give me reason to think otherwise.

Possibly this is a better way of looking at things rather than Labeling people and making pre-conceived decisions about what is, or is not acceptable.

People are different and you cannot have some table of acceptability for all occassions.

30th March 2011, 13:11
Look dumbo, considering the extremely high crime rate of blacks in America, yes, that is a good enough reason to be more vary when near them, yes. The only one to blame for that are blacks themselves.
Blacks are overrepresented in every violent crime type in America, those are facts.
When you say men are more likely to rape a woman than vice-versa, you are not being sexist, you are just stating undeniable facts, this does not mean that all men are rapists, but in many situation women have to be careful. Same with blacks. Undeniable facts.

When you think like this, you're no different than the black folks who call the white man the devil, and do hate crimes against them, based on whatever the hell happened in history or whatever the stats say now. You're in the same boat, jackass. And this is exactly the kind of ridiculous, backward, moronic way of thinking that gives rise to so much hate today. Congrats, it's depressing to see that if you have kids, or ever will, they're going to continue thinking with this fecked up notion and pass it along for generations to come.

Oh, and as for your "walking into a ghetto as a white person" remark, I have in the past walked into Harlem with two white folks, one of them female. Did our work, went to a park, can't remember the name of the park but it's famous, and walked out. Oh and surprise, surprise, nothing happened! Should I be thankful that nobody tried to shoot or rob the two white folks who were with me?

I am not sure how this relates to America or this topic at all. Are you okay?

You would make the connection, if you had more active brain cells, and see that the analogy you gave about walking into a ghetto as a white person, stands the same if the roles are reversed, whether it's in America or not. Hell, while we're on that subject, southerners still, to this day, discriminate a lot against black guys, for example in a documentary, some redneck inbred trucker saying he won't vote for Obama because he's a nigger. And yes, that's as wrong as a black person saying they won't vote for McCain because he's white.

I could find this stat for you - 1,7 million interracial crimes committed one year, 1,2 of them committed by blacks on whites.
In anycase, what does KKK have to do with the current situation in America? Nothing. Blacks who suffered from KKK are mostly dead and so are the perpetrators (I am not talking about the 250 members left, KKK is a fringe group and has been for a long time). Now, talking about hate groups, what is your opinion on Black Panthers?
But again, how this relates to black crime rate, I have no idea.

Even for your limited intelligence, this one is very easy to get. I gave the KKK analogy to counter your fecked up way of thinking that just because the crime rate of blacks is high, it's justifiable to put them all in the same pot and it's OKAY to be prejudiced, because you have reason to do so based on some statistic. I'm talking about honest, hardworking, normal people who probably are trying hard to become respected citizens, but then a half-brained paranoid moron like you comes along and judges them before you even know them. In the SAME way, some paranoid jackass black person would discriminate against every white person because his people have gone through a lot of $h!t in the last 3 centuries, because of being slaves, because of KKK, because of being forced to live outside the society, just because of a slight change in skin color, and still go through it today in same way, shape or form.

And about the Black Panthers, so the whites can have a group of white gown pointy hat clad loser morons, lynching people for no good reason over the last two centuries, but the blacks can't have Black Panthers, which was active for how long, 20 years at best? Understand this you twat, most of what drives these idiots like Black Panthers, is retaliation, even if whatever happened was years, decades or centuries ago. Morons don't have reason, they don't understand logic. All they see is what happened to their ancestors, or what's happening to their folks today, even though nowhere near like in the past, and make up their mind and start acting on it. When people understand reason, when they see logic, then they stop discriminating. So, your line of thinking is actually no different than those idiot blacks who kill whites because they're crackers or the devil or whatever.

If whites were killing blacks in huge amounts daily, then yes. What is happening, is the opposite.

What about the millions of blacks who have been tortured, discriminated or killed by the whites in the past two centuries? I'm not trying to justify any hate crime that happens today, but everything has a reason, and in this case it could be retaliation. Just like you're gonna pass on the poison to the generations after you, that be aware of every black man on the street, these morons who steal, kill, sell drugs etc. also have been passed the same bull$h!t over decades and decades.

Oh nice, excuses for the high crime rate. So what about the way America is structured that is so hard for blacks that it makes them kill other blacks and whites in such huge numbers? Do go on.

Oh yes, sure, they have never had to go through any problems. They were welcomed with open arms into America on golden chariots. Then their feet were washed, and they never had to go through anything ever again. Discrimination, racism, bigotry, lynchings courtesy of KKK, white only pubs, restaurants, no vacancies for blacks, MEH, all that is crap. That's why it took 43 Presidents for a person of mixed ancestry to become the president, after 6 of them have tried over the last 40 years, even though blacks have been a prominent part of the society for over a century now. When a particular group's psyche has been fecked up with this much for these many years, expect a little retaliation, no matter how moronic it is. And I'm sure, by what you've shown of your limited intelligence so far, you are going to take this out of context and say that I'm giving excuses for the high crime rate. Let me stop you right there, Sherlock. I am not endorsing these stupid hate crimes. The idiots who do these crimes are morons of the highest order and deserve their time in jail, but it's equally moronic to generalize against a whole group based on some statistic.

As for working alongside blacks, no, never had that. No black has ever applied, ergo, I have never had to think about whether to hire one or not.

Well, that explains a lot.

Not all of them, but when in 1998 1/3 of all black males were in jail or in parole in America, that makes you think there is a pretty serious problem in black community, doesnt it?

That is undeniable, but that makes it okay for you to have the same stance against against the millions or billion others? Come on, shock me and say something intelligent.

Sure, if 30 % of all Germans were Nazi party members as of today. Is that so?

But they were in the past, right? Stands every chance that what happened in the past, may even be happening today. There are Neo Nazi parties in strong numbers still to this day in Germany and Austria. Hate crimes still happen in Europe against anyone who's not white, even though in much small numbers, so should we then put all Germans and Austrians or the whole of Europe in the same pot? Hell, should a Jewish person walk on the streets of Germany today fearing his life? And before you hurry up that hamster pedaling your brain again, yes this has nothing to do with America, but the way of thinking is the same as yours, as in beware of a whole group of people, just because a portion of them did something wrong.

Good one. You talk about something that happened hundreds of years ago and try to compare it to a discussion about black crime rate nowadays. Congrats, in my "top 5 fools ever met on the internet" you have secured a place in the top 3.

Wow, talk about a stinker. Do you really think I give a flying f*** about where I stand on the list of some paranoid half-brained twat on the internet? Heh. Go ahead, make your "list". I stopped making these "lists" after I hit puberty.

This is really the dumbest of all your comparisons (not an achievement to be taken lightly), wow, well done.

Are you drunk?

I know you tried to be clever and all, but you really failed here. Sorry.

It's amazing that you found time from your daily routine of peeking outside your basement window to spot black murderers, to type all of this. Must have taken a special effort. Give yourself a treat today.

Garry Walker
31st March 2011, 23:58
When you think like this, you're no different than the black folks who call the white man the devil, and do hate crimes against them, based on whatever the hell happened in history or whatever the stats say now. You just refuse to understand anything, possibly you are incapable of understanding it.
I will try to explain it in a way that a 6 year old would understand, maybe then you will half-understand what is being said.
Firstly, we are talking about how people in america feel relating to black crime. Now, lets say you are a woman who is walking alone on the street. She is followed by someone, who do you think she would find more threatning to her safety, a man or a woman? It is not sexist to say that the answer would man. Because lets face it, statistically men are far more likely to committ a crime against a woman than a woman is. This not generalizing either, this is just how things are at the moment.
It is the same with blacks in america nowadays. The crime level is undeniably high that they committ, there is just no way around it. Many times higher than that of whites, in pretty much all crime areas, especially violent crimes. So of course people will feel more threatened by them than whites. If in 10 years the situation changes and suddenly blacks will stop killing so much and whites start committing more crimes, then I can assure you, people would start feeling threatened by whites. As of now, it is not so.

You're in the same boat, jackass. And this is exactly the kind of ridiculous, backward, moronic way of thinking that gives rise to so much hate today. Congrats, it's depressing to see that if you have kids, or ever will, they're going to continue thinking with this fecked up notion and pass it along for generations to come. So stating facts is suddenly so evil, backward and everything bad? You know, it is because of imbeciles like yourself why the situation with blacks will probably never improve. Because you just find excuses for them and attack anyone who dares to mention it. If people actually dared to speak up against it, maybe it would improve. But as we are currently, where no matter what happens in black community, somehow some idiots manage to blame it on white racism and not on blacks, things will never ever improve, because blacks will just not have to take responsibility and can shake it all off saying "it is whiteys fault". If they dont think something is wrong, why should they bother trying to improve? But things are very bad, the crime rate is just abnormal and unacceptable.

BTW: From what country and what race are you?

Oh, and as for your "walking into a ghetto as a white person" remark, I have in the past walked into Harlem with two white folks, one of them female. Did our work, Congrats, how was your loot?

You would make the connection, if you had more active brain cells, and see that the analogy you gave about walking into a ghetto as a white person, stands the same if the roles are reversed, whether it's in America or not. Hell, while we're on that subject, southerners still, to this day, discriminate a lot against black guys, for example in a documentary, some redneck inbred trucker saying he won't vote for Obama because he's a nigger. And yes, that's as wrong as a black person saying they won't vote for McCain because he's white. There is still racehate in America and it will forever be that way. From all sides. That is because as I see it, multiculturalism is mostly a failure. But that is really another topic.

Even for your limited intelligence, this one is very easy to get. I gave the KKK analogy to counter your fecked up way of thinking that just because the crime rate of blacks is high, it's justifiable to put them all in the same pot and it's OKAY to be prejudiced, because you have reason to do so based on some statistic.
Look dumbo, all I said in this topic is that because of the abnormally high black crime, I can totally understand and sympathize why people in America are more threatened by blacks. I am not an american, btw. There is nothing wrong with NOT being naive and not accepting reality.

I'm talking about honest, hardworking, normal people who probably are trying hard to become respected citizens, but then a half-brained paranoid moron like you comes along and judges them before you even know them. Then those blacks must make their voices heard and try to be community leaders. Who are heroes for black communities at the moment and for black kids? Rappers? Athletes? The sad thing about that is most of those rappers are felons and the athletes are not exactly posterboys of normal behaviour either. Instead the hardworking and honest blacks should do their all that black kids would start looking up to those blacks who are actually intelligent and achieved something. But from what I understand, those blacks are more seen as outsiders by many blacks, instead of looking up to them. Things are looking quite bleak as of now.

And about the Black Panthers, so the whites can have a group of white gown pointy hat clad loser morons, lynching people for no good reason over the last two centuries, but the blacks can't have Black Panthers, which was active for how long, 20 years at best? Understand this you twat, most of what drives these idiots like Black Panthers, is retaliation, even if whatever happened was years, decades or centuries ago. Morons don't have reason, they don't understand logic. All they see is what happened to their ancestors, or what's happening to their folks today, even though nowhere near like in the past, and make up their mind and start acting on it. When people understand reason, when they see logic, then they stop discriminating. So, your line of thinking is actually no different than those idiot blacks who kill whites because they're crackers or the devil or whatever. Look, dont get a heart attack, darling. I wouldnt want you dying in the middle of our debate.
The difference between the behaviour that I was commenting on (being more afraid of blacks) is a defensive behaviour, it wont make people go and start shooting blacks. Which is different to, oh look, theres a cracker, I`ll go and shoot his white ass.

Garry Walker
31st March 2011, 23:58
What about the millions of blacks who have been tortured, discriminated or killed by the whites in the past two centuries? I'm not trying to justify any hate crime that happens today, but everything has a reason, and in this case it could be retaliation. Just like you're gonna pass on the poison to the generations after you, that be aware of every black man on the street, these morons who steal, kill, sell drugs etc. also have been passed the same bull$h!t over decades and decades.My ancestors were slaves hundreds of years before any black was ever taken to america and long after that too. I dont cry over it or demand apology or anything for that. That is how it was, it has nothing to do with anyone currently alive.
But I love it how you seem to justifying blacks committing hate crimes against whites, because they had it hard once. If you ever get a girlfriend (unlikely) and she cheats on you (likely), would it be acceptable for you to beat up some random woman, just because once one woman was mean to you?

Oh yes, sure, they have never had to go through any problems. They were welcomed with open arms into America on golden chariots. Then their feet were washed, and they never had to go through anything ever again. Discrimination, racism, bigotry, lynchings courtesy of KKK, white only pubs, restaurants, no vacancies for blacks, MEH, all that is crap. That's why it took 43 Presidents for a person of mixed ancestry to become the president, after 6 of them have tried over the last 40 years, even though blacks have been a prominent part of the society for over a century now. When a particular group's psyche has been fecked up with this much for these many years, expect a little retaliation, no matter how moronic it is.Blacks are not the only ones in history who have it had it hard or against whom there has been injustice. This excuse doesnt cut it. I know that from my own country, when talking about the nations that were our "bosses", I have yet to see anyone who harbors hate for that, that is past. People have long ago gotten over it, because otherwise you couldnt live in a productive manner.

And I'm sure, by what you've shown of your limited intelligence so far, you are going to take this out of context and say that I'm giving excuses for the high crime rate. Let me stop you right there, Sherlock. I am not endorsing these stupid hate crimes. The idiots who do these crimes are morons of the highest order and deserve their time in jail, but it's equally moronic to generalize against a whole group based on some statistic.
Looking at how the crime rate is by blacks, it is not moronic. I am sure other blacks are far more afraid of blacks than whites too. Are they racist, or maybe, just maybe they are behaving according to what is happening in the real life? When even members of your own race behave like that, then that means there is a huge problem that needs to be solved. Or are all those blacks just self-hating blacks?

Well, that explains a lot.
So, if I dont have first hand experience with blacks, in your opinion it probably means I shouldnt comment on this topic at all? Cant agree with you there, espescially as I dont see you sticking only to mastubation topics.

That is undeniable, but that makes it okay for you to have the same stance against against the millions or billion others? Come on, shock me and say something intelligent. You know, if such a statistic doesnt explain it you, then nothing will. Much like sex, you just dont get it.

But they were in the past, right? Stands every chance that what happened in the past, may even be happening today. There are Neo Nazi parties in strong numbers still to this day in Germany and Austria. Hate crimes still happen in Europe against anyone who's not white, even though in much small numbers, so should we then put all Germans and Austrians or the whole of Europe in the same pot? There is a lot of hate crime in europe also against whites. If EU stupidly forces more immigration, things will get far worse for everyone and there will be far more crime against every race.

Hell, should a Jewish person walk on the streets of Germany today fearing his life? Are germans showing high likelyhood of being anti-semitic? Is there a lot of violence against jews in Germany? If there were 10 jews killed by germans every day, then yes, jews should fear for their life in germany. But that is not the case, right? The situation with black crime is different, because that is what is happening in present.

Wow, talk about a stinker.Yeah, you should always apologize when you let one go.

Do you really think I give a flying f*** about where I stand on the list of some paranoid half-brained twat on the internet? Heh. Go ahead, make your "list". I stopped making these "lists" after I hit puberty. Easy there tiger :D

1st April 2011, 01:19
You just refuse to understand anything, possibly you are incapable of understanding it.
I will try to explain it in a way that a 6 year old would understand, maybe then you will half-understand what is being said.
Firstly, we are talking about how people in america feel relating to black crime. Now, lets say you are a woman who is walking alone on the street. She is followed by someone, who do you think she would find more threatning to her safety, a man or a woman? It is not sexist to say that the answer would man. Because lets face it, statistically men are far more likely to committ a crime against a woman than a woman is. This not generalizing either, this is just how things are at the moment.
It is the same with blacks in america nowadays. The crime level is undeniably high that they committ, there is just no way around it. Many times higher than that of whites, in pretty much all crime areas, especially violent crimes. So of course people will feel more threatened by them than whites. If in 10 years the situation changes and suddenly blacks will stop killing so much and whites start committing more crimes, then I can assure you, people would start feeling threatened by whites. As of now, it is not so.

Stop repeating the same thing again and again. What you are not getting is that generalizing in ANY case is just wrong. So, suppose you had a sister or a daughter (if you already have one, I feel sorry for her already) and she introduces her boyfriend to you. Now, suppose you don't know anything about him. Would you be more comfortable if it was a white guy instead of a black guy? You probably would, even if the white guy is the biggest asshole murderer in the whole world. So, what you're essentially saying is that simply based on the current statistics of violent crimes, because of some irrational fear in your puny little pea brain, without KNOWING the guy, you would trust your sister/daughter with a potential Charles Manson/Ted Bundy than maybe a Michael Jordan/Obama?

Undeniably, yes, blacks have a history of violent crimes, and the majority of them are in prison, but so are Whites, South Americans and Asians as well. The couple who kidnapped and raped Elizabeth Smart was a white couple, majority of the child molesters in the past decade have been whites. Maybe the probability of a thug black guy kicking your turd ass is very high, but so can a demented white guy or a pissed off Asian. But has that ever happened to you? You said in another thread that you were threatened, and that is it? So, you base your perception of people based on crime statistics and one threat?

So stating facts is suddenly so evil, backward and everything bad? You know, it is because of imbeciles like yourself why the situation with blacks will probably never improve. Because you just find excuses for them and attack anyone who dares to mention it. If people actually dared to speak up against it, maybe it would improve. But as we are currently, where no matter what happens in black community, somehow some idiots manage to blame it on white racism and not on blacks, things will never ever improve, because blacks will just not have to take responsibility and can shake it all off saying "it is whiteys fault". If they dont think something is wrong, why should they bother trying to improve? But things are very bad, the crime rate is just abnormal and unacceptable.

Those are not excuses, and in fact I gave an outsider's view, because I'm neither white, nor black. Nobody denied that crime is a big problem in the black community, and yes, probably nothing much is done about it. But when paranoid morons like you treat or look at EVERY single black person with fear, or a stupid woman grabs her purse tightly when they see a black guy, would mess with the head of even the most intellectually brilliant guy. Do it long enough, and you eventually will have retaliation. This is not an excuse, just plain facts.

BTW: From what country and what race are you?

Indian. So, no, I'm not black, in case you're wondering. What about you?

Congrats, how was your loot?

Smashing. Still living on its interest to this day.

There is still racehate in America and it will forever be that way. From all sides. That is because as I see it, multiculturalism is mostly a failure. But that is really another topic.

Multiculturalism is a failure because of the "holier than thou" attitude that certain country's intolerant people tend to have. Europe seems to have the hardest time with it for some reason, see Angela Merkel's outburst last year. And even though it's been somewhat a success in North America, it still can be sometimes ridiculous in America, especially because the only people who have the right to have objection to immigrants there are the Native Americans.

Look dumbo, all I said in this topic is that because of the abnormally high black crime, I can totally understand and sympathize why people in America are more threatened by blacks. I am not an american, btw. There is nothing wrong with NOT being naive and not accepting reality.

Well, have you ever lived in America for a considerable period of time? Have you ever studied alongside black, Hispanic, Arabic or Asian people, ever worked with them? I have lived there for a short period, and even longer in Europe, where I am currently. During my short stay in the US, I have had black, white and Hispanic friends, and frankly so far none of them are any better than the other. I have also dated a Hispanic and a mixed girl before, and am currently married to a white Romanian woman. So, probably I can say I have seen the whole spectrum, and probably that's why I learned not to discriminate based on some statistic or some vague idea.

Then those blacks must make their voices heard and try to be community leaders. Who are heroes for black communities at the moment and for black kids? Rappers? Athletes? The sad thing about that is most of those rappers are felons and the athletes are not exactly posterboys of normal behaviour either. Instead the hardworking and honest blacks should do their all that black kids would start looking up to those blacks who are actually intelligent and achieved something. But from what I understand, those blacks are more seen as outsiders by many blacks, instead of looking up to them. Things are looking quite bleak as of now.

How the heck did you come to the conclusion that the only heroes for the black community are rappers and athletes? Because this is what you understand from the media? Is this what your idea of Harlem was based on? I don't have time to search for names, but there are plenty of brilliant scientists, archaeologists, congressmen, novelists, inventors, journalists, authors, mathematicians, physicists, actors, producers, news presenters, Grammy award winning musicians (not rappers), secretary of state, and now a president. I have known myself an amazingly brilliant black professor while I was attending a short course by IBM.

Unfortunately only the athletes and the rappers get so much coverage, because they're in mainstream media, and people who have actually never personally known a person from other race, make up their mind based SOLELY on what they see on TV. This is what happens where I am right now, in Romania. If you think my views are strong on this, you would be surprised to see what my wife, who is white, thinks of all this, especially after she has seen how her countrymen can behave.

Look, dont get a heart attack, darling. I wouldnt want you dying in the middle of our debate. The difference between the behaviour that I was commenting on (being more afraid of blacks) is a defensive behaviour, it wont make people go and start shooting blacks. Which is different to, oh look, theres a cracker, I`ll go and shoot his white ass.

Yeah, but the kind of behavior you are promoting is unhealthy, and like I said before, you are no better than the black guys who threatened to kick your purse-trodding ass just because you were white. You are as moronic as them, if you have this tit-for-tat mentality where they want to hate you because of their past, and you are prejudiced against ALL of them because of their present.

Also, if you're really this scared for your life, get your pansy ass to the gym and learn some bloody martial art to "prepare" yourself for the next time you run into some black thug on the street. Wouldn't want to make it too easy for them now, would you? ;)

1st April 2011, 01:59
My ancestors were slaves hundreds of years before any black was ever taken to america and long after that too. I dont cry over it or demand apology or anything for that. That is how it was, it has nothing to do with anyone currently alive.

Hmm, I'm still wondering which country and race you are from. I can't comment on this until I get further information.

But I love it how you seem to justifying blacks committing hate crimes against whites, because they had it hard once. If you ever get a girlfriend (unlikely) and she cheats on you (likely), would it be acceptable for you to beat up some random woman, just because once one woman was mean to you?

Go back and read my post again, and this time READ it. Comprehension skills taking a big toll here today, not surprising for someone suffering from paranoia, probably you inhaled your basement fungus too much today. I never justified black hate crimes against whites, I gave you an example of the unreasonable moronic way of thinking that they MIGHT have developed because of years of their parents telling them about white atrocities. It's lessening as time passes by, but let's face it, extreme discrimination and bigotry was rampant even 20 and 30 years ago.

Probably your children, if you can manage it, will grow up having the same bull$h!t point of view that you have, and when they go to school or college and see a black person for the first time, will think, "Ooh, senile daddy said beware of the black dudes," and that's that for the rest of their life. Or who knows, maybe they'll develop a better personality, unlike their father.

Blacks are not the only ones in history who have it had it hard or against whom there has been injustice. This excuse doesnt cut it. I know that from my own country, when talking about the nations that were our "bosses", I have yet to see anyone who harbors hate for that, that is past. People have long ago gotten over it, because otherwise you couldnt live in a productive manner.

Dude, let's be honest, there's still a lot of prejudice against blacks in US and in Europe, and will be for many years to come. You just have to open up a Youtube video with a black person in it, and then read the comments section, or there are such heart-cockle-warming places like Stormfront with over 200,000 members contributing in such pearls like http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t754757/ AND http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t790288/, and several other jew/black hating blogs. Use Google, go crazy.

If I was black, and very emotional, I would certainly start holding a grudge against them after reading all that crap perpetrated by those losers. Same can be said about a white guy looking at some white hating pro black forums or blogs. It's all a chain reaction, and if you think clearly, there is no need for discrimination.

So, if I dont have first hand experience with blacks, in your opinion it probably means I shouldnt comment on this topic at all?

Erm, DUH! All your experience is based solely on media or what you've seen on TV. Probably you learned about sex from watching porn movies too. Trust me, in reality it's much different, you have to be much more gentle. But to experience that, you'd have to first leave your basement and end it with Bubba.

Probably your idea of a black guy is based on 50 Cent and Tupac, or whatever Martin Lawrence and Dave Chapelle portray on TV. You've never even had a black person as a work colleague! LMFAO. This is as ridiculous as a 5 year old giving is technical expertise on flexing front wings in an F1 forum. Do they actually do that? NO. Maybe sometimes. But how do you feel when you see moronic posts by noobs?

There is a lot of hate crime in europe also against whites. If EU stupidly forces more immigration, things will get far worse for everyone and there will be far more crime against every race.

Oh yes, because every other country than yours is just breeding criminals in the millions. :rolleyes:

Are germans showing high likelyhood of being anti-semitic? Is there a lot of violence against jews in Germany? If there were 10 jews killed by germans every day, then yes, jews should fear for their life in germany. But that is not the case, right? The situation with black crime is different, because that is what is happening in present.

See comment about experience. And in the future, before having a strong opinion on something, it would be advisable to actually experience something before opening your pie hole. A lot of white morons think they will be attacked if they go to Harlem, and a lot of black morons think they will be lynched if they go to Slovakia. Whilst there may be some staring, some name calling, reality would in fact be VERY different than what seems on the surface.

donKey jote
5th April 2011, 23:26
So, probably I can say I have seen the whole spectrum
teehee :laugh: :erm: :devil: :arrows:

Azumanga Davo
6th April 2011, 04:37
"I've lost me bleedin' thread now!"

6th April 2011, 06:44
As far as I know, none of the 9/11 terrorists wore a Muslim garb. Just like a man who looks like a secret agent is most certainly not a secret agent, a man who looks like a terrorist is most likely not a terrorist.

Yes its true.

6th April 2011, 08:28
As far as I know, none of the 9/11 terrorists wore a Muslim garb. Just like a man who looks like a secret agent is most certainly not a secret agent, a man who looks like a terrorist is most likely not a terrorist.

Oh Bummer - does this mean i can't shoot guys wearing stolen sheets from Marriot???

Garry Walker
9th April 2011, 17:18
Stop repeating the same thing again and again. What you are not getting is that generalizing in ANY case is just wrong. So, suppose you had a sister or a daughter (if you already have one, I feel sorry for her already) and she introduces her boyfriend to you. Now, suppose you don't know anything about him. Would you be more comfortable if it was a white guy instead of a black guy? You probably would, even if the white guy is the biggest asshole murderer in the whole world.Yes, because I would want my daughter to date a murderer. Are you really that dumb?

So, what you're essentially saying is that simply based on the current statistics of violent crimes, because of some irrational fear in your puny little pea brain, without KNOWING the guy, you would trust your sister/daughter with a potential Charles Manson/Ted Bundy than maybe a Michael Jordan/Obama? I would disown my daughter if she brought home Barack Obama.
I see you have troubles understanding points that I am trying to make. I am not afraid of blacks, I am in fact afraid of very little in life. I still dont know from where you have gotten this idea that I have a fear of blacks, I would love you to show me a quote where I said that. What I have been trying to get across to your stupid little cow brain and what I said at the start of the thread was that there is reason why people are more vary when near a black person than a white person in AMERICA and crime rate stats explain that very well.

Undeniably, yes, blacks have a history of violent crimes, and the majority of them are in prison, but so are Whites, South Americans and Asians as well. The couple who kidnapped and raped Elizabeth Smart was a white couple, majority of the child molesters in the past decade have been whites. Maybe the probability of a thug black guy kicking your turd ass is very high, but so can a demented white guy or a pissed off Asian.

The problem is that while every race has a history of violent crimes, blacks are far more likely at the moment to committ them. You cannot deny it in any way.

But has that ever happened to you? You said in another thread that you were threatened, and that is it? So, you base your perception of people based on crime statistics and one threat?
I was not threatened by blacks. I was threatened by some immigrants. I personally have never had any attacks of threats done on me by blacks. That said, I have seen enough of life and been in enough situations, so that was an one example I just brought up. Of course, I probably failed to mention what happened to those lovely dudes after they had threatened me, in that they ended up injured and bloody and I tore them a new asshole.

Those are not excuses, and in fact I gave an outsider's view, because I'm neither white, nor black. Nobody denied that crime is a big problem in the black community, and yes, probably nothing much is done about it. But when paranoid morons like you treat or look at EVERY single black person with fear, or a stupid woman grabs her purse tightly when they see a black guy, would mess with the head of even the most intellectually brilliant guy. Do it long enough, and you eventually will have retaliation. This is not an excuse, just plain facts.See, that is your problem, when I said there is a reason to be more vary around a black than a white, you being a dumb idiot generalize it to go for every situation in life. If you are at an intellectual business environment, doing business deals, then obviously you have little reason to be fearful, why should you? If you are at the theatre and next to you is a black who is dressed in a suit, why should you be afraid? I didnt think I have to add this, because I was expecting that even someone who on an evolutionary level in development is behind the mighty amoeba, such as yourself, would understand it. Little did I know.

But if you are at a street and its dark, who would most people be more afraid of, a black or a white approaching them? I am pretty sure that even blacks would say black here. And why? Because the likelihood is far greater that the black will attack. That is not to say that there is no problems with whites committing crimes, there are plenty of whites who committ crimes just as well. Just that blacks in that regard are worse. That is the undeniable truth.

Indian. So, no, I'm not black, in case you're wondering. What about you?
Because I like a certain amount of privacy, I will not disclose from what country I am from.

Multiculturalism is a failure because of the "holier than thou" attitude that certain country's intolerant people tend to have. Europe seems to have the hardest time with it for some reason, see Angela Merkel's outburst last year. Multiculturalism is a failure because it adds nothing of value to society. What benefit do I get from 10000 muslims coming to my country? Absolutely nothing.

And even though it's been somewhat a success in North America, it still can be sometimes ridiculous in America, especially because the only people who have the right to have objection to immigrants there are the Native Americans.
Ahh yes, Native americans - the first victims of multiculturalism.

Well, have you ever lived in America for a considerable period of time? Have you ever studied alongside black, Hispanic, Arabic or Asian people, ever worked with them? I have lived there for a short period, and even longer in Europe, where I am currently. During my short stay in the US, I have had black, white and Hispanic friends, and frankly so far none of them are any better than the other. I have also dated a Hispanic and a mixed girl before, and am currently married to a white Romanian woman. So, probably I can say I have seen the whole spectrum, and probably that's why I learned not to discriminate based on some statistic or some vague idea. No, I have not. I have had a good amount of aquaintances and friends do that though and from their experiences, well, lets say that blacks didnt get the most positive report. But that is quite irrelevant in this topic, as none of them experienced any actual crimes committed against them, not by a white nor by a black.

How the heck did you come to the conclusion that the only heroes for the black community are rappers and athletes? Because this is what you understand from the media? Is this what your idea of Harlem was based on? Because that is how the situation is for most of the black community.

I don't have time to search for names, but there are plenty of brilliant scientists, archaeologists, congressmen, novelists, inventors, journalists, authors, mathematicians, physicists, actors, producers, news presenters, Grammy award winning musicians (not rappers), secretary of state, and now a president. I have known myself an amazingly brilliant black professor while I was attending a short course by IBM. I am not sure where I said there are not brilliant black scientists (will you show me the quote please), what I said was that they are not given the respect they deserve by the black community and they are not seen as rolemodels by blacks.
This is one of the reasons why black community has so many problems at the moment.

Yeah, but the kind of behavior you are promoting is unhealthy, and like I said before, you are no better than the black guys who threatened to kick your purse-trodding ass just because you were white. You are as moronic as them, if you have this tit-for-tat mentality where they want to hate you because of their past, and you are prejudiced against ALL of them because of their present. Here you go again Dumbo. Where the hell did you get this black guys threatened to take away my purse? Look, I have been threatened quite a few times in my life and unfortunately I have had to defend myself on a few occasions. Every time the problem has been the language that I speak, i.e, the lovely immigrants in my country have a problem that I speak the native language of the country and have a different nationality compared to theirs.

Also, if you're really this scared for your life, get your pansy ass to the gym and learn some bloody martial art to "prepare" yourself for the next time you run into some black thug on the street. Wouldn't want to make it too easy for them now, would you? ;) Dont worry, I am not worried even slightly. I have been going to the gym since before I was 20 and know enough about self-defence, so that 99% of the times if I am attacked, I would win. But i`d rather obviously avoid fights.

Garry Walker
9th April 2011, 17:19
Hmm, I'm still wondering which country and race you are from. I can't comment on this until I get further information.
As I am not interested in disclosing from what country I am from, I have no problems you not being sure whether I was being truthful or talking BS.
As for race, I am all white.

Probably your children, if you can manage it, will grow up having the same bull$h!t point of view that you have, and when they go to school or college and see a black person for the first time, will think, "Ooh, senile daddy said beware of the black dudes," and that's that for the rest of their life. Or who knows, maybe they'll develop a better personality, unlike their father.

Dude, let's be honest, there's still a lot of prejudice against blacks in US and in Europe, and will be for many years to come. You just have to open up a Youtube video with a black person in it, and then read the comments section, or there are such heart-cockle-warming places like Stormfront with over 200,000 members contributing in such pearls like http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t754757/ AND http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t790288/, and several other jew/black hating blogs. Use Google, go crazy. You know, beforehand I talked about my friends experiences in America and how blacks were not popular amongst them. The reason? As one of them put it "I didn`t know what racism was before I experienced how blacks behaved to whites."

Erm, DUH! All your experience is based solely on media or what you've seen on TV. Probably you learned about sex from watching porn movies too. Trust me, in reality it's much different, you have to be much more gentle. But to experience that, you'd have to first leave your basement and end it with Bubba.
Yeah, you have to be gentle with a woman.

You've never even had a black person as a work colleague! LMFAO. Ahh yes, I failed the diversity test :D

9th April 2011, 18:41
You know, beforehand I talked about my friends experiences in America and how blacks were not popular amongst them. The reason? As one of them put it "I didn`t know what racism was before I experienced how blacks behaved to whites."

Your use of the word 'blacks', thereby lumping everyone of one skin colour into a common group, assuming that 'they' all behave in the same way, is quite offensive.

Mark in Oshawa
10th April 2011, 10:01
Garry got reading all this good stuff in the Daily Mail, and he cant quite let it go....

Garry, not all blacks in the US are alike...just like not all whites are alike, or all Arabs.

But those guys from England..oh ya...they are all alike..until we meet them on the forums.....

I have spent a ton of time in the US, and never felt threatened. Bob Riebe's story of a tough part of town holds true for me also. I have seen some tough types in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia when I was trucking in both of those towns. That said, you go about your business and look people in the eye and for the most part, you are ok. Most scary individuals I have met in the US actually were some of the crazy morons at the truck stops who are white guys actually....so I Garry, I implore you to put the shovel down...and come to America and walk around eh?

12th April 2011, 17:31
I don't have a problem as I took a course to help me out - "How to get back on the Target quickly with a 10 MM"

14th April 2011, 03:41
But those guys from England..oh ya...they are all alike..until we meet them on the forums.....


OKAY, I give up.
Which one of that bunch is not like all the rest??

Hazel, maybe? but certainly not grid girl

well, I started to say those two are female, but the others seem to be well, err......