View Full Version : Dumbing Down

30th December 2010, 05:01
Read this:

A standout North Carolina high school student has been suspended for the remainder of her senior year and charged with a misdemeanor for having a small paring knife in her lunchbox.
Ashley Smithwick, 17, of Sanford told WRAL she accidentally took her father's lunchbox to Southern Lee High School in October instead of her own when school officials searched the lunchbox, along with several other students' possessions, possibly looking for drugs.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/12/29/nc-high-school-senior-suspended-charged-possesion-small-knife-lunchbox/#ixzz19Yyg6s5q

In addition if you walk into a store to buy alcohol you are carded regardless of you age ie 12 to 80 doesn't matter.

The really sad part of this is that there are so many areas like this in which citizens who work and live are being treated like total dummies. What is sadder is that the people are accepting this. We should be throwing lawmakers out of office and repealing these stupid laws. This country is sooooo ripe for a revolution.

30th December 2010, 05:21
Read this:

A standout North Carolina high school student has been suspended for the remainder of her senior year and charged with a misdemeanor for having a small paring knife in her lunchbox.
Ashley Smithwick, 17, of Sanford told WRAL she accidentally took her father's lunchbox to Southern Lee High School in October instead of her own when school officials searched the lunchbox, along with several other students' possessions, possibly looking for drugs.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/12/29/nc-high-school-senior-suspended-charged-possesion-small-knife-lunchbox/#ixzz19Yyg6s5q

In addition if you walk into a store to buy alcohol you are carded regardless of you age ie 12 to 80 doesn't matter.

The really sad part of this is that there are so many areas like this in which citizens who work and live are being treated like total dummies. What is sadder is that the people are accepting this. We should be throwing lawmakers out of office and repealing these stupid laws. This country is sooooo ripe for a revolution.


She looks like a crazed killer to me :rolleyes: ;)
Probably selling crack to pay for her Soccer cleats :idea:

BTW Were just getting old Roamy.
Our society is not only dumbed down, it is totally pussified!

I wonder how Wade feels about this?

30th December 2010, 06:45
Unfortunately, it seems most Americans wouldn't know what a true revolution is even if it bit them on the ass. Also, they seem to not want to even attempt to do a revolution themselves unless they are given some instructional book, DVD, pamphlet, or e-book created by a self-proclaimed leader to guide them to revolt, or if the T.V. tells them to do one. Even then, the attempt at making a revolution would probably end quickly.

The ability to think for oneself without needing someone to tell them what to do seems to be severly lacking in Americans as the years continue to go by. The way most Americans elect politicians is a good example of this. I think most Americans should and do know by now that both the Democrats and Republicans are for the most part out to do what's best for their own party rather than necessarily what's best for the country as a whole, yet despite all the criticism of these two parties, the politicians who represent the two parties keep getting elected because the voter is told "these are your only two options for this position". Do most Americans even know that there are Independent politicians out there? It doesn't bother me if someone's a leftist, conservative, socialist, libertarian, etc. but I'm bothered that these American voters keep voting mostly for the Democrat or the Republican, even though there's a good chance there's an Independent candidate on the ballot that represents the voter's viewpoints better than the Democrats and Republicans.

I know that there are some genuine and sincere politicians in both of those parties who want to help the country as a whole, but it seems 90% of the Democrat and Republican politicians serve their party's interests, and almost purposely forget to serve the people who voted for them in order to seek approval of their own party and to bring down/defeat the opposition.

30th December 2010, 06:48
The solution is to give every student a bigger knife.


30th December 2010, 06:56
Hey check this out:

The Massachusetts Parole Board is under scrutiny after a local police officer was killed by a career criminal who was released despite serving a term of three concurrent life sentences.
Dominic Cinelli was serving time for shooting a security guard during an armed robbery to feed his heroin addiction when he told the board in November 2008 that he was a changed man, the Boston Globe reported.
Four months later the board unanimously voted to free Cinelli, but police say the 57-year-old returned to his ugly ways Sunday, fatally shooting Woburn police officer John Maguire, 60, while robbing a Kohl's department store. Cinelli also died in the shootout.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/12/29/mass-cop-killed-career-criminal-parole-despite-life-sentences/#ixzz19ZUdaOFv

Now this guy should have been put to death long ago and what did they do??
They freaking let him out.

Yes EKI there is an advantage to getting old - We won't have to suffer through where this train wreck ends up !

race aficionado
30th December 2010, 06:56
Unfortunately, it seems most Americans wouldn't know what a true revolution is even if it bit them on the ass. Also, they seem to not want to even attempt to do a revolution themselves without some instructional book, DVD, pamphlet, or e-book created by a chosen leader to guide them to revolt, or if the T.V. tells them to do one. Even then, the attempt at making a revolution would end quickly.

The ability to think for oneself without needing someone to tell them what to do seems to be severly lacking in Americans as the years continue to go by. The way most Americans elect politicians is a good example of this. I think most Americans should and do know by now that both the Democrats and Republicans are for the most part out to do what's best for their own party rather than necessarily what's best for the country as a whole, yet despite all the criticism of these two parties, the politicians who represent the two parties keep getting elected because the voter is told "these two are your only options". Do most Americans even know that there are Independent politicians out there? It doesn't bother me if someone's a leftist, conservative, socialist, libertarian, etc. but I'm bothered that these American voters keep voting mostly for the Democrat or the Republican, even though there's a good chance there's an Independent candidate on the ballot that represents the voter's viewpoints better than the Democrats and Republicans.

Interesting post.
:s mokin:

30th December 2010, 06:57
ICWS -- good post

Rudy Tamasz
30th December 2010, 09:12
I wonder what they would think about me. I carry a knife with me most of the time. It comes handy quite often although I caught a couple of confused looks when I took it out of the pocket to open boxes and sharpen pencils.

Once I humiliated my boss at an office party. He was trying to open a bottle of wine using a sophisticated corkscrew and failed. I unfolded a very basic corkscrew from my knife and opened it.

30th December 2010, 09:42
rudy - don't take it in you carryon.

I have sent my torch lighter to myself 3 times now.

30th December 2010, 13:49
have a shotgun on you


South Carolina

Any person carrying a deadly weapon usually used for the infliction of personal injury concealed about his person is guilty of a misdemeanor, must forfeit to the county, or, if convicted in a municipal court, to the municipality the concealed weapon, and must be fined not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days. Nothing herein contained may be construed to apply to (1) persons carrying concealed weapons upon their own premises or pursuant to and in compliance with Article 4 of Chapter 31 of Title 23, or (2) peace officers in the actual discharge of their duties.
The provisions of this section do not apply to rifles, shotguns, dirks, slingshots, metal knuckles, or razors unless they are used with the intent to commit a crime or in furtherance of a crime.

16-23-430. Carrying weapons on school property.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person, except State, county or municipal law-enforcement officers or personnel authorized by school officials, to carry on his person, while on any elementary or secondary school property, a knife, with a blade over two inches long, a blackjack, a metal pipe or pole, firearms or any other type of weapon, device or object which may be used to inflict bodily injury or death.
(2) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Any weapon or object used in violation of this section may be confiscated by the law enforcement division making the arrest.

30th December 2010, 15:00
I wonder what they would think about me. I carry a knife with me most of the time. It comes handy quite often although I caught a couple of confused looks when I took it out of the pocket to open boxes and sharpen pencils.

Once I humiliated my boss at an office party. He was trying to open a bottle of wine using a sophisticated corkscrew and failed. I unfolded a very basic corkscrew from my knife and opened it.

They would think about you, that was an easy arrest. almost made our quota for today. Now that this is done, we can go get coffee and donuts.....

Besides, what are you whining about?

All you got to do is to read the above south carolina law and remember the following rules:

dont take it to airport.....they will arrest you, take it and keep it.

dont carry to federal court or any federal buildings in usa, the federal marshals will arest you.

Don't take it into any government building, or they will arrest you

do not take it within 1000 feet of a hospital or school, or the local police will arrest you

do not take it in anywhere where alcohol is sold (including grocery stores)

do not carry it in your car or concealed on your person (like in your pocket)

otherwise you are free to do with it whatever you like :D

30th December 2010, 16:09
Last year I spent my birthday weekend down in London. My bag was searched in various tourist attractions including both the Science and Natural History museums. Every time I was searched I was asked the same old question of whether I had a knife on me and each time I was let into the attraction. Although my bag was searched they missed the full manicure set including a pair of scissors everytime. I'm sure I had more than enough sharpe items on me to hurt someone if I was that way inclined but they let me in everywhere I went. :s

30th December 2010, 23:09

A great knife to carry!
peel apples,oranges etc

31st December 2010, 09:10
Dominic Cinelli was serving time for shooting a security guard during an armed robbery

Mr Cinelli has a Second Amendment right to carry that gun. :rolleyes:

31st December 2010, 13:31
I often carry a Leatherman which has a locking blade on it. Even though it's only a 2 inch blade it is still considered illegal to carry in this country (although not illegal to sell). That said, I usually only have it with me when I'm at work, if I go to the pub or football then it's a no brainer to leave it at home.

5th January 2011, 01:30
Mr Cinelli has a Second Amendment right to carry that gun. :rolleyes:

Probably not Rollo, Felons lose their right to bear firearms.

Bob Riebe
5th January 2011, 01:47
Read this:

A standout North Carolina high school student has been suspended for the remainder of her senior year and charged with a misdemeanor for having a small paring knife in her lunchbox.
Ashley Smithwick, 17, of Sanford told WRAL she accidentally took her father's lunchbox to Southern Lee High School in October instead of her own when school officials searched the lunchbox, along with several other students' possessions, possibly looking for drugs.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/12/29/nc-high-school-senior-suspended-charged-possesion-small-knife-lunchbox/#ixzz19Yyg6s5q

In addition if you walk into a store to buy alcohol you are carded regardless of you age ie 12 to 80 doesn't matter.

The really sad part of this is that there are so many areas like this in which citizens who work and live are being treated like total dummies. What is sadder is that the people are accepting this. We should be throwing lawmakers out of office and repealing these stupid laws. This country is sooooo ripe for a revolution.
If she were an illegal alien, they would say she did not understand the law and give her a pass.

Easy Drifter
5th January 2011, 01:48
I never have any real problem with my 14 inch Bowie style knife. I just say it is part of my culture, mutter a few words in Ojibway (what security guard or cop understands any NA Indian language) and say it is my scalping knife while looking at their hair carefully.

Actually in Canada both in the RCMP and in Ont. the OPP. there are many native cops.
But I do speak a little Ojibway or Chippewa.

Rudy Tamasz
5th January 2011, 08:54
They would think about you, that was an easy arrest. almost made our quota for today. Now that this is done, we can go get coffee and donuts.....

I've heard such a phrase actually. My friend and me were detained by a patrol for petty misbehaving. They were escorting us down the street to the station when they met another patrol. Cops from the second patrol asked our guards to lend us to them so that they could make their quota. Our folks refused because they had to make their own quota. They ended up bringing us to the station, which was full of detainees. Everybody wanted their quotas. Judging by their conversation our guards were ready for the party with hot chicks and cold vodka and did want not to waste time doing paperwork. So they fined us on the spot, predictably gave us no receits and let us go.

No knife on me at that time, though.

5th January 2011, 09:10
They have a quota of how many arrests they must make? Doesn't that tempt them to make baseless arrests? Sounds about as good idea as some company had when they promised to pay bonus for every software bug their programmers find. The programmers started to make bugs for each other to find, so the number of bugs went up instead of down.

5th January 2011, 11:57
They have a quota of how many arrests they must make? Doesn't that tempt them to make baseless arrests? Sounds about as good idea as some company had when they promised to pay bonus for every software bug their programmers find. The programmers started to make bugs for each other to find, so the number of bugs went up instead of down.

Yep, I find quota systems for law enforcement to be a bad idea.

Rudy Tamasz
5th January 2011, 14:00
They have a quota of how many arrests they must make? Doesn't that tempt them to make baseless arrests? Sounds about as good idea as some company had when they promised to pay bonus for every software bug their programmers find. The programmers started to make bugs for each other to find, so the number of bugs went up instead of down.

You got it right Eki and this is a rare occasion when I agree with you.

5th January 2011, 15:57
worse than baseless arrests, once the quote is filled do the authorities stop looking for criminals?

5th January 2011, 16:02
That which you subsidise, you will get more of.

5th January 2011, 18:48
Probably not Rollo, Felons lose their right to bear firearms.

Not onlythat but the fact that he probably didn't have a concealed carry permit as well as broke more than a few other Gun Control" laws like discharging a weapon in a public place and use of a gun in the commission of a felony.

Yep.....Those gun control laws sure do a great job keeping them out of the hands of criminals.

5th January 2011, 22:20
Not onlythat but the fact that he probably didn't have a concealed carry permit as well as broke more than a few other Gun Control" laws like discharging a weapon in a public place and use of a gun in the commission of a felony.

Yep.....Those gun control laws sure do a great job keeping them out of the hands of criminals.

And if he stole the gun from someone who had never committed an offence, no amount of gun control laws would have made a lick of difference.

7th January 2011, 01:59
now someone speaks the truth
