View Full Version : Climate Change,God,Evolution,Noah's Ark

10th December 2010, 16:10
How many people that participate believe in any or all of these issues that

have been a topic of debate for eons?

10th December 2010, 16:15
Umm... what exactly is your question?

race aficionado
10th December 2010, 16:16
All these topics have been previously discussed in individual threads and the conclusion was that climate changes during the seasons, thank God! and evolution is a personal belief that goes way back to all the hanky panky that happened at Noah's ark.

That's my oppinion.
:s mokin:

Dr. Krogshöj
10th December 2010, 16:32
I think it's 42.

10th December 2010, 16:44
I'll buy evolution, and climate change. However, the Earth’s climate has been changing for over 4 billion years. The question of how significant mankind’s roll in it is highly debatable, however I believe it has to be a factor. Noah’s Ark could be real, but the messenger and cargo is a pile of horse pachugals, as well as an eternal almighty god IMHO


donKey jote
10th December 2010, 17:10
donkey says:
The concept of God is a product of human evolution.
Noah's Ark proves that God, not man, created Climate Change.

11th December 2010, 00:51
Climate change is happening, the cause of it and the severity is always going to be debated.

I believe in evolution.

11th December 2010, 06:47
Climate change is happening, the cause of it and the severity is always going to be debated.

I believe in evolution.


11th December 2010, 06:55
Umm... what exactly is your question?

How many people that participate believe in any or all of these issues that

have been a topic of debate for eons?

Dave B
12th December 2010, 13:29
Climate change is real, always has been, it's just the cause which is open to question. Evolution has solid science behind it, Noah's Ark was likely a true tale of a local flood which got exaggerated as it was passed verbally down the generations, eventually being incorporated into the best known book of fairy tales.

12th December 2010, 13:41
Climate Change: Maybe
God: No thanks ;)
Evolution: Yes
Noah's Ark: This is for donkeys :p : :laugh:

12th December 2010, 14:35
I think it's 42.
:up: :s mokin:

12th December 2010, 15:09
Well if they rebuild the "Ark" EKI and glauistean ain't getting on :)

12th December 2010, 15:26
Climate change - yes, although for my opinion its (roughly) 50% natural and 50% influented by the man's pollution. Pollution for me is the biggest problem. The poisoning of our planet. The warming is only a result.
God - no. But I think that something like "the Force" might be there, unexplained and impossible to comprehend and it may cause paranormal events.
Evolution - yes.
the Ark - no, it's just a version of a common old legend.

12th December 2010, 19:12
Well if they rebuild the "Ark" EKI and glauistean ain't getting on :)

Well, I believe in science. Climate change is undoubtedly happening. Anyone that doubts it is either uninformed or victim of the hysterical right and follows everthing they are told.

As for evolution, well, Roamy here is an example of the missing link , but as far as not getting on the Ark, well, Roamy, I would not like to waste the space for science to have the chance to research a Neanderthal. :)

13th December 2010, 05:33
Religions are man made. It is impossible for there to be so many gods that created one earth and one race.

13th December 2010, 08:09
Some gods just have better marketing departments.

13th December 2010, 11:02
Religions are man made. It is impossible for there to be so many gods that created one earth and one race.

As a phenomenon, religion is unique but it may wear different historical and cultural forms depending on the different stages of the developent of civilization of different countries and nations.

At the same time God may exist even there's not religion. Religion is a belief, a form of social conscience and may vary from individual to individual. For example, the simple fact that most of the people on this forum don't have a belief in a divinity and don't worship him is not a solid proof that God doesn't exist.

13th December 2010, 11:05
As a phenomenon, religion is unique but it may wear different historical and cultural forms depending on the different stages of the developent of civilization of different countries and nations.

At the same time God may exist even there's not religion. Religion is a belief, a form of social conscience and may vary from individual to individual. For example, the simple fact that most of the people on this forum don't have a belief in a divinity and don't worship him is not a solid proof that God doesn't exist.

True! God may or may not exist, and may or may not be in whatever form people believe their god to exist in.

I would find it very difficult to believe that any god would choose to punish people after they've died just because they didn't engage in worship when they were alive! Unless the god in question is a power crazed maniac, which is entirely possible :p

13th December 2010, 11:50
I would find it very difficult to believe that any god would choose to punish people after they've died just because they didn't engage in worship when they were alive! Unless the god in question is a power crazed maniac, which is entirely possible :p

:s cary: Lets hope that fousto is not god then :p :

13th December 2010, 12:09
I would find it very difficult to believe that any god would choose to punish people after they've died just because they didn't engage in worship when they were alive! Unless the god in question is a power crazed maniac, which is entirely possible :p

Why not? Imagine that unlike us he knows why we're on earth. Maybe we sometimes tend to lose the right path and need a " correction ". And sometimes corrections may be painful..... :laugh:

13th December 2010, 12:45
Why not? Imagine that unlike us he knows why we're on earth. Maybe we sometimes tend to lose the right path and need a " correction ". And sometimes corrections may be painful..... :laugh:

And that is why god created Roamy :beer: :rotflmao: ;)

13th December 2010, 15:44
God is not real but integer. The code looks like this:

Integer God = new Integer(666);


race aficionado
13th December 2010, 15:52
:s cary: Lets hope that fousto is not god then :p :

We are all God.

Now start creating then.

:s mokin: