View Full Version : Worst (traumatic) childhood foods.

2nd January 2011, 16:39
I remember age of nine, third grade, we had this white thick sauce floating with cubes of FAT. Not meat, fat !!! I remember I couldn't chew them and they felt disgusting in my mouth. With them we had our schoolsystem's famous "rubber" potatoes.

Our teacher at the time was this 180 cm tall woman who made Hitler feel like Mickey Mouse. We the pupils sat on the table and the teacher delivered the food for each pupil. If you were lucky, only a few cubes of fat in your portion. If you were not.... well... :mark:

I was the lucky one and I had but one cube which I could swallow. But this poor little girl from our glass got like seven to eight pieces of that fat. She cried and literally threw up but the teacher demanded that nobody leaves the table until everybody has eaten. What a merry lunch that was.... everybody cried.

I have never had that dish again after school.

2nd January 2011, 16:56
Creamed corn

2nd January 2011, 17:08
But now I really like them! :s mokin:

2nd January 2011, 17:40
I've never liked broccoli and I'll let George Bush snr explain why:


2nd January 2011, 20:49
Blancmange. I had the misfortune of being sent to one of those snooty private boarding schools for a few years and this stuff was served up on a daily basis - it was horrid, but the teachers seemed to think we were being given a treat. :(

2nd January 2011, 20:58
Banana,s they feel like you have a mouth full of sh**.
Never ever liked them as a kid and dont eat them now either!!

2nd January 2011, 21:42
But now I really like them! :s mokin:

Beets!! What are they?

2nd January 2011, 22:04
Beets!! What are they?


It's good with pyttipanna:


2nd January 2011, 22:18


It's good with pyttipanna:


And In Lindströms Beef good too.

Easy Drifter
2nd January 2011, 23:18
Aspargras. My father loved it, in season. I didn't but could eat it.
In my late teens my mother would be at the cottage from May on. He would go up every weekend. I would often stay home to study (yeah right).
Anyway Mon. through Thurs we had it for dinner. One weekend I went to the cottage and had it Fri, Sat and Sunday. Come Monday back in the city we had it yet again and he had enough to last until Thurs.
I think it was the Wed night and I just choked on it. Had to leave the taable and was sick. Last time I ever ate the stuff.
Normally my dad would have still served to me but I guess he realized he had overdone it. It had been 10 days in a row!
Beets. I actually don't mind them but they work as a super laxative!!!!!!!!

3rd January 2011, 00:12
Beets!! What are they?


:lips: ...... :lips: .... :lips:

3rd January 2011, 09:00
Semolina pudding. It was that or arctic roll at primary school and if you were among the late arrivals for lunch then there was no arctic roll left!

'Orrible stuff.

3rd January 2011, 10:09
Semolina pudding. It was that or arctic roll at primary school and if you were among the late arrivals for lunch then there was no arctic roll left!

'Orrible stuff.
Is arctic roll like Swiss roll?


3rd January 2011, 10:30
Can't remember any...probably because my Mum was a great cook :lips: :p :

3rd January 2011, 13:47

:lips: ...... :lips: .... :lips:

AAAggghhhh!... Kryptonite! :eek:
Take it away!!!

3rd January 2011, 17:41
I can't remember anything so vile that I wouldn't eat it. Growing up, the choice was to eat what was put in front of me or not eat at all :mark: .
Although, I did struggle with beets, still do (my kids inhale them though :mark: )

3rd January 2011, 18:31
Cabbage rolls, yuk.

3rd January 2011, 19:03
tripe and veal. I can remember a bout of food poisoning or norovirus sweeping through the boarders - messy.

3rd January 2011, 19:58
Is arctic roll like Swiss roll?
Similar, except with ice cream:

Edit: Blimey, I never knew it was made in Eastbourne!!

3rd January 2011, 20:09
Brain. Yes, and I also saw the cow get slaughtered beforehand.

3rd January 2011, 20:49
Brain. Yes, and I also saw the cow get slaughtered beforehand.

Eek! :eek: Zombie Cows! :p :

3rd January 2011, 21:31
Brain. Yes, and I also saw the cow get slaughtered beforehand.

You have a problem with Tacos de Sesos?
What a wuss!!! :bandit: :s mokin:


4th January 2011, 02:15

By the way I'm going to SD this weekend if it doesn't rain. :cool:

4th January 2011, 02:20

By the way I'm going to SD this weekend if it doesn't rain. :cool:

Thanks for the warning! :p

Easy Drifter
4th January 2011, 02:22
Back when I was an Atlantic crew chief I often spent the weekends at the drivers farm. He had two children, a girl about 10 and a boy about 8.
They had raised a couple of cows from calves. Pets to the kids.
Then slaughtered and butchered. Parents nervous about the first time they had 'one' for dinner.
Question from daughter. 'Is this Lucy or Max?'
Very nervous response 'Lucy.'
'Sure tastes good.'
So much for worries about the 'pets'.

4th January 2011, 06:13

By the way I'm going to SD this weekend if it doesn't rain. :cool:
But it never rains in Southern California?

4th January 2011, 07:22
But it never rains in Southern California?
And the lyrics from that song:

"Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California
But girl don't they warn ya
It pours, man it pours"

It rained moderately for about 4 consecutive days last month in San Diego, and due to the overdevelopment of Mission Valley we had this: