View Full Version : OMG! Read-then celebrate with me :D

5th March 2011, 22:30
I was recently awarded a nice sized gift card to Borders books from my 'moonlighting' job due to good sales in Q4 of last year. I was happy to note upon receipt of the card it was applicable to sales from their online site. After doing some thorough used book mining I was able to purchase some older editions of Rallycourse and Holmes' World Rallying-books at a price I would never pay out of my own pocket.

The 1992-1993 Rallycourse arrived today ($55US) and as I thumbed through the pages I noted some handwriting on one...

Autographed, by Carlos Sainz!!!!!!!!

YES! YES!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5th March 2011, 22:38

I had Colin Autograph mine, had to arrange that myself though.