View Full Version : What makes a person a citizen

1st January 2011, 07:34
of your country where ever it may be. Is it given to you when you are born in a particular place or does it depend on who your parents are.

Six States in the US are trying to have laws passed that would not grant legal status to the children of illegal aliens. In other words, the child is also illegal even though born in America.

I know that in certain European countries (EU) that there is a law that allows the child status but not the parents.

I can see this working but not alienating a child born in a country. What defines citizenship could arbitrarily change every couple of years.

What are your thoughts?

1st January 2011, 11:23
I beleive in the UK a child is only a citizen if one of it's parents are. An Indian friend of mine his daughter was born in the UK but this didn't entitle her to a UK passport. Whereas his son was born in the USA which did entitle him to a US passport.

1st January 2011, 11:42
I think in Finland you inherit it from your parents.

1st January 2011, 11:57
I think it is the same here, although with the arrival of many immigrants from African countries on boats has introduced some changes. I am not entirely sure.

donKey jote
1st January 2011, 12:42
I beleive in the UK a child is only a citizen if one of it's parents are.
Now it's either parent, but 40+ years ago my mum almost gave up her British citizenship in disgust at them not allowing me to be British due to my father being a foreigner (actually worse than a foreigner: Irish! :eek: ) :laugh: .

1st January 2011, 14:08
Now it's either parent, but 40+ years ago my mum almost gave up her British citizenship in disgust at them not allowing me to be British due to my father being a foreigner (actually worse than a foreigner: Irish! :eek: ) :laugh: .
What does that make you then? Eurish?

1st January 2011, 14:54
As of January 1 (in the year of our lord ;) ) 2011

Children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents are entitled to birthright citizenship via the 14th Amendment, A birth certificate (a.k.a Certificate of Live Birth for children born in certain states) issued by a U.S. state or territorial government is evidence of citizenship, and is usually accepted as proof of citizenship.

In the case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), the Supreme Court ruled that a person becomes a citizen of the United States at the time of birth, by virtue of the first clause of the 14th amendment of the Constitution, if that person is:

Born in the United States
Has parents that are subjects of a foreign power, but not in any diplomatic or official capacity of that foreign power
Has parents that have permanent domicile and residence in the United States
Has parents that are in the United States for business
[edit] Through birth abroad to two United States citizensSee also: jus sanguinis
A child is automatically granted citizenship in the following cases:

1.Both parents were U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth
2.At least one parent lived in the United States prior to the child's birth. INA 301(c) and INA 301(a)(3) state, "and one of whom has had a residence."
The FAM (Foreign Affairs Manual) states "no amount of time specified."

A person's record of birth abroad, if registered with a U.S. consulate or embassy, is proof of citizenship. They may also apply for a passport or a Certificate of Citizenship to have their citizenship recognized.

Through birth abroad to one United States citizen A person born on or after November 14, 1986, is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true:[7]

1.One of the person's parents was a U.S. citizen when the person in question was born
2.The citizen parent lived at least five years in the United States before the child's birth
3.A minimum of two of these five years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.
INA 301(g) makes additional provisions to satisfy the physical-presence requirements for periods citizens spent abroad in “honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization”. Additionally citizens who spent time living abroad as the “dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person” in any of the previously mentioned organizations can also be counted.

A person's record of birth abroad, if registered with a U.S. consulate or embassy, is proof of citizenship. Such a person may also apply for a passport or a Certificate of Citizenship to have a record of citizenship. Such documentation is often useful to prove citizenship in lieu of the availability of an American birth certificate.

Different rules apply for persons born abroad to one U.S. citizen before November 14, 1986. United States law on this subject changed multiple times throughout the twentieth century, and the law is applicable as it existed at the time of the individual's birth.

For persons born between December 24, 1952 and November 14, 1986, a person is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true [7]:

1.One of the person's parents was a U.S. citizen when the person in question was born
2.The citizen parent lived at least ten years in the United States before the child's birth;
3.A minimum of 5 of these 10 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.
[edit] Naturalization
A judge swears in a new citizen. New York, 1910A person who was not born a U.S. citizen may acquire U.S. citizenship through a process known as naturalization.

Eligibility for naturalizationTo become a naturalized United States citizen, one must be at least eighteen years of age at the time of filing, a legal permanent resident of the United States, and have had a status of a legal permanent resident in the United States for five years less 90 days before they apply (this requirement is reduced to three years less 90 days if they (a) acquired legal permanent resident status, (b) have been married to and living with a citizen for the past three years and (c) the spouse has been a U.S. citizen for at least three years prior to the applicant applying for naturalization.) They must have been physically present for at least 30 months of 60 months prior to the date of filing their application. Also during those 60 months if the legal permanent resident was outside of the U.S. for a continuous period of 6 months or more they are disqualified from naturalizing (certain exceptions apply for those continuous periods of six months to 1 year). They must be a "person of good moral character", and must pass a test on United States history and government[8][9] Most applicants must also have a working knowledge of the English language.[8] There are exceptions, introduced in 1990, for long-resident older applicants and those with mental or physical disabilities.[10][11] This requirement for an ability to read, write, and speak English is not regarded[who?] as too difficult, since the test requires that applicants read and write in English.

race aficionado
1st January 2011, 18:10
I beleive in the UK a child is only a citizen if one of it's parents are. An Indian friend of mine his daughter was born in the UK but this didn't entitle her to a UK passport. Whereas his son was born in the USA which did entitle him to a US passport.

I got my British citizenship because my father was british.
Also, the laws had changed so now even though I was a british citizen it did not mean that my colombian wife got automatic British citizenship not did my children.

:s mokin:

1st January 2011, 21:37

3rd January 2011, 00:03
Six States

Which ones???

3rd January 2011, 01:16
Which ones???

Sorry it took me so long to respond. Flu bug.

Pennsylvania,South Carolina, Nebraska,Georgia, Mississippi and Oklahoma.

3rd January 2011, 05:00
Sorry it took me so long to respond. Flu bug.

Pennsylvania,South Carolina, Nebraska,Georgia, Mississippi and Oklahoma.
I think this will go to the Supreme Court and be struck down.
I could be wrong, but I think that the States will have a hard time winning it when it will surely be appealed again since it was first challenged, and upheld over 100+ years ago.
But I wouldn't bet money on it ;)
It's still a little early to tell
It depends on how these propositions are worded.
I also believe there will eventually be some form of amendment down the line.

3rd January 2011, 07:09
I guess if this passes, then my contract with the military to be an officer is null and void. Forget the fact that I'm in good academic standing, never committed a crime, and am more than willing to get an all expenses paid trip to Afghanistan. My parent's still crossed the Mexican-USA border illegally, therefore, I'll be an illegal citizen if this legislation passes.

Teabaggers should really think before they talk.

3rd January 2011, 07:19
I guess if this passes, then my contract with the military to be an officer is null and void. Forget the fact that I'm in good academic standing, never committed a crime, and am more than willing to get an all expenses paid trip to Afghanistan. My parent's still crossed the Mexican-USA border illegally, therefore, I'll be an illegal citizen if this legislation passes.

Teabaggers should really think before they talk.

You must be punished for the sins of the father.

More than half of my family got their US citizenship by raising their hand and swearing the oath and serving like 3 years or so...
I read back in the 90s that about 23-255 of US infantry units were furriners, ya know like ALIENS....

Most depressing thing was to hear separately both my brother and my sister---both born in Panama, both looking like it too, say while living in San Jose, CA back in the 70s, "i dun't wanna sound prejudiced or anything, but soone ror later they're going to have to do something about all these Mexicans coming here"

I think that's called "assimilation".

As for your last line, dayum you're an optimist!

3rd January 2011, 07:46
Well, my parent's have received their citizenship as well.

I'm not too worried about this piece of legislation. The teabaggers are trying to tweak the 14th Amendment, which is a cornerstone to America's civil rights. I think there will be plenty of opposition to this right from the start and I also believe that Republicans in general will NOT be able to focus on anything else while they have a superiority in the House. Might be an issue that blows up in their face.

Bob Riebe
3rd January 2011, 09:32
I guess if this passes, then my contract with the military to be an officer is null and void. Forget the fact that I'm in good academic standing, never committed a crime, and am more than willing to get an all expenses paid trip to Afghanistan. My parent's still crossed the Mexican-USA border illegally, therefore, I'll be an illegal citizen if this legislation passes.

Teabaggers should really think before they talk.
No it just mean you will have to go through the standard prodedure to gain citizenship.

3rd January 2011, 19:30
No it just mean you will have to go through the standard prodedure to gain citizenship.I think you inadvertently proved my point. What would I be designated during that limbo period before receiving citizenship? Since my parent's are now citizens this won't affect me, but you shouldn't turn a blind eye to the people who surround you. Might be an offspring of illegal immigrants who are actually causing this country to prosper and not the other way around.

3rd January 2011, 20:39
Six States in the US are trying to have laws passed that would not grant legal status to the children of illegal aliens. In other words, the child is also illegal even though born in America.

A state has no authority to bestow or take away citizenship as it is a Federal(Constitutional) law.

A state can bestow or take away state residency which is different. Some states grant state benefits to Illegals such as College tuition rates and housing.

3rd January 2011, 20:43
I guess if this passes, then my contract with the military to be an officer is null and void. Forget the fact that I'm in good academic standing, never committed a crime, and am more than willing to get an all expenses paid trip to Afghanistan. My parent's still crossed the Mexican-USA border illegally, therefore, I'll be an illegal citizen if this legislation passes.

Serving in the US military is a privilege not a right.

If you truly have never committed a crime then you must be legally in the US so what is the problem?

Teabaggers should really think before they talk.
Stop using that term. It is homophobic and just displays your lack to tolerance to those who disagree with you.

3rd January 2011, 21:53
A state has no authority to bestow or take away citizenship as it is a Federal(Constitutional) law.

A state can bestow or take away state residency which is different. Some states grant state benefits to Illegals such as College tuition rates and housing.

I think the strategy is to deny the newborn a birth certificate. Birth certificates are given by states, and the hospitals, just like mine say:
Doctors Hospital Coral Gables FLA. I think AZ. has already tried to do something along these lines and it failed.

Gloomy you were born in the “Great State of California” there is no doubt about your US Citizenship! :up:

4th January 2011, 02:25
Serving in the US military is a privilege not a right.You're preaching to the choir. This **** ain't easy, but I love it.

If you truly have never committed a crime then you must be legally in the US so what is the problem?I think you're digressing from the point. The fact of the matter is that being born in the U.S. will no longer guarantee citizenship if your parent's are illegal immigrants. That would be a tweak to the 14th Amendment and certainly skew the lives of many Americans.

Stop using that term. It is homophobic and just displays your lack to tolerance to those who disagree with you.I'm just merely using a term that the Tea Party used to describe themselves. Seriously, I saw it on a protester's poster a while ago and it made me laugh in the middle of lecture. They caught on to the err of their ways, but it's left an indelible mark in my mind. One last thing, calling me homophobic could be NOT be further from the truth. The reversal of DADT has been a Godsend since my campus will now formally recognize ROTC at our university. Frat house baby! :D

4th January 2011, 02:57
A state has no authority to bestow or take away citizenship as it is a Federal(Constitutional) law.

A state can bestow or take away state residency which is different. Some states grant state benefits to Illegals such as College tuition rates and housing.
I see your point but I imagine that the right wing in America are gearing up for a battle on this issue. Does it surprise you that the states mentioned are the one's that are always to the right?

Was it from SC where the senator shouted at the President and called him a liar at the SOTU speech? Real class act that guy :rolleyes:

Bob Riebe
4th January 2011, 03:04
I think you inadvertently proved my point. What would I be designated during that limbo period before receiving citizenship? Since my parent's are now citizens this won't affect me, but you shouldn't turn a blind eye to the people who surround you. Might be an offspring of illegal immigrants who are actually causing this country to prosper and not the other way around.
If your parents are legal you are legal unless they gained it after your 21st birthday, after which, (at least it was in the seventies, as I had a school mate who had to choose) you should have the choice of which country you want to be a citizen of.
My friend had to choose between Canada and the U.S.

No I do not know what he chose as I never saw him after graduation.

As far as the illegals benefiting the U.S., that is pushing skewed logic to the extreme.
Serving in the military SHOULD cause automatic citizenship if chosen, but last time I looked they tacked the asinine addition of if you went to college-- you get citizenship.
To relate servingin the military as the same as going to school, (in Minn. probably at tax payers expense) as a similar standard, is absolute insult to anyone who serves or served.

Bob Riebe
4th January 2011, 03:05
Real class act that guy :rolleyes:
Truth hurts.
Obama is a two-faced lying classless jack-ass.

4th January 2011, 03:21
I think the strategy is to deny the newborn a birth certificate. Birth certificates are given by states, and the hospitals, just like mine say:
Doctors Hospital Coral Gables FLA.
and includes The Seal of The Great State of Florida, and a signature (or stamp reproduction) of a duly designated representative thereof.
This is the document that the Federal Government recognizes as the official record of birth within the U.S.A.

4th January 2011, 05:24
I see your point but I imagine that the right wing in America are gearing up for a battle on this issue. Does it surprise you that the states mentioned are the one's that are always to the right?

I am in favor of a constitutional amendment stripping the children of illegals of any claim to citizenship.

There is no reason why if the parents are deported why the children cannot go with them. And once the children of Illegals reach their teens they are well aware that they are breaking the law so they are as guilty as the parents.

Was it from SC where the senator shouted at the President and called him a liar at the SOTU speech? Real class act that guy :rolleyes:

No less of a class act than the President Lying in the State of the Union Speech.

4th January 2011, 17:10
Truth hurts.
Obama is a two-faced lying classless jack-ass.

What has he lied about? Specifically, please.

4th January 2011, 17:16
No less of a class act than the President Lying in the State of the Union Speech.[/quote]

A sitting representative of a state calling the President of your country a liar is forgivable in probably the most important speech a president gives once a year.

I shudder at where America is going. It is a sorry thought when you consider the ramifications of the accrued debt of the country and the inability to pay it off. Then of course you have the finger pointing in the wrong direction because of political expediency.

Bob Riebe
4th January 2011, 19:49
What has he lied about? Specifically, please.
Look upn his campaign promises, bingo.

4th January 2011, 20:58
What has he lied about? Specifically, please.

In that particular instance Obama said:

“There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally”

There is no provision in the Obamacare Bill that calls for a check on the immigration or citizenship status of anyone in the program.
It was his Bill so yes, he lied!!!

4th January 2011, 22:12
Look upn his campaign promises, bingo.

Countless times you mouth off (not language I usually use) and when

challenged you either can't answer or are unable to. My question to you now is

why do you get involved in a forum if you are incapable of participating?

4th January 2011, 22:51
In that particular instance Obama said:

There is no provision in the Obamacare Bill that calls for a check on the immigration or citizenship status of anyone in the program.
It was his Bill so yes, he lied!!!

I beg to differ. There is a provision in the Bill. You either have not studied it or care not to.
The president is correct: The House bill (http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20090714/aahca.pdf)contains a section (Sec. 246) titled "NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS," which states: "Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States."

What has your side of the aisle turned into??

You come across since I have started reading these posts as a crowd of inhumane xenophobes and racists,your self interest and not those of others lest you be deprived of , WHAT?? What are you deprived of right now that there are so many illegals in the country and the only reason you seem to qualify as a citizen is that when you were born both your parents were American. Isn't that true if you were born in Panama?

How about the child actually born on the land of the US? How can that person be deprived of citizenship? Never mind the parents status.

If a woman is pregnant while entering the US on a visa and pregnant. What is the status if she gives birth while the visa is still intact. Also, what happens to those children that are born to nationals that do not even need a visa if they give birth.

Do I sense racism? I don't know. I'm not accusing you: more so the law.

I read your post again and have gone back through many posts of yours prior to President Obama.

It occurs to me that you have not one shred of viable complaint that can be addressed to this sitting president , yet,you conveniently ignored everything that happened during the last administration.

I searched your posts and not once have I seen Bush/Cheney being called liars even though they lied about WMD. Lest you use the archaic argument thoroughly refuted by more astute academics than I would ever hope to aspire to be that these WMD's did not exist and to this day have not surfaced.

Where was your abhorrence to the Abu Ghraib issue, the Guantanamo issue,

the Rendition issue, the bombing of wedding parties, the outing of a covert CIA agent doing her job on the nuclear proliferation threat so as to get back at a man that told the truth?Where was your angst then?

You are a political gerbil. You will go along with what you are told and will not at anytime question anything because your political slant is so far right you can't be wrong.

A sad state of affairs. How old are you anyway? What is your education?I'd like to know.

Mark in Oshawa
4th January 2011, 23:46
If your parents are legal you are legal unless they gained it after your 21st birthday, after which, (at least it was in the seventies, as I had a school mate who had to choose) you should have the choice of which country you want to be a citizen of.
My friend had to choose between Canada and the U.S.

No I do not know what he chose as I never saw him after graduation.

The irony is Bob, nowadays he could have his cake and eat it too. It used to be an either or. You couldn't be a dual citizen and hold American citizenship, unlike other nations who do allow dual citizens. I know many Canadians who work in the US in entertainment or athletes are now getting their Dual Citizenship, because of course, they are paying taxes down there, so they want a vote! I am glad the US changed this aspect, although I don't think dual citizenship is actually the best if it the two countries are radically different or opposed. I suspect the US offers Dual Citizenship based on their relations with the other country, in this case Canada.

As far as the illegals benefiting the U.S., that is pushing skewed logic to the extreme.
Serving in the military SHOULD cause automatic citizenship if chosen, but last time I looked they tacked the asinine addition of if you went to college-- you get citizenship.
To relate servingin the military as the same as going to school, (in Minn. probably at tax payers expense) as a similar standard, is absolute insult to anyone who serves or served.

I think if an illegal or foreign citizen is willing to put on the uniform of a country and put their life on the line for someone else's country, after a term of service citizenship should be offered. Anyone willing to bleed for the nation should be rewarded. The codicil is though, only so many foreign or illegals should ever be taken in, and only after meeting some standards.

I think citizenship in the US has been so devalued by the ability of millions of illegals to make a living and PAY taxes that the whole concept is being held into question. I don't blame people like Gloomy's parents for coming to the US for a better life, and Reagan's amnesity and maybe others may have gotten them their citizenship. The die was cast when that happened. Any incentive for Mexicans NOT to come to the US was taken away.....

The US government has failed for years to enforce their border with Mexico and to an extent Canada. There was little or no effort actually..and the nation is reaping what it has sown. Cant blame poor people in Mexico wanting a better life, but I can say the US has to handle the immigration in a logical fashion. Illegal immigration doesn't really help the problems government has to contend with and affects a lot of aspects in the economy, and not all for the good.

5th January 2011, 01:23
Politically, I don't know why Republicans are pursuing this at the risk of alienating Hispanic voters, who by and large would seem natural republican voters, social and fiscal conservatives with an entrepreneurial spirit. To me it's just a mistake on so many levels. I know this, I'm a WASP who has always voted Republican and I'm appalled by this stance.

Now, as far as people saying that "they" should just follow proper procedure and get in line, I say this, there is no line. This is a quote from an article by John Stossel last July:

It would be easier to "regulate the flow" if America made it easier for people to work here legally. State Department data show that a British Ph.D. in bioengineering must wait about six months to get a green card. A South African computer programmer, six years. An Indian computer programmer, 35 years.

A Mexican with a high school diploma must wait a theoretical 131 years! No wonder people sneak into America.

On a more personal note, my wife's brothers and sister live in Chihuahua City, Mexico, about 5 hours south of Juarez which is one of the most dangerous cities in the world right now. Fortunately, they have not been touched by the problems there. Oh my brother-in-law had opened a branch office to his business in Juarez, but he closed it when they started demanding protection money, and it has not followed him south. Anyway, we started investigating bringing her family here. I can easily sign affidavits of support, etc. but it's of no use really. Checking this months Visa Bulletin, which is put out by the US State Department, they are only processing applications for brothers and sisters of US residents from Mexico that were put in on or before October 22, 1992.

That's 18 years of waiting, and that's only to get your "A" number and get an appointment. I am sure the process after that would take at least a year. It took a year to process my wife's "K" visa, and that was pre-9/11.

6 months or a year, maybe 2 to process, ok, 18 years, ridiculous.

On the work side, for skilled professionals from Mexico, they are processing applications from on or before April 15, 2003 or almost 8 years, not a lot better. My industry is landscaping and horticulture. There are H2B visas available but they are artificially kept too low and capped at 66,000 per year. It is also a bureaucratic mess of hoops to jump through for small businesses that may need no more than 5-10 workers.

I was working for one such Landscape company in 1994-95 when the first Hispanic workers started to appear in Memphis. It was an agonizing decision for the owners, who suspected that many if not most of these workers were using forged documents. (Some back-story; this company had started in 1959, and they treated their people well. There's always large turnover in this type of work but a group of 6 (5 African-American, 1 Caucasian) had made careers there and been there 25-30 years. These folks started retiring and there was no one to replace them, oh maybe a couple like me didn't mind working in the heat and the cold and the mud, but not near the #'s necessary to do the work. To be sure, machinery replaced some people, but it couldn't replace all. I was there, and I will tell you that crack and meth ruined the blue collar worker that we used to depend on.)

So we took whatever documents they gave us, copied them and paid social security and witholding, and it was the right decision. I know for us wages rose. You paid more to keep good guys. Production rose, so wages rose. Now that I sell product to 150+ landscape companies and garden centers, I will tell you that my prior companies story was not an isolated one.

These are good people and will gladly register if there was a channel for them to do so. Many don't even necessarily want citizenship, just residency and opportunity. My wife is not yet a citizen, she's only a resident. I believe in free markets, and free trade. Let's let it apply to labor and people too.

Oh and birthright citizenship has been the principle in this country since the Wong Kim decision of 1898. I see no reason to change it now.

Bob Riebe
5th January 2011, 01:41
Countless times you mouth off (not language I usually use) and when

challenged you either can't answer or are unable to. My question to you now is

why do you get involved in a forum if you are incapable of participating?
Look it up yourself, pay me and I will do it for you, but without money, find it yourself.
If you are too inept, que sera-sera, if you too lazy, tough.

Stick to the thread title, your trolling bs, is childish and boring.

Bob Riebe
5th January 2011, 01:43
I beg to differ. There is a provision in the Bill. You either have not studied it or care not to.
The president is correct: The House bill (http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20090714/aahca.pdf)contains a section (Sec. 246) titled "NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS," which states: "Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States."

What has your side of the aisle turned into??

You come across since I have started reading these posts as a crowd of inhumane xenophobes and racists,your self interest and not those of others lest you be deprived of , WHAT?? What are you deprived of right now that there are so many illegals in the country and the only reason you seem to qualify as a citizen is that when you were born both your parents were American. Isn't that true if you were born in Panama?

How about the child actually born on the land of the US? How can that person be deprived of citizenship? Never mind the parents status.

If a woman is pregnant while entering the US on a visa and pregnant. What is the status if she gives birth while the visa is still intact. Also, what happens to those children that are born to nationals that do not even need a visa if they give birth.

Do I sense racism? I don't know. I'm not accusing you: more so the law.

I read your post again and have gone back through many posts of yours prior to President Obama.

It occurs to me that you have not one shred of viable complaint that can be addressed to this sitting president , yet,you conveniently ignored everything that happened during the last administration.

I searched your posts and not once have I seen Bush/Cheney being called liars even though they lied about WMD. Lest you use the archaic argument thoroughly refuted by more astute academics than I would ever hope to aspire to be that these WMD's did not exist and to this day have not surfaced.

Where was your abhorrence to the Abu Ghraib issue, the Guantanamo issue,

the Rendition issue, the bombing of wedding parties, the outing of a covert CIA agent doing her job on the nuclear proliferation threat so as to get back at a man that told the truth?Where was your angst then?

You are a political gerbil. You will go along with what you are told and will not at anytime question anything because your political slant is so far right you can't be wrong.

A sad state of affairs. How old are you anyway? What is your education?I'd like to know.
Troll, troll, troll your boat...

5th January 2011, 02:01
Troll, troll, troll your boat...
Thanks for agreeing with me. You were given the evidence and all you can do is resort to juvenile internet words.

Riebe you have no worth or value to these forums. You are a dimwit.

race aficionado
5th January 2011, 02:32
OK, as a forum member I say stop it!

Jeeez, a simple topic is started in our forum and the betting starts amongst forum members to see how many posts it takes for it to turn out into what now should be a Private Message conversation.

I don't know about other forum members but I don't get excited when a forum fight starts . . . OK, unless it's fousto because when he lets it all go out he does so knowing that he is going to pay the consequences and end up banned for a while - and he will take it "like a man" because he knows he has stepped over the border and will take his forced exile with class.

But these fights?
Give me a brake and take it to your PMs and call yourselves whatever you wish to by insulting yourselves in the privacy of your personal communications arena.

rant over.
:s mokin:

Bob Riebe
5th January 2011, 05:51
Thanks for agreeing with me. You were given the evidence and all you can do is resort to juvenile internet words.

Riebe you have no worth or value to these forums. You are a dimwit.t
Still twice as intelligent as you are troll-boy.

5th January 2011, 08:18
Still twice as intelligent as you are troll-boy.

That remark in fact shows you to be a total and absolute idiot. Are you still

fighting with your brothers and sisters about who is the smartest one? No wait. I expect one of two things to be correct. You are an only child (although you should be mentally an adult) , two /you are the middle child striving for attention but never quite making it.

Riebe, your posts are bordering on the schizophrenic. You in fact may fall into the various subtypes.

The most evident to me is your paranoid subtype. You try to bait people and when you fail you become obsessed with a feeling of persecution so the only way for you to hit back is by resorting to your other subtype of juvenile
tantrums and lashing out with idiotic posts such as the one I, to my embarrassment answering.

You are a deluded self loathing person , unable to converse intelligently with anyone. You are asked questions and refuse to answer. You then resort to name calling. Lest you believe I am calling you names as I write this , I am not. You are most definitely a person I have deep empathy for. I feel sorry for you Bob Riebe as you, amongst all the people that frequent this forum displays a behavior that is at best worrisome. You feel persecuted and can't hide the fact. You divulge your impotence by stating I am not as smart as you. Your thoughts are a maelstrom of disturbance and you can't rid yourself of the constant feeling of persecution when you are unable to answer a question.

By the way, are you a clean person? Do you wash, shave(if you are a man) ,brush your teeth? Do you fall into the blunt or flat areas of the disease.

Ever laugh at the inappropriate? Ever find it funny or amusing or become agitated or giddy at the most inappropriate times?

My main fear for you is your disorganized thought patterns that you display here on a "chit chat" forum for a motor racing site. I enjoy frequenting this place but since you have gravitated to me (another subtype) and try to demean me with hebephrenic enunciation I feel compelled to respond.

I'll give you some hope Riebe since I do not know you, but would hope that one of the moderators would eject you from these forums.

You're not catatonic so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and suggest that maybe,just maybe you are in the undifferentiated Subtype. So, there is hope for you and if you can answer the question posed by me and other questions by many other participants, then I imagine that you are possibly salvageable , but the fluctuations of this illness do not guarantee you anything.

5th January 2011, 08:46
That remark in fact shows you to be a total and absolute idiot. Are you still

fighting with your brothers and sisters about who is the smartest one? No wait. I expect one of two things to be correct. You are an only child (although you should be mentally an adult) , two /you are the middle child striving for attention but never quite making it.

Riebe, your posts are bordering on the schizophrenic. You in fact may fall into the various subtypes.

The most evident to me is your paranoid subtype. You try to bait people and when you fail you become obsessed with a feeling of persecution so the only way for you to hit back is by resorting to your other subtype of juvenile
tantrums and lashing out with idiotic posts such as the one I, to my embarrassment answering.

You are a deluded self loathing person , unable to converse intelligently with anyone. You are asked questions and refuse to answer. You then resort to name calling. Lest you believe I am calling you names as I write this , I am not. You are most definitely a person I have deep empathy for. I feel sorry for you Bob Riebe as you, amongst all the people that frequent this forum displays a behavior that is at best worrisome. You feel persecuted and can't hide the fact. You divulge your impotence by stating I am not as smart as you. Your thoughts are a maelstrom of disturbance and you can't rid yourself of the constant feeling of persecution when you are unable to answer a question.

By the way, are you a clean person? Do you wash, shave(if you are a man) ,brush your teeth? Do you fall into the blunt or flat areas of the disease.

Ever laugh at the inappropriate? Ever find it funny or amusing or become agitated or giddy at the most inappropriate times?

My main fear for you is your disorganized thought patterns that you display here on a "chit chat" forum for a motor racing site. I enjoy frequenting this place but since you have gravitated to me (another subtype) and try to demean me with hebephrenic enunciation I feel compelled to respond.

I'll give you some hope Riebe since I do not know you, but would hope that one of the moderators would eject you from these forums.

You're not catatonic so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and suggest that maybe,just maybe you are in the undifferentiated Subtype. So, there is hope for you and if you can answer the question posed by me and other questions by many other participants, then I imagine that you are possibly salvageable , but the fluctuations of this illness do not guarantee you anything.

Why bother responding to a jibe with an essay? It just makes everyone picture you frothing at the mouth like a loony.

5th January 2011, 09:37
You can get romanian citizenship ( also I have doubts that any of you are interested :laugh :) :

A. By birth
- those who were born on romanian territory from romanian citizen parents

- those who were born on romanian territory and one of the parents have romanian citizenship
- those who were born abroad from one or both romanian cizitien parents
- those who were born on romanian territory from unknown parents

B. By adoption

C. By request ( stop pushing! :laugh: )

Also, you may become a romanian citizen as " citizen of honour " if you're a foreigner who did important services to our country and nation.

5th January 2011, 10:06
C. By request ( stop pushing! :laugh: )

Do you have to live in Romania or can anyone get it by request? Now that Finland allows dual citizenship, it could be cool to have a second one.

5th January 2011, 12:30
Sorry Eki but there are 7 conditions and you don't match at least 2 of them:

- to be born and live at the date of request on romanian territory, or even if you weren't born here, you've been living legally here for at least 8 years , or in case you're married and still living with a romanian citizen ( in your case, with a romanian woman :laugh: ) for at least 5 years since the date of marriage.
- is known as having a good behaviour :laugh:

5th January 2011, 14:17
Sorry Eki but there are 7 conditions and you don't match at least 2 of them:

- to be born and live at the date of request on romanian territory, or even if you weren't born here, you've been living legally here for at least 8 years , or in case you're married and still living with a romanian citizen ( in your case, with a romanian woman :laugh: ) for at least 5 years since the date of marriage.
- is known as having a good behaviour :laugh:

5th January 2011, 18:33
Countless times you mouth off (not language I usually use) and when

challenged you either can't answer or are unable to. My question to you now is

why do you get involved in a forum if you are incapable of participating?

Question goes right back to you. You were posed pretty much the exact same question you posed to Bob in an earlier thread. And, guess what, you gave pretty much exactly the same answer as Bob.


Post #11

Keith Olbermann and Beck??? Olbermann at least lives in reality. Beck is off somewhere in cuckoo land as it appears you are too.

Post #13

What specifically has Glenn Beck said that is false? How is he in "cuckoo land" any more so than Olbermann? Both men put their (extreme) spin on situations to fire up their respective bases. If you, "glauistean", can not see that these two men are two sides of the same coin, then it is you who needs the reality check.

Post #16

Chuckyboy, watch more than a handful of shows and then give me an opinion.

If for one moment you think/believe (benefit of the doubt given) that there is an intellectual parallel between Beck and Olbermann, then you should heed your own advice.

There you go, the "great and mighty glauistean" not answering a specific question. So answer your own question. "Why do you get involved in a forum if you are incapable of participating?"

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but the parallels were just too good to not bring up.

Ok "glauistean" your turn to go on yet another rant about how I'm some sort of paranoid schizophrenic or some other nonsence just so that you can show us all just how "smart" you are because you might have read a psych book once. Hint here buddy, no one is impressed. And anyone with any sort of common sense can see that most of what you try to "diagnose" people with are merely self reflections.

You try to bait people and when you fail you become obsessed with a feeling of persecution so the only way for you to hit back is by resorting to your other subtype of supposed superiority and lashing out with idiotic posts such as the one I, to my embarrassment answering.
Fixed that one for you. ;)

You are a deluded self loathing person , unable to converse intelligently with anyone. You are asked questions and refuse to answer. You then resort to name calling.
Another gem for you to perhaps reflect upon. But you won't. I could go on, but you won't get it so I'll leave it at those two.

5th January 2011, 18:36
Why bother responding to a jibe with an essay? It just makes everyone picture you frothing at the mouth like a loony.

That would be your opinion. However, it was a response to the individual that needed to be seen. It is your choice to read it or not.

It was not an essay nor was it intended to be.

If you read the post and understood what I stated you would not reply with

the "frothing" at the mouth comment which in fact is more reflective of you

than me.

5th January 2011, 18:39
I beg to differ. There is a provision in the Bill. You either have not studied it or care not to.
The president is correct: The House bill (http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20090714/aahca.pdf)contains a section (Sec. 246) titled "NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS," which states: "Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States."

There is no provision in the Bill that requires or even suggest a way to check a patients immigration status!!!


Basically they said No Illegals but you can't check if they are illegal!!!

So explain to me again how he wasn't lying?

Bob Riebe
5th January 2011, 20:42
Originally Posted by glauistean
That remark in fact shows me to be a total and absolute idiot. I never change

Fighting with brothers and sisters about who is the smartest one? No wait. I expect one of two things to be correct. As an only child (as I am not mentally an adult) , two: am I the middle child striving for attention but never quite making it.

Glauistean posts are bordering on the schizophrenic. I in fact I fall into the various subtypes.

The most evident to me is my paranoid subtype I try to bait people and when I fail I become obsessed with a feeling of persecution so the only way for me to hit back is by resorting to my other subtype of juvenile
tantrums and lashing out with idiotic posts such as the one I, to my embarrassment answering.

I am a deluded self loathing person , unable to converse intelligently with anyone. I asked questions and refuse to answer. I then resort to name calling. Lest I believe I am calling me names as I write this , I am not. I are most definitely a person I have deep empathy for. I feel sorry for me as I, amongst all the people that frequent this forum display a behavior that is at best worrisome. I feel persecuted and can't hide the fact. I divulge my impotence by stating I am not as smart as me. My thoughts are a maelstrom of disturbance and I can't rid myself of the constant feeling of persecution when I am unable to answer a question.

By the way, am I a clean person? Do I wash, shave( am I not a man) ,brush my teeth, the few I still have? Do I fall into the blunt or flat areas of my disease.

I am inappropriate. I find it funny or amusing or become agitated or giddy at the most inappropriate times.

My main fear for me is my disorganized thought patterns that I display here on a "chit chat" forum for a motor racing site. I enjoy frequenting this place but since I have gravitated to me (another subtype) and try to demean me with hebephrenic enunciation I feel I am compelled to respond to me.

I'll have some hope since I do not know me, but would hope that one of the moderators would eject me from these forums.

You're not catatonic so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and suggest that maybe,just maybe I am in the undifferentiated Subtype. So, there is hope for me and if I can answer the question posed by me and other questions by my other bodily member, then I imagine that I am possibly salvageable , but the fluctuations of this illness do not guarantee me anything.

5th January 2011, 21:54
My My.
Riebe, Anthony and Roamy all come charging over my post. To state I am surprised would be totally untrue. To try to minimize what I stated. Well, that is absolute.

To discredit my credentials, well That too is par for the course. People of their ilk are prone to this type of rabid defense of one another and their lack of understanding of what is said is evident in their sad and sorry posts.

Tell you what I'll so for you three. I will let you go ahead with your attempts at discrediting me with your limited knowledge and I will sit back and enjoy with my wife and share the words that are spoken/written by all of you.

Roamy jumps to the defence of someone that does not answer questions and then proceeds to lambaste me. Was the same moral compass applied to Riebe ? No , it was not. You are all perfect examples of what I see on may days and for whomever it was that spoke the gibberish about my ability to converse on the topic I would gladly in a private chat disclose to you my credentials.

Bob Riebe
5th January 2011, 23:15
My My.
I will sit back and enjoy me with my wife.


6th January 2011, 13:30
My My.
Riebe, Anthony and Roamy all come charging over my post. To state I am surprised would be totally untrue. To try to minimize what I stated. Well, that is absolute.

To discredit my credentials, well That too is par for the course. People of their ilk are prone to this type of rabid defense of one another and their lack of understanding of what is said is evident in their sad and sorry posts.

Tell you what I'll so for you three. I will let you go ahead with your attempts at discrediting me with your limited knowledge and I will sit back and enjoy with my wife and share the words that are spoken/written by all of you.

Roamy jumps to the defence of someone that does not answer questions and then proceeds to lambaste me. Was the same moral compass applied to Riebe ? No , it was not. You are all perfect examples of what I see on may days and for whomever it was that spoke the gibberish about my ability to converse on the topic I would gladly in a private chat disclose to you my credentials.

Not sure if you are calling me Roamy. If so, you should know I am not. I am chuck34, that is the ONLY name I post under. Seems there are quite a few around here with multiple personalities. That should interest you.

Let's get another thing straight. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR CREDENTIALS. You completely missed my point, once again (for someone who is soooo smart you seem to do that quite often) so let me spell it out for you. This is an internet forum about motorsports. Since it is on the internet, you could claim to be anyone you wanted even the most highly degreed doctorate of psychology or whatever you want. And maybe you are, maybe you're not. I don't have any way to prove it, and I don't care. Also, as this is a motorsports forum, psych creds don't matter much.

And one other thing to get straight. I never expected you to actually converse on the topic, as you haven't yet in any thread I've run into you. It always ends with you "diagnosing" someone. Get a new act dude.

6th January 2011, 17:11
Not sure if you are calling me Roamy. If so, you should know I am not. I am chuck34, that is the ONLY name I post under. Seems there are quite a few around here with multiple personalities. That should interest you.

Let's get another thing straight. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR CREDENTIALS. You completely missed my point, once again (for someone who is soooo smart you seem to do that quite often) so let me spell it out for you. This is an internet forum about motorsports. Since it is on the internet, you could claim to be anyone you wanted even the most highly degreed doctorate of psychology or whatever you want. And maybe you are, maybe you're not. I don't have any way to prove it, and I don't care. Also, as this is a motorsports forum, psych creds don't matter much.

And one other thing to get straight. I never expected you to actually converse on the topic, as you haven't yet in any thread I've run into you. It always ends with you "diagnosing" someone. Get a new act dude.

"Always diagnosing someone". Is that so? This NOT a motorsport Forum, rather a forum contained within a motorsport forum. I am, as you can see 34 addressing you.

I would presume/assume/imagine at this time that most people would believe that the Internet is an area where anyone can be anything or anyone they like. Take you for instance. You are a complete and utter sham. My opinion of course.You can't address an issue because you lack the ability. You immediately believe that I am referring to you specifically as implied by your (above) post, when in fact I was addressing three people. You being one of them.

In case you missed something 34, I started this thread and have conversed on it. You have been selective in what you want to respond to. Usually it is when I make a comment after disparaging remarks about some member of government or party. Usually, these comments are baseless as are yours.

As for diagnosing. I don't diagnose. I give opinions when there is a direct and noxious comment made with reference to me.

You being one of the three mentioned I am not going to apologize to you and I would hazard a guess that you would want one.

You want me to be bombastic. I know this. I also know that you care to respond to your idiocy because you want to project to others that read these posts the fact that you are so smart and smarter than me the highly intelligent one of which you have ascribed that label and not me.

So, since you do not care about me or my comments or threads I would suggest you ignore them or my posts. They seem to cause you undue angst.

7th January 2011, 00:28
"Always diagnosing someone". Is that so? This NOT a motorsport Forum, rather a forum contained within a motorsport forum. I am, as you can see 34 addressing you.

I would presume/assume/imagine at this time that most people would believe that the Internet is an area where anyone can be anything or anyone they like. Take you for instance. You are a complete and utter sham. My opinion of course.You can't address an issue because you lack the ability. You immediately believe that I am referring to you specifically as implied by your (above) post, when in fact I was addressing three people. You being one of them.

In case you missed something 34, I started this thread and have conversed on it. You have been selective in what you want to respond to. Usually it is when I make a comment after disparaging remarks about some member of government or party. Usually, these comments are baseless as are yours.

As for diagnosing. I don't diagnose. I give opinions when there is a direct and noxious comment made with reference to me.

You being one of the three mentioned I am not going to apologize to you and I would hazard a guess that you would want one.

You want me to be bombastic. I know this. I also know that you care to respond to your idiocy because you want to project to others that read these posts the fact that you are so smart and smarter than me the highly intelligent one of which you have ascribed that label and not me.

So, since you do not care about me or my comments or threads I would suggest you ignore them or my posts. They seem to cause you undue angst.

Once again everything you try to label me with is very easilly applied to you. For instance, you call me a sham. However, I am not the one who has claimed to be anything. On the other hand you are continually proclaiming how great your psych cred is. That my friend is clasic projection, so I am left to know you are a sham.

7th January 2011, 04:52
repetition is a form of transference and is clinically a form of ontogeneric retardation.
Don't panic and have a hissy fit. Retardation has many meaning in psychiatry and does not imply that you are incapable of understanding. Clinically speaking it is your posts that evade and repeat that shows that you are angered at not being able to summon a cogent thought to express yourself. You use the poster (me) as your means to vent your frustration and use my analysis of you to gain vindication.

Once again, I challenge you to show me one post where I have stated or proclaimed that I have this "great psych cred". It should not be hard to find since you have stated that it is continuous.

Bob Riebe
7th January 2011, 06:01
Not sure if you are calling me Roamy. If so, you should know I am not. I am chuck34, that is the ONLY name I post under.
Chuck he is a troll and he is baiting you.
Notice how he starts threads and then abandones the topic to start pointing out others faults, whilst ignoring the topic he supposedly was wondering about.

Don't feed the troll.

7th January 2011, 07:47
If you read the post and understood what I stated you would not reply with

the "frothing" at the mouth comment which in fact is more reflective of you

than me.

Actually I did read your post and understood what you stated, which is exactly why I responded with the comment that I did, thankyou very much.

As for Australian citizenship, I am unsure. However it is not easy for people seeking asylum status to legally gain access to Australia, at all. This is probably moreso true for the US, due to sharing borders with a significantly disadvantaged country.

7th January 2011, 09:03
Look it up yourself, pay me and I will do it for you, but without money, find it yourself.
If you are too inept, que sera-sera, if you too lazy, tough.

Stick to the thread title, your trolling bs, is childish and boring.
You are the epitome of ignorance and hypocrisy. You would be lost if you did not have me to tarnish, or attempt to. You speak in gibberish that only children use and then go along doing exactly what you have chastised me for doing. Now, this is the second post that you have failed to attempt to even remotely address the topic of the thread.

Riebe, you are typical of those that fall into the sad state of the catatonic. You cause me dismay and I worry for anyone that has to endure your endless streams of "look what he just said, bwaaaaahhahhh", let me contact Chuck 34 because he really likes me and will understand what it is I'm saying". I hasten to add that he probably does as no one else could.

By the way, any chance you would one day support your idiotic claims with fact?

7th January 2011, 23:20
Obviously not the bs that's being posted here :confused:
Well maybe third class citizens!

Bob Riebe
8th January 2011, 00:18
By the way, any chance you would one day support your idiotic claims with fact?
The day after you do, which will also be the day after hell freezes.

8th January 2011, 00:42
repetition is a form of transference and is clinically a form of ontogeneric retardation.
Don't panic and have a hissy fit. Retardation has many meaning in psychiatry and does not imply that you are incapable of understanding. Clinically speaking it is your posts that evade and repeat that shows that you are angered at not being able to summon a cogent thought to express yourself. You use the poster (me) as your means to vent your frustration and use my analysis of you to gain vindication.

Once again, I challenge you to show me one post where I have stated or proclaimed that I have this "great psych cred". It should not be hard to find since you have stated that it is continuous.

You really should go back and read your own posts. EVERYTHING you try to pin on others really describes you to a T. As such a psychological guy, that should be of interest to to, I would think.

If you don't think you've been proclaiming your psych cred, then I'll reiterate, go back and read your own posts particularly your post 50. You are really getting tiresome. Let's see if you can respond without describing some sort of psychological malady to me. I bet you can't :)

8th January 2011, 01:06
repetition is a form of transference and is clinically a form of ontogeneric retardation.


Onto - from the Greek "ontos" and means the existance of
Generic - which comes from the word general and usualky refers to a non-specific or unbranded thing, such as a supermarket's own in-store brand.

Ontogeneric? Sorry, I don't think it exists; unless someone in "Dictionary Corner" thinks is does, you don't get any points and we move to the "Numbers Round"

I'll have 2 large and 4 small numbers please :D

8th January 2011, 06:32

Onto - from the Greek "ontos" and means the existance of
Generic - which comes from the word general and usualky refers to a non-specific or unbranded thing, such as a supermarket's own in-store brand.

Ontogeneric? Sorry, I don't think it exists; unless someone in "Dictionary Corner" thinks is does, you don't get any points and we move to the "Numbers Round"

I'll have 2 large and 4 small numbers please :D
Yes, sorry, the term represents a process of development. In his case, it references how gluestem developed into a person who hates the stigma (some form of psychotic desires or disorders such as being both gay and schizophrenic) that he has placed upon himself due to being gay/crazy and unable to accept this fact, so he acts out by attacking others in a twisted attempt at equalization in hopes that these who are attacked will stigmatize themselves. Thus the battle to stigmatize others is actually his personal battle to avoid accepting his guilt that which has become his self created "stigma" for fear that such acceptance would then result in him slipping into a catatonic state where he simply sits and drools rather than frothing at the mouth;

It is a serious disorder and we should all be sympathetic to his desperate situation, as either frothing at the mouth or drooling may damage his keyboard with a massive short that eliminates his ability to froth, troll and drool


8th January 2011, 08:19
Excuse me to all of you that have been trying to find the meaning of the word ontogenetic. You, as a result of my hitting the "r" instead of the "t" had to look in vain for the meaning.
As a result I shall remedy the situation and then the post should have more meaning.

Unfortunately, I see that Chuck 34 has not found any post where he claims I have some sort of higher intellect as suggested and stated by me.

I also see that Markabilly has now made the morose tumble into the abyss of insignificance with his prepubescent diatribe that is more suitable to those discovering their sexuality than as a supposed adolescent. This fits exactly into the meaning of the psychiatric diagnosis of those exhibiting stunted mental development.

8th January 2011, 08:27

Onto - from the Greek "ontos" and means the existance of
Generic - which comes from the word general and usualky refers to a non-specific or unbranded thing, such as a supermarket's own in-store brand.

Ontogeneric? Sorry, I don't think it exists; unless someone in "Dictionary Corner" thinks is does, you don't get any points and we move to the "Numbers Round"

I'll have 2 large and 4 small numbers please :D

Rollo, you are quite correct. I have posted an explanation to my error and you were correct to call attention to it. I'm afraid typing while relaxing and trying to do other things is not my forte.

In fact I doubt you meant to spell "usually" as you did, nor do I expect that you meant to spell existence as you did either.

In any event :D to you too.

8th January 2011, 08:35
repetition is a form of transference and is clinically a form of ontogenetic retardation.
Don't panic and have a hissy fit. Retardation has many meaning in psychiatry and does not imply that you are incapable of understanding. Clinically speaking it is your posts that evade and repeat that shows that you are angered at not being able to summon a cogent thought to express yourself. You use the poster (me) as your means to vent your frustration and use my analysis of you to gain vindication.

Once again, I challenge you to show me one post where I have stated or proclaimed that I have this "great psych cred". It should not be hard to find since you have stated that it is continuous.

ONTOGENETIC refers to development of an an individual in a psychiatric sense. Posted with correction.

8th January 2011, 09:48
Yes, sorry, the term represents a process of development. In his case, it references how gluestem developed into a person who hates the stigma (some form of psychotic desires or disorders such as being both gay and schizophrenic) that he has placed upon himself due to being gay/crazy and unable to accept this fact, so he acts out by attacking others in a twisted attempt at equalization in hopes that these who are attacked will stigmatize themselves. Thus the battle to stigmatize others is actually his personal battle to avoid accepting his guilt that which has become his self created "stigma" for fear that such acceptance would then result in him slipping into a catatonic state where he simply sits and drools rather than frothing at the mouth;

It is a serious disorder and we should all be sympathetic to his desperate situation, as either frothing at the mouth or drooling may damage his keyboard with a massive short that eliminates his ability to froth, troll and drool


Markabilly. My initial glance at your nonsense was to laugh and say to myself "what an insecure human being this person is" and then I thought about it a little more and realized that there are many people that view these threads and unfortunately,some take what is written by an insecure person such as you are as being profound. They should be made aware, and I will not succumb to having to explain the psychological reasons as to your transparency and your complete and utter ignorance as to certain diseases and sexual orientation of members that participate on these forums.

You don't have to like me, and if you want to call me names like a child as it seems you enjoy I suggest it is more revalent do so in the private chat. I can't help you in your insecurity but I can say with professional sincerity that your post is filled with vitriolic contempt that is so vivid even an untrained premed student could see it.

You combine schizophrenic behavior and homosexuality into one in order to what? There is no correlation between them , but be that as it may, why did you do that? To insult me? I am not insulted. You can call me any name you wish if that is what pleases you , but bear in mind, children and people that are either homosexual,lesbian or bisexual read these posts. People struggling with the terrible mind altering disease that you so cavalierly throw out without consideration are also reading these posts.

So clap yourself on the back Markabilly. You probably have two or three here that will applaud you and your blathering post. I for one have just compassion and sympathy for you and those that think they know you. God help us if you have children.
To keep on topic after reading this I would suggest that a psychological test be administered for anyone trying to enter any country. I know whom I would have a deep and moral dilemma with allowing into mine.

In closing, my mother and three patients of mine are suffering from late stage dementia and Alzheimer's. They are (my mother is not) incontinent. They all, my mother included drool at the mouth and have to be fed. Is that amusing to you Markabilly?

Bob Riebe
8th January 2011, 09:58
ONTOGENETIC refers to development of an an individual in a psychiatric sense. Posted with correction.

Actually it is a term relating to the biological development of an individual organism, verses phylogeny, which refers to multiple organisms.

Ontogeny is related to developmental Psychology, not Psychiatry.
Psychiatry relates to mental disorders, not normal psychological development which is what Ontogeny deals with.

Perhaps you meant Psychobiology, not Psychiatry.
You told Markabilly, your "patients" were incontinent. If so, drooling is not the problem.

8th January 2011, 13:28
Once again glauistean refuses to take a moment to self reflect on his posts. He demands that I show the post where he claims "psych cred", but refuses to admit that 90% of his posts do that. Every time he trys to diagnose, oh sorry give opinions, he is screaming out "look how smart I am, I know more than you about this subject. And even though it has nothing to do with the thread I starteed, I have "proven" my mental superiority. Therefoe my opinions are "right" on everything. And since you don't agree with my "truths", there must be some form of mental imbalance involved." And for someone with any interest in the human mind, i'd bet his case would be very interesting.

So sad, so predictable. And as I thought, he couldn't respond without diagnosing, excuse me again give opinions, someone. Sure since I directly challanged him, he didn't address me. However in his response to me he drug markabilly in to give him a mental defect.

Challange for you glauistean, can you go a month without responding to anyone telling them there are somehow mentally "off". The only exception is if it actually has to do with the thread. How 'bout it, you up to it?

donKey jote
8th January 2011, 14:14
glaui, on keeping to the general topic of your thread, imagine this forum were a country.
You are an immigrant (you weren't born here and I doubt your parents were chit-chat forumers)...
Are you a citizen of this country?
Should anyone be granted unconditional citizenship simply by posting here?
Wouldn't you expect immigrants to inform themselves about and respect the culture of the country they choose to post in?

In my view you are a bit lacking in the third point. Your blatant disregard for the unwritten customs here (as opposed to many places on tinternet, where constant ranting/trolling/pissing contests are the rule of the land), don't make you a particularly "good" citizen in my eyes. But hey, each his own... I don't have to read you, I stopped even bothering a while ago.

8th January 2011, 17:20
Excuse me to all of you that have been trying to find the meaning of the word ontogenetic. You, as a result of my hitting the "r" instead of the "t" had to look in vain for the meaning.
As a result I shall remedy the situation and then the post should have more meaning.

It had more meaning with your freudian slip of the keyboard revealing your true disorder as I described and as put forth via herr aliquis.

The speaker had been deploring the fact that the present generation of his people was deprived of its full rights; a new generation, he prophesied like Dido, would inflict vengeance on the oppressors. He had in this way expressed his wish for descendents. At this moment a contrary thought intruded. 'Have you really so keen a wish for descendents? That is not so. How embarrassed you would be if you were to get news just now that you were to expect descendents from the quarter you know of. No: no descendents -- however much we need them for vengeance.' This contradiction then asserts itself [through these actions] setting up an external association between one of its ideational elements and an element in the wish that has been repudiated
(Freud, 1901, p. 14)

You can froth, troll and drool, but you can not hide from your personal stigmas that you see staring back in the mirror....

In other words, forget it, dude, you can not repudiate that which is your base nature no matter how much you try to inflict vengeance upon others in naming and labelling them with your own stigmas in a futile attempt at repression of them from your own conciousness.

8th January 2011, 20:04
glaui, on keeping to the general topic of your thread, imagine this forum were a country.
You are an immigrant (you weren't born here and I doubt your parents were chit-chat forumers)...
Are you a citizen of this country?
Should anyone be granted unconditional citizenship simply by posting here?
Wouldn't you expect immigrants to inform themselves about and respect the culture of the country they choose to post in?

In my view you are a bit lacking in the third point. Your blatant disregard for the unwritten customs here (as opposed to many places on tinternet, where constant ranting/trolling/pissing contests are the rule of the land), don't make you a particularly "good" citizen in my eyes. But hey, each his own... I don't have to read you, I stopped even bothering a while ago.

So why the hell are you posting to me then?

8th January 2011, 20:40
It had more meaning with your freudian slip of the keyboard revealing your true disorder as I described and as put forth via herr aliquis.

The speaker had been deploring the fact that the present generation of his people was deprived of its full rights; a new generation, he prophesied like Dido, would inflict vengeance on the oppressors. He had in this way expressed his wish for descendents. At this moment a contrary thought intruded. 'Have you really so keen a wish for descendents? That is not so. How embarrassed you would be if you were to get news just now that you were to expect descendents from the quarter you know of. No: no descendents -- however much we need them for vengeance.' This contradiction then asserts itself [through these actions] setting up an external association between one of its ideational elements and an element in the wish that has been repudiated
(Freud, 1901, p. 14)

You can froth, troll and drool, but you can not hide from your personal stigmas that you see staring back in the mirror....

In other words, forget it, dude, you can not repudiate that which is your base nature no matter how much you try to inflict vengeance upon others in naming and labeling them with your own stigmas in a futile attempt at repression of them from your own consciousness.

That is now the second time that you have used that very same language when informed of the status of a/ my mother and b/ some patients. In future ,refrain from commenting on my threads or posts. I have no regard for you or your complete disregard of decency and compassion.

You used some vague post from Freud to attain some credibility. It does not work as the context if you understood its meaning would be blatantly obvious even to the most dense of the species.

You are inferring a use of Freud but you lack the manners to use the upper case to which the good doctor is surely entitled, to give yourself some points, but the obvious is so glaring that you have absolutely no idea about that which you speak. You are neither an Md nor a PhD. If you were that passage you deem to be of relevance including incorrect punctuation (most unusual) has no relevance and you are wont to believe that you are mastering me by the use of Freud, when Jung would be the more pertinent person to find the information. You must look to the synergy and symbiotic relationships when discussing what you are attempting.
I don't want to see your posts but you will do it anyway. It is my job to know these things and your narcissism and angst which is building to a very repulsive level warrants that you will not miss on the opportunity to spar.

By the way, who wrote the book you are referring to? Are you claiming it was from Freud? Or was it about Freud. In either case supply the answer.

8th January 2011, 20:42

Take a nap.

8th January 2011, 21:34
Actually it is a term relating to the biological development of an individual organism, verses phylogeny, which refers to multiple organisms.

Ontogeny is related to developmental Psychology, not Psychiatry.
Psychiatry relates to mental disorders, not normal psychological development which is what Ontogeny deals with.

Perhaps you meant Psychobiology, not Psychiatry.
You told Markabilly, your "patients" were incontinent. If so, drooling is not the problem.

Perhaps you should stop using google and ask a professional what specific terms mean. In fact, do me a favor and stop posting responses to me where you, like Markabilly fall into the category of dregs of society where you use the disorders of some to poke fun of others. A very sad person you.

A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor Md with a PhD in Psychology. A Psychologist is one who has a degree (PhD) in Psychology. Now Riebe, if you can grasp the fact that there is a difference between the two albeit not very significant you may be able to join in the discussion.
I meant psychiatry. Development includes that of the brain as well as the body. Sometimes, unfortunately, the brain does not develop which brings Psychology and Psychiatry into the question of ontogenetic development.

As for the incontinent remark that you deem funny you should have read on as I stated drooling was also an issue.

8th January 2011, 21:44
Once again glauistean refuses to take a moment to self reflect on his posts. He demands that I show the post where he claims "psych cred", but refuses to admit that 90% of his posts do that. Every time he trys to diagnose, oh sorry give opinions, he is screaming out "look how smart I am, I know more than you about this subject. And even though it has nothing to do with the thread I starteed, I have "proven" my mental superiority. Therefoe my opinions are "right" on everything. And since you don't agree with my "truths", there must be some form of mental imbalance involved." And for someone with any interest in the human mind, i'd bet his case would be very interesting.

So sad, so predictable. And as I thought, he couldn't respond without diagnosing, excuse me again give opinions, someone. Sure since I directly challanged him, he didn't address me. However in his response to me he drug markabilly in to give him a mental defect.

Challange for you glauistean, can you go a month without responding to anyone telling them there are somehow mentally "off". The only exception is if it actually has to do with the thread. How 'bout it, you up to it?

Once again you are evading what was asked of you. If you think I am so smart I will take it as a compliment. The truth of the matter is I have never said a word about being smarter. Because I have studied medicine is a crime to you? That I am aware of biological issues as well as mental and post them is a threat to you. It certainly screams out that you are very insecure and threatened by me. You don't have to tell everyone about this. Anyone with a modicum of intellect can see it.

Post where I have stated that I am smarter than someone else, even you, and that will be that. Don't assume that when a person can speak in depth about neurosis or physical ailments that they believe they are smarter than you. They are only more educated in those fields than you.

Grow up and get some confidence in yourself. In addition I would suggest to you that you read what you write before posting. Thanks.

Bob Riebe
8th January 2011, 22:06
Perhaps you should stop using google and ask a professional what specific terms mean. In fact, do me a favor and stop posting responses to me where you, like Markabilly fall into the category of dregs of society where you use the disorders of some to poke fun of others. A very sad person you.

A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor Md with a PhD in Psychology. A Psychologist is one who has a degree (PhD) in Psychology. Now Riebe, if you can grasp the fact that there is a difference between the two albeit not very significant you may be able to join in the discussion.
I meant psychiatry. Development includes that of the brain as well as the body. Sometimes, unfortunately, the brain does not develop which brings Psychology and Psychiatry into the question of ontogenetic development.

As for the incontinent remark that you deem funny you should have read on as I stated drooling was also an issue.
If you think the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist is not significant, then you are as ignorant a farce as you seem.

Psychiatry is a branch of science that deals with mental disorders.
You should read your dad's text books more closely or quit trying to use Cliff notes.

Bob Riebe
8th January 2011, 22:08
Once again you are evading what was asked of you. If you think I am so smart I will take it as a compliment. The truth of the matter is I have never said a word about being smarter. Because I have studied medicine is a crime to you? That I am aware of biological issues as well as mental and post them is a threat to you. It certainly screams out that you are very insecure and threatened by me. You don't have to tell everyone about this. Anyone with a modicum of intellect can see it.

Post where I have stated that I am smarter than someone else, even you, and that will be that. Don't assume that when a person can speak in depth about neurosis or physical ailments that they believe they are smarter than you. They are only more educated in those fields than you.

Grow up and get some confidence in yourself. In addition I would suggest to you that you read what you write before posting. Thanks.

Chuck, don't feed that troll.

8th January 2011, 22:24
That is now the second time that you have used that very same language when informed of the status of a/ my mother and b/ some patients. In future ,refrain from commenting on my threads or posts. I have no regard for you or your complete disregard of decency and compassion.

You used some vague post from Freud to attain some credibility. It does not work as the context if you understood its meaning would be blatantly obvious even to the most dense of the species.

You are inferring a use of Freud but you lack the manners to use the upper case to which the good doctor is surely entitled, to give yourself some points, but the obvious is so glaring that you have absolutely no idea about that which you speak. You are neither an Md nor a PhD. If you were that passage you deem to be of relevance including incorrect punctuation (most unusual) has no relevance and you are wont to believe that you are mastering me by the use of Freud, when Jung would be the more pertinent person to find the information. You must look to the synergy and symbiotic relationships when discussing what you are attempting.
I don't want to see your posts but you will do it anyway. It is my job to know these things and your narcissism and angst which is building to a very repulsive level warrants that you will not miss on the opportunity to spar.

By the way, who wrote the book you are referring to? Are you claiming it was from Freud? Or was it about Freud. In either case supply the answer.

I did supply the answer but you are too busy frothing, trolling and drooling to see it... :rolleyes:

very unusual as in the freudian sense, it is usually issues with the father, but I see you have instead something of a mother complex, perhaps in the mode of Hitler, for whom it was widely reported that Hitler loved her dearly and cried at news of her death.....the only reported sorrow that he displayed as an adult over the death of a person.

But i think perhaps not, because you are still in angst in striving to avoid your ultimate fate, and are still actively in the repudiation and transference stages

But as to Jung, most interesting you say that, as he claimed to have a great relationship with poppa, but mommie was far more strange, with night time events where her head was chopped off and she was floating around as a ghost at night...and then she would abandon him for long periods dealing with her despondent and demented personality...that caused Jung to conclude women flaws originate from "the innate unreliability of their personalities"

So one can easily deduce from simple logic that the origin of your personal stigmas sprew forth with your mother who must have abandoned you when you were an infant or child, and now abandons you in the final stages of dementia, while you have never been able to repudiate her nor accept her. And now the time is too late to accomplish either.

Then there is the drool that you frequently mention and attempt to cast upon others while seeking the vengenance you sought upon your mother but were denied; therefore, explaining the angry desire to cast your personality and faults upon others, then attack them for being that which you find so repulsive in yourself.

Borderline personality disorders, coupled with some paranoid schizophrenia, show in your behavior and often exhibits such violent transference on to others.

By casting the others as such in the world that you have created, you are now free to disassociate from reality and need not be concerned with the lack of any actual accuracy.

Even more problematic to you is your obvious fear that you will lapse into a catatonic state, to whence once borne, few return

So try not to stare into the mirror and drool, quit being so obsessive over mommie, get a little sunshine, sunshine, and maybe........

well, upon further reflection, naw, you be too :crazy: to be saved

Mark in Oshawa
8th January 2011, 23:22
Glauis....I feel what Henners does...YAWN....

9th January 2011, 04:13
Chuck, don't feed that troll.

Yeah. It was fun for a while. I could picture him getting all red faced, pulling out his old textbooks, filipping through them frantically to see just what diagnosis he could pin on me, you, or whoever else didn't agree with him. But at this point it's just sad. All he has to cling to is his psycho-babble. And everyone can see that.

Just sad at this point.

9th January 2011, 08:00
Yeah. It was fun for a while. I could picture him getting all red faced, pulling out his old textbooks, filipping through them frantically to see just what diagnosis he could pin on me, you, or whoever else didn't agree with him. But at this point it's just sad. All he has to cling to is his psycho-babble. And everyone can see that.

Just sad at this point.

When you have time let me know what the term "filipping" means. I'd greatly appreciate it.

Secondly,what part did you find amusing. My mothers Alzheimer's? Was that what made you so amused?

Is their any dignity within you? You have a perception of me and no matter what I say to you it won't change. That is a fact. You are nothing if you have no audience to applaud you and so you turn to Chuck 34 and Markabilly for you fun.

A shame.

9th January 2011, 08:01
Glauis....I feel what Henners does...YAWN....

I have posted my last on this subject.

9th January 2011, 13:22
When you have time let me know what the term "filipping" means. I'd greatly appreciate it.

Secondly,what part did you find amusing. My mothers Alzheimer's? Was that what made you so amused?

Is their any dignity within you? You have a perception of me and no matter what I say to you it won't change. That is a fact. You are nothing if you have no audience to applaud you and so you turn to Chuck 34 and Markabilly for you fun.

A shame.

So when I make a spelling error it's the worst thing ever, but if you do it's just an honest mistake. Give me a break.

I had no idea that your mother has Alzheimers. I am sorry for that. But that was not brought up in this thread (if it was I completely missed it), nor have I once referenced Alzheimer's in any of my responses to you. So how could I possibly "find that amusing"? Classic deflection to change the subject. You are getting pretty darn good at that.

9th January 2011, 13:29
You have a perception of me and no matter what I say to you it won't change. That is a fact. You are nothing if you have no audience to applaud you and so you turn to Chuck 34 and Markabilly for you fun.

A shame.

More of those little slips????
Sliding more down the abyss?
Seeing the walls of darkness moving closer in upon you?

Did you ever have the surgery to get rid of those microphones planted in your teeth?

As to the perception that is a fact, you should be congratulated for it is you who created this monsterous perception as you tried to repudiate your personal stigmas by trashing others

I have posted my last on this subject.

Time to dry out the old keyboard, huh? :rolleyes:

take some more of your own meds.......and enjoy getting what you been dishing out to others