View Full Version : Charlie Sheen...

4th March 2011, 08:33
...is most definitely winning.

One of the downsides of going on holiday next week is that I won't be able to follow the fun on twitter :(

4th March 2011, 08:54
That guy has so got it going on! Your average Homo sapien can only dream about the puntang he is getting into. He has the money, he has the dispositions, If he kills himself while freaking with some fine wool, I bet he dies with a smile on his face!

4th March 2011, 08:59
While he is undoubtedly hillarious. Is it cool to be pointing and laughing at someone who is obviously havnig a very public mental breakdown?

4th March 2011, 09:09
Yea' I bet you would have a hard time explaining to your fan base how remorseful it is having your way with 4 or 5 fine bitches at the same time, to say nothing of the acceleration of doing it when all parties are free basing.
Don’t knock it until you try it. ;)
Later bro

4th March 2011, 09:19
While he is undoubtedly hillarious. Is it cool to be pointing and laughing at someone who is obviously havnig a very public mental breakdown?

Possibly not, but it's still interesting viewing. He hit twitter the other day and has been rocking it since with gems like this:

Chicks to do before I hit 50: @Rosie, @SarahKSilverman, @SashaGrey, @Alyssa_Milano, and @JustinBieber http://srn.kr/before50

Don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes, snorted a mile of my coke, drank a vial of my #Tigerblood.

4th March 2011, 09:22
The Platoon, Wall Street, Young Guns...... then salute and give me another bottle. Too bad because I liked the guy.

Dave B
4th March 2011, 10:50
Can't remember who originaly posted this:

Not screwing the easiest job in Hollywood becuase of my addictions

4th March 2011, 11:33
Charlie is having fun, A hollywood supper star that is not afraid to admit he has ****ed hot bitches so hard that he had to go to the hospital with a hernia
I wish I had his problems :bounce:

Hazell B
5th March 2011, 18:56
While he is undoubtedly hillarious. Is it cool to be pointing and laughing at someone who is obviously havnig a very public mental breakdown?

No, but he is inviting everything he gets. Willingly asking the whole planet to join in with your meltdown allows us all to say what we want, when we want about him.

Anyway, I'll stick to disliking him for his wife and drug abuse - the breakdown is just icing :p :

Thing is, he's also the star of my second favourite TV show, so I'm a hypocrite pretty much whatever I do.

5th March 2011, 19:12
Well, let him party. I'll be worried when he shavers his head bald and starts hitting folks with an umbrella.

5th March 2011, 21:31
Thing is, he's also the star of my second favourite TV show
Two and Half Men?

6th March 2011, 05:18
Charlie is a disgusting POS. Look at the lives we have destroyed with our drug addiction. This guy should be dragged behind a bus until dead!!

7th March 2011, 01:07

Charlie is a disgusting POS. Look at the lives we have destroyed with our drug addiction. This guy should be dragged behind a bus until dead!!Loser. :rolleyes:

7th March 2011, 02:01
Why is all of this so shocking to everyone NOW?? He's been doing this for 20 years or more. Any woman that thought they had the golden box to stop his cravings was fooling themselves. He was dragging around a harem of young lovlies the whole time he was here filming Major League 2 back in what 93? his partying in town back then was legendary. He admitted spending over $50K on hookers in court at the Heidi Fleiss trial. NONE of this is new. Hell, his show has to be the easiest "acting" gig ever. WINNING!

7th March 2011, 15:14
he is hitting a rock bottom

7th March 2011, 17:31
It's all fine with me, except for the fact that he has children. It was the same with Tiger Woods.

They should both have taken a page from George Clooney's playbook ... party like crazy for all those years, and then get married/settle down/have kids once the hedonism is out of your system, no matter how long it takes.

9th March 2011, 19:59
No, but he is inviting everything he gets. Willingly asking the whole planet to join in with your meltdown allows us all to say what we want, when we want about him.

I don't think anyone is saying that people shouldn't be allowed to say whatever they want about him.