View Full Version : All Eyes on the Canal

16th February 2011, 21:58
With Iranian warships passing through the canal it is going to be very interesting to see if Israel pops them or not. Also what input will come from the free western countries.

If Israel blockades with the Iranians try to come through?

Just a matter of time!!

17th February 2011, 02:22
If either side acts like children then there is nothing anyone can do. It's time Israel realizes that it, itself has been it's own worst enemy. Iran can also hold the same dubious honor.

Dave B
17th February 2011, 12:41
As you were.

Plans by two Iranian warships to pass
through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean have been cancelled, says an
Egyptian official.

The Suez Canal Authority was "informed today about the cancellation of two
scheduled trips of two Iranian warships and no new date was set to cross the
Suez", an Egyptian canal official, who declined to be named, told Reuters news

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12493614

17th February 2011, 12:44
I don't see it as an issue? Egypt is still in charge of the canal aren't they?

I don't think the Egyptian army will stand for any incursion now any more than before they were in charge!

17th February 2011, 12:59
so what were these ships going to do?? visit Eki??

18th February 2011, 01:18
If either side acts like children then there is nothing anyone can do. It's time Israel realizes that it, itself has been it's own worst enemy. Iran can also hold the same dubious honor.

With the state of the middle east we probably do not need to see a couple of sinking ships in the Med. The best thing now is for Egypt to deny passage. Then we can continue to the protests and the shaping of the middle east.

18th February 2011, 01:19
Hell EKI is probably aboard one of them - He thought is was a cruise ship :)

Valve Bounce
18th February 2011, 05:33
Well, you can all rest assured that the Oz Navy will not be involved - all our ships are non-operational. :p :

18th February 2011, 09:52
Well, you can all rest assured that the Oz Navy will not be involved - all our ships are non-operational. :p :

Well you jest but the UK is busy doing the same thing, apparently not needed any more. And yet we've seen how quickly trouble can flare up. The current disruption could die down quickly or we could end up in a World War, point is we just don't know.

Dr. Krogshöj
18th February 2011, 14:24
Well you jest but the UK is busy doing the same thing, apparently not needed any more. And yet we've seen how quickly trouble can flare up. The current disruption could die down quickly or we could end up in a World War, point is we just don't know.

I heard you had a fancy new nuclear submarine, surely you can use that...

18th February 2011, 14:30
I heard you had a fancy new nuclear submarine, surely you can use that...

As far as I know it's not ready yet. But no matter, lets scrap everything else..

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2011, 17:00
The Iranians can go through the Suez...but they wont be able to toss a cup of water overboard without scrutiny once they hit the Med, I am sure the US Navy is keeping tabs on them...

19th February 2011, 02:26
Well do you do the JFK deal (blockade) Just pop them straight away - or let them pass??

pick one - I would JFK them with the guns loaded. But I supposed you could only do that if they get with in a certain radius

race aficionado
19th February 2011, 13:32
Let them cross . . . .
They won't do anything stupid.
They want to try to irritate and if you just don't give them the time of day by not giving them the "importance' they are crying for, nothing will happen.
What damage can they really do? Really?
:s mokin:

Mark in Oshawa
20th February 2011, 14:58
Well do you do the JFK deal (blockade) Just pop them straight away - or let them pass??

pick one - I would JFK them with the guns loaded. But I supposed you could only do that if they get with in a certain radius

Dude, the last thing the US wants right now is to have a war with Iran. The people of that country are working on that government's soft underbelly. Best thing the US Can do is just hold the status quo..and keep bearing down political and moral pressure against their nuke program. Iran is not like any other nation in the region, and the one thing that would help their government is a war with the US. It would unite their people. Right now, those kids on the streets of Tehran protesting the IMAMS are pro American...don't mess with that....

22nd February 2011, 09:26
17th Feb -
Two Iranian warships have withdrawn their application to to sail through the Suez canal after Israel described the move as a provocation.

22 Feb -
Two Iranian naval ships have entered the Suez canal and are heading towards the Mediterranean sea, a canal official said.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2011, 19:12
They can go through, they can go to the Med, but the second they do anything provocative off the shores of Israel, it could get really interesting in a hurry. I think the Iranians are not that stupid....

23rd February 2011, 00:24
As far as I know it's not ready yet. But no matter, lets scrap everything else..

Tut tut Mark, how cynical of you. I thought I remember reading/hearing that our government will just avoid getting into any wars, saves all the hassle.

23rd February 2011, 01:39
Dude, the last thing the US wants right now is to have a war with Iran. The people of that country are working on that government's soft underbelly. Best thing the US Can do is just hold the status quo..and keep bearing down political and moral pressure against their nuke program. Iran is not like any other nation in the region, and the one thing that would help their government is a war with the US. It would unite their people. Right now, those kids on the streets of Tehran protesting the IMAMS are pro American...don't mess with that....

ok my better judgement has prevailed - I agree