View Full Version : Shows you'd bring back?

5th February 2011, 22:33
Like the title says if there were a TV show you could bring back what would it be?

6th February 2011, 00:05
Ed Sullivan
Red Skelton
Jackie Gleason

Showmen all, that managed to entertain the masses without profanity.

6th February 2011, 01:48
Sorry if I over-analyze a simple question.
As someone who grew up watching TV that was so far before almost all of your experience. The material and content may have already been "covered" by the material of another more recent show, just as what I viewed may have already been done to death on stage or radio. I would like to hear what RA has to say in this arena as it is my understanding hr has elite connections in the biz. Plus I didn't get the opportunity to watch popular television from the UK until it appeared on public television stations and really the first one that stuck out as being a creation of brilliance was "Are You Being Served" I'm sure most members from the UK on these boards are of the belief that that show is ancient. But it was new to me long after it had stopped production I am guessing.
The point I am trying to make is:
I can only address this guestion on an existential level. I must assume the question is meant to carry on directly after the show was cancelled, or very close to it.
1) The Honeymooners was probably the funniest sitcom IMO that TV ever produced.
If we could go back in time and mind you my only recollection of this show was from re-runs (I was two years old when it went into production) and the characters were alive and well! This show has probably never stopped airing since.
2) You Bet Your Life. Who wouldn't want to see Groucho Marx back with new material? Even though the show was done near the twilight of his career you never knew what you were going to get, and a lot of the nobodies that he had as contestants were really people that were getting some exposure for a cause or a Career/product that you never heard of and I'm sure the vast majority of them ended up being nobodies. I saw an episode (BTW this was a game show and a very simplistic one at that). It was really just people introducing themselves and Groucho proceeding to ridicule the bejezus out of them. Most Americans know who Jack Lalane is/was. He can still be seen on infomercials plugging his juicers and other health related items. I don't know how old he is but he has to be 90+ anyway. I saw him on You Bet Your Life (on a rerun) when he was in his mid 20's. When he told Groucho that he was the guy who swam from Fisherman's Landing to Alcatraz :s ailor: Island and back with his hands handcuffed behind his back to promote himself as the "New Guy" that was going to pick up the mantle of physical fitness in a new way (and there was another contestant that was sitting in the group that was a totally fine babe by anybodies definition). Groucho ridiculed this guy mercilessly, and even tried to see if this woman would date such a lunatic (which she said she would not)It was just Ad lib Groucho in its purest form.
As for Movies I recommend The Electric Horseman as the movie that I personally would have liked to see a sequel to. Starring Robert Redford, Jane Fonda, John Saxon, and Willie Nelson. If you have not seen it than you have missed something special IMO. And the soundtrack was almost all Willie Nelson Music. I know Redneck Americans that unilaterally hated Jane Fonda and her little escapade into North Viet Nam Which BTW was Joan Biaz's gig. (Jane went along and got most of the Pub./heat for it) that absolutely changed at least part of their attitude toward her because unlike the trash you see getting face time on TV (Paris Hilton and other absolutely talentless, classless tramps) Jane had pedigree, great acting talent, and looks that were beyond the explicative’s that are used generically now, but more importantly she had class. In the Electric Horseman she is REALLY old. Like around 40.

6th February 2011, 03:12
Frisky Dingo
Sealab 2021

6th February 2011, 06:44
Perry Mason.

Raymond Burr as Perry Mason will always be for me one of the greatest TV lawyers, but if the casting was done properly, then a remake would be worth watching. For some bizarre reason I think that Paul McGann would be good for the role... I don't know why.

6th February 2011, 06:57
I'm a big cartoon/comedy fan, particular of shows that came out in the mid-to-late-1990s/mid-2000s:

1. King of the Hill - I mostly want this show back on because American Dad and the Cleveland Show took its place on the FOX network. Fortunately, King of the Hill is syndicated on the Cartoon Network through Adult Swim. I liked this cartoon for its unique sense of dry humor, which you rarely ever find in other cartoons. Also, I liked how it made fun of liberals, potraying them as having attitudes rather than principles, for their overt political-correctness, and for occasionally having hypocritical behavior (since a lot of liberals like to tell other people what to do and how to behave). King of the Hill and South Park are the only two shows I know that make fun of liberals in this fashion.

2. Chappelle's Show - This is difficult for me to want back because Dave Chappelle didn't seem like he had enough heart or any more interest in this project when it ended. In someways, I think it may have been for the best that the show ended if Dave indeed didn't have any more interest in continuing the show. But the show was great when it was on. It was very refreshing in respect to other comedies that were on around that time and it introduced Dave Chappelle to a wider audience. Comedy Central really hasn't had a show since then that has replicated the kind of commercial and critical success that Chappelle's Show had. Dave is one of my favorite comedians and I'm glad that he's still doing stand-up, although in smaller/obscure venues.

3. Reno 911 - This was a great show because of the actors and the characters they played. I believe for the most part the dialouge of the characters were all improvised, which was impressive considering they did them in a rather deadpan way without ever breaking out of character. It kind of reminded me of Da Ali G Show in this regard. The show had a great deal of politically incorrect humor and jokes about race, sexual orientation, drugs, alcohol, and sexual abuse/rape.

4. The Boondocks - For the record, this show hasn't been officially cancelled or has ended yet, but it sounds like it will be in order to make space for other cartoons on Adult Swim. This cartoon is one of the most revolutionary shows that I've ever seen. This was a very politically-incorrect show, despite having accurate potrayals of American society and contemporary African-American culture. Like Chappelle's Show, the show heavily used the "n-word" in order to provide a level of realism. The cartoon was great to me in how it gave a unique perspective of the ugly truth in regards to American politics, big corporations' business practices, the plight of African-Americans in relation to American society as a whole, and American popular culture. I also liked the show with how it portrayed "so-called" modern African-American icons/media like Oprah Winfrey, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Tyler Perry, B.E.T., etc. as being professional bafoons.

6th February 2011, 11:20
- Married With Children
- Frasier

I mean new episodes. They are still showing reruns.

6th February 2011, 11:24
The Wire. Absolute classic. Instead of making each series more complicated by looking at another aspect of urban politics though, they should get back to basics with the team taking down another gang.

6th February 2011, 11:33
- Married with Children
- Frasier

I mean new episodes. They're still showing reruns.

Steve Boyd
6th February 2011, 15:36
. . . one that stuck out as being a creation of brilliance was "Are You Being Served"
Did you know that Jeremy Lloyd who co-wrote "Are You Being Served" was a regular performer in "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In"?

6th February 2011, 15:51
Friends and Married With Children :)

6th February 2011, 17:37
Did you know that Jeremy Lloyd who co-wrote "Are You Being Served" was a regular performer in "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In"?
No I did not know that????????
But I won't hold it against him ;)
BTW which character did he play? (got a youtube?)

Laugh-in had its moments, a young Goldie Hawn was quite a treat, but the show itself lacked a little creativity. I would be lying if I said I didn't really enjoy it.
It was cutting edge at the time. I'm sure it would be a comepletely different experience for me if I had not watched when each episode was aired for the first time!
My only real criticism was that it stuck too closely to a set format. It definitely deserved a thumbs up though :up:
Also the hosts were the only ones on the show that were not funny, even when they were not playing straight men and attempting humor, but I may be being a little over-critical.

6th February 2011, 17:43
Ed Sullivan
Red Skelton
Jackie Gleason

Showmen all, that managed to entertain the masses without profanity.

Excellent choices!! (although I would rank Sullivan well below the other two.)

6th February 2011, 18:34
I'd like to see shows that were cancelled before reaching any real conclusions return - Dark Angel was one I particularly enjoyed and got canned at the end of its second season but it left a pretty huge cliffhanger that was never resolved :(

6th February 2011, 19:51
....... Most Americans know who Jack Lalane is/was. He can still be seen on infomercials plugging his juicers and other health related items. I don't know how old he is but he has to be 90+ anyway. I saw him on You Bet Your Life (on a rerun) when he was in his mid 20's........

Don't know if you missed the news, but Jack Lalane passed away just in the past two weeks.

As far as shows I'd bring back, I always loved Northern Exposure.

6th February 2011, 20:00
I'd love to see some more of The Sopranos but I think that bringing it back would actually spoil it.

Besides that I discovered some old episodes of Due South on iPlayer the other day, it was cheesy and stupid but I liked it. Also there was another show about a crime solving priest (very much in the Diagnosis Murder field) and his side kick was a wise-cracking nun from the 'hood. She had a bit of a past and had no problem picking locks and breaking into places but she'd changed and was all preachy and that. Forget the name of the programme but it was gold.

Oh and Spaced and 15 Storeys High are two British sitcoms that I'd to see a few more episodes of.

6th February 2011, 21:11
Don't know if you missed the news, but Jack Lalane passed away just in the past two weeks.

As far as shows I'd bring back, I always loved Northern Exposure.

Totally missed it,
I was right about his age, died @ 96

6th February 2011, 22:09
The Wire. Absolute classic. Instead of making each series more complicated by looking at another aspect of urban politics though, they should get back to basics with the team taking down another gang.

Yes, that was an absolutely amazing show! I can't think of another dramatic series that I could compare to it. But I'm satisfied with how they ended it.

There are shows, like The Wire, that I miss. But it's harder for me to think of shows that I'd truly like to come back. Like Sonic said, it would probably be some show that got canceled and didn't get a proper send off.

6th February 2011, 23:27
I'd like to see shows that were cancelled before reaching any real conclusions return - Dark Angel was one I particularly enjoyed and got canned at the end of its second season but it left a pretty huge cliffhanger that was never resolved :(

I though there was a third season of Dark Angel. Not that I'd watch it, S1 was brilliant but it went down hill faster than Luc Alphond after S2 started.

Personally, I wasnt happy that Heroes and The Sarah Conner Chronicles where both axed before they could finish.

7th February 2011, 08:14
Yeah. They didn't seem to know where they were going with S2 of DA. I think the same problem afflicted Heroes - after that shortened writters strike season they got bogged down going in circles.

7th February 2011, 09:44
Oh and Spaced and 15 Storeys High are two British sitcoms that I'd to see a few more episodes of.

Spaced, definitely one I'd like to have seen more of. But I don't think making a third series now, so long after the other two would be a good idea. Spaced was a strange one, one of those where you either get the humour or you don't!

In contrast Only Fools and Horses is an example of one that went on far too long. They had an excellent 'final' episode where they finally got their wish of becoming millionaires, and they should have just left it there.

7th February 2011, 10:04
1. Who's The Boss?
2. Family Ties
3. The A Team
4. MacGyver
5. Frasier
6. Air Wolf
7. Married With Children
8. Fawlty Towers (my favourite of all time)
9. Dallas
10. Major Dad

To name just a few :p :

7th February 2011, 10:12
9. Dallas

Apparently that is coming back!

7th February 2011, 13:21
And I've heard tell of a MacGyver Movie! Although obviously without RDA.

7th February 2011, 13:52
Hawaii Five-O is back.

7th February 2011, 15:35
I'm skeptical about wanting shows to return - they often end when they do for a very good reason.

Barring shows that ended due to extenuating circumstances, like a writers strike, or a production company going bankrupt, threads like these usually just turn into a listing of past favourite TV shows :p :

8th February 2011, 12:20
Yeah. They didn't seem to know where they were going with S2 of DA. I think the same problem afflicted Heroes - after that shortened writters strike season they got bogged down going in circles.

S2 of Hereos was crap, but I think 3 and 4 were both very good.

8th February 2011, 12:23
I thought S2 of Heroes was quite good. But I gave up on it in S3 (I think) as it just got boring. For me Hiro was the star of the show and he lost his powers, and with it the whole thing just went to crap.

Steve Boyd
8th February 2011, 12:54
No I did not know that????????
But I won't hold it against him ;)
BTW which character did he play?
He was the thin fair haired guy with the English accent. Appeared in some sketches and in the wall as far as I remember. Went on to marry Joanna Lumley (lucky b****).

8th February 2011, 13:15
Yes, that was an absolutely amazing show! I can't think of another dramatic series that I could compare to it. But I'm satisfied with how they ended it.

There are shows, like The Wire, that I miss.

Bring back 'Homicide - Life on the Streets' which will would end becoming 'The Wire' with no Jimmy McNulty

There should also have been an Omar spinoff. I've always wondered what he would've got up to in NYC inbetween seasons 1&2

8th February 2011, 14:36
He was the thin fair haired guy with the English accent. Appeared in some sketches and in the wall as far as I remember. Went on to marry Joanna Lumley (lucky b****).Thanks Scro'

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4_UMss6YwSv1KsRFWq1twuEEHWIyC9 3HBGVKfnWL_pRCXYGDLcw

Hubba hubba

8th February 2011, 18:08
Sea Hunt

Hazell B
8th February 2011, 20:00
Went on to marry Joanna Lumley (lucky b****).

Can't have lasted, unless he's a conductor and writes classical music (as her partner does now).

Anyway, I'd like to see WELL WRITTEN Blackadder and totally remade Columbo on our screens.

Mark in Oshawa
8th February 2011, 22:28
For me, from my youth and teen years, I loved WKRP in Cincinnati and the Rockford Files.

James Garner was one of the greatest actors that never really got any real respect in so many ways....

As for WKRP, well, it was just wacky...and yet, after working around TV people for a year, I can honestly believe it wasn't THAT far off the truth in some ways...media breeds and attracts the craziest people!

Bob Riebe
8th February 2011, 22:36
Sea HuntJeff Bridges should shoot a Sea Hunt movie.

I Spy I would love to see redone, but the way they often butcher old shows in movies and new versions makes me wonder if best not left alone.

Bob Riebe
8th February 2011, 22:37
Ed Sullivan
Red Skelton
Jackie Gleason

Showmen all, that managed to entertain the masses without profanity.
Ah Jackie Gleason, especially the Honeymooners, does not get any better.

Bring back Amos n Andy when I was a young child this and the Honeymooners were my favorites.

Dresden Files
Johnny Quest
Wild Wild West

8th February 2011, 23:07
For me, from my youth and teen years, I loved WKRP in Cincinnati and the Rockford Files.

James Garner was one of the greatest actors that never really got any real respect in so many ways....

As for WKRP, well, it was just wacky...and yet, after working around TV people for a year, I can honestly believe it wasn't THAT far off the truth in some ways...media breeds and attracts the craziest people!

I had forgotten about WKRP :up: .

...and c'mon Mark, admit it, you'd love to see The Littlest Hobo back on the air :p :

Azumanga Davo
9th February 2011, 01:14
You Bet Your Life would be good, but only if it was in the style of the show from the 50s. That was a nice, simple format. But who could ever replace Groucho? That would be tough...

11th February 2011, 22:28

Twilight Zone

Day of the triffids :D

12th February 2011, 23:35
The crystal maze
Whatever happened to the likely lads
The detectives

13th February 2011, 00:03
Bread and 3-2-1 with ted Rogers and Dustybin..... maybe now being older we would understand the rules??!! That was one strange show!

13th February 2011, 04:05

13th February 2011, 15:38
I would bring back the old SPEED channel, not the one they have now.

The old SPEED channel, showed nothing but racing and more racing, AMA road races, dirt events, SCCA races, you name they would have it............

Now it is NASCAR, and auctions, and pink slips, tow truck family, yaydayaydyada, and a couple of races sometimes such as F1, and Motogp

14th February 2011, 18:45
1. Who's The Boss?
2. Family Ties
3. The A Team
4. MacGyver
5. Frasier
6. Air Wolf
7. Married With Children
8. Fawlty Towers (my favourite of all time)
9. Dallas
10. Major Dad

To name just a few :p :
