View Full Version : The most out of date loan?

6th February 2011, 18:24
For those of you under the age of twenty let me bring you up to speed; once upon a time, before the advent of iPlayer, eBooks, iTunes, torrents and the like we had quaint little places called Library's or video rental shops (with actual VHS!) to get loaned books or films. ;)

I pose this question because I have just found in a box in my loft a library book from 1966! Sufice to say. I was several decades away from being even a twinkle so if Coatbridge library are reading you'll want to speak to my Uncle Gordon about those late fees! :D

It's actually a really good little read. It's called '16 on the grid' and cronicles the weekend of the Monaco GP of 1964. It's got some great photos so once I can find my scanner I'll be posting a few here at MSF as it's just a different world to the F1 we know today.

So has anyone else got something seriously over due for return? Or is it just me. :p

6th February 2011, 18:51
It's just you, the most I've been late with library books was three days. Nowadays it's harder to miss the dates too much since lot of library's will send an email when you're late.

6th February 2011, 20:12
That reminds me: Where's Ioan. Haven't seen him for awhile.

Dave B
7th February 2011, 08:21
I may or may not have binned some school library books during a clear up recently. :s

7th February 2011, 09:20
Pretty sure there's some library books still at my Mum's house which I took out in the mid 1980s...

7th February 2011, 15:46
My daughters have a habit of returning books late; and my wife has a habit of throwing huge fits over fines that generally amount to pennies/day.

7th February 2011, 20:00
Don't mention late fines to me. I accumulated £15 of library fines last week for returning some software half a day late! :eek:

8th February 2011, 15:25
Don't mention late fines to me. I accumulated £15 of library fines last week for returning some software half a day late! :eek:

OMG! How late would it have to be before your fine = the cost of the software?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th February 2011, 15:56
Not an out of date loan but I finished university last year and graduated without paying off my library fines. I feel like I won in a way.

8th February 2011, 15:58
I initially read the thread title as 'The most out of date ioan'.

Dave B
8th February 2011, 16:11
This is why libraries are closing down: nothing to do with coalition spending cuts, it's us bunch of lazy feckless book hoarders! :p