View Full Version : Fifth Gear vs Top Gear

20th February 2011, 16:51
Which do you think is the best show? Personally, I like both. Top Gear I find a laugh, Fifth Gear I find is a 'proper' car show with good tests and advice.

20th February 2011, 17:06
I find Fifth Gear to be crap compared with the majority of TV shows never mind compared with Top Gear which is one of the best.

20th February 2011, 18:36
I find Fifth Gear to be crap compared with the majority of TV shows never mind compared with Top Gear which is one of the best.

^^This. If I can't sleep and there's Fifth Gear on TV, it works like the best sleeping pill. The entertainment value is almost as much as watching paint dry. Top Gear on the other hand, even though they're doing repetitive stuff, is still eons more appealing, more creative, obviously funnier, and is one of the shows that I actually look forward to.

20th February 2011, 20:08
The last couple of seasons of Fifth Gear have been pretty naff, I'll admit that. The attempts at being funny don't work. The first couple of seasons I really liked, when they didn't have a studio and just discussed motoring based news and issues

20th February 2011, 21:15
Tbh Top Gear isn't that great anymore. Whilst I still like Top Gear it would be nice to have a proper motoring show, you know..... one that talks about cars and stuff.

20th February 2011, 21:36
Does anybody remember Driven on Channel 4 a couple of years ago? I think it was on after the old Top Gear was cancelled.

20th February 2011, 21:43
Top Gear used to be like Fifth Gear is now 10 years ago, but nobody watched it and it was lucky to scrape 300,000 viewers. They also got rid of Clarkson temporarily during that period but that was one of the resons the show failed IMO. I do find Fifth Gear rather boring and believe it or not I like cars.. :p :)

I know what you mean. The problem with Top Gear is that when they deal with normal cars they don't know what to do and act all stupid (drooling dog in the Toyota iQ, Mito and Roomster test they did) and just ruin it.

20th February 2011, 22:02
I know what you mean. The problem with Top Gear is that when they deal with normal cars they don't know what to do and act all stupid (drooling dog in the Toyota iQ, Mito and Roomster test they did) and just ruin it.

Ah come on, the "What if I get chased through a shopping mall by baddies in a Corvette" piece they did for the new Festa was quite good. Admittedly it lost it's charm for the other times that they've done it (one was in Ireland, possibly in a C2).

20th February 2011, 22:03
Ah come on, the "What if I get chased through a shopping mall by baddies in a Corvette" piece they did for the new Festa was quite good. Admittedly it lost it's charm for the other times that they've done it (one was in Ireland, possibly in a C2).

Tbh that was a **** piece.......

20th February 2011, 22:19
It's simples really. When TG is on form it's unbeatable. When FG is on form it rises to the point of averageness - and thats only when they are copying TG's ideas.

20th February 2011, 22:23
Tbh that was a **** piece.......

Why? It did actually give all the information required from a road test for a small hatchback, but combined with the usual TG stupidity. I thought it covered all the bases quite well.

Dave B
20th February 2011, 23:17
Top Gear on a bad day - and there are plenty - is still better that Fifth Gear at its peak.

21st February 2011, 09:14
I think it's made by the same people that make The Gadget Show, and it shows as that's crap too. Although I still watch it :p

21st February 2011, 10:09
I was at my cousins wedding a couple of years ago and Plato and his wife were there, :)

Claim. To. Fame! :D

21st February 2011, 10:10
Jason Plato once rang my house and spoke to my Mum :laugh:

21st February 2011, 10:25
Jason Plato once rang my house and spoke to my Mum :laugh:

We have a winner!

21st February 2011, 12:41
It's simples really. When TG is on form it's unbeatable. When FG is on form it rises to the point of averageness - and thats only when they are copying TG's ideas.

I disagree here, Fifth Gear was great at first because it didn't try and be Top Gear, its only recently that its gone turd because it try's being Top Gear

21st February 2011, 13:51
Fifth Gear hands down now its proper car reviews and not trying to emulate TG with blokes pratting about having laugh (well, apart from the recent driving on two wheels challenge) or stupid races. A good instance is Plato's review of the 450 Italia being far superior to Clarkson's nonsense. However the dogfights with Tiff & Plato is too formulaic.

Tired of TG these days. Only thing really worth watching is the performance car reviews or the epic road trips. The pratting about I can do without as I don't find it funny anymore. The magic, spark, mojo, call it what you will has gone and I don't mean that TG raised the bar for motoring TV. Steve Coogan recently put it best

Richard has his tongue so far down the back of Jeremy's trousers he could forge a career as the back end of a pantomime horse. His attempt to foster some Clarkson-like maverick status with his "edgy" humour is truly tragic. He reminds you of the squirt at school as he hangs round Clarkson the bully, as if to say, "I'm with him". Meanwhile, James May stands at the back holding their coats as they beat up the boy with the stutter.

Does anybody remember Driven on Channel 4 a couple of years ago? I think it was on after the old Top Gear was cancelled.

Yes. Penny Mallory presented and Jason Plato's first TV show. It was really good as it set the template of presenters discussing with each other rather than a sole presenter.

Retro Formula 1
21st February 2011, 13:57
TG for me 100% but then I can go down and watch whenever I want so I may be biased :D

22nd February 2011, 09:10
The latest episode with the combine harvester turned into snow plougher thingy is the reason why Top Gear is losing audience. One of the most boring episodes in recent memory. And why the heck does Richard Hammond keep making homophobic jokes, when he himself dresses up like a homosexual, is beyond me. Having said all that, I think the episode before this one, with the 3 BMWs and the Pagani Zonda R was a proper Top Gear episode, and one which I actually liked a lot. And I also watched one of the old episodes on Discovery, I guess it was from 2005 or something. They're pretty much following the same format, it's just that they're running out of things to do, which is pretty normal for any show. STILL it's more entertaining than any Fifth Gear show I've seen IMO.

To be honest, I would love to see more episodes like this one:


22nd February 2011, 09:14
They haven't done any cross country races for a good while. They were always the highlight of a series but I can't recall the last one - was it Japan?

22nd February 2011, 09:26
They haven't done any cross country races for a good while. They were always the highlight of a series but I can't recall the last one - was it Japan?

I think it was America where they all had a race to get to some TV show? I don't think it was cross country though. Could be their race to Scotland a few seasons ago. I'm not sure on this one.

22nd February 2011, 09:31
Yeah they raced across Manhatten, I think.

The alst one I remember was the 1950s one, which is probably still my favourite.

22nd February 2011, 12:16
I was at my cousins wedding a couple of years ago and Plato and his wife were there, and I managed to have a good old chat with Jason about motorsport, but didn't quite have the guts to tell him I though Fifth Gear was tripe lol. Seriously though its not a terrible show really, but I can't watch a full episode without getting bored. I do find myself cringing at Top Gear of late but still enjoy the format. I wouldn't be opposed to getting rid of Hammond (really can't stand him), keeping James and Jeremy, and hiring a female to stir up the mix. :)

Why do your need a female to stir up the mix? How would that improve the show?

Hammond is fine. The three still play off each other excellently. Hammond is the weakest of the three I agree, but any replacement would almost guarantee to fail - as the three have years of chemistry.

Appointing a female presenter, purely because they are female and not male, would be a terrible decision.

22nd February 2011, 13:30
TG just doesn't help itself these days. The piece they did the other day with the combine harvester/snow plough would have been fine for a 10 minute section or whatever because it was actually a rather good idea. However, they decided to extend it with pointless cocking about, pretending to set things on fire, Hammond pretending to lose his wedding ring etc. It was elongated to the max to fill out time in the show that could be better spent elsewhere.

Jeremy also scored an own goal in that episode where he appeared very sexist and predictable with his guest....

The great races, epic road trips, interesting cheap car/construct a wierd car challenges are great when you get rid of the pretend calamities. I do wonder though If they've made it so fake that they cant go back now.

To be honest, If TG stays the way it is, I dont see it having too long left in its current format before the viewing figures drown into nothingness. It needs to change, quickly.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2011, 19:20
Top Gear may be getting stale for those who get to see it on a regular basis, but for those of us who have to search the net for bits and pieces, it isn't old yet. As for 5th gear, it is alright...if I cant find something else on. I never feel that way about Top Gear.

I do think though a change in their writers would help. I am seeing more or less some bits redone over and over......and when the hell will they come to Canada and do the Targa Newfoundland or get lost doing something fun? They have been damn near everywhere else....(and no the North Pole adventure doesn't count!)

23rd February 2011, 08:41
Top Gear for me

23rd February 2011, 13:23
Speaking of Top Gear, has anybody been following Top Gear America? I think this is their first season. How have the episodes been? Are they any good?

In fact, even Top Gear Australia, how does it fare compared to their big brother?

23rd February 2011, 13:42
I agree with most (although it's still one of my favourite shows) that TG is getting stale, and there are clearly fewer series ahead than there are behind. My hope is that before they alienate their audience they decide to go out on a high rather than work it into the ground.

23rd February 2011, 13:49
Why do your need a female to stir up the mix? How would that improve the show?

Hammond is fine. The three still play off each other excellently. Hammond is the weakest of the three.

The great races, epic road trips, interesting cheap car/construct a wierd car challenges are great when you get rid of the pretend calamities.

That's where the relationship was solid, natural and genuine.

TG knows its in a rut but not sure what to do. It's become more of a Jezza show, Hammond appears to be showing more deference in the 'news' section; it wants to do comedy but ends up being stupidly OTT - it was the case that you wondered if was fake and don't mind them being a bit of an idiot but not when they've pressed the self destruct button and turned the knob to 11.

23rd February 2011, 16:18
I think you've hit on a good point there, Wedge. There was a time where you thought it could be faked, now you just know for sure. E.G setting a man on fire with a flamethrower was clearly done to amp up the story and raise a laugh.

23rd February 2011, 23:08
I would be happy to stick with Hammond if we rewound his on screen personality back 6 years and before his accident. I just find the guy incredibly irritating at times the way their scripted on screen banter has to constantly end with a punchline and Hammond has evolved into a clown the others have to make fun of him as he pulls a sad face and looks stupid. I don't know if he's also been asked to grow his hair and wear surfer style necklaces in a vain attempt to reach out to a younger audience or not? I dread to think.

With that stuff aside I still do enjoy the odd TG all the way through. The Senna episode they did last series was very touching, along with the segment with Lewis Hamilton driving the McLaren MP4-4. Basically something needs to be done drastically and whether thats getting rid of Hammond or curbing his clown act, I don't care, but I really hope it can resurrect itself. I've been watching TG for over 20 years and 2000 to 2005 were its best years by far IMO. Lets get the spark back... :up: :)

Amen to that, I know it's sad that the accident seems to have changed Hammond, but it has and he has to go, he's just annoying now.

28th February 2011, 13:40
Anyone else thought that last nights TG was a big improvement over recent offerings? Each of the trio doing what they do best. Richard with his boyhood dream cars, Jezza in one of the best races in a while and James's piece on the moon buggy was interesting and strangely touching.

No pointless dickin' about, no fake disasters, just a car show with a bit of humour - more please. :)

28th February 2011, 14:05
Shame about the guest bit though, couldn't help thinking during Prezza v Jezza that both were complete dickheads

28th February 2011, 14:34
Tried to get his point across about the M4 bus lane - it *does* actually help traffic flow!,, but failed miserably..

Brown, Jon Brow
28th February 2011, 14:38
The cool wall! :laugh:

28th February 2011, 14:44
Tried to get his point across about the M4 bus lane - it *does* actually help traffic flow!,, but failed miserably..

He was just gabbling at that point, couldn't put together a decent enough sentence to be taken seriously.

Dave B
28th February 2011, 14:58
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/38459_451713782268_627167268_6259641_7081478_n.jpg p

True dat! :D

28th February 2011, 15:22
I'm disappointed the series didn't get a send off from the new McLaren (Ron Dennis to blame?) which would've flowed nicely with the 959/F40 segment. Would've preferred Jezza and Hammond driving the Ferrari and Porsche and have good moan afterwards arguing which is better.

Retro Formula 1
28th February 2011, 15:54
The new McLaren has been doing quite a few laps of Dunsfold recently ;)

Dave B
28th February 2011, 16:07
There's a good article on the Guardian's website today which sums up the TG situation:

Hazell B
28th February 2011, 19:44
....couldn't help thinking during Prezza v Jezza that both were complete dickheads

I managed exactly three minutes of the entire show then switched over. Two men so childishly balling (and one being utterly wrong yet getting an audience of chavs behind him as a bully tactic) isn't good TV - it's not even good street fighting :rolleyes:

Been the same every week it's been on, a few minutes of viewing then over to a DVD or pretaped show.

donKey jote
28th February 2011, 20:30
The new McLaren has been doing quite a few laps of Dunsfold recently ;)

I coincided with their launch during test preparations end of January in Portimao... they kept getting in our way on the road surrounding the track :laugh:

1st March 2011, 09:59
Broadly agree with that. But I do wonder if it has become dull or if we've just seen it all before? i.e. If this series were broadcast 5 years ago, would we still think the same?

I think the reality is that there's only so much "three blokes cocking about" can be, and they've done a lot of it already.

1st March 2011, 11:12
I managed exactly three minutes of the entire show then switched over. Two men so childishly balling (and one being utterly wrong yet getting an audience of chavs behind him as a bully tactic) isn't good TV - it's not even good street fighting :rolleyes:

Couldn't agree more. Whilst of course people have a right to disagree with Prescott, all Clarkson did was appeal to the morons in the crowd with simplistic populist views. It's like me saying "Who here hates high petrol prices? Who hates paying tax! Who here hates traffic? Who here loves puppies and kittens?" . How many people are going to disagree with that? Well you can't really.....

Hazell B
1st March 2011, 20:07
At least we all know Clarkson goes home to be (at best) second in command - he's clearly led by the wife when not on TV.
Without her, I doubt he'd be able to get his shirt over that pot belly and button it up each morning ....

By the way, I only turned the show on this week as somebody text me to say they'd said something nice about the S-type Jag. Anyone have any idea what it was? I thought they'd see it as a poor relation of real Jaguars :p :

1st March 2011, 20:56
At least we all know Clarkson goes home to be (at best) second in command - he's clearly led by the wife when not on TV.
Without her, I doubt he'd be able to get his shirt over that pot belly and button it up each morning ....

Ummm OK....

1st March 2011, 21:59
I agree with the Guardian article, the show has lost its way slightly. They're trying too hard to be controversial. It's only really the challenges that I remember nowadays, and the odd car test (like the Jag XJ, it's probably the closest they got to a real car test all series).

Hazell B
1st March 2011, 22:07
Ummm OK....

Remember, he got two donkies from The Donkey Sanctuary (inc Kristin Scott-Donkey), then moaned for a full series about horses and horse trailers on the roads. Hammond's wife has horses too. Clarkson goes to the ballet - hardly something he'd normally let a Top Gear audience in on. Total contradiction between TV Clarkson and Home Clarkson.

Given the choice, he'd be home watching the GP, but he's with his wife and daughter at horse shows most sundays ..... not the king of anyone's castle :p :

Mark in Oshawa
2nd March 2011, 16:47
Not getting the BBC here, have they filmed the first series post Stig?

2nd March 2011, 17:00
Not getting the BBC here, have they filmed the first series post Stig?

Yes, that's the current one.

2nd March 2011, 17:01
Not getting the BBC here, have they filmed the first series post Stig?

Yup, they've done some christmas specials and just finished the first series.

2nd March 2011, 17:03
Remember, he got two donkies from The Donkey Sanctuary (inc Kristin Scott-Donkey), then moaned for a full series about horses and horse trailers on the roads. Hammond's wife has horses too. Clarkson goes to the ballet - hardly something he'd normally let a Top Gear audience in on. Total contradiction between TV Clarkson and Home Clarkson.

That's hardly the most convincing argument I've ever seen :p

You seem to forget that Jeremy Clarkson on the TV is a character, as are all of them really. TV Clarkson and home Clarkson ARE going to be different for that very reason......

I happen to dislike a few things that Caroline likes, doesn't mean she's in charge if she gets to do whatever she wants ;)

Mark in Oshawa
2nd March 2011, 17:05
That's hardly the most convincing argument I've ever seen :p

You seem to forget that Jeremy Clarkson on the TV is a character, as are all of them really. TV Clarkson and home Clarkson ARE going to be different for that very reason......

I happen to dislike a few things that Caroline likes, doesn't mean she's in charge if she gets to do whatever she wants ;)

I am sure Mrs. Clarkson wears the pants in that family. Read Clarkson's columns and you realize that....

AS for Caroline being the boss, if she isn't, you better not tell her!

Hazell B
2nd March 2011, 19:38
You seem to forget that Jeremy Clarkson on the TV is a character, as are all of them really. TV Clarkson and home Clarkson ARE going to be different for that very reason......

Not forgetting anything - and thanks for making my point to perfection. He's all blustery big man on TV, and far from it at home ;)

Neil - RSA
14th March 2011, 19:45
There can only be 1 = TOPGEAR!! :champion:

They are currently in SA at the moment.. shows over the weekend and can't wait! :D