View Full Version : My Man "ObamaCare"

10th January 2011, 15:35
Please take a moment to read the letter on the enclosed link. Then please tell me if you health care includes the points included in the letter.

thank you,


Dave B
10th January 2011, 15:50

That's priceless.

Usually when you post some chain email you've received we have to direct you to a site like Snopes where it's debunked. This time round you've actually done the job for us.

From your own link:

This item references an older version of the health care reform
bill, not the version actually passed by the House of
Representatives in November 2009 (although they share many common

Many of the claims this item makes about health care reform
legislation are erroneous.

Take a bow.

10th January 2011, 16:46
the point of the thread was to ask if these type of conditions are included in your health plans. But you are sooooooo quick to display your anti-american position you are basically worthless to any thread on this forum

10th January 2011, 16:53
...you are sooooooo quick to display your anti-american position...
How is pointing out that the document itself says many of the claims are erroneous "anti-American" :confused:

Dave B
10th January 2011, 16:56
the point of the thread was to ask if these type of conditions are included in your health plans. But you are sooooooo quick to display your anti-american position you are basically worthless to any thread on this forum
So what would be the merit in comparing my healthcare to a partly fictitious list? I'm not sure - and I suspect you're not either - what point you're trying to prove.

While I'm here, how is pointing out that the majority of the threads you start are based on gibberish in any way anti-American? :\

Retro Formula 1
10th January 2011, 17:03
I know many are erronous but it would be interesting to find out which are true.

Roamy. Can you read the bill and confirm which points are not BS and I would be delighted to answer your questions.

10th January 2011, 19:32
the point of the thread was to ask if these type of conditions are included in your health plans. But you are sooooooo quick to display your anti-american position you are basically worthless to any thread on this forum

Health plans? What's that, I don't have any plans. If I get sick, I go to a doctor, that's the plan in this country :D

10th January 2011, 21:50
I found most of the stuff in the link to be little more than rhetoric, and poorly written rhetoric at that. But to seriously address Roamy's question as to what my government "health care includes the points included in the letter", here are seven things of note:

1. Our Government does audit the books of firms that self-insure at random, as they do with any taxpayer.
2. There is a "committee" of sorts that decide what sort of treatment you get; that "committee" would be the doctors and nurses. Prior to that there could be consultations with a GP and probably a specialist.
I would hope that with appendicitis that trained doctors and nurses don't decide to do a Caesarean section on me.
3. Health care is provided to all non-citizens free of charge. My wife for instance is a non-citizen.
4. A "National Health Card" is issued. It's called Medicare in Australia. There is a levy to run the health care system of 1.5% of your taxable income.
5. Govt does provide linguistic appropriate services where it can.
6. The Govt does tell GP's what they will be paid for seeing patients. However I would think that for a doctor to make the maximum prescribed amount they would need to see about 45 patients a day. I don't think that my local GP is starving, he drives a 7-series BMW.
7. Any non-resident alien IS exempt from income taxes. They would be subject to tax in their country of domicile, as per the arrangements with about 95 other countries.

10th January 2011, 22:56
Health plans? What's that, I don't have any plans. If I get sick, I go to a doctor, that's the plan in this country :D

You mean you dont have a sickness plan, so you know how to make your health plan?