View Full Version : Compulsive liars.

26th February 2011, 10:30
Do you know any? What's the biggest whopper they've told you?

26th February 2011, 17:54
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9hTg8RzzeM :p :

Hazell B
26th February 2011, 19:20
There's one with a stable yard near my own and he's terrible!

Only a week or two ago I got a message from somebody on a horse forum saying her yard owner (the liar) had chased two specific named horse dealers off his yard in the early hours as they tried to nick her horse. What he didn't realise was that when he told her, she'd tell anyone she thought was in the same county on the internet.

Including me and the two men he claimed to have chased off.
These are not two men anyone sane would argue with ..... and pikey horse dealers who've gone straight but still enjoy boxing aren't the best of enemies :D

I find his stories entertaining in a perverse way :rotflmao:

26th February 2011, 19:44
Many politicans....but i always thought that Billy Clinton was the very best: "I smoked but i did not inhale". "I never had sex with Monica", (hey, "I do not call getting that, " as having sex"") an on and on.....

Funny is that when I would see him on TV and say these things, I would believe him.....not olny compulsive but very beleivable.

Of course later, when I stop and think about it, it is clear that it was far less than honest, but he just had this way of being so believable, not only to me but to many others--the secret of his success, I guess.

Some years ago, I knew this land developer. He had this way of just denying the obvious, that you would still believe him. He could look at you and say, "why are you standing there, in front of everyone, butt-ass naked??"

I gurantee that your response would be to start grabbing for your clothes and after feeling them, think those clothes are not really there, and I must be going insane and imagining I have my clothes on...... :crazy:

Anyway, after a while, I came to the conclusion that he would end up president of the USA or in jail.

I was wrong.

First, he was not born in the USA (but I am sure he could have come up with a story better than Obama on that point)--what happenned was that he fled to Brazil where he is at today before the feds could indict himand put him in jail. I understand there might still be warrants out for him.....I am not sure why he ran, because I think he could have taken the stand, no matter the evidence, and walked that case out the door. Guess he did not want to pay all those lawyers or whatever....

26th February 2011, 21:07
I find compulsive liars fascinating, you know they're lying, they know that you know and they still go on telling tall tales :)

26th February 2011, 21:30
I find compulsive liars fascinating, you know they're lying, they know that you know and they still go on telling tall tales :)

My feelings exactly. I used to work with one. A sad mama's boy who still lived at home in his 30's, who, in various stories, tried to make us believe he was, ex SAS, a LeMans team owner, engaged to a Texan female Bull Riding champion (who sadly died after being bit by a snake) etc etc.

I don't get it. I really don't.

27th February 2011, 00:13
I recall once being on a bus to Norwich, on which was a young bloke telling the person next to him of his various special forces exploits. Needless to say, the conversation my friend and I had been having ceased — as did almost all others — in favour of listening to these wonderful tales.

The person who otherwise springs to mind is Jeffrey Archer. Read his life history in detail, particularly as chronicled by Michael Crick's biography of him, and one sees a man seemingly unable to cease being untruthful even about matters that are easy to prove. There is no doubt that this behaviour is indicative of psychological problems.

27th February 2011, 18:17

27th February 2011, 19:34

If, indeed, he actually exists.

27th February 2011, 20:21
Question #1: Women.

Question #2: "I'm fine."

28th February 2011, 09:49
In all fairness to Bill Clinton, the "did you have sex..." question came up during a deposition. If you find yourself subpoenaed to a deposition you don't want to participate in, the fun is to make it as long and a painfull process for the other side as possible. The Clinton side asked the other side to define what they considered "having sexual relations" specifically and in writing. Once presented with the list and definitions, the question was put to Clinton again about "Did you have sex with this woman?" Much to the delight of the Clintonites, that particular act had been left off the the investigator's list of specified acts and Clinton was able to honestly answer no to the question. Clinton didn't lie, the investigators dropped the ball.

28th February 2011, 09:49
This was during my school days. This guy used to try really hard to come off as a Casanova, and I mean it was like his life depended on making people believe how many girlfriends he has and how many of them he has slept with. Well, of course nobody believed him, since nobody ever saw him with one. In fact I told him I don't believe a word he says. He gets pissed off and says "Come with me, and I'll introduce you to my girlfriend." Takes me to another school in his car, sits outside the gate waiting for them to finish so they can come out, spots one girl out of the crowd and the conversation went something like this:

Guy: Hey beautiful, you look lovely today.

Girl: F*** Off.

Guy: [To me] See?

Me: :\

Apparently the victims of his disastrous teasing were somehow in his mind, his "girlfriends". I don't know if this guy was a compulsive liar or simply effing deluded.

Rudy Tamasz
28th February 2011, 11:31
This was during my school days. This guy used to try really hard to come off as a Casanova, and I mean it was like his life depended on making people believe how many girlfriends he has and how many of them he has slept with. Well, of course nobody believed him, since nobody ever saw him with one. In fact I told him I don't believe a word he says. He gets pissed off and says "Come with me, and I'll introduce you to my girlfriend." Takes me to another school in his car, sits outside the gate waiting for them to finish so they can come out, spots one girl out of the crowd and the conversation went something like this:

Guy: Hey beautiful, you look lovely today.

Girl: F*** Off.

Guy: [To me] See?

Me: :\

Apparently the victims of his disastrous teasing were somehow in his mind, his "girlfriends". I don't know if this guy was a compulsive liar or simply effing deluded.

It sounds like he lied to you. That said this kinda conversation could have taken place between me and some of women I have actually been close with. :\

Retro Formula 1
28th February 2011, 11:54
I know someone who claims to wander around Europe brandishing an illegal firearm at drunken revellers claiming it's his human rights to do so.

The Jury is out on whether he's a liar or serious criminal :laugh:

28th February 2011, 13:02
Every and each politician ;)

28th February 2011, 13:07
Every and each politician ;)

Speaking of which pino, I'm curious about what the Italians actually think about Berlusconi? What's the general consensus on him? Do the majority like him? Has he actually done good things? Or is it just like it seems from the outside, that he's an embarrassment to the country, especially with the new prostitution scandal, and people can't wait until he finishes his term?

28th February 2011, 13:21
Berlusconi is as as bad as any other politician from any other country ;)

28th February 2011, 13:44
Berlusconi is as as bad as any other politician from any other country ;)

I'm not sure I would agree with that. I would place him on a pedestal far, far above any other politician I can think of in the Western world in terms of standards of conduct. Compulsive liar, though? Compulsive crook, maybe, but not sure about liar.

28th February 2011, 13:52
Great thread, fascinating subject!

I know two people who could be described as compulsive liars.. and another who is more of an exagerator.

The first one I'll just call G is a middle aged, balding, spectacles wearing, Phil Collins look-alike, 5ft 2, alleged close friend of boxer Scot Harrison and Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair. A fantastic talker, very convincing, at least until you get to know him by cross referencing the story with last time he told it. Succesfull, owns his own business and he definately has the gift of the gab. The last 'fib' I can recall him telling was of his visit to Amsterdam and having a long chat with Jackie Chan whilst having a smoke in a coffee shop :D His group of 'Casuals' then got involved in a fight with some Rockers? iirc hospitalised one and threw two others into a canal. Everyone knows he is talking BS, he must know that everyone knows it too yet no-one ever calls him on it..??? probably because listening to his tall stories is just so intertaining.

The other is very different, more of a fantasist perhaps? Here is an extract from the newspaper of his funniest 'escapade'

Rejected recruit's bizarre fantasy life

By Bart Dickson

A JOBLESS fisherman dubbed Dumbo Cop for posing as a policeman was warned to behave himself yesterday.

Steven Muir faked a warrant card, went out 'on patrol' and lectured youngsters about drugs.

But the 21-year-old's fantasy life ended when he drove into a seafront car park with a toy siren blaring from the roof of his G-reg Ford Fiesta.

A group of kids he ticked off for alleged misbehaviour were suspicious of the red and blue siren, which could be set to sound like a police car, fire engine or ambulance.

They told their parents and Muir, whose bid to become a cop had been rejected, was arrested.

His offences took place between April last year, when his application to the police was thrown out, and December.

Ayr sheriff Colin Miller was told yesterday that Muir, who admitted three charges of impersonating a police officer, had become a target of ridicule.

He was barely able to leave his home in Ballantrae, Ayrshire.

Deferring sentence for six months, Sheriff Miller said: 'I understand you have not enjoyed the attention you have received and you appear to have been nicknamed Dumbo Cop.

'I am sure that you will have learned from this. I am satisfied this was just a piece of stupidity.'

The court heard that before Muir was caught with the fake siren in Girvan, he went into a school playground and accused a group of youngsters of smoking cannabis.

After showing them his fake warrant card, he delivered a lecture on the dangers of drugs.

Muir's lawyer, Andrew Munro, said: 'Mr Muir comes from a good family background.

'Although he is not working, there is the prospect of some work on his stepfather's boat in the near future. I think we can say he has learned his lesson.'

Outside court, Muir moaned he had been living as a recluse.

He said: 'I haven't been out of the house because of the stick I've been getting. I can't even go out for a quiet pint.'

A friend said: 'Steven has always wanted to join the police but was knocked back. I don't think he meant serious harm.'

:D :D :D

I wonder what the underlying psychological reasons for these traits must be? The first example above is more obvious but with the fake cop you would have no idea if you met him that he could have had this alter-ego or attempted to live out this fantasy...

28th February 2011, 13:54
Berlusconi is as as bad as any other politician from any other country ;)

or as "good as" any...."sex, lies and politicans" has always gone together for various reasons...

In all fairness to Bill Clinton, the "did you have sex..." question came up during a deposition. If you find yourself subpoenaed to a deposition you don't want to participate in, the fun is to make it as long and a painfull process for the other side as possible. The Clinton side asked the other side to define what they considered "having sexual relations" specifically and in writing. Once presented with the list and definitions, the question was put to Clinton again about "Did you have sex with this woman?" Much to the delight of the Clintonites, that particular act had been left off the the investigator's list of specified acts and Clinton was able to honestly answer no to the question. Clinton didn't lie, the investigators dropped the ball.

actually as I recall, it came up during the Paula Jones deposition, when he said he did not have sex with Monica. Then later there was some of the stuff you reference. In any event, he was charged with perjury and came close, very close being impeached and removed from office. Subsequently, he was disbarred in various courts for having committed perjury and so forth, some of which that was the result of some plea type bargaining.

He made two big mistakes:
First he had a relationship with a woman who had bad hygiene and did not wash her clothes, so there was this dried up semen deposit that provided proof that monica was not a fibber.....unlike with the many others who claimed he had been having relationships (and there were many others, but they all struck me as the type of you got to give some "...." to get ahead......, and were very happy and willing to please, but then afterwards, wanted more) but had little hard core proof of the irrebutual type.

Second, he should have just said, "guys, do you know how long I been married to Hilary??? Do you have any idea what that is really like??"

I mean think about it, what man would not have wanted desperately "to wander" as well? On this point, I would have said, "yep, i understand, it is called the defense of necessity and you be free to go Brother Bill, but next time just find a woman who cleans her clothes or be a little more careful about where stuff goes....."

(but if you watch him now, it is as though he enver ever had any of these problems, just so smooth...whereas bush,Jr. often strikes me as having this sort of guilty look or way about him...)

28th February 2011, 13:59
I'm not sure I would agree with that. I would place him on a pedestal far, far above any other politician I can think of in the Western world in terms of standards of conduct. Compulsive liar, though? Compulsive crook, maybe, but not sure about liar.

I hate politics but I do read a lot and I do speak with many many people living in different western countries, that's why I totally disagree with you. All politician are as bad as Berlusconi...no exceptions.

btw I've lived for years both in France, UK, Spain, Germany and Denmark so I know what I am talking about ;)

28th February 2011, 14:06
I hate politics but I do read a lot and I do speak with many many people living in different western countries, that's why I totally disagree with you. All politician are as bad as Berlusconi...no exceptions.

btw I've lived for years both in France, UK, Spain, Germany and Denmark so I know what I am talking about ;)

pino, with respect, you are utterly wrong. I have worked in politics myself. From personal experience, there is nobody I have ever encountered who even approaches the nature of Berlusconi. The whole state of Italian politics troubles me far more than does the situation in any other western European country, as well. The behaviour of your politicians would simply not be tolerated in most other places I can think of.

28th February 2011, 14:07
I wonder what the underlying psychological reasons for these traits must be? The first example above is more obvious but with the fake cop you would have no idea if you met him that he could have had this alter-ego or attempted to live out this fantasy...

Me too. I must say I find this business of impersonating a police officer being a criminal offence in some countries, including the UK, to be rather strange. And then there's this...


Retro Formula 1
28th February 2011, 14:17
As for Burlisconi, all I have read is in the tabloids and he seems to be quite a gregarious character. If I was an advisor, I might suggest he beware the ides of March as the knives seem to be out.

Whether he is guilty of the accusations or perhaps the victim of political opportuning that he has brought onto himself by some questionable personal activity is anyones guess.

He's certainly someone I'd like to have at one of my parties though :D

28th February 2011, 14:42
Berlusconi is a legend! Completely morally corrupt (I have no idea why Pino says he's no worse than other politicians) and the fact that he's got such a media empire is questionable, but you've got to admire the balls of the man.

28th February 2011, 15:41
I think that part of the domestic distain is that Italy has a very high percentage of citizens that are passionately PDS and PRC. Then you have Berlusconi who is an over the top capitalist (a crooked one at that) that owns a large part of what is Italian. I remember when Tony Blair would come to the US and stay at Dubaya's Texas Ranch. Then when he went to Italy he stayed at Berlusconi's Ranch. That guy has made way too much money, as a sitting Prime Minister.

1st March 2011, 08:43
Didn't we discuss The Godfa.....sorry Berlusconi before with similar results, everybody outside Italy thinks he is a total crook...

Garry Walker
1st March 2011, 22:17
pino, with respect, you are utterly wrong. I have worked in politics myself. From personal experience, there is nobody I have ever encountered who even approaches the nature of Berlusconi. The whole state of Italian politics troubles me far more than does the situation in any other western European country, as well. The behaviour of your politicians would simply not be tolerated in most other places I can think of.

Compared to someone like ted "murder" kennedy, Berlusconi is an innocent angel.

As for the thread, I have met my share of liars in my life and it really boggles the mind why one would lie about totally irrelevant things all the time, but I found an easy cure - I started cutting out those people.

2nd March 2011, 09:57
Compared to someone like ted "murder" kennedy, Berlusconi is an innocent angel.

As for the thread, I have met my share of liars in my life and it really boggles the mind why one would lie about totally irrelevant things all the time, but I found an easy cure - I started cutting out those people.

Seriously, Ted Kennedy was a small fish compared to Silvio.


2nd March 2011, 11:23
Berlusconi is a small fish compared to any husband that gets hit with the "...does this dress...shoes with this purse...fat...do you like my hair this way?..." questions all the time.

2nd March 2011, 12:21
Compared to someone like ted "murder" kennedy, Berlusconi is an innocent angel.

And? Putting aside any political debate (which is obviously what you're trying to do, because that's your agenda on this site), does that make the actions of Silvio okay? Do you think that Saddam Hussein was an innocent angel? Because compared to someone like Pol Pot he's small fry. And those lads at Columbine were sweet as pie compared to (according to my lame wikipedia research) what's apparently called the Virginia Tech Massacre.

The point I'm making is that just because there are worse people out there doesn't make everyone else perfect. Berlusconi is, at best, morally questionable in a way that very few leaders in Europe are.