View Full Version : Where is the Obama now

Bob Riebe
23rd February 2011, 20:32
This article good in that it is one of the few that shows the hypocrisy in thee Dem. party after calling for calm and saying the T.E.A. party, Sarah Palin etc. were the cause of the Arizonaa shooting for supposedly using aggresive terms.
The press had all but convicted Palin of being the cause of the murder of the Judge in Arizona.
Where are the now?


Obama is not only not flapping his lips about this aggressive "hate" speech being used by these Dem., he is supporting those who are so filled with what the Dem call hate.
A few more signs that if these were conservatives would be on the new 24/7,


The good thing is it exposes Obama, and Dem., for the two-faced farce he is and they are.

23rd February 2011, 20:38
Nothing can express the thrill and sense of anticipation at another political thread started by my favourite contributor.

Bob Riebe
23rd February 2011, 20:54
Nothing can express the thrill and sense of anticipation at another political thread started by my favourite contributor.
The repeated actions of the liberal press and political parties make it possible, while at the same time your method of going after the poster and not the post, makes it seem you would fit right in at the DNC where there basic modus operandi has alway been attack the messenger, not the message.

Bob Riebe
23rd February 2011, 21:01
You Americans sure love your politics lol.
That is because unlike many countries we can, directly/quickly, affect it without resorting to violence but the Dem. act as if that only applies to conservatives.

23rd February 2011, 21:37
US Representative Capuano says "Every once in a while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary" and you think that is comparable to the kind of gun imagery used in rhetoric and campaign material against political opponents a while back?

I don't think he was particularly wise to use the term "bloody" but as for the comment being used as a stick to beat the President with...must do better Bob; not your finest hour :s mokin:

Incidentally Capuano expressed regret for his remarks:
"I strongly believe in standing up for worker rights and my passion for preserving those rights may have gotten the best of me yesterday in an unscripted speech. I wish I had used different language to express my passion and I regret my choice of words." (link) (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/145627-dem-lawmaker-on-labor-protests-get-a-little-bloody-when-necessary)

Bob Riebe
23rd February 2011, 22:12
US Representative Capuano says "Every once in a while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary" and you think that is comparable to the kind of gun imagery used in rhetoric and campaign material against political opponents a while back?

I don't think he was particularly wise to use the term "bloody" but as for the comment being used as a stick to beat the President with...must do better Bob; not your finest hour :s mokin:

Incidentally Capuano expressed regret for his remarks: (link) (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/145627-dem-lawmaker-on-labor-protests-get-a-little-bloody-when-necessary)Of course he expressed regret he was called on his speech.

What imagery are you speaking of? What "gun" imagery?

You- are engaging in the type thought that the typical liberal politician uses - defining things as you prefer and to hell with the truth.
Not your finest hour- rather weak actually- but typical for type think.

23rd February 2011, 22:30
What imagery are you speaking of? What "gun" imagery?
Perhaps this will refresh your memory - http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/15645

Bob Riebe
24th February 2011, 02:23
Perhaps this will refresh your memory - http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/15645
You mean this one the DNC created in 2004?


24th February 2011, 04:58
Your post is like you,Riebe.Idiotic and 99% of it fake. You have an erection over your hate for your president and cheer on those that carry guns to democratic events and expect the rest

of the world to look upon you (righ wing) as being some sort of sanity erupting from the dregs of the oppressed.

Riebe, you are a clown. Do you think, no, I'll rephrase that, believe that the rest of the world does not see your idiocy and childishness and does not miss out on your Drudge and Fox news.

Why just two days ago a reputable newspaper in Europe , one with a right wing slant stated emphatically that Fox news was a propaganda machine for the Republican party.

Just look Riebe, you have convicted felons reporting for you and you want us to say that wow!!!!, this Riebe is really great. The liberal press....like duh, what liberal press??? Name some

and I bet even though I am not American that even I can come up with a list longer than the one you put forward. I mean hard right and hard left. I'll even start

Limbaugh, Boortz (sic) Savage aka Michael Weiner,Hannity, O'Reilly, Libby, Kilmeade, Doocy, Grace, BECK (CERTIFIABLE),Krutheimer, Wolfowitz (sic), Fund, Scafly, Goldberg,Coulter, Malkin,

Ingraham,Breitbart and a M/s Schlussel that blamed Lara Logan for her own attempted rape. And lest we forget the trollop, Dr Schlesinger ( not qualified to give mental health advice) who

posed naked and bashed all those who were shaking up as immoral until her photo's of her in the nude while the photographer whom she was having an affair with the very married Laura.

She passed it off as youthful indiscretion, I believe. Something she was not keen to offer her callers. Then she is fired for repeating the n.... word 16 times or maybe it was 15 times and g

got herself fired.

But, like Riebe and his sort she rationalized as he is now, that one report on a rally in Wisconsin about a comment adds up to Nazi signs condones all the hate, the President depicted as

Hitler and guys wearing guns when the President is at a function and much more. It still rankles me that these right wingers use Hitler, a right wing fascist to compare him to a left wing


Guys or gals like Riebe are so unread it is sad that they can vote. Ah well.

Riebe, calling a doctor a baby killer over and over agin is lost on you people when that doctor is killed. That is something that O'Reilly from what I've seen (God bless You Tube) and read has to live his life with. The guilt over a man killed in a CHURCH. The holy Christian right kills in a church, the temple of God. Then Palin put target sights and a congresswoman is killed and Riebe is looking instead of why it happened,but for something ,just words from a democrat for him to say everything is equal.

Riebe, you're not fit call yourself a conservative or an ally to a party. You're they say...guttersnipe.

24th February 2011, 05:32
Unlike what countries. The US no longer has the credibility it once had. Your claim of changing political governance without violence is possible true but certainly not because the hate filled Tea

Party or much of the prostitute Senators of Nevada,the Appalachia trail lovers that jump on planes and get to Mexico while leaving their states without a governor or the Benie Keriks who

almost headed the NSC but is now head of cleaning the john in prison or the guy who did his proposing in the bath rooms of airports or the people people who OUTED A CIA COVERT AGENT, ROVE, WOO,LIBBY,CHENEY,ADDINGTON AND NOVAK. There is more but I won't bother to go on until Riebe finds some democrats. Notice how he is led so easily. He will not say democratic because the republican refuse to say it.

Bob Riebe
24th February 2011, 05:41
[quote="glauistean--- My post is like me.Idiotic and 99% of it fake. I have an erection over my hate for me and cheer on those that carry guns to democratic events and expect the rest

of the world to look upon me as being some sort of sanity erupting from the dregs of the oppressed.

I am a clown. Do you think, no, I'll rephrase that, I believe that the rest of the world does not see my idiocy and childishness and does not miss out on my Drudge.

Why just two days ago a reputable newspaper in Europe , one with a right wing slant stated emphatically that I am a propaganda machine for the Republican party.

Just look Riebe, I have convicted felons reporting for me and I want us to say that wow!!!!, I am really great. The liberal press....like duh, what liberal press??? Name some

and I bet even though I am not American that even I can come up with a list longer than the one I put forward. I mean hard right and hard left. I'll even fart

Limbaugh, Boortz (sic) Savage aka Michael Weiner,Hannity, O'Reilly, Libby, Kilmeade, Doocy, Grace, BECK (CERTIFIABLE),Krutheimer, Wolfowitz (sic), Fund, Scafly, Goldberg,Coulter, Malkin, Glaui

Ingraham,Breitbart and a M/s Schlussel that blamed Lara Logan for her own attempted rape. And lest we forget the trollop, Dr Schlesinger ( not qualified to give mental health advice) who

posed naked and bashed all those who were shaking up as immoral until her photo's of her in the nude while the photographer whom she was having an affair with the very married Laura.

She passed me off as youthful indiscretion, I believe. Something she was not keen to offer me. Then she is fired for repeating the n.... word 16 times or maybe it was 15 times and g

got herself fired.

But, like me and my sort she rationalized as I is now, that one report on a rally in Wisconsin about a comment adds up to Nazi signs condones all the hate, the President despicable as he is

Hitler and guys wearing guns when the President is at a function and much more. It still rankles me that these right wingers use Hitler, a right wing fascist to compare him to a left wing


Guys or gals like me are so unread it is sad that they can vote. Ah well.

I am calling a doctor a baby killer over and over agin is lost on me people when that doctor is killed. That is something that O'Reilly from what I've seen (God bless You Tube) and read has to live his life with. The guilt over a man killed in a CHURCH. The holy Christian right kills in a church, the temple of God. Then Palin put target sights and a congresswoman is killed and I is looking instead of why it happened,but for something ,just words from a democrat for him to say everything is equal.

I am not not fit to call mysekf a huma or an ally to a party. I am they say...guttersnipe.

Bob Riebe
24th February 2011, 05:59
[quote=glauistean----Unlike what countries. The US no longer has the credibility I once had. mY clam of changing political governance without violence is possible true but certainly not because the hate filled TeaTS

Party or much of the prostitute Senators of Nevada,the Appalachia trail lovers that jump on planes and get to Mexico while leaving their states without a governor or the Benie Keriks who

almost headed the NSC but is now head of cleaning the john in prison or the guy who did his proposing in the bath rooms of airports or the people people who OUTED A CIA COVERT AGENT, ROVE, WOO,LIBBY,CHENEY,ADDINGTON AND NOVAK. There is more but I won't bother to go on until i finds some democrats. Notice how i is led so easily. i will not say democratic because the republican refuse to say it.

i am not normal

24th February 2011, 06:02
Riebe, even some of us east of where you are are more intellectually astute that we value our morals and ethics. In your case there is neither. That map you show and claim it is from the DNC. No, it is not. Secondly, what does that map have to do with targeting individuals with a scope. If you ever did an IQ test it should be apparent to you since there is a sequence to how the icons are drawn. The third point is your lie. This is not a DNC map. It is a DLC map. This is an organization favorable to the Democratic party. It does offer advise like CPAC and RNAC.

No crosshairs, no people named. Just good ole Riebe making a fool out of himself again going to a right wing site and going Beck style with OH MY GOD, it's true. No, each circle has blue, red ,yellow and a black circle. All in a definite sequence.

Riebe, Al From was the creator of the council. So you know.


24th February 2011, 06:02

24th February 2011, 08:16
Well what a pleasant thread this turned out to be. :rolleyes:
I think this forum needs a break from politics. I know its in our best interests to be aware, but there are points in my day when I just don't care. :s mokin:

And I think this forum needs to get rid of those unpleasent persons who only come here to make trouble and insult eachother. Let's see if some vacations will help ;)

24th February 2011, 08:22
You mean this one the DNC created in 2004?
No Bob, I was referring to the one shown in this link (http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/15645) as was clear by my post, which in itself was in response to you (apparently) being unaware of what I was referring to when I said "the kind of gun imagery used in rhetoric and campaign material against political opponents a while back." In turn, that comment of mine related to you taking umbrage at the Tea Party and Sarah Palin being accused of being "the cause of the Arizonaa shooting for supposedly using aggresive terms" which was where your thread began.

That said, it is interesting to see that the Democrats have used similar imagery in the past, according to the Conservative Values (http://american-conservativevalues.com/) website you linked to. It just goes to show that neither side holds the moral high ground, although it's probably safe to say that back in 2004 the kind of rheoric we have seen more recently wasn't as inflamatory then as it is now in American politics.