View Full Version : Columbine,Phoenix,Jonesboro Arkansas, Virginia Tech

31st January 2011, 21:28
Mayors Against Illegal Guns (http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/home/home.shtml), a group of more than 550 U.S. mayors, is calling for a background check system that will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. (I know here in Philadelphia, mayors have been continuously stymied by the NRA-owned state legislature every time they try to put even small roadblocks in the way of gun purchase on demand.)
To make a point, NYC for the second year sent undercover investigators to one of the largest Phoenix gun shows -- two weeks after Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot -- to illustrate how easy it is to use the gun show loophole to illegally buy weapons: (http://www.gunshowundercover.org/)

On January 23, 2011, undercover investigators working for the City of New York attended the Crossroads of the World gun show in Phoenix. One investigator purchased a Glock 9 mm semiautomatic pistol without a background check. Because the gun dealer is a private seller and not a federally licensed firearms dealer, no background check was required and the transaction was apparently legal, assuming the seller was, in fact, an “occasional seller.” This gap in federal law that enables private sellers to sell guns without background checks is sometimes called the Gun Show Loophole because such sellers congregate at gun shows. The investigator also purchased 33-round extended magazines for the Glock from a separate seller – also legal because the 1994 law that banned such sales expired in 2004.
Gun shows have been found to be major sources of guns used in crimes. According to the ATF, 30 percent of guns involved in federal illegal gun trafficking investigations are connected to gun shows. Because no records are kept, guns sold by private sellers at gun shows become virtually untraceable.
Two private sellers failed integrity tests by illegally selling guns to an undercover investigator. Each seller sold a 9 mm semiautomatic pistol, one Sig Sauer and one Smith & Wesson, to an undercover investigator even after he declared that he “probably couldn’t pass” a background check. That statement should have immediately stopped the sale because even though occasional sellers are not required to run background checks using the FBI database, it is a federal felony for them to sell guns to people they have reason to believe are prohibited purchasers.
In 2009, the City of New York conducted a similar investigation and documented problems at seven gun shows in three states. Investigators found private dealers who sold to those who said they could not pass a background check, including two sellers who failed at multiple shows. In total, 19 of the 30 private sellers approached in 2009 failed the test.
Since the 2009 investigation, four of the seven gun shows documented on video have changed their practices.
The operator of the Big Reno Show, and the owner of the venue, the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, have each signed agreements with the City of New York agreeing to end no-background check gun sales. The Big Reno Show is one of the nation’s largest gun shows. It has 1,300 tables of exhibits, at the time of the investigation there were 120 private sellers at the show offering 1,700 guns for sale.
The operator of the Big Reno Show has also prevented any seller caught breaking the law in the undercover investigation from returning to the show. The agreement stipulates that all sales by private party sellers will be processed through licensed gun dealers who will perform background checks.
Bill Goodman’s Gun and Knife Shows promotes three of the seven shows visited by the City in 2009, they were held at the Hara Arena and Sharonville Convention Center in Ohio and at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville. The promoter has ended no-background check sales at all 34 shows that he promotes.
In 2009, the City turned over all of its investigative materials on illegal sales to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF). One of the sellers caught on tape at the Big Reno gun show, Robert Daly, was the subject of an ATF search warrant in July 2010. When the warrant was executed at Daly’s home in Mesa, Arizona, ATF agents seized 799 guns. The Justice Department has charged him with illegally selling these guns at gun shows.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns (http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/home/home.shtml), a group of more than 550 U.S. mayors, is calling for a background check system that will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. (I know here in Philadelphia, mayors have been continuously stymied by the NRA-owned state legislature every time they try to put even small roadblocks in the way of gun purchase on demand.)
To make a point, NYC for the second year sent undercover investigators to one of the largest Phoenix gun shows -- two weeks after Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot -- to illustrate how easy it is to use the gun show loophole to illegally buy weapons: (http://www.gunshowundercover.org/)

On January 23, 2011, undercover investigators working for the City of New York attended the Crossroads of the World gun show in Phoenix. One investigator purchased a Glock 9 mm semiautomatic pistol without a background check. Because the gun dealer is a private seller and not a federally licensed firearms dealer, no background check was required and the transaction was apparently legal, assuming the seller was, in fact, an “occasional seller.” This gap in federal law that enables private sellers to sell guns without background checks is sometimes called the Gun Show Loophole because such sellers congregate at gun shows. The investigator also purchased 33-round extended magazines for the Glock from a separate seller – also legal because the 1994 law that banned such sales expired in 2004.
Gun shows have been found to be major sources of guns used in crimes. According to the ATF, 30 percent of guns involved in federal illegal gun trafficking investigations are connected to gun shows. Because no records are kept, guns sold by private sellers at gun shows become virtually untraceable.
Two private sellers failed integrity tests by illegally selling guns to an undercover investigator. Each seller sold a 9 mm semiautomatic pistol, one Sig Sauer and one Smith & Wesson, to an undercover investigator even after he declared that he “probably couldn’t pass” a background check. That statement should have immediately stopped the sale because even though occasional sellers are not required to run background checks using the FBI database, it is a federal felony for them to sell guns to people they have reason to believe are prohibited purchasers.
In 2009, the City of New York conducted a similar investigation and documented problems at seven gun shows in three states. Investigators found private dealers who sold to those who said they could not pass a background check, including two sellers who failed at multiple shows. In total, 19 of the 30 private sellers approached in 2009 failed the test.
Since the 2009 investigation, four of the seven gun shows documented on video have changed their practices.
The operator of the Big Reno Show, and the owner of the venue, the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, have each signed agreements with the City of New York agreeing to end no-background check gun sales. The Big Reno Show is one of the nation’s largest gun shows. It has 1,300 tables of exhibits, at the time of the investigation there were 120 private sellers at the show offering 1,700 guns for sale.
The operator of the Big Reno Show has also prevented any seller caught breaking the law in the undercover investigation from returning to the show. The agreement stipulates that all sales by private party sellers will be processed through licensed gun dealers who will perform background checks.
Bill Goodman’s Gun and Knife Shows promotes three of the seven shows visited by the City in 2009, they were held at the Hara Arena and Sharonville Convention Center in Ohio and at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville. The promoter has ended no-background check sales at all 34 shows that he promotes.
In 2009, the City turned over all of its investigative materials on illegal sales to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF). One of the sellers caught on tape at the Big Reno gun show, Robert Daly, was the subject of an ATF search warrant in July 2010. When the warrant was executed at Daly’s home in Mesa, Arizona, ATF agents seized 799 guns. The Justice Department has charged him with illegally selling these guns at gun shows.

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Just read this in a journal today. It is quite interesting and I believe it is "Jag Warrior" that posed the question of whether Americans are more inherently violent than other countries. Seems as though there is a serious issue here.

Japan,Switzerland,Sweden,Denmark,and Australia,GB France and Germany have a combined total of approximately the same as the US.

US gun deaths in 2009,32000. All the other countries mentioned, 112.

Sad, is it not?

Bob Riebe
1st February 2011, 00:09
Sad, is it not?
What is sad, that left-wing nutjob put on a gun buying scam that proves nothing except, one can legally buy guns.

If anything was illegal the authorities would have been notified and the WHEW ILLEGAL buy would be 24/7 on the news.

The amazing thing is these loophole twits think that criminal are going to walk into a gun show that has armed guards and often other constabulary there?
Maybe they would even put a copy of a wanted poster with their face on their backs.

I guess when the sky is falling is one's creed, one would think such a stupid thought.

Here is a page with numbers that mean little more than your stats, but is more interesting.

1st February 2011, 00:16
Oh dear, here we go again... We all know how the previous thread with a similar topic ended up... :dozey:

Bob Riebe
1st February 2011, 00:39
Oh dear, here we go again... We all know how the previous thread with a similar topic ended up... :dozey:
Nah, the original post has no legs, Glau. never defends his topics he just uses them to insult others to start a trolling binge.

The topic, whatever it is, has no legs so its shelf-life will be very short.

1st February 2011, 01:02
Columbines are yummy; especially the ones with the sort of pineapple and lime centres you can get now.


1st February 2011, 01:16
Don't forget this one, it happened within about 20 miles of where I was living at the time.

The San Ysidro McDonald's massacre was a killing spree that occurred on July 18, 1984, in a McDonald's restaurant in the San Ysidro section of San Diego, California. The shootings resulted in 22 deaths (including the perpetrator James Oliver Huberty) and the injuries of 19 others.

On the day before the massacre, Huberty had called a mental health center. The receptionist misspelled his name on intake as "Shouberty." Since he had not claimed there was an immediate emergency, his call was not returned. Huberty and his family went to the San Diego Zoo on the morning of July 18, and had eaten at a McDonald's in the Clairemont neighborhood in northern San Diego a few hours prior to the massacre.

Before Huberty left for McDonald's, his wife Etna asked him where he was going. Huberty responded that he was "hunting humans."[5] Earlier that day he had commented to his wife, "Society had its chance."[6] When questioned by police, Etna gave no explanation as to why she failed to report this bizarre behavior. A witness, who spotted Huberty as he left his apartment and proceeded down San Ysidro Boulevard with two firearms, phoned the police, but the dispatcher gave the reporting officers the wrong address


1st February 2011, 01:27
Oh dear, here we go again... We all know how the previous thread with a similar topic ended up... :dozey:

Schemke, I agree. I will ask the moderator to close this thread.

As for Riebe he uses violent deaths but omits to state that it is all inclusive. Not just guns. He is also happy that the US ranks amongst the thirs world countries.

On another note , my apologies for double posting.

1st February 2011, 01:29
Columbines are yummy; especially the ones with the sort of pineapple and lime centres you can get now.


Sorry that you find the death of innocent children an opportunity for you to express you dark sense of humor.

1st February 2011, 01:58
I'm sorry that the deaths of c.132,000 people since then due to the use of firearms is deemed acceptable and people seem prepared to defend them voraciously, but what else can you do.

Bob Riebe
1st February 2011, 02:32
Schemke, I agree. I will ask the moderator to close this thread.

As for Riebe he uses violent deaths but omits to state that it is all inclusive. Not just guns. He is also happy that the US ranks amongst the thirs world countries.

On another note , my apologies for double posting.
Do you have a point or better yet proof for your point.
I didn't think so.
Troll on troll boy, troll on.
Here is a site for those who wish to think beyond Glaubies troll:

1st February 2011, 04:58
I'm sorry that the deaths of c.132,000 people since then due to the use of firearms is deemed acceptable and people seem prepared to defend them voraciously, but what else can you do.

But not a single one of those deaths were caused by a firearm....None...Zip...Zilch...Nada!!!!!!

Bob Riebe
1st February 2011, 06:55

A wonderful display in a beautiful state.

1st February 2011, 08:23

A wonderful display in a beautiful state.

Very cool Rob. There is a visitor’s center near the battlefield of The Battle of San Pasqual.

It's actually just a way upstream from Lake Hodges (where I've caught 3 largemouth’s over 10 lb's)
I even got my name in the paper about it once.
The Battlefield and visitors center are right next to the San Diego Wild Animal Jail.
I mean Park. :p
I first found out about it after reading an extensive article about the engagement by Dwight Eisenhower Jr. It was very damp. The enviornment was so damp the Americans got their asses kicked. The story goes that a dog brought a blanket into the Mexican encampment that said US Army. So the Mexicans got the drop on them.Their (The Americans) black powder was too wet. The Mexicans carried long swords, which helped them to win the day.
There are a lot of artifacts on display, and there were some pretty prominent Americans involved in what I think ended up being 20 Americans killed and 1 Mexican.
Involved were Steven Watts Kearney, and Kit Carson. There is a steep hill right on the east side of I-15 that is called Mule Hill. That is where the Americans retreated to, and slaughtered and ate their mules Kit Carson had sneaked out and made his way to the Mormon Garrison that was actually a Catholic Mission the first one on the American side of the border establised by Father Junipero Serra. I grew up in Serra Mesa.
He brought them back with him, but by the time they got there The Mexicans were gone.

A friend of mine (now deceased) Father was a paratrooper in ww2 He was the biggest lug in the outfit and he carried that BAR into the Battle of Bastogne, where some knucklehead of a commanding officer when asked to surrender the town, sent the note back with one word on it

Retro Formula 1
1st February 2011, 11:26
Japan,Switzerland,Sweden,Denmark,and Australia,GB France and Germany have a combined total of approximately the same as the US.

US gun deaths in 2009,32000. All the other countries mentioned, 112.

Sad, is it not?

Actually, you are wayyyyyy OTT on the estimation of population of those nations.

If Americans want to shoot the hell out of each other and defend it, then it's their problem. Hopefully one day enough reasonable people will come forward and allow their country to get past this embarrassment.

1st February 2011, 12:18
Actually, you are wayyyyyy OTT on the estimation of population of those nations.

If Americans want to shoot the hell out of each other and defend it, then it's their problem. Hopefully one day enough reasonable people will come forward and allow their country to get past this embarrassment.The real problem is we are not one people. It is increasingly more and more obvious.
I can tell you by region what type of idiot comes from there that I can't Identify with. It is very odd but when I visit friends in Nevada, I run into people that think everyone from California is the same. I really think it is time to dissolve the Union in an amicable way, there is just too much diversity This so called melting pot is ripe for some ethnic and demographic cleansing. Imagine putting every country in Europe into one and then hand out several million firearms. The only thing that pisses me off more than an ignorant American is someone who comes from a small (I'm not talking about GB because the Commonwealth is not small). Is somebody that doesn't have any real life experience in this country and start suggesting simple solutions. The USA is getting more and more adversarial within the framework of the general population. It is bad, it is worse than 99% of the people here know it is. Not on a personal level, but more to the point of an impersonal level. Let the other poor ******* starve he is a _______ fill in the blank. There are an awful lot of tremendous people I know. They come in two categories. You have hard working honest Americans that don't delude themselves that they are going to be upwardly mobile. Then you have people that come from money and they spend it on very worthy causes. They know what side their bread is buttered on and they are exemplary Americans. It's the ones in midlevel management that only think they have money that are the hardest to deal with, Give me a rich client. Americans that come from money are becoming the only ones that reciprocate in kind. It is an odd situation, but Sothern California is it own region. I can't speak for the vast majority of Americans because I really can't identify with them. If I could just get them to quit telling me how messed up my State is, and let me live in peace.
Abraham Lincoln said something to the affect of "If destruction be our lot it will certainly come from within"! We are well past that point already!

Bob Riebe
1st February 2011, 17:52
The real problem is we are not one people. It is increasingly more and more obvious.
I can tell you by region what type of idiot comes from there that I can't Identify with. It is very odd but when I visit friends in Nevada, I run into people that think everyone from California is the same. I really think it is time to dissolve the Union in an amicable way, there is just too much diversity This so called melting pot is ripe for some ethnic and demographic cleansing. Imagine putting every country in Europe into one and then hand out several million firearms. The only thing that pisses me off more than an ignorant American is someone who comes from a small (I'm not talking about GB because the Commonwealth is not small). Is somebody that doesn't have any real life experience in this country and start suggesting simple solutions. The USA is getting more and more adversarial within the framework of the general population. It is bad, it is worse than 99% of the people here know it is. Not on a personal level, but more to the point of an impersonal level. Let the other poor ******* starve he is a _______ fill in the blank. There are an awful lot of tremendous people I know. They come in two categories. You have hard working honest Americans that don't delude themselves that they are going to be upwardly mobile. Then you have people that come from money and they spend it on very worthy causes. They know what side their bread is buttered on and they are exemplary Americans. It's the ones in midlevel management that only think they have money that are the hardest to deal with, Give me a rich client. Americans that come from money are becoming the only ones that reciprocate in kind. It is an odd situation, but Sothern California is it own region. I can't speak for the vast majority of Americans because I really can't identify with them. If I could just get them to quit telling me how messed up my State is, and let me live in peace.
Abraham Lincoln said something to the affect of "If destruction be our lot it will certainly come from within"! We are well past that point already!
The melting pot has stopped melting, with liberal political factions doing their best to divide and separate for the purpose of getting ethnic group x, y, or z to vote to maintain their "special" status from the supposed bigoted masses.

1st February 2011, 18:56
Actually, you are wayyyyyy OTT on the estimation of population of those nations.

If Americans want to shoot the hell out of each other and defend it, then it's their problem. Hopefully one day enough reasonable people will come forward and allow their country to get past this embarrassment.

Please tell me I am way off so that I do not make the same error. I used an approximation as expressed. Nothing more.

1st February 2011, 18:59
The point was made. You just do not see it or are too ignorant in a social context to see.

Per the request from Henner I have asked the thread to be closed. I can't abide the ignorance of this Riebe any longer with his infantile name calling.

Just for my interest, please someone enlighten me to what a troll means in computer language.