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28th February 2011, 17:49
Well I for one did not feel to sorry for the 4 Americans who were killed last week by the Somali Pirates: Now in their footsteps comes even the dumber.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Pirates reportedly have hijacked a Danish sailboat with four adults and three children on board.
The ship was hijacked Thursday while traveling through the Indian Ocean and is now on its way to Somalia, Denmark's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Charlotte Slente told DR News, a national TV News channel in Denmark.
A Danish couple, their three children and two technicians were on board the sailboat, DR News reported.
Navy Operational Command started investigating immediately after receiving a distress signal from the Danish boat, Slente said.

If you are dumb enough to enter a war zone unarmed and unprepared then how can you cry about it.

1st March 2011, 08:55
Certainly it is rather stupid that Denmark and others are going to spend a lot of resources trying to get them out. The question is always where do you draw the line, e.g. People climb up mountains in winter and do silly things, does this mean we shouldn't rescue Ibby when he falls? Maybe :p

1st March 2011, 10:00
Ibby? Did they release him from that mental hospital?

1st March 2011, 10:33
Ibby? Did they release him from that mental hospital?

Well he says he's only there to look after the computer systems :mark:

1st March 2011, 10:48
Ibby never falls though. It's always me that falls and he's often less than sympathetic. :(

I'd be interested to know where the Danish people were captured. The Somali pirates seem to be increasingly relying on mother ships deployed in international water to extend their reach. Is it risky to be sailing in those waters? Hell yes. Were they anywhere near Somalia? Probably not.

1st March 2011, 11:35
I agree with Roamy, don't go there and you won't get kidnapped. It's not rocket science.

3rd March 2011, 15:06
...I'd be interested to know where the Danish people were captured. The Somali pirates seem to be increasingly relying on mother ships deployed in international water to extend their reach. Is it risky to be sailing in those waters? Hell yes. Were they anywhere near Somalia? Probably not.

True. The pirates are increasingly extending their reach far off the coast of Somalia. Anywhere within the gulf of Oman, and even into the Arabian Sea is now a significant risk.

Retro Formula 1
3rd March 2011, 15:12
I thought this thread was about the new 18 certified Disney film.

Dumbo 2 "Beyond Dumb" - This time, there's no Clowns!

Bob Riebe
3rd March 2011, 16:17
Well I for one did not feel to sorry for the 4 Americans who were killed last week by the Somali Pirates: Now in their footsteps comes even the dumber.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Pirates reportedly have hijacked a Danish sailboat with four adults and three children on board.
The ship was hijacked Thursday while traveling through the Indian Ocean and is now on its way to Somalia, Denmark's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Charlotte Slente told DR News, a national TV News channel in Denmark.
A Danish couple, their three children and two technicians were on board the sailboat, DR News reported.
Navy Operational Command started investigating immediately after receiving a distress signal from the Danish boat, Slente said.

If you are dumb enough to enter a war zone unarmed and unprepared then how can you cry about it.
It has squat to do with whether or not one feels sorry or not. One either condemns the pirates, and views their actions as unacceptable or not.

Why should parts of international waters be off limits to anyone.

You are missing and diverting the point of what is wrong with the pirates actions. I am sure they would thank you gladly.

3rd March 2011, 16:41
It has squat to do with whether or not one feels sorry or not. One either condemns the pirates, and views their actions as unacceptable or not.

Why should parts of international waters be off limits to anyone.

You are missing and diverting the point of what is wrong with the pirates actions. I am sure they would thank you gladly.
I agree with you on this one Rob. Until this piracy is stopped you simply have proceed at your own peril.
Whether or not it is stupid is simply not the point.