View Full Version : Graphic Road Safety Ad from Victoria

24th December 2010, 04:14
Pinched from another forum that I visit:

The TAC (Transport Accident Commission) is a Victorian Government-owned organisation set up in 1986.

Its role is to pay for treatment and benefits for people injured in transport accidents. It is also involved in promoting road safety in Victoria and in improving Victoria's trauma system.

Funding used by the TAC to perform these functions comes from payments made by Victorian motorists when they register their vehicles each year with VicRoads.

The TAC is a "no-fault" scheme. This means that medical benefits will be paid to an injured person - regardless of who caused the accident.

They have made countless TV adverts (using shock tactics) and this clip below is a compilation of those shown on free to air tv over the years.

Please be safe on the roads this holiday season guys and gals.

Warning - This video contains some graphic material.


I can't seem to be able to embed it for some reason.

24th December 2010, 12:19
Does this work?

At least you can spend the holidays in the sunshine. Over here there has been at least 10cm snow. Although, perhaps it will naturally force everyone to drive more carefully.

24th December 2010, 16:35
I must say I'm VERY much a fan of this style of campaign and I think it really shoves it into people's faces and places the decision in people's hands. Sadly though, tens of people will die across Australia in the Christmas period because of people driving dangerously, drink drivers and people driving tired.

Captain VXR
24th December 2010, 16:49
driving whilst drunk and/or stoned is one of the most stupid things you can do in a vehicle
we need graphic ads like that in the UK to get people to wake up and realise what they're doing is easily fatal