View Full Version : Password hacks

15th December 2010, 12:59

If you've used the same password here as you have elsewhere, it would be a good idea to change it!

Dave B
15th December 2010, 13:04
From the article:

Documents show that the most popular password among Gawker users was "123456", followed by "password" and "12345678".

People like that deserve getting their accounts hacked.

15th December 2010, 13:09

That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage

15th December 2010, 13:12
From the article:

People like that deserve getting their accounts hacked.

:D I quite often use 'password' for things, but generally only stuff like a forum that I don't intend to use very often. I certainly wouldn't use it for anything like Amazon :erm: ;)

15th December 2010, 14:55
I have never used any of those, although I tend to use the same password all the time.

donKey jote
15th December 2010, 22:17
phew I'm safe with "654321" then :)

15th December 2010, 22:32
Or if you use a well known grocery delivery website, your password is usually "shopping".

Yet some people wonder how it happens to them?? :s

Dave B
16th December 2010, 08:37
I've taken to using a method based around a combination of a personal code plus something specific to the website. That way, all my passwords are unique but I can calculate a forgotten password.

Example, and I stress this is NOT my real method! Let's say my personal word is APPLE and the site is motorsportforums. You could alternate the letters to make something like AmPoPtLoErand then surround it with the length of the URL (16 letters in this case). So the unique password would be 1AmPoPtLoEr6.

My method is, of course, completely different but it still results in a long random-looking string which hopefully won't appear on any dictionary lists; and which I can still calculate should I forget.