View Full Version : Afghanistan drills oil for first time

19th December 2010, 15:48
If somebody thought there wasn't oil in Afghanistan, think again. It was just waiting for the Yanks to come and get it:


Afghanistan drills oil for first time in north
Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:57pm GMT
By Sayed Salahuddin

KABUL Aug 26 (Reuters) - Afghanistan, believed to be sitting on top of billions of dollars worth of minerals and energy sources, has extracted oil for the first time and plans to pump a modest 800 barrels a day, officials said on Thursday.

Afghanistan's Mines Ministry plans to open bidding soon for contracts to refine the oil from the rugged Sar-i-Pul province in the north.

"The infrastructure existed there a long time ago. We overhauled them and this is the first time we are extracting oil," said Jawad Omar, a spokesman for the ministry.

Various estimates of Afghanistan's hidden wealth have been made in recent years -- some as high as $3 trillion -- but the challenge of exploiting those resources in a country at war and with little infrastructure has been too daunting for most investors.

Earlier this month, the Mines Ministry announced the find of an oilfield in the north with an estimated 1.8 billion barrels of oil north of Sar-i-Pul. Plans also remain on track for the tender of a 1.6 billion barrel Afghan-Tajik oil block in early 2011.

The north is Afghanistan's key basin for oil and gas. Afghanistan hopes its untapped mineral deposits could help reduce its reliance on Western cash to bankroll its impoverished and aid-reliant economy, and for its soldiers to maintain security when foreign troops begin to withdraw.

Most of Afghanistan's oil needs are met by vast convoys trucked across the borders from Central Asia and Pakistan.

Omar said "a foreign institution" had helped with the Sar-i-Pul extraction but would not give any more information.

19th December 2010, 17:01
one can only hope. If not maybe we can legalize heroin and tax the sh!t out of it.

19th December 2010, 17:53
Even more of a reason to fight in Afghanistan!

19th December 2010, 20:08
Sayed Anwar Rahmati, the governor of Sar-i-Pul, told Reuters the project had had Americans help but gave no further details.
Both the U.S. Embassy and USAID said they were not aware of who was involved in the project.

Haliburton, quite possibly?...

Not to worry, Wikileaks will probably have the details out before we (and quite possibly others ;) ) know it.

19th December 2010, 20:41
Most Afghans don't understand why there are foreign troops in their country and haven't heard about the original excuse to invade:


New field research shows some improvement in negative perceptions of the international presence in southern Afghanistan, but serious challenges remain
92% of respondents in the south were unaware of 9/11 events
That should give some comfort to Americans when someone calls them ignorant, the Afghans are equally ignorant.

Retro Formula 1
19th December 2010, 20:55
This landmark find puts Afganistan at 107th in the world ranking.


I don't think the amount spent on the war really justifies this find just yet ;) My kids use more than 800 barels a day playing on their Xbox :D

20th December 2010, 00:58
This landmark find puts Afganistan at 107th in the world ranking.


I don't think the amount spent on the war really justifies this find just yet ;) My kids use more than 800 barels a day playing on their Xbox :D

Wait, what? We produce more barrels of oil than Qatar? Where on earth does all of our money go then? :confused:

20th December 2010, 05:58
That should give some comfort to Americans when someone calls them ignorant, the Afghans are equally ignorant.

:laugh: I nearly fell off my chair when I read this post :laugh:

Retro Formula 1
20th December 2010, 09:16
Wait, what? We produce more barrels of oil than Qatar? Where on earth does all of our money go then? :confused:

No idea but I know where all of Qatar's profits have gone ;)

Winning world cup bids don't come cheap you know :D

20th December 2010, 11:45
Even more of a reason to fight in Afghanistan!
yeah so some ingrate foriegn sob can get rich thanks to the blood of my brothers.....and of course the **** will never even say thanks

Mark in Oshawa
20th December 2010, 13:21
I'm absolutely asstounded, oil in Afghanistan?? What are the chances of that?

I bet that was a nice little surprise when they discovered that. :)

It may mean when that country starts looking like one that doesn't need NATO troops to protect itself, it can afford to buy really good stuff...lol

Or they could just fight over it....but of course the dirty little secret is nations in civil strife tend not to produce a lot of oil.

20th December 2010, 23:25
Generally, one barrel of crude produces roughly 20 US gallons of fuel (petrol), slightly more for diesel. The ratios vary with the specific gravity of the crude ("heavy" vs. "light") as well as the distillation process.

In case anyone is interested :mark: