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10th December 2010, 22:10
Trade in my hard or soft bound books for this:


No way...

Anyone agree with me?

10th December 2010, 22:11
Trade in my hard or soft bound books for this:


No way...

Anyone agree with me?
I bought Caroline one a while back. She really likes it. I think it's a very neat bit of technology but I'm not a bookworm so I would say that ;)

10th December 2010, 22:14
I should mention that the screen is absolutely amazing on the Kindle and is certainly just as pleasing to read as printed text. It's not like an LCD sceen which makes your eyes bleed after a minute or two of reading :)

10th December 2010, 22:26
I was considering one for mrs cooper but she found it hard to get enough of the 'right books' for the kindle and the prices quoted per eBook was on a par with hardbacks... It is an electronic format how can it be the same cost as a hardback book.

In the end tempting as it was she decided to skip it for now... who knows with more titles available and better pricing in the future she would be happy to get one.

10th December 2010, 22:29
I was considering one for mrs cooper but she found it hard to get enough of the 'right books' for the kindle and the prices quoted per eBook was on a par with hardbacks... It is an electronic format how can it be the same cost as a hardback book.

In the end tempting as it was she decided to skip it for now... who knows with more titles available and better pricing in the future she would be happy to get one.

I guess it depends on what books you're looking at. Caroline has found that the books are generally as cheap or a little cheaper than paperbacks.

The libraries in the county are going to start lending e-books next year, when that starts to happen on a national level then it's going to take off I reckon.

10th December 2010, 22:58
I was considering one for mrs cooper but she found it hard to get enough of the 'right books' for the kindle and the prices quoted per eBook was on a par with hardbacks... It is an electronic format how can it be the same cost as a hardback book.

In the end tempting as it was she decided to skip it for now... who knows with more titles available and better pricing in the future she would be happy to get one.

Books seems to be cheaper on Kindle except for hardbacks. My Kindle is great and I never thought I would be swayed. But on a practical note- I really haven't space for any new books, so the Kindle solves that problem.

I think it's really handy, and would be fantastic in schools especially for poor readers, as it allows to have the book read to you with the text on screen.

10th December 2010, 23:03
Mrs C is still keen on one just not convinced.

10th December 2010, 23:05
This is one of those things where I'm wary of saying that I'll never have, nor like, one, because to do so would be foolish. For now I enjoy a nice book in its traditional form and don't get the appeal of a Kindle, not least because a room looks empty without books. Houses will be rather sad places in the future without a good array of books.

10th December 2010, 23:06
This is one of those things where I'm wary of saying that I'll never have, nor like, one, because to do so would be foolish. For now I enjoy a nice book in its traditional form and don't get the appeal of a Kindle, not least because a room looks empty without books. Houses will be rather sad places in the future without a good array of books.
We have the best of both worlds, a Kindle and a loungeroom full of books :mark: :p

10th December 2010, 23:22
I considered getting one for Kirst but she is a creature of habit and doesn't see the appeal, she thinks the smell of the paper and physically turning the pages is part of the joy of reading.. :/

If they were backlit for reading at night and you could surf the net I'd consider getting one for myself... tablet pc?

10th December 2010, 23:28
I considered getting one for Kirst but she is a creature of habit and doesn't see the appeal, she thinks the smell of the paper and physically turning the pages is part of the joy of reading.. :/

If they were backlit for reading at night and you could surf the net I'd consider getting one for myself... tablet pc?

To be honest whilst you can surf the web on them it's not ideal. It is purely meant as an e-reader and is fantastic at that. The e-ink displays are so fantastic you only need as much light to read on them as you would with a book.

Caroline was exactly as you were describing, very sceptical and like most readers she's used to the feeling of turning a page and feeling a book in her hands. The Kindle itself with a kindle case feels VERY booky. If anyone here is umming and ahhing about buying one for themselve or the wife/girlfriend then just do it! It really is a great product and one that is specifically designed to deliver a good reading experience rather than an iPad or a phone which is a jack of all trades.

10th December 2010, 23:30
The fact that it is not back lit is very appealing to me. The 'pages' are very, well, page like. So much so that I have more than once lost track of what I was doing and went to try and physically turn the page, instead of pressing the button. The only thing that I don't like is the physical feeling of getting near to the end of a book. The fact that you pass the middle and can feel a conclusion drawing near just isn't the same.

Some Kindles can be bought with a cover and a built in light.

10th December 2010, 23:31
To be honest whilst you can surf the web on them it's not ideal. It is purely meant as an e-reader and is fantastic at that. The e-ink displays are so fantastic you only need as much light to read on them as you would with a book.

Caroline was exactly as you were describing, very sceptical and like most readers she's used to the feeling of turning a page and feeling a book in her hands. The Kindle itself with a kindle case feels VERY booky. If anyone here is umming and ahhing about buying one for themselve or the wife/girlfriend then just do it! It really is a great product and one that is specifically designed to deliver a good reading experience rather than an iPad or a phone which is a jack of all trades.

Erm.....are you reading my thoughts again?

donKey jote
10th December 2010, 23:34
If anyone here is umming and ahhing about buying one for themselve or the wife/girlfriend then just do it

rather than an iPad
shh ;) :p

10th December 2010, 23:37

Treating yourself and the missus?

If so there are some free books here :)


11th December 2010, 00:31
Is the whole point of Kindle saving trees (amongst other things)?

Sorry-a bit slow on this one..

11th December 2010, 04:23
Erm.....are you reading my thoughts again?Dan is going to strikeout again. :p :

11th December 2010, 07:08
Anyone agree with me?
I would have until about a week ago. I've been looking at the Kindle for a while, but ended up getting myself an iPad which, inevitably, has the iBooks app available as well as a Kindle app giving me two book stores to pick from.

I love being able to browse all the books and get the ones I want within seconds. Prices vary from free to fairly expensive. I'm not sure how prices of £10+ can be justified given that there is no physical product to produce and transport but still... Some of the books available are "enhanced" editions i.e. include video which is neat, and I can see that developing more.

I'm still getting used to the reading experience! It does seem strange to be reading a book but not have a book in my hands, but I suspect that feeling will fade in time.

It's difficult to imagine not having books on a shelf in years to come, but then not so long ago I didn't think that my LP, and then CD, collection would be redundant!

11th December 2010, 16:26
I haven't read a 'paper' book in over 10 years.
I've got 1000's of books resident on my home network.
Gone from reading on the big monitor, to using a laptop, to now using a 64-bit tablet PC ... I can curl up on the sofa and turn the pages with my fingers.
I do like Internet access while I read....I'm always using Google Earth and Street View and Image searches to complement my reading experiences.

11th December 2010, 19:56
I bought Caroline one a while back. She really likes it. I think it's a very neat bit of technology but I'm not a bookworm so I would say that ;)
You're more like a computer worm?

11th December 2010, 19:59
You're more like a computer worm?
Yes :p

12th December 2010, 11:29
Is the whole point of Kindle saving trees (amongst other things)?

No, it's about saving on trips to Ikea to buy more bookshelves :)

I was skeptical about these things until about a year ago, but I've just bought my wife one (not a kindle, but the same idea). We have a lot of books, and read a lot. Last year I had to buy more bookshelves and had the realisation that I can't just go on buying a few books every month, so some other solution was necessary.

I wasn't sure how much my wife would like it, but she finds it great. There are so many other things you can do with your books with these things, like adding notes, or never running out of stuff to read when on holiday, that I think the advantages outweigh the loss of the "real paper" feel. You can still buy your favourite books in "analogue" format, but this is another way to read. I'm all for it, so I'll probably get a kindle for myself soon.

12th December 2010, 12:54
You made me check the amazon site for this piece of technology and I was ready to crack for a kindle DX when I saw that it has no WiFi, only 3G connectivity.
The 3G connectivity is claimed to be:

No monthly wireless bills or commitments. Amazon pays for Kindle DX's wireless connectivity so you won't see a monthly wireless bill. There is no wireless setup&#8211]

However the Wireless terms and conditions are unavailable right now:
which means I have no idea what the conditions would be for mainland Europe.

Has anyone tried this 3G service for Kindle in mainland Europe? Could you give me more details?
I am curious because:

[quote="amazon.com":10lfv8dd]For U.S. customers traveling abroad, additional fees apply for wireless delivery of periodical subscriptions. For details, click here.[/quote:10lfv8dd]

Or should I wait for a WiFi version of it?

12th December 2010, 12:55
Or should I wait for a WiFi version of it?

Just get the current wifi version

12th December 2010, 12:57
Just get the current wifi version

I fear those are too small, 9" screen is much better than 6".

12th December 2010, 13:02
I fear those are too small, 9" screen is much better than 6".
I would say that 9" would be too big.

12th December 2010, 13:22
I would say that 9" would be too big.

Can you zoom in on PDF's on the small ones?
The price is certainly tempting, however I'd rather have a hassle free usage with a more expensive gadget.

12th December 2010, 15:31
Erm.....are you reading my thoughts again?

more like, a future christmas gift. Coming soon under your tree. ;) :)

12th December 2010, 17:04
Can you zoom in on PDF's on the small ones?
The price is certainly tempting, however I'd rather have a hassle free usage with a more expensive gadget.

You can yes :) Just put a PDF parts manual on Caroline's Kindle and you can zoom in and out. It not as smooth as it probably would be on a tablet with the whole pinch to zoom thing but it's usable. If viewing PDF's was going to be your primary use I'd say to get a tablet if I'm honest.

13th December 2010, 15:19
Similar to others' experience already mentioned, Mrs. schmenke, who reads much, is not swayed by e-books. She says that reading is an "experience" that requires the feel of a proper book. I've suggested an e-book to her at least a couple of times, just to eliminate the volume of books on shelves in our house, but she isn't convinced :mark:

Also, my (limited) research indicates that the e-books are no cheaper than regular ones, at least around here :mark:

13th December 2010, 17:02
Similar to others' experience already mentioned, Mrs. schmenke, who reads much, is not swayed by e-books. She says that reading is an "experience" that requires the feel of a proper book. I've suggested an e-book to her at least a couple of times, just to eliminate the volume of books on shelves in our house, but she isn't convinced :mark:

Also, my (limited) research indicates that the e-books are no cheaper than regular ones, at least around here :mark:
Caroline said the same ;) To be honest they've done a VERY good job of making it feel booky and e-ink is totally different from reading on a normal LCD screen

e-ink is just awesome :D

13th December 2010, 22:44
What happens if you throw it on the floor and it breaks? Would that mean all your books are gone??

13th December 2010, 22:47
What happens if you throw it on the floor and it breaks? Would that mean all your books are gone??
Nope, you can redownload your books when you register another device in your account.