View Full Version : Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

Valve Bounce
26th December 2010, 00:35
Well, it's Boxing Day again and the Sydney-Hobart is about to start. The start is in mild conditions and then it is supposed to deteriorate into very strong headwinds. I just hope this will not be a repeat of the 2004 disaster :http://goaustralia.about.com/od/eventsandfestivals/a/sydhob2004_2.htm
I remember watching my TV is absolute horror as the disaster unfolded.

Some from England will probably ask why such a bloody short race (record less than 48 hours)can be so treacherous. I think it has something to do with the fact that Bass Straight is relatively shallow and the waves build up to something terrifying.

One guy in the smallest boat, 10 metres, is sailing in the same sized boat I used to race in HK, and I can only say the guy has courage by the ton, because the one time we had waves, I was sick as hell!! :( . They will be sea sick like you wouldn't believe. Laine Bleachley of World Surfing fame is also going, and she suffers terribly from sea sickness.

I'm watching this from my TV. Thank God!

26th December 2010, 03:51
Surely a Sydney Mooloolaba or Mackay race is potentially becoming more marketable and sailable for the yachties at this time of the year ?
The Sydney Hobart is 630 Nmiles which is a similar distance to the Middle Sea Race - Malta - 606 NM and the Fastnet Race - 608 Nmiles

The Sydney - Moo would be 468 NM and Mackay is 903 NM.

Valve Bounce
29th December 2010, 00:32
Surely a Sydney Mooloolaba or Mackay race is potentially becoming more marketable and sailable for the yachties at this time of the year ?
The Sydney Hobart is 630 Nmiles which is a similar distance to the Middle Sea Race - Malta - 606 NM and the Fastnet Race - 608 Nmiles

The Sydney - Moo would be 468 NM and Mackay is 903 NM.

That's like suggesting we replace the Boxing Day test mach against the Poms with an ersatz test against Bangladesh. :rolleyes:

The Sydney Hobart Yacht Race on Boxing Day each year is an annual world Classic Yachting event.

There have been at least 12 retirements, and now the winner is being protested for not having an operating HF radio function - I think their radio may have conked out. The protest will be on in about 90 minutes at 1 pm our time. It is run by the international tribunal and there is no appeal.