View Full Version : Alarm Systems

10th January 2011, 06:21
So because we have a gun law thread, I thought this would be good.
I laugh every time I see the commercial on tv where the guy breaks in to the house and the women and child run upstairs to the bathroom and then the alarm company calls the house to see if everything is ok. What a crock of sh!t this is. In the real world you are lucky if you can get to your gun and shoot the sonofabitch. What I want in a alarm system is a warning when my property is approached. One that alerts me and lights up the total area where the intruder is. It is easier to shoot them if the lights are on them. Of course my secure area would be dark. You would be real lucky if law enforcement arrived within 4 minutes. Try and see what you could accomplish in 4 minutes if you were a violent criminal.

Another dumb one is that the guys jumps out of bed - grabs his gun and goes searching for the intruder. We learn this from television. So now the intruder has the element of surprise instead of you. So obviously you get shot and the intruder gets away.

Another one that gets me is the old magnet on the door or a window. The alarm company charges you a fortune and the intruder enters with a glass cutter and a suction cup.

I lived in the desert once on 5 acres. I can assure you that no one would get to my house undetected let alone enter the house. And in the event a intruder did, unless I was in a drunken coma :) (possible) it would be the intruders last breakin.

In Europe it is a bit different due to the density of living. Less time to react and then you have no gun so now what?? Obviously give them everything they want and help them to escape. If they are not violent you are probably good to go. On the other hand if they are violent I hope you did a good job building that cross-bow :)

Brown, Jon Brow
10th January 2011, 11:36
Whenever a house alarm goes off in our area we just think 'will someone turn that frickin' thing off!!!' You can almost be sure that the alarm has either tripped itself or a cat has wondered in through the cat-flap.

However, if it is was a burglar, the chances are he wouldn't be carrying a gun. In which case I could punch him in the face and wait for the police to arrive. :)

10th January 2011, 11:58
So because we have a gun law thread, I thought this would be good.
I laugh every time I see the commercial on tv where the guy breaks in to the house and the women and child run upstairs to the bathroom and then the alarm company calls the house to see if everything is ok. What a crock of sh!t this is. In the real world you are lucky if you can get to your gun and shoot the sonofabitch. What I want in a alarm system is a warning when my property is approached. One that alerts me and lights up the total area where the intruder is. It is easier to shoot them if the lights are on them. Of course my secure area would be dark. You would be real lucky if law enforcement arrived within 4 minutes. Try and see what you could accomplish in 4 minutes if you were a violent criminal.

Another dumb one is that the guys jumps out of bed - grabs his gun and goes searching for the intruder. We learn this from television. So now the intruder has the element of surprise instead of you. So obviously you get shot and the intruder gets away.

Another one that gets me is the old magnet on the door or a window. The alarm company charges you a fortune and the intruder enters with a glass cutter and a suction cup.

I lived in the desert once on 5 acres. I can assure you that no one would get to my house undetected let alone enter the house. And in the event a intruder did, unless I was in a drunken coma :) (possible) it would be the intruders last breakin.

In Europe it is a bit different due to the density of living. Less time to react and then you have no gun so now what?? Obviously give them everything they want and help them to escape. If they are not violent you are probably good to go. On the other hand if they are violent I hope you did a good job building that cross-bow :)

Get yourself a beam system around your boundary wall and around your house. Each level can be programmed to switch on lights, trigger an audible alarm, trigger a silent alarm to your security company as well as your cellphone etc. This is the system I use at home and it works great. But get a decent system cause the cheaper beam systems go off for any old reason and become an annoyance. Buy a quality system as I did.

Dave B
10th January 2011, 12:02
I can't imagine what it must be like to live in such a state of perpetual paranoia :\

Brown, Jon Brow
10th January 2011, 12:11
Get yourself a beam system around your boundary wall and around your house. Each level can be programmed to switch on lights, trigger an audible alarm, trigger a silent alarm to your security company as well as your cellphone etc. This is the system I use at home and it works great. But get a decent system cause the cheaper beam systems go off for any old reason and become an annoyance. Buy a quality system as I did.

You could try the old bucket of water balanced on the door trick. That would show those pesky criminals.

10th January 2011, 21:48
You could try the old bucket of water balanced on the door trick. That would show those pesky criminals.
To be fair, you've never been to South Africa so you obviously don't understand that 555's apparent paranoia is quite well founded

If you could understand Afrikaans you'd laugh at this whilst finding it a bit sad because in some ways it's not far from the truth.....


10th January 2011, 23:05
I can't imagine what it must be like to live in such a state of perpetual paranoia :\

It's been really humid in Sydney over the last couple of days (as a result of weather systems that have flooded lots of Queensland) and so we've been leaving windows cracked open and only the back screen door closed to ventilate the house.

11th January 2011, 06:38
It's been really humid in Sydney over the last couple of days (as a result of weather systems that have flooded lots of Queensland) and so we've been leaving windows cracked open and only the back screen door closed to ventilate the house.

Yeah most of my windows are open and the screen door open at the back. My ute was left unlocked all weekend.

My intruder plan is to assess the danger. If he is bigger than me, I will scream and cry like a girl while my wife attacks him with a nail file. Surely thats got to be scary.

11th January 2011, 06:44
Yeah most of my windows are open and the screen door open at the back. My ute was left unlocked all weekend.

My intruder plan is to assess the danger. If he is bigger than me, I will scream and cry like a girl while my wife attacks him with a nail file. Surely thats got to be scary.

For some of us, it is no joke.

11th January 2011, 06:52
I can't imagine what it must be like to live in such a state of perpetual paranoia :\
Probably same people leave the seat belt open and drive over the speed limit thinking that nothing will happen to them.

11th January 2011, 08:46
The company next door has an alarm system that starts whenever their neighbour's cat touch the basement windows. The " programme" keeps about 5 minutes and it starts over and over for hours. In the meantime nobody checks what happened, neither the security company nor the company stuff. So I presume that a thief can act without problems. The funny thing is that the police station is about 50 metres far off this building and whenever I complain about the noise and the fact that nobody come to check they say it's not their business and don't bother to move their as*es there.

On the other hand we have a famous case here when a guy acted Roamy's way ( by shooting the intruder ) and the thief felled from the building and died and then the thief's victim was accused of murder.

I lived in the desert once on 5 acres. I can assure you that no one would get to my house undetected let alone enter the house. And in the event a intruder did, unless I was in a drunken coma :) (possible) it would be the intruders last breakin.

No offence but adding this statement to your previous posts, I have a feeling that a horror movie based on your character would be a hit.....

12th January 2011, 17:13
Get yourself a beam system around your boundary wall and around your house. Each level can be programmed to switch on lights, trigger an audible alarm, trigger a silent alarm to your security company as well as your cellphone etc. This is the system I use at home and it works great. But get a decent system cause the cheaper beam systems go off for any old reason and become an annoyance. Buy a quality system as I did.

yes I agree with this type of system. When I was in the desert I used only infrared. works very well and allowed for many zones.

12th January 2011, 17:16

On the other hand we have a famous case here when a guy acted Roamy's way ( by shooting the intruder ) and the thief felled from the building and died and then the thief's victim was accused of murder.

No offence but adding this statement to your previous posts, I have a feeling that a horror movie based on your character would be a hit.....

Yes I should be in the movies.

Yea there is an old saying here: If you shoot the intruder outside the home - drag him inside!

12th January 2011, 17:33
Yes I should be in the movies.


12th January 2011, 21:32
It's been really humid in Sydney over the last couple of days (as a result of weather systems that have flooded lots of Queensland) and so we've been leaving windows cracked open and only the back screen door closed to ventilate the house.There is a product that has been on the market for about 20 years in the U.S. It is an alarm screen that integrates into your system, (besides having a reed switch that will open the circuit and trip the alarm if the screen is moved).The circuit is woven into the screen mesh itself every 4 inches. The amount of added resistance is measured and integrated into the alarm profile. It's possible for the professional Burglar to Jump the leads but then again that can be done at any switch. The screens are remarkably reliable and when built properly are very dependable even in coastal areas. They are a high end item. If you chose to go with the screens I suggest you get "Resister Loaded" screens. A normal screen is .1 amps per foot of wire, by adding a resister say 1,000 amps and program that into the main system it is virtually impossible to "jump the wires”.

