View Full Version : Average age for owning your car model

Hazell B
19th January 2011, 22:10
I stumbled upon a site for the car I just bought and it conatined a questionaire relating to the average age of driver for each model in the range.

My car happens to be favoured by a 42 year old buyer. I was 43 last month.

Is there a point in our lives when we go out and buy a certain type of vehicle? Will you all hit 42 and randomly buy a Jag? I sure as hell didn't especially want one before ......

Are you lot looking forward to being 65 year old Yaris drivers?! :p :

19th January 2011, 22:36
I'd like to know what this website is, so I can find out who's likely to drive the sort of car I own as well.

When I was 17 I really wanted a Mini so I bought one (15 years later I'd still really like one), and since then my basic wish list for my "perfect new car" is still roughly the same. I want a very small car with as much horsepower and torque as is feasibly possible.

Personally I can't imagine that at age 65 I'd be content with a plodding Yaris. I imagine that in 2043 I'll be driving a '39 Ford Comet Jet-Electric, running on Canola Oil and utilising the same principle as the Jaguar C-X75, and producing 220bhp at the wheels.

Hazell B
19th January 2011, 22:40
It was just a Jaguar site (was looking for something else, hit the wrong button :mark: ) so no info on other makes, etc.

Still think we'll all be playing compare the Yaris at 65 :p :

19th January 2011, 23:17
I just looked at an insurance thread on Festa forum and all but 3 of those that had replied were younger than me. Most of them seemed to be around the age of 22. I did buy my car 4 and a half years ago when I was much closer to 22 than the age I am today. :p

20th January 2011, 09:10
I would imagine Fiestas are popular with those buying their first car, as it was with me!

I'm older now and I'd quite like a Focus for my next car, but that doesn't mean I'd be able to afford it!

Also, I believe there is quite a disparity between those who drive 5-door vs 3-door cars, apparently, the average age of the 3-door buyer is some 5 years younger!

20th January 2011, 09:59
Also, I believe there is quite a disparity between those who drive 5-door vs 3-door cars, apparently, the average age of the 3-door buyer is some 5 years younger!

This may sound a little odd, but I would suspect that one of the main reasons probably has to do with children being born. It's really difficult to deal with baby capsules in a 3-door car, but in a 5-door it's far simpler (not that I'd know anything about this at all having just bought a 5-door 206... doo dee doo doo :rolleyes :)

20th January 2011, 10:12
This may sound a little odd, but I would suspect that one of the main reasons probably has to do with children being born. It's really difficult to deal with baby capsules in a 3-door car, but in a 5-door it's far simpler (not that I'd know anything about this at all having just bought a 5-door 206... doo dee doo doo :rolleyes :)

Very true, but I think for even those without children 5-doors offers a lot of advantages, and no disadvantages (apart from slightly higher purchase cost). Whereas I think there's an attitude that 5-doors is only for those who have children!

20th January 2011, 12:13
My car didn't have the option of being 5 door. I don't have children but I do like the fact that it is much easier to get out of a 5 door car especially in car parks. My fiesta has quite big doors which means I almost always have to move my seat to the furtherst back position (I drive with it at the furtherst forward postition) to get out my car. I dont suffer from this problem to such an extent when I drive my other half's much bigger 5 door car.

20th January 2011, 13:02
I think that MR2 owners tend to be quite varied. Some are mid-20s, others are mid-50s. Although with the recent drop in prices there seem to be an increasing number of 17-20 year olds driving them, albeit with astronomical insurance premiums.

20th January 2011, 13:52
No single age group seems to buy 500's but it does tend to attract stupid people


20th January 2011, 14:52
No single age group seems to buy 500's but it does tend to attract stupid people


:laugh: Classic idiot :laugh:

Hazell B
20th January 2011, 16:18
Classic idiot who brought tears to my eyes.
Tears of laughter :rotflmao:

20th January 2011, 16:37
I don't know what's funnier. The fact he did that or that he complained about it on a forum!

20th January 2011, 19:28
I don't know what's funnier. The fact he did that or that he complained about it on a forum!

Not wanting to be sexist but I've not heard of many Mable's (Mabel?) who are male :p

20th January 2011, 19:52
Since a few months ago some kid asked me if the WRX I was driving belonged to my son, I'll assume that my lil daily driver is typically bought by people younger than myself. :dozey:

With the XK8, I'm guessing they're bought by people my age or maybe a little older.

20th January 2011, 20:16
Ah, Jag, so you're well balanced... :p :

20th January 2011, 22:42
Interesting thread.

A quick browse of the Alfa Forum suggest I'm bang on target for mine - 20's and 30's

21st January 2011, 12:04
Sadly I don't own a car, don't think I would be allowed ;)

21st January 2011, 12:26
Ah, Jag, so you're well balanced... :p :

Well balanced or well & truly unbalanced? The jury is still out... ;)

Hazell B
21st January 2011, 16:00
Sadly I don't own a car, don't think I would be allowed ;)

You're too young to drive :mark: