View Full Version : Coalition forces in two wars

Bob Riebe
7th March 2011, 20:37
If one looks at: (combat deaths are listed in both)



One can draw information and conclusions that fit the one.

Thank God for these brave soldiers, and pray for the survivors of the dead.

It is interesting how in Iraq, Denmark was pulling its troops out, but apparently sent an unknown number back and are still there.
Bulgaria took a big hit.

8th March 2011, 08:04
Afganistan does have more international support simply because it's easier to agree on what needs to be achieved there. Most of us can agree that the Taliban are 'bad' and needed to be dealt with. Although you can debate on the subject of how we went about it was the right way.

Dave B
9th March 2011, 14:12
Although you can debate on the subject of how we went about it was the right way.
It'd be a pretty short debate: thousands of civilian deaths and no exit strategy would be pretty hard to justify.

Bob Riebe
9th March 2011, 14:27
It'd be a pretty short debate: thousands of civilian deaths and no exit strategy would be pretty hard to justify.Then tell the muslims to quite blowing their people up.

9th March 2011, 15:22
The simplest way to defeat any foe is to cut off their supply of resources and funding.
Unfortunately, the Taliban is being supplied by the oil-producing allies of many of the coalition countries :mark: .