View Full Version : SupeRally rules...

8th December 2006, 21:17
SupeRally, good or bad? Grand Prix drivers gaining championship points when stopped in the pits is nothing new; drivers at Indianapolis gain prize money however few laps they complete. Last year the WRC king of SupeRally was Chris Atkinson while this year, it was Matthew Wilson, who used SupeRally 33 times. Wilson was also the only driver in the championship to qualify as a finisher on all 16 rallies.http://www.wrc.com/page/News/BreakingNewsDetail/0,,10111~940408,00.html (http://www.wrc.com/page/News/BreakingNewsDetail/0,,10111%7E940408,00.html)

Bad bad bad...

8th December 2006, 21:19
Definitely a bad thing, which should be discontinued forthwith.

8th December 2006, 21:25
33 times in a season is quite insane. If only Matt got a point for every time he used SupeRally.

Maybe thats the answer, just subtract the amount of times you use it from the points total you gain at the end of the season. Actually scrap that it would just make a complicated idea even more complex. And no one wants to see a driver finish a season with -32 points, not even his most brutal critics.

8th December 2006, 21:27
And no one wants to see a driver finish a season with -32 points, not even his most brutal critics.


8th December 2006, 21:35
I'm not against letting people restart, they just shouldn't be eligble for any points.

So the punters know whats happening put a large obvious sticker on the car such "LOOSER!"

8th December 2006, 21:45
I'm not against letting people restart, they just shouldn't be eligble for any points.

So the punters know whats happening put a large obvious sticker on the car such "LOOSER!"


33 times, that's hilarious. There are 16 rallies, each of 3 days. This means 48 chances to use superally, and he used up more than 2/3 :p :

8th December 2006, 21:54
SupeRally, good or bad? Grand Prix drivers gaining championship points when stopped in the pits is nothing new; drivers at Indianapolis gain prize money however few laps they complete. Last year the WRC king of SupeRally was Chris Atkinson while this year, it was Matthew Wilson, who used SupeRally 33 times. Wilson was also the only driver in the championship to qualify as a finisher on all 16 rallies.

The equivalent in circuit racing would be staying in the pits for 20 laps while the mechanics repair some fault, and then rejoining on the same lap as the leader with, say, a 1 min time penalty. Does it happen? No! Because that would destroy the whole idea of "whoever gets through the distance first is the winner".

But rallying - no, rallying isn't about getting through the distance the fastest, is it? :rolleyes: It's about seeing all the pretty cars go by on Sunday as well, and if you didn't complete some of the distance - well, we'll just say you were bit slower, alright? Because the people - they've got to see all the cars on Sunday as well! :rolleyes: Because rally fans are stupid, aren't they. They don't understand what's going on anyway. All they want is pretty cars going by. Oh, and make sure you don't show them two names on the side of the car, 'cause that would just make 'em crazy! :rolleyes:

When you take away the underlying idea of a sport, you take a big step towards destroying it. The people who have made these decisions should be hanged by their balls from the nearest tree. :hmph: Figuratively speaking, of course.

Yes, I know I'm preaching to the choir. ;)

8th December 2006, 22:26
Spot on studiose, I could'nt agree more!!!!!!!
Super rally is a complete farse that can get way to complicated...
The only good point I can think (only the 1 lol) is about the paying spectator, who would see the retired cars back on the stages, which has to be sort of good entertainment wise, but deffo not championship wise...
Maybe if they just let the retired crews rejoin simply for testing purposes and gaining valuable driver experience, if needed for the following years event!!!! :)

8th December 2006, 22:32

33 times, that's hilarious. There are 16 rallies, each of 3 days. This means 48 chances to use superally, and he used up more than 2/3 :p :

And poor old Wilson Jnr only finished 28th in the championship with (wait for it) "1" single point from Argentina lol...
Q. Is it the Stobart Focus or Wilson Jnr that aint working properly? pmsl

8th December 2006, 22:36
Maybe if they just let the retired crews rejoin simply for testing purposes and gaining valuable driver experience, if needed for the following years event!!!! :)

Yes, sure, that would be fine. :cool:

8th December 2006, 22:39
Yes, sure, that would be fine. :cool:

And simple to understand lol ;)

8th December 2006, 22:52
And simple to understand lol ;)

I prefer "good" to "simple to understand" any day. I think we all would. (Just to be clear, I was adopting the supposed point of view of the FIA up there in my 2nd paragraph. ;) I don't really think we're stupid. :D )

Too much dumbing down is never good for anything. It's done to attract the casual fan, but drives away the hard-core fan. And once the casual fan gets more into it, he realizes that the whole thing is rubbish as well. It's quite simply the wrong thing to do.

8th December 2006, 23:29
With the amount of cars looking to enter next year and 2008 it wont be the same problem with a low number of cars on the final leg so then it might be a good idea to just get rid of it, and maybe let retired cars re-enter but not be able to score points and maybe remove the start number ore something to make it clear to the spectators that they are no longer in the competition.

9th December 2006, 00:44
There is a lot of annoyance at SuperRally deciding the British Rally Championship last weekend too. Ryan Champion was leading... until he burst the radiator and limped through the last stage, handing the championship to Stuart Jones.

...except, because he retired on the road section after the final stage, he got a 5 minute penalty and ended up winning the championship - it was quicker for him to retire.

Sucks, doesn't it?

9th December 2006, 01:18
And what about JWRC 2006 !

Sandell is champion, (nothing against him) instead of Aava !

9th December 2006, 08:21
Yes and you guys want day 3 of a rally to have 2 WRCars? I hate StupidRally as much as anyone but unfiortunately it's necessary when you only have 3 factory backed teams and 2 drivers in each team......

9th December 2006, 08:48
Yes and you guys want day 3 of a rally to have 2 WRCars? I hate StupidRally as much as anyone but unfiortunately it's necessary when you only have 3 factory backed teams and 2 drivers in each team......

So is seeing all the cars most important after all? The show is more important than the sport?

And can you please list all the rallies in the past few years that would have had 2 WRCs on the final day, if it hadn't been for SupeRally?

9th December 2006, 08:57
I just meant that there were times when there were very few WRCars left in rallies. Like I said I hate StupidRally as much as most people because it lessens the sport. But without the show there would be less sponsors there would be less of a sport and then less show and then less sponsors and no sport.........

As I said before I despise this rule and hope that it gets dropped as soon as is practical. I prefer 3 car teams to stupidrally by far.

9th December 2006, 09:38
Superrally is a disgrace for this motorsport !!! :mad:

9th December 2006, 09:57
Superrally is a disgrace for this motorsport !!! :mad:


9th December 2006, 10:00
I still have in mind Monte-Carlo06 where two whales could have ended on podium but were "stolen" by "Superrallyman Loeb"... :rolleyes:

9th December 2006, 10:11
And what about JWRC 2006 !

Sandell is champion, (nothing against him) instead of Aava !

Sandell was only leading by 5 stages in the whole JWRC this year, that's very few for a champion.

Aava, Andersson or Meeke should be the champion this year and not Sandell.

9th December 2006, 10:46
But without the show there would be less sponsors there would be less of a sport and then less show and then less sponsors and no sport.........

That's true, but I don't think there was ever anything wrong with the show or the sport. The problem in my view has always been TV broadcasting. The WRC was great, it just didn't reach enough people to be prosperous. The FIA should have done nothing, and ISC should have done a lot. It's been the other way around. :rolleyes:

And the result is that the sport-show is worse than it was, and there is still no proper broadcasting.

9th December 2006, 10:55
next years line up
6 Focuses on every round
2 Impreza
2 C4
10 cars on every event + kronos Bozian skoda and lots of privaters so i think in Finland, sweden and Norway we might have up to 30 WRC cars there was 20 wrc cars entered for Rally Norway this year altough some of them fell of due to unforseen surcumstanses

9th December 2006, 11:12
Now that S2000 is coming to reality, I find it very appealing that the same would happen than in the past with F2. No superrally and we could have an interresting results full of S2000 or group-N cars :up:

9th December 2006, 18:11
Why not take the special rules away once and for all. Let every day be a race of its own. Score points for every day. There will be a lot of cars on sundays and they will all drive at full speed. This sunday cruising would be a good thing to miss.

9th December 2006, 18:33
Rallying is supposed to have an element of endurance / survival, splitting a 3 day event into 3 one day events removes this. Its the same as splitting a circuit race into induvidual laps, defeating the whole object of the exercise...

9th December 2006, 18:48
I can imagine the amount of Superrally restarters after first leg of a rally like Safari Kenya for example !! :laugh:

9th December 2006, 23:02
I still have in mind Monte-Carlo06 where two whales could have ended on podium but were "stolen" by "Superrallyman Loeb"... :rolleyes:

I think the dominence of Loeb on this event made a mockery of the superrally rules. The penalty should be more severe. You shouldn`t be effectively `out of the rally` and be able to get on the podium.

But i would rather see this stupid idea scrapped.


10th December 2006, 11:18
I still have in mind Monte-Carlo06 where two whales could have ended on podium but were "stolen" by "Superrallyman Loeb"... :rolleyes:
And if it was the other way round you'd be happy and wouldn't say a word of it..........

10th December 2006, 12:57
And if it was the other way round you'd be happy and wouldn't say a word of it..........

You badly know me !! :mark:

If I'm against Superrally, same goes if whales drivers had to use it... :rolleyes:

10th December 2006, 21:35
Oh I know you well enough Tom......

10th December 2006, 22:06
The rule clearly sucks I know but Daniel is right in one thing, it helped the WRC to keep sponsors happy. without it WRC might be history by now

10th December 2006, 22:38
It was quite interesting, Rally NZ 2005 when we failed to finish the 1st stage, we Super Rallied adn restarted on the Saturday only to break the car again after 4 stages. With there being only 3 cars in our class the others being the Suzuki's we were getting the leaders time plus 5 minutes. We were actually doing better by not finishing each day and getting the 5 minute penalty. We were ahead of quite a few in the NZ championship without doing the stages.

It's good that you are able to restart, if like us went out early but if you say dnf on the last half of the rally your event should be over.


11th December 2006, 13:50
The rule clearly sucks I know but Daniel is right in one thing, it helped the WRC to keep sponsors happy. without it WRC might be history by now

What would really make the sponsors happy is cars that don't break down/crash half of the time. If there are only three cars left on Sunday, it means the sponsors that are left have a lot of airtime. That would surely make them happier?

11th December 2006, 14:05
What would really make the sponsors happy is cars that don't break down/crash half of the time. If there are only three cars left on Sunday, it means the sponsors that are left have a lot of airtime. That would surely make them happier?

That airtime and visibility would be very cheap then if they have no competition.

11th December 2006, 14:06
That airtime and visibility would be very cheap then if they have no competition.
Why would you want to watch when there is no competition.............

11th December 2006, 14:30
That airtime and visibility would be very cheap then if they have no competition.
The same competition as there is now with the time penalties.

Why would you want to watch when there is no competition..............

Yes, why have we watched the WRC this year?

11th December 2006, 14:31
That's true, but I don't think there was ever anything wrong with the show or the sport. The problem in my view has always been TV broadcasting. The WRC was great, it just didn't reach enough people to be prosperous. The FIA should have done nothing, and ISC should have done a lot. It's been the other way around. :rolleyes:

And the result is that the sport-show is worse than it was, and there is still no proper broadcasting.

Here, here!! In the rush to make the championship more attractive, they've done the complete opposite, the coverage is less than ever, less manufacturers, go figure,....DOH!!

11th December 2006, 14:58
The same competition as there is now with the time penalties.

Yes, why have we watched the WRC this year?

Because we are all true passioned fans !!! :p :

11th December 2006, 15:08
Yep :up:

I don't know you guys but I 110% agree with Tom here. Whine somewhere else please and let true passionate fans cheer for WRC ;)

11th December 2006, 16:35
Link to new 2007 World Championship Regulation :
Let's see articles 3.5.4 and 4.6

This time penalty will be as follows:
First special stage or super special stage missed:10 minutes
For the second stage missed:No time penalty
From the third stage missed onwards: 5 minutes

11th December 2006, 18:37
What's funny with this new rule is that that superallydriver is going to score a stage win for the stage that follows the stage in which s/he retired.

11th December 2006, 18:38
No time penalty for 2nd stage missed ??? :eek: :s

11th December 2006, 21:43
I guess it is better to give some extra points per leg, and re starters could only compete for that separate per leg classification, (with those extra points.)
Not in general classification.
Points for final classification should be higher (why not back to 20-15-12-10, etc)

11th December 2006, 22:52
No time penalty for 2nd stage missed ??? :eek: :s

They very well could have written that the superally penalty is 10 minutes if you retire on/after the last stage of the leg but c'mon, where's the fun in that one! :s mokin:

11th December 2006, 23:00
No time penalty for 2nd stage missed ??? :eek: :s

i would venture in thinking that it's designed to account for those super specials where they race for 1min/1,5min.

12th December 2006, 02:46
As a spectator theres nothing worse then watching 3 WRC cars then all the group N dribble. Super rally is good for spectators, although I agree they should not be able to score points.

12th December 2006, 11:10
I guess it is better to give some extra points per leg, and re starters could only compete for that separate per leg classification, (with those extra points.)
Not in general classification.
Points for final classification should be higher (why not back to 20-15-12-10, etc)
That's what they'll do in ERC !

3.5.7 Super Rally Points
a) The points as in given in article 14.3 of the present regulations are allocated for the overall classification of the rally.
b) Additionally, bonus points will be awarded based on the results of each leg, at the rate of 3, 2 and 1 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.