View Full Version : Slippers v your age

Hazell B
16th March 2011, 14:19
When my partner reached the grand old age of 43, I bought him some slippers to let him know he's (exactly 3 months) older than me :p :
What I didn't realise was that they came with a detatchable black and white hairy/growly thing - our 18 month old Jack Russell. The damned dog just loves grabbing any slippered foot passing, then clings on like a demon until shaken off or bashed on a door frame. He's not exactly gnawing to the bone, but he's determined :laugh:

Anyway, are slippers an old man thing?
Go ahead, admit your slipper wearing secrets :)

16th March 2011, 14:21
I'm 25 and been wearing slippers for a good few years. When you're a student they're advisable as there's always crap all over the floor :D

Dave B
16th March 2011, 14:36
I've worn slippers since I was a wee kid. So long as you don't wear them outside the house, no problem. :D

16th March 2011, 14:51
I've worn slippers since I was a wee kid. So long as you don't wear them outside the house, no problem. :D

unless you're getting the sunday paper from the walkway, then it's okay. :)

16th March 2011, 15:02
I have been wearing slippers for several years now.... and I am the grand old age of 36

donKey jote
16th March 2011, 15:04
no slippers here... barehooved most of the time in the house :donkey:

16th March 2011, 15:13
Homer Simpson slippers :wave:


16th March 2011, 15:16
I've been wearing slippers for years... Although the current pair, Homer Simpson heads, are in desperate need of retirement now. :p

16th March 2011, 15:38
I have some nice pink Jack Wolfskin slippers. We have a concrete floor downstairs. Our kitchen currently only has a lino flooring (because it was free) but it also means your feet can become like iceblocks after a while if your cooking or cleaning without your slippers on. There's definately nothing wrong with wearing slippers. :D

16th March 2011, 16:16
A Finnish company has made an 80 year old slipper design a fashion item in Finland. Even teenagers wear them:


16th March 2011, 18:49
Bought my 1st pair of slippers just last month, at the grand old age of 35. :)

Hazell B
16th March 2011, 19:39
I'm shocked :eek:
Honestly thought slipper wearing was something for old men and little kids :p :

By the way, now I can admit my partner bought me some back, mainly to get the dog off his feet and onto mine. Got them on now. Dog's asleep, but he'll wake if I move an inch from this perch :mark:

16th March 2011, 20:31
Mine are more like moccasins but I like them. Easy to slip on and off, warm but not like a furnace and great for a quick front yard dog walk or a dash to get something out of the truck. Sweetie the Wonder Lab has her own substancial pile of toys and leaves my stuff alone.

16th March 2011, 20:52
Picked a young lad up about 12 years ago for a driving lesson,and he comes out in Rigger Boots.I said you aint going to drive a small car in those bulky things.He said they are all i have got,so you aint got no more shoes,No he had not .So i made him go inside and come in his slippers,and he drove in them every time he had a lesson.Day of test he says,do I have to walk to the test centre from the car,yes,so he took his test in his slippers too!!

Hazell B
17th March 2011, 11:24
Sweetie the Wonder Lab has her own substancial pile of toys and leaves my stuff alone.

Poo has toys too. Still likes the amination of things with feet in them though :mark:
He also bites horses hooves, no matter how often they boot/trample/stamp on him. Bloody terriers :dog:

18th March 2011, 18:47
I think slippers are, if not de facto choice, but at least something quite common for many office workers in the engineering world here. It's always casual friday for my feet. :)

18th March 2011, 21:16
Had a wicked pair of football ones which played the MOTD theme. :D but in general barefoot at home.