View Full Version : Someone named Beck

15th December 2010, 04:51
has a TV show in the US and has somehow managed through Rupert Murdoch to have his , juvenile show aired in some parts of Europe (although temporarily in most) thank God.
I had the misfortune to have to sit and listen although valiantly trying to tune out the idiocy and infantile commentary of this person whom I'm led to believe has a huge audience but no sponsors.
That alone is a question that should be posed to Murdoch/Fox/Aisles. What is his function.

After doing a little research on this man I have to say that it is a little disheartening to know that so many of my American friends believe the garbage he spews. It's total and absolute tripe. The least bit of brain matter can reveal the sheer and utter lies of this clown.

He actually used the caving in of the roof of the Metrodome (sic) as proof that global climate change does not exist. Beck!!! You idiot, these unstable weather patterns are further proof that it is real!!!

He compares his own president to Hitler. Hitler was a Fascist ergo a right wing fanatic.
Many conservatives accuse Hitler of being a leftist, on the grounds that his party was named "National Socialist." But socialism requires worker ownership and control of the means of production. In Nazi Germany, private capitalist individuals owned the means of production, and they in turn were frequently controlled by the Nazi party and state.True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship -- it can only be democratic. Hitler's other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right. He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist.

I bet that there are many out there that believe in Beck and his protestations and his "country is failing" meme to actually go out and commit violence against whomever they perceive as their enemy.

God help anyone that has had to listen to this clown. I for one will be glad to hear he is no longer on the air. He is a Fr Coughlin of the new millennium.

donKey jote
15th December 2010, 22:12
I enjoy watching his antics :crazy: ...
as presented by Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert of course :laugh:

Mark in Oshawa
15th December 2010, 22:38
Ah yes..Glenn Beck the man libreals love to hate. Like Keith Olbermann, he feeds the trolls on his side while viciously attacking the other.

Glaus, if you don't like Beck, stop watching and talking about him!! Just like I don't post threads about Keith Olbermann

15th December 2010, 23:10
And there is much truth in the statement that all such individuals, whether from the right or the left, would be laughed off the screens in most other countries. How anyone can take such ranting seriously — and millions of people do — is beyond my comprehension.

15th December 2010, 23:36
That's because it's all about opinion, and not facts, that sells these programs. Mixed with hyperbole, they can ascertain a specific audience, one that is not to particularly concerned with, nor willing to make a concerted effort to verify the content.

15th December 2010, 23:43
And there is much truth in the statement that all such individuals, whether from the right or the left, would be laughed off the screens in most other countries. How anyone can take such ranting seriously — and millions of people do — is beyond my comprehension.I was channel surfing about a month ago and ran across his show. He had a guy on wearing a yamaka. They were comparing two posters, One was of the proposed Muslim structure to be built near where the Twin Towers used to stand, and one of "The Tower of Babel". It appeared that both Glen Beck and the other guy who I suspect was represented as a Rabi were amazed how similar they looked. As far as I could tell the new structure had a much closer resemblance to the Coliseum in the city of Rome, as it looks now with all of its decay than the cartoon drawing of The Tower of Babel!
That was a real reach and makes me wonder in amazement that some people actually take him seriously.

16th December 2010, 02:13
I think with all of them you need to be able to ascertain fact from fiction and then opinion-ate the facts

16th December 2010, 03:18
I think with all of them you need to be able to ascertain fact from fiction and then opinion-ate the facts

No, you just need to get the facts for yourself and leave these nitwits alone. You're bound to live a better life.

Garry Walker
16th December 2010, 12:22
My favourite Beck moment is this


True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship -- it can only be democratic.
True socialism means you have very little to eat.

16th December 2010, 18:03
Ah yes..Glenn Beck the man libreals love to hate. Like Keith Olbermann, he feeds the trolls on his side while viciously attacking the other.

Glaus, if you don't like Beck, stop watching and talking about him!! Just like I don't post threads about Keith Olbermann

You have this very vivid imagination where you see things that are not there. Almost akin to someone during delirium tremens.

Keith Olbermann and Beck??? Olbermann at least lives in reality. Beck is off somewhere in cuckoo land as it appears you are too.

If you don't want to participate in the thread don't. You have made assertions about liberals in the past week that you never replied to when asked to address.

So as long as I am a member,don't tell me what to do or watch. Incidentally, I watched for humor. You on the other hand seem, as your reply infers,that you feel he (Beck) has merit.

16th December 2010, 18:11
My favourite Beck moment is this


True socialism means you have very little to eat.

That is really funny. I bet the families of the police officers(four I believe) killed while serving a warrant last year would love to see this. Makes me nauseous to know that those officers were killed because of the crazed rantings of the far right and people like Beck and Limbaugh preaching that President Obama was going to take their guns.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know or believe that there has ever been a truly socialist nation?

16th December 2010, 20:07
I know I'm going to regret getting involved in this thread. I don't particularly like Beck. His style is a bit over the top for me. I have only watched him on a handful of occasions, so I don't know much about him. But this statement is just plain stupid.

Keith Olbermann and Beck??? Olbermann at least lives in reality. Beck is off somewhere in cuckoo land as it appears you are too.

What specifically has Glenn Beck said that is false? How is he in "cuckoo land" any more so than Olbermann? Both men put their (extreme) spin on situations to fire up their respective bases. If you, "glauistean", can not see that these two men are two sides of the same coin, then it is you who needs the reality check.

Garry Walker
16th December 2010, 20:14
That is really funny. I bet the families of the police officers(four I believe) killed while serving a warrant last year would love to see this.
What on earth are you talking about, you crazy crazy man?

Makes me nauseous to know that those officers were killed because of the crazed rantings of the far right and people like Beck and Limbaugh preaching that President Obama was going to take their guns.


Just out of curiosity, does anyone know or believe that there has ever been a truly socialist nation?
They tried in USSR, they failed miserably. Because socialism cannot work.

17th December 2010, 00:01
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know or believe that there has ever been a truly socialist nation?I bet there is one on Uranus!


Well that's what I heard :s hock: :laugh:

17th December 2010, 03:49
I know I'm going to regret getting involved in this thread. I don't particularly like Beck. His style is a bit over the top for me. I have only watched him on a handful of occasions, so I don't know much about him. But this statement is just plain stupid.

What specifically has Glenn Beck said that is false? How is he in "cuckoo land" any more so than Olbermann? Both men put their (extreme) spin on situations to fire up their respective bases. If you, "glauistean", can not see that these two men are two sides of the same coin, then it is you who needs the reality check.

Chuckyboy, watch more than a handful of shows and then give me an opinion.

If for one moment you think/believe (benefit of the doubt given) that there is an intellectual parallel between Beck and Olbermann, then you should heed your own advice.

17th December 2010, 03:53
What on earth are you talking about, you crazy crazy man?


They tried in USSR, they failed miserably. Because socialism cannot work.

So when you try to denegrate me you make yourself look like a total idiot.

You are in over your head you clown. Learn the difference between socialism and communism and stop wasting my time having to answer your inbred crap as though it has some sense to it. F*** psychotic idiot.

17th December 2010, 03:55
I bet there is one on Uranus!


Well that's what I heard :s hock: :laugh:

Can you answer the simple question???? Does intellect scare you as it does to so many in this cesspool of ignorance? With a name like Alcatraz and showing petroleum gel or vaseline it seems to me that you may be one very much at the forefront of sexual encounters with members of your own sex. Does it shame you so that you project so easily?

17th December 2010, 04:00
My favourite Beck moment is this


True socialism means you have very little to eat.

If you knew anything about socialism you would know it would mean quite the opposite. Do you know the difference between socialism, capitalism and communism. Seems like you have no idea.

By the way just so you know there is a mention in your little YouTube post that mentions gun control. The reference to Beck and Obama taking guns was what the individual who killed the cops was afraid of. Get it????!!!! Any clearer now???

17th December 2010, 05:51
Can you answer the simple question???? Does intellect scare you
No. I do know that you are not an intellectual. Your brand of fanaticism doesn't bother me either. But you do strike me as someone that can't come on this site and have a few laughs.

With a name like Alcatraz and showing petroleum gel or vaseline it seems to me that you may be one very much at the forefront of sexual encounters with members of your own sex. I think my Nom de guerre is rather clever, and I don't have any problem clowning with people about anything. I think you need to relax.
Like all the rest, this page will just pass into the archives and I will still be joking with members while you have to spend your life being glauistean.

17th December 2010, 06:13
What on earth are you talking about, you crazy crazy man?


They tried in USSR, they failed miserably. Because socialism cannot work.

They tried but they were attacked and ostracized and frozen out of markets, credit, trade etc by all of Europe and USA...
They tried and in desparation a very astute bureaucrat triumphed in the wake of Lenins death and the gand that wanted to "institutionalize the Revolution" took over...

And of course it is only laziness that equates Socialism and Communism and a lazy dishonesty which attempts to portray the doings of a megalomaniacal bureaucrat as "socialism" or Communism.

If you want to see what Socialism did, look at all the countries of Western Europe post WWII and how from devastation 10 times worse than USA has ever seen, transformed themselves from poor, class bound societies to rich, vibrant, educated, fair and mostly just societies.

And by saying "socislism cannot work" --ignoring the obvious fact that it has for 65 years---we all know you mean to contrast that with something and I think we can guess you would like us to belive you that Capitalism is "the only path to success".

Am I right?

17th December 2010, 06:23
No. I do know that you are not an intellectual. Your brand of fanaticism doesn't bother me either. But you do strike me as someone that can't come on this site and have a few laughs.
I think my Nom de guerre is rather clever, and I don't have any problem clowning with people about anything. I think you need to relax.
Like all the rest, this page will just pass into the archives and I will still be joking with members while you have to spend your life being glauistean.

Don't lie. You are here for self applause from the other that have the same views as you. You say I am not an intellectual. Do I care what you think of my intelligence? Plainly and simply, I don't care a whit. Looking at what you post and your pretense that it is just for laughs and that when you state something that is insulting and ignorant you play the card that I consistently see,day in and day out. You transfer , project and try to move the subject away from yourself and create a victim identity for yourself. If you wish I can go into greater detail on this for you and would be happy to in a private chat. I'd have to explain the medical terms associated with the behavior and what the actual transference means.

17th December 2010, 08:22
Please pardon me if I sound crazy, but I think one of the biggest problems we have in America today is people like Glenn Beck, Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity, and Ed Schultz (there's others but those guys come first to mind). First of all, most of these guys and gals don't have a journalism degree but instead have a broadcasting degree. That means they are very willing to put style over substance with whatever they choose to talk about on their shows. Second, these people are Democrat or Republican apologists, and often act irrationally desperate to explain why their chosen political idealogies (progressivism or conservativism) are the only right way and thinking any other way is wrong. Third, since these shows general get a larger/more loyal audience than network news shows, that means the viewers of these shows think like the Glenn Becks or Keith Olbermanns in world of television. That also means that most people take one side or the other (like taking the side of either FC Barcelona or Real Madrid, you can't be on both sides) on the political spectrum and have the attitude of my way or the high way when expressing political opinions and voting for politicians.

No wonder our country is so divided politically.

Retro Formula 1
17th December 2010, 09:57
So when you try to denegrate me you make yourself look like a total idiot.

You are in over your head you clown. Learn the difference between socialism and communism and stop wasting my time having to answer your inbred crap as though it has some sense to it. F*** psychotic idiot.

I must admit that I don't know know who this Beck chap was and started reading this thread to understand a bit more.

Problem is that I read this post from you and was put off the idea of continuing :(

17th December 2010, 18:37
I must admit that I don't know know who this Beck chap was and started reading this thread to understand a bit more.

Problem is that I read this post from you and was put off the idea of continuing :(

I would suggest that you read the post that precipitated this comment in order for you to make a rational judgment, not a knee jerk reaction.