View Full Version : A Tale of Two Sydneys

1st February 2011, 10:52
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - it's a quarter to ten at night and the temperature outside is 36°C or 97°F
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada - it's a quarter to seven in the morning and temperature outside is -13°C or 9°F

Dear People of Sydney, how about we do a trade? You can have some of our warmth if we can take some of your coolth. If we go half way it would be 24°C or 75°F and that's pretty nice for everyone don't you agree?

1st February 2011, 15:22
I'm not sure what the temperature is in Calgary, Scotland, but I'm willing to wager it's not -23 C. as it is currently in Calgary, Alberta :s
I'll swap :dozey:

1st February 2011, 18:21
I'll always take cold over heat any day :) -10+ I can deal with, 40 degrees I can not.

Bob Riebe
1st February 2011, 18:27
Few things are as enjoyable as going out, as it is here now, with the temp. 10 degrees F, the crunch of new fallen snow under foot, the sun glistening off of new fallen snow.
Mosquitoes in their little parkas huddled around a thistle seed fire.

1st February 2011, 18:40
I'll always take cold over heat any day :) -10+ I can deal with, 40 degrees I can not.

I tend to agree, but enduring wind chills of -35 C. for days on end certainly tempts a move to warmer climates :s .
Rob has a point about the bugs though. Nothing necessarily nasty (well, perhaps with the exception of the in-laws) endures our Canadian winters... venomous spiders, snakes, scorpions, etc. are non-existant around here.
Probably even more difficult to endure than the cold are the short daylight hours this time of year.

1st February 2011, 20:12
People who have lived in hot countries like UAE ,tell me they hate having to live in such a hot country,and cannot wait to return to a country that has FOUR seasons,like the UK

Steve Boyd
1st February 2011, 21:01
I'm not sure what the temperature is in Calgary, Scotland, but I'm willing to wager it's not -23 C. as it is currently in Calgary, Alberta :s
I'll swap :dozey:
UK Meterological Office records for Lusa on Skye (the nearest I can find to Calgary) shows temperatures over the last 24h ranging from 3.7 to 9.5 C. When you think that this is about 6 degrees further north than Calgary Canada or roughly 660 km nearer to the north pole it really shows the benefit of living near to a warm ocean current!

1st February 2011, 22:01
UK Meterological Office records for Lusa on Skye (the nearest I can find to Calgary) shows temperatures over the last 24h ranging from 3.7 to 9.5 C. When you think that this is about 6 degrees further north than Calgary Canada or roughly 660 km nearer to the north pole it really shows the benefit of living near to a warm ocean current!

Yep it's quite balmy at the moment really! I'm wondering if I should put my summer tyres on....... currently it's damp which means they're not going to wear much but it's due to get into the teens soon.....

3rd February 2011, 05:28
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - it's a quarter to ten at night and the temperature outside is 36°C or 97°F
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada - it's a quarter to seven in the morning and temperature outside is -13°C or 9°F

Dear People of Sydney, how about we do a trade? You can have some of our warmth if we can take some of your coolth. If we go half way it would be 24°C or 75°F and that's pretty nice for everyone don't you agree?

Meh don't give it up. The heat is fine, I have been doing a bit of manual labour in the heat of the day and the first 5 mins are bad the rest is fine. Plus, we can swim. Cold weather is good for skiing. Any other time spent in the cold is a waste.