View Full Version : Things you say to telemarketers?

9th December 2010, 21:24
I don't if you guys have telemarketers ?? We unfortunately do have them and they usually sell magazines or news papers via phone. This incident happened to me few weeks ago but I might as well share it with you.

This lady called me and offered me a newspaper. I said no thank you because I can't read. The lady started laughing so I thanked her again and said that this wasn't awkward enough :mark: This was the first time a telemarketer hanged up the call :D

9th December 2010, 22:10
I've told someone who was trying to flog me their religion on the doorstep that I was a non practising atheist. That earned me a wry chuckle and the chap left. :D

I am still waiting to use the line;

'I am really interested in your product/service but I can't talk now. Give me your home number and I'll give you a call between 8 and 9pm. What's that you say? You don't want to be bothered at home. Fancy that!'

Dr. Krogshöj
9th December 2010, 22:57
We have them and they usually offer courses in language schools or cheap holidays. I always reject them in a polite manner. Remember, they probably don't do that job because it's their career goal. At least in this country they usually call during business hours.

9th December 2010, 23:13
"I don't know how to read." - A.F.F.

Dude, that really made me laugh.

We have them and they usually offer courses in language schools or cheap holidays. I always reject them in a polite manner. Remember, they probably don't do that job because it's their career goal. At least in this country they usually call during business hours. :up: Precisely. I've worked in customer service before and it's a nightmare. I know where they are coming from, so I'm not going to scream into the phone like a moron because they need to make a living.

9th December 2010, 23:54
I occasionally get calls to my home phone asking me to invest in the US stock market which is about to really take off any day.

I don't really get it because ever since I got a mobile 9 years ago I don't give out my home number :s

That and I don't have any money at all to invest...

10th December 2010, 00:08
I know where they are coming from, so I'm not going to scream into the phone like a moron because they need to make a living.


10th December 2010, 01:20
Most of the time I politely refuse twice and then just hang up if they're persistent. No point in wasting my time or theirs. I do like sonic's line though, might try and remember that!

10th December 2010, 09:11
As for the "they're just trying to make a living" well if nobody took these jobs then there would be nobody to hassle us all! So it's their own fault.

10th December 2010, 10:17
I normally tell them to #%&@ off and stop wasting my time. In those exact words.

10th December 2010, 10:23
You tell them to hash percent ampersand at off?

10th December 2010, 10:27
Yup :p :

11th December 2010, 21:20
You tell them to hash percent ampersand at off?
I just tell them to 4 asterisks off. It's simpler.

11th December 2010, 22:03
"Thank you I am not interested" or "I am underage" usually work.

11th December 2010, 22:46
As for the "they're just trying to make a living" well if nobody took these jobs then there would be nobody to hassle us all! So it's their own fault.You're an asshole.

Brown, Jon Brow
11th December 2010, 23:21
As for the "they're just trying to make a living" well if nobody took these jobs then there would be nobody to hassle us all! So it's their own fault.


If consumers didn't buy from telemarketers then firms wouldn't use them. So that means it is the consumers fault that they annoy us all.. Not the people trying to earn a living.

12th December 2010, 00:35
As for the "they're just trying to make a living" well if nobody took these jobs then there would be nobody to hassle us all! So it's their own fault.

No you are not an asshole....

That WAS my exact view until they diversified my job as an Engineer/technician... they had me making marketing calls within the year as part of my onwards and upwards 'career path'... obviously reluctant to refuse their natural career progression??? due to the danger of being labelled as lacking in 'drive' which would obviously affect my employment security.... ******* hated it knowing how much it annoyed me when called at home... but it made me a lot more understanding of their situation when telemarketers called me at home.

12th December 2010, 02:12
No you are not an asshole....

That WAS my exact view until they diversified my job as an Engineer/technician... they had me making marketing calls within the year as part of my onwards and upwards 'career path'... obviously reluctant to refuse their natural career progression??? due to the danger of being labelled as lacking in 'drive' which would obviously affect my employment security.... ******* hated it knowing how much it annoyed me when called at home... but it made me a lot more understanding of their situation when telemarketers called me at home.So, you were an asshole until you got placed in that situation and realized that it wasn't the best option, but had to do it in order to have a job.

How about just saying, "No thanks. Bye."

12th December 2010, 04:16
If they are persistently a pain and call repeatedly they are fair game to whatever I see as fitting. Before they cross the persistent line I don't answer.

One of my favorites is speaking like an old lady from a Monty Python skit. Simply Helllooo? they try to speak Helllooo? until they hang up. Some are quite slow and have stay connected for more than a dozen.

12th December 2010, 11:59
I often say "I have a pain in my leg", and wait for a response.

It's wonderful, because they don't know whether to express sympathy and therefore get distracted from the sell, or ignore my trouble and appear unkind.

I like to keep them talking till they hang up, because I want to be on the black list of people who it's not worth calling because we only waste their precious call time. Come to think of it, I haven't had a call for quite a while... :)

And the argument that they're just people doing a job is certainly a reason for not being rude to them, but it's not a justification for the irritation that they generate by their existence. That's why I try to make the calls unsuccessful for their employers.

12th December 2010, 12:37
you may need to check if you have anysort of Do Not Call Register


The Do Not Call Register

The Do Not Call Register is a secure database where you can list your numbers to avoid receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls and marketing faxes.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) is responsible for the register under the Do Not Call Register Act 2006. The Act covers telemarketing calls and marketing faxes from within Australia and overseas.
A number is eligible to be registered if it is:

used or maintained primarily for private or domestic purposes, or[/*:m:fqbsvq1g]
used or maintained exclusively for transmitting and/or receiving faxes, or[/*:m:fqbsvq1g]
used or maintained exclusively for use by a government body, or[/*:m:fqbsvq1g]
an emergency service number.[/*:m:fqbsvq1g]

12th December 2010, 23:09
So, you were an asshole until you got placed in that situation and realized that it wasn't the best option, but had to do it in order to have a job.

How about just saying, "No thanks. Bye."

I have no sympathy for people who choose telemarketing, traffic warden, traffic cop or any job that involves annoying, upsetting or screwing people over as their profesion of personal choice, but calling me an ex-asshole is a bit harsh, I was merely not very sympathetic about their job until I realised that many of them had little choice in order to have a job or their 'career path' led them into their situation, as it did mine.

As for the last part, I suppose I did ultimately... but in a roundabout way.. but it was a lot more complicated than just that and its another story. My manager was snorting drugs and drinking on the job, was trying to bully and harrass me at work probably because she was on a powertrip while high, obviously unwilling to give her the pleasure of just quitting... lets just say I came out of it better off in ALL ways thanks to Kirsts advice from her degree in employment law... they ended up offering me a compromise agreement. :)

you may need to check if you have anysort of Do Not Call Register


Yep, its called Telephone preferential service or TPS here in the UK. http://www.tpsonline.org.uk/tps/what/ You have to keep re-signing up for it every six months or so though..

12th December 2010, 23:18
Always liked this way.


13th December 2010, 04:56
So, you were an asshole until you got placed in that situation and realized that it wasn't the best option, but had to do it in order to have a job.

How about just saying, "No thanks. Bye."

We have a major problem over here with telemarketers. Companies sell their databases of our personal information to each other.

I get at least 30-40 calls month from telemarketer w@nkers. Thats right, at least 30-40 calls a MONTH. From my bank offering funeral cover, life cover, credit card protection plan, homeloans etc. People try and sell us cellular phone contracts, cover for those contracts. People trying to sell me insurance, vehichle finance etc etc etc. And they always call when you are in a meeting or while you are driving.

After a while, it is a lot easier to tell them to f#ck off and hopefully they will eventually get the message. Another thing I do is say "hey, that sounds great!", give me one second to get a pen and paper...then leave them on hold until they realise that I aint coming back.

13th December 2010, 04:58
Josti :up:

13th December 2010, 04:59
you may need to check if you have anysort of Do Not Call Register


I am registered here with a similar system we have, but it does not stop telemarketers from calling :(

Easy Drifter
13th December 2010, 08:48
I simply say "No."
That rarely stops them so I then ask "What part of no did you not understand?"

If I know it is not going to be a call for me answering "Fraud Squad" works quite well.

13th December 2010, 09:04
you may need to check if you have anysort of Do Not Call Register


I registered to https://www.donutcall.gov.au/ and after that I started to receive calls from Australian donut sellers.